Issue 990: April 24, 2012 TOP STORIES
JOURNAL ARTICLES AND NEWSLETTERS EDUCATION AND TRAINING TOP STORIES CDC announces that it's National Infant Immunization Week—April 21–28 CDC published Announcement: National Infant Immunization Week—April 21–28, 2012, in the April 20 issue of MMWR (page 278). The announcement (1) describes the significance of National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW); (2) discusses the inauguration of two events—CDC's Childhood Immunization Champion Award and World Immunization Week, a global immunization observance initiated by WHO; and (3) notes that though U.S. childhood immunization rates are high, recent cases of measles and pertussis have been reported. Back to top CDC honors IAC's associate director as a Childhood Immunization Champion The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) is proud to announce that its associate director for immunization projects, Diane C. Peterson, has been selected as the Minnesota recipient of the first annual Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Childhood Immunization Champion Award. Given jointly by CDC and the CDC Foundation, the award recognizes up to one individual in each state and the District of Columbia annually who makes a significant contribution toward improving public health through their work in childhood immunization. CDC announced award recipients on April 23 as part of National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), which is observed April 21–28. [IAC Express editor's note: For additional information on the award and to find out more about award recipients from across the nation, please see the IAC Express article that follows this one.] The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), which helped select Ms. Peterson from among eight Minnesota nominees, issued a press release on April 23. It includes a quote from Kris Ehresmann, director, infectious disease division, MDH. “All of us in the immunization program are grateful to Diane for her contributions to immunization over the years. Her work is greatly appreciated and utilized both locally and nationally.” Ms. Peterson's career in immunization, spanning nearly 40 years, has been devoted to increasing the number of children in Minnesota and nationally who are immunized and to improving the safety and effectiveness with which vaccines are delivered to them. She began her career in immunization when she joined the immunization section at MDH in 1974. She led major projects, including developing policies to equitably distribute vaccine resources to children statewide, working with legislators to ensure passage of laws that increase immunization rates in childcare facilities and schools, helping initiate Minnesota’s immunization registry, creating the initial plan for Minnesota’s implementation of the federal Vaccines for Children program, developing innovative education materials for healthcare professionals and the public, and promoting immunization to the media, parents, and others through her role as MDH spokesperson. As the 2012 Minnesota recipient of the Childhood Immunization Champion Award, Ms. Peterson will receive a certificate, be featured on the NIIW website, and be commended by MDH at a special event. Ms. Peterson responded to the recognition, saying, “I am humbled to be honored as an immunization champion by the Minnesota Department of Health and CDC. I am grateful for a career in protecting people from completely preventable diseases by helping make sure they are vaccinated.” Peterson's commitment to protecting children continues today in her work at IAC where she develops immunization education materials for healthcare providers and parents, and helps formulate sound state and national immunization policy. She has been with IAC since 2002. “Diane has worked tirelessly to make sure that parents are fully informed about the necessity of immunizing their children," said IAC's Executive Director Deborah Wexler, MD. “Her tracking of state laws that affect immunization policy and her collaborating with state health departments, medical societies, coalitions, and private providers to improve legislation has undoubtedly resulted in the vaccination of large numbers of children who otherwise might not have been protected.” Back to top CDC announces 39 recipients of the new Childhood Immunization Champion Award The CDC Childhood Immunization Champion Award is a new annual award given jointly by CDC and the CDC Foundation to recognize individuals who make a significant contribution toward improving public health through their work in childhood immunization. Each year, up to one CDC Childhood Immunization Champion from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia will be honored. The CDC Childhood Immunization Champions are an inspiration to everyone who cares about children’s health. CDC and the CDC Foundation are pleased to recognize the recipients of the award for the special contributions they have made through their work in childhood immunization. In this inaugural year, 39 individuals were honored as CDC Childhood Immunization Champions. Award recipients were announced during National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), April 21–28. Learn about the 2012 Champions. Back to top CDC publishes report on U.S. measles cases during 2011 CDC published Measles—United States, 2011 in the April 20 issue of MMWR (pages 253–257). A press summary of the article is reprinted below. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that can cause serious complications and death. In the United States, measles elimination (i.e., absence of year round transmission) was declared in 2000. However, measles continues to be imported into the United States from countries where measles is still common. During 2011, 222 measles cases and 17 measles outbreaks were reported to CDC, an increase compared with cases and outbreaks during 2001–2010. Of the 222 cases, 200 (90 percent) were associated with importations and 112 (50 percent) were associated with outbreaks. Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is highly effective in preventing measles. Among U.S. residents, 85 percent were unvaccinated or had unknown vaccination status and were eligible for MMR vaccination. People need to be up-to-date on MMR and other vaccinations, including when they are preparing to travel internationally to any destination. Unvaccinated people place themselves and others in their communities at risk for measles and its complications. Related Links
Back to top Vaccine shortage: sanofi pasteur announces supply delay for its Pentacel and Daptacel vaccines Sanofi pasteur announced in a Dear Health Care Provider letter that effective April 20 it will temporarily implement order limitations for its DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine (Pentacel) and its DTaP vaccine (Daptacel). According to information supplied by the Michigan State Medical Society and Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), allocations of Pentacel are necessary because of a manufacturing delay that will temporarily reduce supply below the level needed to fully satisfy market demand and are anticipated to last throughout the summer. MDCH checked with sanofi, and sanofi reported this is solely a manufacturing delay issue and it is not a safety or quality issue. IMPORTANT: No child should go unvaccinated because of this sanofi supply issue. Ample vaccines in other presentations are available and must be used to avoid missed opportunities to vaccinate. Back to top Spotlight on IAC's measles section offers one-stop access to vaccination information With CDC reporting a record number of measles cases in cities across the United States in 2011, you may be looking for measles information and MMR vaccination resources. Look no further. IAC's Measles web section offers one-stop access to essential information, including links to ACIP recommendations, patient and staff handouts, and Ask the Experts Q&As, as well as many more resources to help you carry out your vaccination activities. Related Link Access the Diseases & Vaccines web section for information and resources on vaccine-preventable diseases Back to top CDC publishes report on the U.S. incidence of HPV-associated cancers during 2004–2008 CDC published Human Papillomavirus–Associated Cancers—United States, 2004–2008 in the April 20 issue of MMWR (pages 258–261). Part of the first paragraph and part of the Editorial Note are reprinted below. To assess the incidence of HPV-associated cancers (i.e., cancers at specific anatomic sites and with specific cell types in which HPV DNA frequently is found), CDC analyzed 2004–2008 data from the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program. Editorial Note The results of this analysis determined that an estimated average of 21,290 HPV-associated cancers occurred among females each year during 2004–2008, making these cancers combined more common than ovarian cancers and nearly as common as melanoma among females. The combined burden among men was smaller, with an average of 12,080 cases per year, roughly equivalent to the number of invasive brain cancers occurring annually among men. Many HPV-associated cancers likely are preventable through the use of HPV vaccine. Two vaccines (bivalent and quadrivalent) are available to protect against HPV 16 and 18, the types that cause most cervical and other anogenital cancers as well as some oropharyngeal cancers. Data from clinical trials have shown that both vaccines prevent cervical precancers; quadrivalent vaccine also has been shown to prevent vaginal, vulvar, and anal precancers. Because HPV 16 is responsible for the majority of noncervical cancers caused by HPV, the vaccines also might protect against other HPV-associated cancers. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends routine vaccination of females aged 11 or 12 years with 3 doses of either vaccine and routine vaccination of males aged 11 or 12 years with 3 doses of quadrivalent vaccine. Catch-up vaccination is recommended for females through age 26 years and for males through age 21 years. In 2010, 32% of females aged 13–17 years had received 3 doses of HPV vaccine. Back to top ACOG publishes committee opinion regarding administering Tdap vaccine during pregnancy In March, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) published Update on Immunization and Pregnancy: Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis Vaccination. Developed by ACOG's Committee on Obstetric Practice, the update indicates ACOG's support for CDC's Updated Recommendations for Use of Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine (Tdap) in Pregnant Women and Persons Who Have or Anticipate Having Close Contact with an Infant Aged <12 Months—ACIP, 2011, which was published on October 21, 2011. Back to top VACCINE INFORMATION STATEMENTS IAC posts 21 new VIS translations in eight languages IAC recently posted Armenian translations of the hepatitis A, HPV (Gardasil), and meningococcal vaccine VISs; Burmese translations of the hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, meningococcal, polio, and Tdap vaccine VISs; Farsi (spoken in Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iran) translations of the hepatitis A, HPV (Gardasil), and meningococcal vaccine VISs; Hmong translations of the hepatitis A, HPV (Gardasil), and meningococcal vaccine VISs; Indonesian translation of the PPSV vaccine VIS; Korean translations of the hepatitis A, HPV (Gardasil), and meningococcal vaccine VISs; Tagalog translation of the HPV (Gardasil) vaccine VIS; and Thai translation of the hepatitis B vaccine VIS on its website. IAC thanks the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch, for the Armenian, Farsi, Hmong, Korean, and Tagalog translations; the Minnesota Department of Health for the Burmese translations; Wentworth-Douglass Hospital (New Hampshire) for the Indonesian translation; and Asian Pacific Health Care Venture (Los Angeles) for the Thai translation.
FEATURED RESOURCES Be sure to visit CDC's newly redesigned "Preteen and Teen Vaccines" web section CDC's newly redesigned Preteen and Teen Vaccines web section contains new information and materials, including the following:
CDC releases report on stakeholder meetings on meningococcal vaccines for children CDC recently released a report titled Meningococcal Vaccines for Children: 2011 Public and Stakeholder Engagement. The report is based on a project the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at CDC undertook in 2011 to get the views from interested organizations and members of the public on issues related to meningococcal vaccines and infants/toddlers. The project included two national stakeholder meetings and four public meetings. The public and stakeholder meetings were intended to augment CDC and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) immunization decision-making processes. The report details the project, including its key findings and activities. It also provides summaries from the stakeholder and community meetings. Related Links
ACOG's Immunization for Women website is a source of up-to-date information for patients and providers The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Immunization for Women website is an outstanding resource for healthcare providers and patients to find up-to-date information about immunizations and vaccine preventable diseases. It includes information on the following:
Updated edition of The Forgotten Story includes new accounts of the dangers of vaccine-preventable diseases Behind each person who has contracted a vaccine-preventable disease is the story of a life interrupted, of a family devastated. Vaccine-Preventable Disease: The Forgotten Story profiles families who have suffered the true cost of not vaccinating. Texas Children's Hospital has published an updated edition with five new stories profiling families who have dealt with the effects of vaccine-preventable diseases. Associated tear-pads are available on pertussis and meningitis. Associated posters are available in English and Spanish on influenza, measles, pertussis, varicella, and HPV. There is also an abbreviated Spanish-language version of the book that includes stories on influenza, pertussis, HPV, and meningococcal meningitis. Information on the updated edition and associated materials is available at the link above. Back to top Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating Influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone age 6 months and older, so please keep vaccinating your patients. Following is a list of resources related to influenza disease and vaccination for healthcare professionals and the public.
JOURNAL ARTICLES AND NEWSLETTERS CDC publishes article on tracking progress toward global polio eradication during 2010–11 CDC published Tracking Progress Toward Global Polio Eradication, 2010–2011 in the April 20 issue of MMWR (pages 265–269). A press summary of the article is reprinted below. To achieve polio eradication, surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is used to identify areas with poliovirus (PV) transmission and those with low reporting where cases might go undetected. During 2010–2011, AFP surveillance was suboptimal in some key countries and unimproved overall. Only 62 percent of countries with circulating wild PV (WPV) met national AFP surveillance performance targets. All three countries with reestablished WPV transmission and 16 of 19 countries with WPV outbreaks had >20 percent of their respective populations living in areas with underperforming surveillance. Genetic characterization of WPV isolates provided evidence that several chains of transmission were missed by surveillance deficiencies. The search for poliovirus circulation requires improvement in some key countries and regions; given the current elevated status of polio eradication as a “programmatic emergency for global public health,” efforts must be taken to improve AFP surveillance quality at all levels within a country to track potential polio transmission and provide timely outbreak response. Back to top EDUCATION AND TRAINING Don't miss tomorrow's (April 25) netconference on vaccination of healthcare personnel for nurses, by nurses CDC, IAC, the American Nurses Association (ANA), and the National Network of Immunization Nurses and Associates (NNINA) have collaborated to create a series of three netconferences developed specifically for nurses, by nurses. The second netconference in the series—Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel: Educated Decisions, Caring Choices—is scheduled for tomorrow, April 25, at 2 PM ET. See the information below for more details. The information presented in the series is of value to anyone who provides immunizations. Presenters include experts from CDC, as well as expert immunization nurses from across the nation who offer practical tips and insights gained from their own experiences delivering vaccines. Each netconference is structured in two parts. First, participants go online at a time of their choosing to view a prerecorded webcast. Second, they can join a live call-in discussion with CDC and other nurse immunization experts. Attendance at the live telephone sessions is limited to the first 1,000 people who dial in. Following are the netconference topics and schedule: Talking with Patients about Vaccines Webcast: available on March 21 (click here to download webcast [69 MB]) Live Call-in Seminar: occurred on April 4 Discussion Guide: Talking with Patients about Vaccines Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel: Educated Decisions, Caring Choices Webcast: available on April 12 (click here to download webcast [279 MB]) Live Call-in Seminar: April 25 at 2 PM ET Discussion Guide: Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel: Educated Decisions, Caring Choices Reducing Vaccine Administration Errors Webcast: available online after April 19 (click here to download webcast [57 MB]) Live Call-in Seminar: May 2 at 2 PM ET Discussion Guide: Reducing Vaccine Administration Errors More information is available at these links:
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About IZ Express
IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
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ISSN 2771-8085
Editorial Information
Editor-in-ChiefKelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
Managing EditorJohn D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
Associate EditorSharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
Writer/Publication CoordinatorTaryn Chapman, MS
Courtnay Londo, MA -
Style and Copy EditorMarian Deegan, JD
Web Edition ManagersArkady Shakhnovich
Jermaine Royes -
Contributing WriterLaurel H. Wood, MPA
Technical ReviewerKayla Ohlde