“Warning! Expensive Vaccine in Storage!” Sign
Sign to post near circuit breaker (portrait and landscape versions).
Sign to post near circuit breaker (portrait and landscape versions).
More than 30 important things you can do to safeguard your vaccine supply.
Checklist of links to key COVID-19 vaccination resources, including the date they were last revised.
This 2-page document describes common errors in vaccine storage and handling and provides links to resources that can help prevent them
Annotated list of key training, education, and reference materials for people who vaccinate or oversee vaccination clinics
Immunize.org is no longer distributing this piece. For an excellent resource on this subject, see the California Department of Public Health’s “Transporting Refrigerated Vaccines”
This checklist is a tool to help supervisors assess staff members’ skills regarding vaccine administration
Checklist to help clinic staff enhance their vaccination practices and increase immunization rates.
Monthly log to document temperature (Celsius) monitoring of vaccine freezer
Monthly log to document temperature (Fahrenheit) monitoring of vaccine freezer
Monthly log to document temperature (Celsius) monitoring of vaccine refrigerator
Monthly log to document temperature (Fahrenheit) monitoring of vaccine refrigerator
Procedures to follow in the event of a vaccine storage emergency
Outdated or improperly stored vaccines will not protect patients. This reference guide lists appropriate temperatures for vaccine storage in the U.S.
Healthcare professionals can document occurrence and resolution of questionable or unacceptable vaccine storage event(s) on this form
CDC guidance on proper storage and handling of mpox vaccines.
Table of vaccines requiring reconstitution prior to administration, includes information about the diluent and time allowed between reconstitution and use
Sign for clinic refrigerator and/or freezer (portrait and landscape versions).