Issue 1258: August 3, 2016

Ask the Experts
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I gave a dose of ActHIB vaccine to a 15-month-old that was reconstituted with…read more







IAC posts updated temperature logs for vaccine storage unit monitoring

As announced on July 13 in IAC Express, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published a new Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit for healthcare professionals. This new toolkit reflects an adjustment in CDC’s guidance on the Fahrenheit temperature range for storing refrigerated vaccines. The new recommended Fahrenheit temperature range is 36°F–46°F (previously 35°F–46°F).

IAC will be revising all of its vaccine storage and handling materials to reflect this adjusted guidance. The initial items which have been modified to incorporate this new standard are IAC’s frequently downloaded temperature logs for refrigerators and freezers. These popular tools are widely used to help clinics monitor and document the temperature readings within vaccine storage units.

IAC’s Vaccine Storage Troubleshooting Record also has been updated. This helpful tool is available as an editable PDF which may be completed using a personal computer.
Be sure to watch future issues of IAC Express for announcements about additional vaccine storage and handling materials that have been updated to reflect the new guidelines.

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National Immunization Awareness Month continues next week with a focus on maternal immunization

As part of the observance of National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), the importance of vaccinating a specific population is highlighted each week. This week, August 1–7, focuses on adult immunization. Next week, August 8–14, the focus is on the importance of maternal immunization. The theme for the week is “Protect yourself and pass protection on to your baby.”

To help you plan for the week, CDC would like to connect you with resources on maternal vaccination. CDC recently launched a new website on Pregnancy and Vaccination. This website also features a new quiz on Vaccines for Pregnant Women. Now, pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy can test their knowledge through five true or false questions. Help women learn more about the vaccines they need during pregnancy by sharing a link on your website.

CDC and National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) encourage you to use and share the following resources during the second week of NIAM:

Resources for Healthcare Professionals:

Resources for Pregnant Women:

To order free print materials: visit CDC-INFO on Demand and search in the drop-down box for “Immunization & Vaccines.” Allow 4–6 weeks for shipping.

We encourage you to see what other organizations have planned for NIAM and share your plans for NIAM by completing this online form.

The remaining weekly themes for 2016 are: babies and children (August 15–21) and preteens and teens (August 22–28).

Don't forget to support the
#VaxWithMe Thunderclap campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Thunderclap amplifies social media messages through coordinated distribution. The #VaxWithMe Thunderclap will take place August 17.

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MMWR reports on mumps outbreak at a University of Illinois campus

CDC published Mumps Outbreak at a University and Recommendation for a Third Dose of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine—Illinois, 2015–2016 in the July 29 issue of MMWR (pages 731–734). The first paragraph is reprinted below.

Mumps is an acute viral disease characterized by fever and swelling of the parotid or other salivary glands. On May 1, 2015, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) confirmed a mumps outbreak at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. IDPH and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (C-UPHD) conducted an investigation and identified 317 cases of mumps during April 2015–May 2016. Because of sustained transmission in a population with high 2-dose coverage with measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, a third MMR dose was recommended by IDPH, C-UPHD, and the university’s McKinley Health Center. No formal recommendation for or against the use of a third MMR dose has been issued by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). However, CDC has provided guidelines for use of a third dose as a control measure during mumps outbreaks in settings in which persons are in close contact with one another, where transmission is sustained despite high 2-dose MMR coverage, and when traditional control measures fail to slow transmission.

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Ninety-three confirmed cases of hepatitis A in Oahu outbreak

As of July 26, 93 cases of hepatitis A have been confirmed in Hawaii. A selection from a statement by the Hawaii Department of Health is reprinted below.

The Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) is investigating a cluster of hepatitis A infections on Oahu. HDOH staff are conducting interviews with the cases in an effort to identify the source of infection.

Identifying the source of infection continues to be a challenge because of the long incubation period of the disease and the difficulty patients have in accurately recalling the foods consumed and locations visited during the period when infection could have taken place.

Healthcare providers have been informed and are asked to notify HDOH immediately if they have a patient they suspect may be infected.

Individuals who are interested in being vaccinated should contact their healthcare providers.

All cases have been in adults; 29 have required hospitalization. All of the cases were on Oahu during their exposure period. Four individuals now live on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui, and one visitor has returned to the mainland.

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NFID releases new toolkit on meningococcal diseases and college students

The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) has developed a new resource titled Meningococcal Disease College Toolkit to raise awareness among healthcare professionals about the importance of preventing meningococcal disease in young adults. The toolkit includes a variety of resources for both providers and their patients.

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Reminder! Share your personal story about immunization with federal and state legislators

During National Immunization Awareness Month, Every Child by Two, the Immunization Action Coalition, Nurses Who Vaccinate, Voices for Vaccines, and the California Immunization Coalition are collecting testimonials to share with federal and state legislators about the power of vaccines.

We all have a personal connection with vaccines. Perhaps it's because you or your child have experienced a vaccine-preventable disease, or you have lost a family member. Many of us have loved ones who are being treated for cancer or other disorders that weaken the immune system, and thus depend on the herd immunity offered by a well-vaccinated community. Maybe your story is just knowing that the vaccine given to your child, pregnant sister, or parent could potentially save your loved ones.

Please share your story and join the millions of Americans who want their legislators to know that vaccines keep everyone safe from deadly vaccine-preventable diseases.

Share your story here.

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Join Immunization Action Coalition of Washington and WithinReach’s August 22 Thunderclap in support of maternal immunization

The Immunization Action Coalition of Washington and WithinReach are launching a Thunderclap to promote influenza and Tdap immunization for pregnant women, and they’d love for you to join them! This Thunderclap will kick off a two-week social media campaign promoting prenatal vaccinations on August 22. Learn more here.

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WHO issues updated position paper on dengue vaccine

The July 29 issue of the WHO periodical Weekly Epidemiological Record includes the latest WHO position paper on dengue vaccines.

WHO position papers are available in chronological order on the IAC website.

A collection of WHO position papers on vaccines is also available in alphabetical order on the WHO website.

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Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals includes an article about live attenuated influenza vaccine, a literature review of malaria vaccines, and an article about adult immunization

The Vaccine Education Center (VEC) at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes an immunization-focused newsletter titled Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals. The July issue includes the following:

Access the sign-up form to subscribe to Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals.

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Medscape posts 2016 report about vaccine acceptance

Medscape recently published Medscape Vaccine Acceptance Report 2016. The report explores reasons for vaccine hesitancy and refusal as well as strategies to improve acceptance. There is no cost to view the report on Medscape, but you must register.

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Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now

CDC is presenting a 15-part webinar series to provide a chapter-by-chapter overview of the 13th edition of Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (also known as "The Pink Book"). This is a live series of one-hour webinars that started June 1. Recordings of sessions will be available online after each webinar. All sessions begin at 12:00 p.m. (ET). Information about receiving continuing education credit will be available for each session after it is archived. CE credit may be available for up to a year after the date it was live.

Registration and more information is available on CDC's Pink Book Webinar Series web page.

Download Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

Order Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

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Question of the Week

I gave a dose of ActHIB vaccine to a 15-month-old that was reconstituted with Menveo diluent. Can I count the dose? What are the possible side effects I should be concerned with?

Vaccines should be reconstituted according to manufacturer guidelines using only the diluent supplied by the manufacturer for that vaccine. Each diluent is specific to the corresponding vaccine in volume, pH, and chemical balance. If the wrong diluent is used, the vaccine dose is not valid and should be repeated using the correct diluent. Although there are no safety data for ActHib reconstituted with the wrong diluent, a significant adverse reaction, other than possibly a local reaction, seems unlikely.

About IAC's Question of the Week

Each week, IAC Express highlights a new, topical, or important-to-reiterate Q&A. This feature is a cooperative venture between IAC and CDC. William L. Atkinson, MD, MPH, IAC's associate director for immunization education, chooses a new Q&A to feature every week from a set of Q&As prepared by experts at CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

We hope you enjoy this new feature and find it helpful when dealing with difficult real-life scenarios in your vaccination practice. Please encourage your healthcare professional colleagues to sign up to receive IAC Express at

If you have a question for the CDC immunization experts, you can email them directly at There is no charge for this service.

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About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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