IAC Express 2011

Issue number 967: December 12, 2011

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Contents of this Issue
Select a title to jump to the article.
  1. "Dear Colleague" joint letter urges healthcare professionals to vaccinate pregnant women against influenza
  2. CDC releases revised Japanese encephalitis vaccine VIS
  3. Spotlight on immunize.org: Subscribe to immunization-related email news services from AAP, CDC, CIDRAP, and more
  4. IAC's Video of the Week focuses on influenza vaccine safety; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers
  5. CDC publishes a report on U.S. influenza activity during October 2-November 26
  6. Survey results present data on influenza vaccination coverage among healthcare personnel
  7. "Keep your kids safe," IAC's new influenza handout for parents, now available in Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic
  8. White paper explores school-located vaccination as a way to increase vaccine uptake
  9. Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
  10. WHO reports on the validation of elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in Uganda in 2011
  11. Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
  12. Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  13. Clinical Vaccinology course to be held in Chicago on March 9-11, 2012
  14. Conference on Vaccine Research to be held in Baltimore on May 7-9, 2012
AAFP, American Academy of Family Physicians; AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; AMA, American Medical Association; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; IAC, Immunization Action Coalition; MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; NCIRD, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; NIVS, National Influenza Vaccine Summit; VIS, Vaccine Information Statement; VPD, vaccine-preventable disease; WHO, World Health Organization.
Issue 967: December 12, 2011
1.  "Dear Colleague" joint letter urges healthcare professionals to vaccinate pregnant women against influenza

CDC recently posted a "Dear Colleague" letter signed by representatives of 12 professional societies urging healthcare providers to recommend influenza vaccination to their pregnant and postpartum patients this season. The letter was signed by the American Academy of Family Physicians; American Academy of Pediatrics; American College of Nurse-Midwives; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; American Medical Association; American Nurses Association; American Pharmacists Association; Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses; March of Dimes; National Foundation for Infectious Diseases; National Influenza Vaccine Summit; and CDC.

To access the "Dear Colleague" letter in PDF format, including signatures, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/pdf/nivw/influenza-pregnancy-letter.pdf
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2 CDC releases revised Japanese encephalitis vaccine VIS

On December 7, CDC released a revised Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine VIS. The revised version explains that Ixiaro is now the only JE vaccine available. Also, it briefly mentions the possible need for boosters and that JE vaccination options exist for children younger than 17, for whom Ixiaro is not licensed.

To access the revised JE vaccine VIS, go to http://www.immunize.org/vis/je_ixiaro.pdf

For information on booster doses and options for vaccinating children, see the "Note to Providers" at http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/je-note.htm

For information about the use of VISs, and for VISs in more than 35 languages, visit IAC's VIS web section at http://www.immunize.org/vis
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3 Spotlight on immunize.org: Subscribe to immunization-related email news services from AAP, CDC, CIDRAP, and more

The Email News Services section on immunize.org includes descriptions and subscription information for more than 25 immunization-related e-newsletters and email updates published by governmental and non-governmental agencies, professional societies, academic centers, and nonprofit organizations.

IAC's listing of email news offerings includes CDC's Email Subscription service, AAP's Immunization Initiative Newsletter, Vaccine Education Center's Parent PACK Newsletter, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy's (CIDRAP's) email news updates, and many more.

Browse IAC's selection of e-newsletters and email updates for healthcare professionals, and subscribe to one or more of these helpful resources at http://www.immunize.org/resources/e-mail.asp

If you have additional email news services to recommend for inclusion on immunize.org, please send your suggestion(s) by email to maryq@immunize.org
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4 IAC's Video of the Week focuses on influenza vaccine safety; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers

View the 30-minute video "Real Talk About Influenza Vaccine Safety--Be Informed and Be Prepared," and earn CME/CE credits. This educational program features CDC experts William L. Atkinson, MD, MPH; Karen R. Broder, MD; and Timothy M. Uyeki, MD, MPH, MPP.

The video will be available on the home page of IAC's website through December 18. To access it, go to: http://www.immunize.org and click on the image under the words Video of the Week. Registration (free) is required to access the video on Medscape.

Remember to bookmark IAC's home page to view a new video every Monday.

To access the archives of IAC's Videos of the Week, go to: http://www.immunize.org/votw
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5 CDC publishes a report on U.S. influenza activity during October 2-November 26

CDC published "Update: Influenza Activity--United States, October 2-November 26, 2011" in the December 9 issue of MMWR. The first paragraph of the article is reprinted below.

During October 2-November 26, 2011, influenza activity remained low in the United States. Thus far, influenza A viruses have predominated, and the majority are antigenically related to the 2011-12 influenza vaccine strains for the Northern Hemisphere. This report summarizes U.S. influenza activity since October 2 and updates the previous summary.

To access the article, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6048a2.htm
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6 Survey results present data on influenza vaccination coverage among healthcare personnel

On December 5, CDC posted a report titled "Health Care Personnel Flu Vaccination." Based on data collected from two pre-existing web-based panels from November 1-18, 2011, the report presents information on HCP influenza vaccination by occupation (nurses, physicians/dentists), age group, work setting, and place of vaccination. It also details the reasons HCP give for choosing either to receive the vaccine or refuse it.

To access the report, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/vaccination/health-care-personnel.htm?source=govdelivery
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7 "Keep your kids safe," IAC's new influenza handout for parents, now available in Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic

Newly developed in October, IAC's influenza handout "Keep your kids safe--get them vaccinated every fall or winter!" is now available in Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish.

To access the Spanish version of "Keep your kids safe--get them vaccinated every fall or winter!" go to: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4070-01.pdf

For Arabic: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4070-20.pdf

For Chinese: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4070-08.pdf

For English: http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p4070.pdf

IAC's Handouts for Patients and Staff web section offers healthcare professionals and the public approximately 250 FREE English-language handouts (many also available in translation), which we encourage website users to print out, copy, and distribute widely. To access all of IAC's free handouts, go to: http://www.immunize.org/handouts
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8 White paper explores school-located vaccination as a way to increase vaccine uptake

In November 2010, the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), and Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) co-hosted a meeting focused on promoting school-located vaccination as a societal norm to increase vaccine uptake. A white paper titled "School-located Vaccination Clinics: NASN, NACCHO, ASTHO Summit (November 2011)" highlights the meeting discussion and key recommendations.

To access the white paper, go to: http://www.nasn.org/portals/0/2011_11_21_nasn_naccho_astho.pdf

For more information, contact Nichole Bobo at nbobo@nasn.org
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9 Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating

Influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone age 6 months and older, so please keep vaccinating your patients.

Following is a list of resources related to influenza disease and vaccination for healthcare professionals and the public.
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10.  WHO reports on the validation of elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in Uganda in 2011

The December 9 issue of the WHO periodical "Weekly Epidemiological Record" (WER) leads with an article titled "Validation of elimination: maternal and neonatal tetanus--Uganda, 2011." The article describes the strategies the Ugandan Ministry of Health--supported by UNICEF, WHO, and other partners--developed in 2002 to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus by 2012. Also described is the validation procedure employed to confirm whether neonatal tetanus had been eliminated. The conclusion is that Uganda, with technical assistance from WHO, has validated the elimination of neonatal tetanus.

To access December 9 issue of WER, which contains the complete article, go to: http://www.who.int/wer/wer8650.pdf
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11.  Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch

In 2010, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Immunization Branch, updated its award-winning training video, "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults." The 25-minute program can be used to train new employees and to refresh the skills of experienced staff. The video demonstrates the skills and techniques needed to administer vaccines to patients of all ages.

Prices start at $17 each for 1-9 copies and are greatly reduced for large orders, dropping to $3 each for 1,000-1,499 copies.

To learn more about the DVD, and find out how to order it, go to: http://www.immunize.org/dvd

For quotes on larger quantities, call (651) 647-9009 or email admininfo@immunize.org

The Immunization Action Coalition is the only nationwide vendor of the DVD.

Note for healthcare settings located in California: Contact your local health department immunization program for a free copy.
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12.  Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit

To aid in efforts to vaccinate against influenza and pneumococcal disease, readers are invited to place orders now for bulk quantities of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit's 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Information Guide and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination (PPSV) Pocket Guide. Both are free--you can order them in the hundreds or thousands!

These laminated, 3.75 x 6.75-inch, 2-color cards serve as a convenient reference for front-line healthcare professionals who vaccinate patients. Place a bulk order now, and your organization will be ready to educate healthcare professionals at upcoming immunization training sessions and conferences. Each staff person who administers influenza or PPSV vaccine needs these handy resources.

See an image of the influenza vaccine pocket guide at http://www.immunize.org/pocketguides/pocketguide_flu.pdf

See an image of the PPSV pocket guide at http://www.immunize.org/pocketguides/pocketguide_ppsv.pdf

The 2011-12 influenza pocket guide and PPSV pocket guide are designed to be used by healthcare professionals only; THEY ARE NOT PATIENT HANDOUTS.

Place your order at http://www.preventinfluenza.org/pocketguides There is no cost for the pocket guides, shipping, or handling within the U.S.

If you have questions, email admininfo@immunize.org
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13.  Clinical Vaccinology course to be held in Chicago on March 9-11, 2012

CDC published "Announcements: Clinical Vaccinology Course--March 9-11, 2012" in the December 9 issue of MMWR. The article announces that CDC and seven other national organizations are collaborating with the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), Emory University School of Medicine, and the Emory Vaccine Center to sponsor a Clinical Vaccinology Course to be held March 9-11 in Chicago.

To access the article, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6048a5.htm
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14.  Conference on Vaccine Research to be held in Baltimore on May 7-9, 2012

CDC published "Announcements: 15th Annual Conference on Vaccine Research" in the December 9 issue of MMWR. It announces that the Conference on Vaccine Research will be held May 7-9 in Baltimore.

To access the article, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6048a6.htm
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About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Immunize.org and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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