Ask the Experts: Adults Who Don't Have HepB Vaccine Records
Kelly Moore answers the question: What do I do for adult patients who don’t have records of HepB vaccination, but are sure they were vaccinated?
In addition to print materials, periodically records live webinars and produces or shares short educational videos related to immunization. These webinars and videos reflect current information at the time they were recorded.
Kelly Moore answers the question: What do I do for adult patients who don’t have records of HepB vaccination, but are sure they were vaccinated?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Adults go to many different healthcare providers over time. HepB is a vaccine series most only need once. How do we avoid the problem of lost records for adult patients we vaccinate now?
Kelly Moore answers the question: A healthy young adult patient who received the HepB vaccine series before college recently had a triple panel screen for hepatitis B virus infection and discovered that he had chronic hepatitis B. Did the vaccine fail? What do I tell the patient?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Which people who work in healthcare settings need hepatitis B vaccine?
Kelly Moore answers the question: If an adult hasn’t been screened for hepatitis B infection or immunity yet, should you screen them before you decide about vaccinating?
Kelly Moore answers the question: I’m a nurse who received the HepB series more than 10 years ago and had a positive hepatitis B surface antibody (or, anti-HBs) follow-up titer (measured at 10 mIU/mL, or greater). At present, my titer is negative. What should I do now?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Do adults who were properly vaccinated with HepB vaccine need to be revaccinated if they have a negative surface antibody (anti-HBs) result on their triple panel screening test for hepatitis B?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Which adults should be vaccinated for hepatitis B?
Kelly Moore answers the question: Why should healthcare professionals focus on vaccinating adults against hepatitis B now?