IAC Express 2011

Issue number 958: October 17, 2011

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Contents of this Issue
Select a title to jump to the article.
  1. MMWR publishes ACIP recommendations for meningococcal conjugate vaccine for high-risk children age 9-23 months
  2. Spotlight on immunize.org: quick access to AAP vaccine policy statements
  3. IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Paul Offit reviewing the movie "Contagion"
  4. IAC updates four handouts, including adult and child/teen screening questionnaires, influenza vaccination declination form, and shingles Q&As
  5. Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  6. CDC releases new influenza resources for providers
  7. Cuban American TV host Lili Estefan spearheads the American Lung Association's 2011-12 "Rostros de la gripe" Hispanic American influenza campaign
  8. MMWR reports on HPV vaccination implementation in the Americas
  9. Applications for NACCHO's 2012 Model Practices Awards program are due November 11
  10. Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
  11. IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
AAFP, American Academy of Family Physicians; AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; AMA, American Medical Association; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; IAC, Immunization Action Coalition; MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; NCIRD, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; NIVS, National Influenza Vaccine Summit; VIS, Vaccine Information Statement; VPD, vaccine-preventable disease; WHO, World Health Organization.
Issue 958: October 17, 2011
1.  MMWR publishes ACIP recommendations for meningococcal conjugate vaccine for high-risk children age 9-23 months

CDC published "Recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for Use of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY-D) Among Children Aged 9 Through 23 Months at Increased Risk for Invasive Meningococcal Disease" in the October 14 issue of MMWR. Portions of the article are reprinted below.

In April 2011, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY-D) (Menactra, sanofi pasteur) as a 2-dose primary series among children aged 9 through 23 months. Vaccination with meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4) is not recommended for children aged <2 years because of low immunogenicity and short duration of protection in this age group. . . .

After review of these clinical data at the June 2011 meeting, ACIP recommended that children aged 9 through 23 months with certain risk factors for meningococcal disease receive a 2-dose series of MenACWY-D, 3 months apart. This includes children who have persistent complement component deficiencies (e.g., C5-C9, properdin, factor H, or factor D), children who are traveling to or residents of countries where meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic, and children who are in a defined risk group during a community or institutional meningococcal outbreak. Because of their high risk for invasive pneumococcal disease, children with functional or anatomic asplenia should be vaccinated with MenACWY-D beginning at age 2 years to avoid interference with the immunologic response to the infant series of PCV. If children aged >=2 years with functional or anatomic asplenia have not yet received all recommended doses of PCV, they should receive all recommended doses separated from MenACWY-D by at least 4 weeks.

A 2-dose primary series is required for any child with the risk factors described in this report whose first dose was received before their second birthday. If dose 2 was not received on schedule (3 months after dose 1), it should be administered at the next available opportunity. The minimum interval between doses is 8 weeks. Children who received the 2-dose series at age 9 through 23 months and are at prolonged, increased risk should receive a booster 3 years after completing the primary series. After this initial booster, persons who remain in one of the increased risk groups should continue to receive a booster dose at 5-year intervals. Recommendations for use of MenACWY-D among persons aged 2 through 55 years have been published previously and remain unchanged.

To access the complete ready-to-print (PDF) version of the article, go to pages 1391-1392 of this document: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/wk/mm6040.pdf

To access the full article, including a table, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6040a4.htm
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2 Spotlight on immunize.org: quick access to AAP vaccine policy statements

Looking for quick access to vaccine-related policy statements of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)? Look no further. IAC's AAP web section provides up-to-date access to AAP vaccine policy statements, which are listed by year, vaccine, and topic.

For AAP policy statements arranged by year, visit: http://www.immunize.org/aap

For AAP policy statements arranged by vaccine/disease name, visit: http://www.immunize.org/aap/aap_vax.asp

For AAP policy statements arranged by special topic, visit: http://www.immunize.org/aap/aap_topic.asp

For additional information about AAP, including links to the Red Book Online, a table of licensures and recommendations for new vaccines, AAP's form for documenting parental refusal of vaccination, and more, visit: http://www.immunize.org/aap/aap_resources.asp
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3 IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Paul Offit reviewing the movie "Contagion"

IAC encourages IAC Express readers to watch a 5-minute video that features Paul Offit, MD, reviewing the recently released film "Contagion." Dr. Offit is chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The movie was filmed in part at CDC, with technical assistance from CDC experts.

This video is offered on the Medscape website. Registration (free) is required for first-time Medscape users to access the video.

You can access more videos from Dr. Offit here.

The video will be available on the home page of IAC's website through October 23. To access it, go to: http://www.immunize.org and click on the image under the words Video of the Week.

Remember to bookmark IAC's home page to view a new video every Monday.

To access the archives of IAC's Videos of the Week, go to: http://www.immunize.org/votw
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4 IAC updates four handouts, including adult and child/teen screening questionnaires, influenza vaccination declination form, and shingles Q&As

IAC recently revised the following four handouts for healthcare professionals and their patients.

(1) IAC updated "Screening Questionnaire for Adult Immunization" to correspond with ACIP's recently revised guidance on administering influenza vaccine to people with egg allergy. Go to: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4065.pdf

(2) IAC updated "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization" to correspond with ACIP's recently revised guidance on administering influenza vaccine to people with egg allergy. Go to: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4060.pdf

(3) IAC made several revisions to "Declination of Influenza Vaccination." Go to: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4068.pdf

(4) IAC updated "Shingles (Zoster): Questions and Answers" to include information about FDA's recent licensure of zoster vaccine for people age 50 years and older. Go to: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4221.pdf

IAC's Handouts for Patients and Staff web section offers healthcare professionals and the public approximately 250 FREE English-language handouts (many also available in translation), which we encourage website users to print out, copy, and distribute widely. To access all of IAC's free handouts, go to: http://www.immunize.org/handouts
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5 Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit

To aid in efforts to vaccinate against influenza and pneumococcal disease, readers are invited to place orders now for bulk quantities of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit's 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Information Guide and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination (PPSV) Pocket Guide. Both are free--you can order them in the hundreds or thousands!

These laminated, 3.75 x 6.75-inch, 2-color cards serve as a convenient reference for front-line healthcare professionals who vaccinate patients. Place a bulk order now, and your organization will be ready to educate healthcare professionals at upcoming immunization training sessions and conferences. Each staff person who administers influenza or PPSV vaccine needs these handy resources.

  • Important points for healthcare providers
  • Indications, contraindications, and precautions for the injectable, intradermal, and intranasal influenza vaccines
  • Clear direction regarding which children age 6 months through 8 years need 2 doses of influenza vaccine this year
  • Dosage, route of administration, and indicated age group for all the various influenza vaccine products
  • Talking points for discussing influenza vaccination with patients

See an image of the influenza vaccine pocket guide at http://www.immunize.org/pocketguides/pocketguide_flu.pdf

The influenza pocket guide also serves as a reminder to keep giving influenza vaccine throughout influenza season (through the spring months).


  • Indications for vaccination with PPSV, contraindications, and precautions
  • Indications for vaccination with 2 doses of PPSV and intervals between doses
  • Dosage and routes of administration

See an image of the PPSV pocket guide at http://www.immunize.org/pocketguides/pocketguide_ppsv.pdf

The 2011-12 influenza pocket guide and PPSV pocket guide are designed to be used by healthcare professionals only; THEY ARE NOT PATIENT HANDOUTS.

Place your order at http://www.preventinfluenza.org/pocketguides There is no cost for the pocket guides, shipping, or handling within the U.S. They're going fast, so to avoid disappointment, place your order ASAP!

If you have questions, email admininfo@immunize.org

For background information on the pocket guides, see http://www.immunize.org/express/issue949.asp#n3

Thanks for your dedication to immunization, and don't forget to keep vaccinating against influenza through the spring months!

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6 CDC releases new influenza resources for providers

CDC recently released a number of resources for the 2011-12 influenza season to help healthcare professionals better understand and promote influenza vaccination.

(1) "Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness: Questions and Answers for Health Professionals" is a web page that includes detailed Q&As about influenza vaccine efficacy. Go to: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/vaccination/effectivenessqa.htm

(2) "Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Dosage & Administration" is a web page that provides answers to many practical questions that providers frequently ask about influenza vaccine administration. Go to: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/vaxadmin.htm

(3) CDC's "What's New" web section offers many resources for healthcare professionals and their patients, such as customizable reminder/endorsement cards for OB/Gyns and other specialists who do not provide influenza vaccine themselves, materials for the public in Spanish, and more. Bookmark http://www.cdc.gov/flu/whatsnew.htm to check what's new every week.
Visit CDC's influenza website at http://www.cdc.gov/flu

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7 Cuban American TV host Lili Estefan spearheads the American Lung Association's 2011-12 "Rostros de la gripe" Hispanic American influenza campaign

The American Lung Association (ALA) recently kicked off its 2011-12 Hispanic American influenza campaign, "Rostros de la gripe" ("Faces of Influenza"). Its goal is to educate people in the U.S. Hispanic American community about the seriousness of influenza and encourage annual influenza immunization. The campaign spokesperson is Lili Estefan, mother of two, and host of Univision's popular TV show "El Gordo y la Flaca."

To access the "Rostros de la gripe" campaign website, go to: http://www.rostrosdelagripe.org

For a toolkit that includes many influenza resources for the Spanish-speaking public, go to: http://www.rostrosdelagripe.org/en/influenza-awareness-tool-kit

Part of the ALA's Faces of Influenza awareness program, the "Rostros de la gripe" educational initiative was the winner of the National Influenza Vaccination Summit's Corporate Campaign award in 2011. To learn more, go to: http://www.preventinfluenza.org/NIVS_2011/lunch-davis.pdf

To access the Faces of Influenza website, go to: http://www.facesofinfluenza.org
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8 MMWR reports on HPV vaccination implementation in the Americas

CDC published "Progress Toward Implementation of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination--the Americas, 2006-2010" in the October 14 issue of MMWR. The first paragraph is reprinted below.

Cervical cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Americas, where an estimated 80,574 new cases and 36,058 deaths were reported in 2008, with 85% of this burden occurring in Latin America and the Caribbean. Two oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types (16 and 18) cause approximately 70% of cervical cancers and a substantial proportion of other HPV-related cancers. HPV vaccination provides an opportunity to greatly reduce cervical cancer burden through primary prevention of HPV infection. This report summarizes the progress toward HPV vaccine introduction in the Americas, focusing on countries that have introduced the vaccine in national or regional immunization programs. As of January 2011, four countries in the Americas had introduced HPV vaccine. Overcoming issues related to financing and delivery of HPV vaccine remains a key public health challenge to more widespread implementation of HPV vaccination in the Americas.

To access the full article, including a table, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6040a2.htm
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9 Applications for NACCHO's 2012 Model Practices Awards program are due November 11

Since 2003, the National Association of County & City Health Official's (NACCHO) Model Practices Awards program has honored public health initiatives--including programs, resources, and tools--that demonstrate how local health departments and their community partners can effectively collaborate to address local public health concerns. The program recognizes outstanding local public health practices and shares these practices through the Model Practices Database, an online searchable collection of innovative best practices across public health areas.

NACCHO is accepting applications for the 2012 Model Practices Awards through November 11. For comprehensive information, go to: http://www.naccho.org/topics/modelpractices

For information about NACCHO, go to http://www.naccho.org
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10.  Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Immunization Branch, has updated its award-winning training video, "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults." The 25-minute program can be used to train new employees and to refresh the skills of experienced staff. The video demonstrates the skills and techniques needed to administer vaccines to patients of all ages.

Prices start at $17 each for 1-9 copies and are greatly reduced for large orders, dropping to $3 each for 1,000-1,499 copies.

To learn more about the DVD, and find out how to order it, go to: http://www.immunize.org/dvd

For quotes on larger quantities, call (651) 647-9009 or email admininfo@immunize.org

The Immunization Action Coalition is the only nationwide vendor of the DVD.

Note for healthcare settings located in California: Contact your local health department immunization program for a free copy.
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11.  IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!

IAC's laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules are covered with a tough, washable coating that lets them stand up to a year's worth of use in every area of your workplace where immunizations are given. Each has six pages (i.e., three double-sided pages) and is folded to measure 8.5" by 11".

Laminated schedules are printed in color for easy reading, come complete with essential tables and footnotes, and include contraindications and precautions--a feature that will help you make an on-the-spot determination about the safety of vaccinating patients of any age.

1-4 copies: $7.50 each
5-19 copies: $5.50 each
20-99 copies: $4.50 each

To view images of the laminated schedules, or to order online or download an order form, go to: http://www.immunize.org/shop/laminated-schedules.asp

For quotes on customizing or placing orders in excess of 999 schedules, call (651) 647-9009 or email admininfo@immunize.org

To learn about other essential immunization resources available for purchase from IAC, go to: http://www.immunize.org/shop
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About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Immunize.org and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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