January 31, 2022 USA TODAY In a break with federal guidelines, San Francisco allows second COVID-19 booster for all J&J takers
January 27, 2022 CNN HEALTH Millions of routine vaccinations have been missed amid the COVID-19 pandemic
December 2, 2021 SALON Does the omicron variant mean vaccines will have to be updated? Here’s what scientists say
November 1, 2021 TIME To get kids vaccinated against COVID-19, health officials will need to reach hesitant parents
October 21, 2021 CNET Flu season’s here now and it’s time to get your shot. What’s different this year
October 19, 2021 BALTIMORE SUN Colin Powell was vaccinated against COVID-19, but a ‘breakthrough’ infection ended up being deadly
October 19, 2021 SALON Want to mix and match booster shots? Here’s why public health officials aren’t letting you—yet
October 8, 2021 USA TODAY Pfizer announced COVID-19 vaccine is safe for kids: here’s how long it could take for approval
October 5, 2021 CBS NEWS Religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine may be easy to claim, but hard to prove
September 30, 2021 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION COVID-19 not the only condition for which many go unvaccinated
September 30, 2021 ALLIANCE FOR HEALTH POLICY Preparing for flu season and preventing another pandemic
September 21, 2021 American Medical Association L.J Tan, PhD, MS, talks about a call to action to increase adult immunizations
September 19, 2021 FINTECH ZOOM CVS – Flu season prep, complicated by COVID-19, starts early this year
September 16, 2021 VACCINE Supporting National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups in the WHO European Region in developing national COVID-19 vaccination recommendations through online communication platform
September 15, 2021 WASHINGTON POST The U.S. was a global leader in vaccinations. Now it’s falling behind.
September 14, 2021 THE WASHINGTON TIMES Twindemic’ possible as flu season approaches, health experts warn
September 14, 2021 THE WASHINGTON TIMES ‘Twindemic’ possible as flu season approaches, health experts warn
September 13, 2021 WASHINGTON POST Can you get a covid booster and a flu shot together? Here’s what you need to know.
September 2, 2021 NBC As mandates roll out, some may ask for medical exemptions. What’s really valid?
August 27, 2021 PATIENTCARE ONLINE Immunization Action Coalition president and flu expert Dr. Kelly Moore explains primary care’s “tall order”
August 16, 2021 YAHOO! FINANCE Trust God to be our healer’: As COVID-19 vaccine mandates grow, so are requests for religious exemptions
August 3, 2021 HEALTHY WOMEN When it comes to vaccines, better data collection and coordination of education efforts will help close lifesaving maternal immunization gaps
July 28, 2021 ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL PBS documentary examines how vaccines are crucial to communities and how they can save lives
July 22, 2021 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vaccines are highly unlikely to cause side effects long after getting the shot
July 15, 2021 TALKING POINTS MEMO These kids will die’: Health experts sound alarm over TN shutting down vaccine outreach to minors
June 26, 2021 SALON Mobile vaccine clinics have made vaccines more accessible—and could be the future of Public Health
June 16, 2021 NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER Granite Status: Kuster pushes bill to have Medicare cover vaccines
June 15, 2021 USA TODAY Fact check: White pine tea likely not helpful against COVID-19; vaccinated don’t ‘shed’ particles
June 15, 2021 MISSOURI BUSINESS ALERT Despite federal guidance on COVID-19 vaccines, most Missouri employers stop short of mandates
June 10, 2021 USA TODAY FDA extends expiration date on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, saving doses from destruction