• Pneumococcal
  • Scheduling & Documentation

One of our team administered PCV15 and PPSV23 at the same visit to a 5-year-old child who is immunocompromised. We know the PPSV23 was supposed to be administered at least 8 weeks later. We are looking for guidance for what to do now.

PCV vaccines and PPSV23 should not be administered at the same visit or at an interval less than 8 weeks.

In children through age 18 years, if PCV and PPSV23 are administered at the same visit, the PCV dose should be repeated, and should be administered no earlier than 8 weeks after doses that were administered on the same day. However, in adults age 19 years or older, if a PCV and PPSV23 are administered at the same visit or at an interval less than 8 weeks, CDC recommends that neither dose be repeated.

Last reviewed: April 5, 2024

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