Clinical Resources: Storage & Handling

Results (18)

Maintaining the cold chain during transport is no longer distributing this piece. For an excellent resource on this subject, see the California Department of Public Health’s “Transporting Refrigerated Vaccines”

Partner Resource
Language: English

Vaccine Storage Quick Reference

Outdated or improperly stored vaccines will not protect patients. This reference guide lists appropriate temperatures for vaccine storage in the U.S.

Updated on: 3/20/25
Language: English

Vaccine Storage Troubleshooting Record

Healthcare professionals can document occurrence and resolution of questionable or unacceptable vaccine storage event(s) on this form

Updated on: 3/18/24
Language: English

Vaccines with Diluents: How to Use Them

Table of vaccines requiring reconstitution prior to administration, includes information about the diluent and time allowed between reconstitution and use

Updated on: 3/17/25
Language: English

Partner Resources

Alliance for Immunization in Michigan (AIM)

California Department of Public Health

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Information, resources, and easy download of the comprehensive guide to best practices for vaccine storage and handling from ACIP recommendations, manufacturer product information, and scientific studies. (70 pages.)
Vaccine Label Examples
Organize vaccines by labeling containers within the storage unit.
Handling a Temperature Excursion in Your Vaccine Storage Unit
Worksheet to use when storage unit temperatures are outside the recommended ranges.

Office of the Inspector General

This June 2012 assessment of the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program made specific recommendations to CDC and to state, local, and territorial jurisdictions with oversight of the VFC program concerning improvements to vaccine storage and handling practices. Of historical interest.

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