• Meningococcal ACWY
  • Booster Doses

Which people with risk factors should receive booster doses beyond the routinely recommended adolescent doses of MenACWY?

ACIP recommends routine booster doses of MenACWY for people two months old or older at ongoing high risk for meningococcal infection (see www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/rr/pdfs/rr6909a1-H.pdf, Table 3). This group includes people (1) with persistent complement component deficiency (an immune system disorder) or who take a complement inhibitor (examples include eculizumab [Soliris], ravulizumab [Ultomiris], and sutimlimab [Enjaymo]), (2) with anatomic or functional asplenia, (3) with HIV infection, (4) who have higher risk of exposure (including microbiologists who handle Neisseria meningitidis isolates and travelers to or residents of areas with epidemic or hyperendemic meningococcal disease [such as the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa]).

Children at continued high risk who received the last dose of the primary series of MenACWY before age 7 years should receive the next dose 3 years after the most recent dose, then every 5 years as long as risk remains. People at continued high risk who received the last dose of the primary series at age 7 years or older should receive the next dose 5 years after the most recent dose then every 5 years as long as risk remains. Menveo (MenACWY-CRM) is licensed through age 55 years; however, if MenQuadfi (MenACWY-TT, licensed for use at age 2 years and older) is unavailable for an adult age 56 years or older, you may use Menveo.

Last reviewed: November 15, 2024

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