• Pneumococcal
  • Recommendations for Adults

My patient is 35 and is scheduled for a splenectomy. He has never had a pneumococcal vaccine. What do I do?

The patient should be vaccinated at least 2 weeks before the splenectomy, if feasible. If not, vaccinate as soon as possible. Depending upon products available, he has three options:

  • One dose of PCV20 or PCV21 alone, or
  • One dose of PCV15 followed by a dose of PPSV23

CDC recommends that if using the PCV15 and PPSV23 series, a minimum interval of 8 weeks can be considered for adults with an immunocompromising condition (including splenectomy), cochlear implant, or cerebrospinal fluid leak.

Last reviewed: November 13, 2024

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