Webinars & Videos
In addition to print materials, Immunize.org periodically records live webinars and produces or shares short educational videos related to immunization. These webinars and videos reflect current information at the time they were recorded.
Addressing Vaccination Anxiety for Infants: Strategies for Vaccine Recipients and Caregivers
Addressing Vaccination Anxiety: Strategies for Healthcare Professionals
Ask the Experts: Acute Illness and Vaccination
Kelly Moore answers the question: We frequently see patients who are febrile or have an acute illness and are due for vaccinations. We are uncertain if we should withhold the vaccines or not. What do you advise?
Ask the Experts: Adults Who Don't Have HepB Vaccine Records
Kelly Moore answers the question: What do I do for adult patients who don’t have records of HepB vaccination, but are sure they were vaccinated?
Ask the Experts: After the preteen dose of Tdap, when is the next Tdap dose due?
When should preteens who receive a routine dose of tetanus-diptheria-acelluar pertussis vaccine, known as “Tdap” at age 11-12 years get their next dose?
Ask the Experts: Alternative Schedules
Kelly Moore answers the question: Some parents are requesting that we space out their infant’s vaccinations because they are concerned that receiving multiple vaccinations at a single office visit might overwhelm the infant’s immune system. What do you think about using alternative schedules?
Ask the Experts: Answer Parent Concerns about HPV Vaccination
Kelly Moore answers the question: Some parents resist HPV vaccination of their 11- and 12-year-olds because they are not sexually active. How should I counter this position?
Ask the Experts: Are Certain Influenza Vaccines Preferred?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Are any of the available flu vaccines recommended over others?
Ask the Experts: Ask the Experts: Is RSV vaccine indicated for a 69-year-old with hypertension?
Dr. Kelly Moore answers the question, I have a 69-year-old patient who requested RSV vaccination. He has controlled hypertension and no other underlying medical conditions. Is RSV vaccination indicated?
Ask the Experts: Avoid Lost HepB Vaccine Records!
Kelly Moore answers the question: Adults go to many different healthcare providers over time. HepB is a vaccine series most only need once. How do we avoid the problem of lost records for adult patients we vaccinate now?
Ask the Experts: COVID-19 Vaccines during Pregnancy
Kelly Moore answers the question: Are COVID-19 vaccines recommended during pregnancy?
Ask the Experts: Can We Give Influenza Vaccine with Other Vaccines?
Kelly Moore answers the question: May influenza vaccines be given at the same time as other vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines?
Ask the Experts: Can any of the three licensed RSV vaccines be used during pregnancy?
Dr. Kelly Moore answers the question,” Can any of the three licensed RSV vaccines be used during pregnancy?”
Ask the Experts: Can someone with a positive HPV cervical screening test be vaccinated for HPV?
If a woman has had HPV infection detected through cervical cancer screening, can she still be vaccinated?
Ask the Experts: Combination Vaccines and Catch-Up Vaccination
Kelly Moore answers the question: Can combination vaccines be used with children who have fallen behind with their vaccinations? If so, what schedule should we follow?
Ask the Experts: Contraindication versus Precaution
Kelly Moore answers the question: What is the difference between a contraindication and a precaution?
Ask the Experts: Do infants born soon after maternal RSV vaccination need RSV preventive antibody?
The mother of my infant patient was vaccinated for RSV at 33 weeks’ gestation but delivered the baby just a week later. Does this infant need RSV preventive antibody?
Ask the Experts: Doses of DTaP Needed to Protect a Baby from Pertussis
Kelly Moore answers the question: How many doses of pediatric diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis, or DTaP, vaccine does an infant need before she or he is protected from pertussis?
Ask the Experts: Drawing Up Vaccine Doses in Advance
Kelly Moore answers the question:
Is it okay to draw up vaccines at the beginning of the shift/ If it isn’t, how much in advance can this be done?
Ask the Experts: Fertility and COVID-19 Vaccination
Kelly Moore answers the question: Can COVID-19 vaccination lead to fertility problems?
Ask the Experts: Four Doses of Polio Vaccine before Age 4. Booster Needed?
Kelly Moore answers the question: A 4-year-old’s vaccine records show that she had four doses of inactivated polio vaccine, or IPV, given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and age 2 years. Should she have a booster dose?
Ask the Experts: HepB for Healthcare Workers
Kelly Moore answers the question: Which people who work in healthcare settings need hepatitis B vaccine?
Ask the Experts: Hepatitis B Infection Diagnosed After Vaccination
Kelly Moore answers the question: A healthy young adult patient who received the HepB vaccine series before college recently had a triple panel screen for hepatitis B virus infection and discovered that he had chronic hepatitis B. Did the vaccine fail? What do I tell the patient?
Ask the Experts: High-risk conditions for RSV vaccination of adults age 60-74 years
Dr. Kelly Moore answers the question, “What are the high-risk conditions specified by ACIP as indications for RSV vaccination among adults age 60 through 74 years?”
Ask the Experts: How effective is Tdap vaccination during pregnancy at protecting newborns from pertussis?
If you want to prevent pertussis in young babies, how effective is the strategy of given the tetanus-diphtheria pertussis vaccine (or Tdap) during pregnancy?
Ask the Experts: How is RSV preventive antibody different from an RSV vaccine?
Kelly Moore answers the question: How is the RSV preventative antibody that is recommended for babies different from a vaccine to prevent RSV?
Ask the Experts: How often should the RSV vaccine be given?
Kelly Moore answers the question: How often should the RSV vaccine be given?
Ask the Experts: How to Repeat a Second Dose of Hepatitis A Vaccine Given too Early
A child was given her second dose of hepatitis A vaccine 4 months after the first dose, Does it need to be repeated?
Ask the Experts: Influenza Vaccination and Egg Allergy
Kelly Moore answers the question: What is the latest ACIP guidance on influenza vaccination and egg allergy?
Ask the Experts: Is Hepatitis B Screening Required Before Vaccination?
Kelly Moore answers the question: If an adult hasn’t been screened for hepatitis B infection or immunity yet, should you screen them before you decide about vaccinating?
Ask the Experts: Late Season Influenza Vaccination
Kelly Moore answers the question: How late in the season can I vaccinate my patients with influenza vaccine?
Ask the Experts: Live Vaccines for Contacts of Cancer Patient
Kelly Moore answers the question: I have a healthy 5-year old patient whose close household contact (her mother) is immunocompromised due to cancer chemotherapy. Can I administer live vaccines to the healthy child?
Ask the Experts: MenACWY Given at Age 10. Revaccinate at 11, or Not?
Kelly Moore answers the question: If a child without any high-risk conditions received a dose of meningococcal ACWY, or menACWY vaccine (brand names Menactra, MenQuadfi, or Menveo) at age 10 years, does the child need to be revaccinated at age 11–12 years?
Ask the Experts: Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine Schedule
Kelly Moore answers the question: What is the schedule for Meningococcal ACWY, or MenACWY, vaccine?
Ask the Experts: Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine for College Students
Kelly Moore answers the question: Should college students be vaccinated against meningococcal disease with MenACWY vaccine?
Ask the Experts: Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine for Mature First Year College Students
Kelly Moore answers the question: Several healthy adult college students from outside the U.S. (ages 24 years and older) presented to our clinic. They will be living in a residence hall. None have a record of having received vaccination against meningococcal ACWY disease. Should they receive a dose of MenACWY now?
Ask the Experts: Minimum Interval When Repeating Expired Live Vaccine Dose
Kelly Moore answers the question: An expired dose of measles-mumps-rubella-and-varicella vaccine, also known as MMRV was given to a patient. We assume that the repeat dose should be given in three months because the spacing between doses of a combination vaccine depends on the longest minimum interval of a component (in this case the varicella vaccine component). Is this correct?
Ask the Experts: Nurse’s Anti-HBs Was Positive, Now Negative: Does She Need HepB Vaccine?
Kelly Moore answers the question: I’m a nurse who received the HepB series more than 10 years ago and had a positive hepatitis B surface antibody (or, anti-HBs) follow-up titer (measured at 10 mIU/mL, or greater). At present, my titer is negative. What should I do now?
Ask the Experts: Past HepB Vaccination, Negative Screening Anti-HBs. What Now?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Do adults who were properly vaccinated with HepB vaccine need to be revaccinated if they have a negative surface antibody (anti-HBs) result on their triple panel screening test for hepatitis B?
Ask the Experts: Pneumococcal Vaccination at Age 65
Kelly Moore answers the question: My patient just turned 65 and has never had a pneumococcal vaccine. What are my options now?
Ask the Experts: Polio Vaccination of Adults
Kelly Moore answers the question: How did ACIP alter its recommendations for polio (IPV) vaccination of unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated adults in June 2023?
Ask the Experts: Pregnancy and Flu Vaccine
Kelly Moore answers the question: Is influenza vaccination recommended during pregnancy?
Ask the Experts: Safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in children
Kelly Moore answers the question: What do we know about the safety and effectiveness of Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in the youngest children?
Ask the Experts: Should RSV vaccines or antibody be discarded seasonally?
My family practice office has both RSV vaccine and nirsevimab left over at the end of RSV season. Should we discard them as we do influenza vaccines?
Ask the Experts: Use Same Brand of MenB for All Doses
Kelly Moore answers the question: I know the primary series of meningococcal B vaccine (or MenB) should use the same brand for all doses. Does that also apply to booster doses?
Ask the Experts: Vaccination of Patients on Steroids
Kelly Moore answers the question: Should vaccines be withheld for patients on steroids?
Ask the Experts: What are the recommendations for the use of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine?
Recommendations for the use of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
Ask the Experts: What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)?
Dr. Kelly Moore answers the question, “What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)?”
Ask the Experts: What is the pre-exposure prophylaxis schedule for rabies vaccine?
Dr. Kelly Moore answers the question, “What is the pre-exposure prophylaxis schedule for rabies vaccine?”
Ask the Experts: What to do if an infant is given RSV vaccine in error?
What should be done if a medication error occurs and an infant receives RSV vaccine instead of the long-acting RSV preventive antibody, nirsevimab?
Ask the Experts: When is the best time of year to give long-acting RSV preventive antibody?
Kelly Moore answers the question: When is the optimal timing for infants and toddlers to receive a dose of long-acting RSV preventive antibody?
Ask the Experts: When to Start Influenza Vaccination Each Fall?
Kelly Moore answers the question: When does CDC recommend starting influenza vaccination?
Ask the Experts: When to consider RSV preventive antibody for an infant whose mother received RSV vaccine as recommended?
When might an infant entering the first RSV season need the long-acting RSV preventive antibody shot even though the mother was properly vaccinated for RSV at least 14 days before delivery?
Ask the Experts: Which Adults Need HepB Vaccine?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Which adults should be vaccinated for hepatitis B?
Ask the Experts: Who Should Receive MenB Vaccine?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Who is recommended to be vaccinated against meningococcal B disease?
Ask the Experts: Why Is Hepatitis A Vaccination, Not IG, Recommended for At-Risk Infant Travelers?
Why is hepatitis A vaccination recommended – and immunoglobulin or IG, NOT recommended – for infant travelers age 6 through 11 months at risk of exposure to hepatitis A?
Ask the Experts: Why Universal Adult HepB Vaccination Now?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Why should healthcare professionals focus on vaccinating adults against hepatitis B now?
Ask the Experts: Why are AI and AN children recommended to receive RSV preventive antibody for their 2nd RSV season?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Why are otherwise healthy American Indian and Alaska Native children recommended to receive a dose of long-lasting RSV preventive antibody to protect them during their second RSV season?
Do Babies Get Too Many Vaccines?
From a series of short videos—Talking About Vaccines with Dr. Paul Offit: Age Groups and Vaccines—from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Offit answers individual questions related to vaccines.
Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
Paul A. Offit, MD, of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, discusses common concerns related to vaccines and autism and reviews some of the scientific studies.
Dr. Handy's Corner: Do Vaccines Weaken My Baby's Immune System?
Ever wonder whether vaccines weaken a baby’s immune system? Dr. Lori Handy says, “The short answer is, absolutely no” and goes on to explain why.
Fainting Related to Vaccination: What You Need to Know
Getting Parents to Yes! Vaccine Conversations that Work for Providers and Parents
Drs. Humiston, Boonstra, and Savoy share their best practices for effective recommendations, educating parents about the HPV vaccine, and how to handle a parent decline or delay.
How Do Vaccines Help Babies Fight Infections?
In this How Vaccines Work series video, baby Jack and his parents find out how vaccines help train your baby’s immune system to help prevent disease.