IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1762)

Issue 1112: April 1, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1112
April 1, 2014
Top Stories
New! March issue of Vaccinate Adults is now available online
Reminder: March issue of Needle Tips is available online
CDC publishes travel watch for the Philippines due to measles outbreaks; U.S. clinicians should keep measles in mind when seeing patients who have traveled internationally
New York Times publishes editorial on the seriousness of measles by Dr. Paul Offit
New study shows influenza vaccine reduced children's risk of related intensive care admission by 74%
WHO Southeast Asia region certified polio-free
IAC Spotlight! "Apps for Immunization" web section on immunize.org
Something to Talk About: Voices for Vaccines' benefit event at the Mall of America on April 11; tickets and sponsorship opportunities are still available
Newly available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2014 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2014 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC Handouts
IAC revises two of its most popular staff education materials: "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC provides nine new translations of the Hib and Td VISs; Spanish translations are also available in rich text format
IAC posts Nepali translation of the inactivated influenza vaccine VIS
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia posts two new fact sheets
Influenza season is not over—please keep vaccinating your patients!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on invasive cancer incidence that includes information about HPV vaccination
Nominations and Awards
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases award nominations due by May 1
Education and Training
Vaccine Education Center posts archive of "Current Issues in Vaccines" March 19 webina
Earn continuing education credit with CDC's broadcasts, webcasts, and self-study courses

Issue 1111: March 25, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1111
March 25, 2014
Top Stories
New! March issue of Needle Tips now available online
Newly available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2014 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2014 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Please share the "Dear Colleague" letter about the importance of making a strong recommendation for HPV vaccination
CDC releases update on meningococcal disease at Princeton and Drexel universities
IAC Spotlight! Five more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
You're invited to Voices for Vaccines' exciting fundraising event at the Mall of America on April 11
Reminder: Register now for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
Featured Resources
CDC's Standards for Adult Immunization Practice web section offers overview of standards and useful resources
Influenza season is not over—please keep vaccinating your patients!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes article on WHO's new global polio vaccination recommendations
CDC publishes report on a combined OPV/IPV vaccination campaign in Kenya

Issue 1110: March 20, 2014

IAC Express Special Edition - Shop IAC: Issue 1110
March 20, 2014
Top Stories:
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2014 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2014 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Now's a great time to place an order for the Immunization Techniques DVD and IAC's personal patient record cards. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!

Issue 1109: March 18, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1109
March 18, 2014
Top Stories
Nineteen confirmed cases in New York City measles outbreak; two cases in Connecticut
ISMP publishes recommendations to address system-based causes of vaccine errors
IAC enrolls seven more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
CDC and AAP to provide a March 20 webinar-based peer education training on HPV
VICNetwork March 20 webinar to focus on adult vaccination
IAC Spotlight! Ask the Experts web section on measles, mumps, and rubella recently updated
Final reminder: National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit requests nominations for its 2014 Immunization Excellence Awards; deadline is March 25
IAC Handouts
Just released! New educational resource titled "How to Administer Intradermal, Intranasal, and Oral Vaccinations" now available
IAC updates its popular guides to contraindications and precautions
IAC updates its "Questions and Answers" handouts for measles, mumps, and rubella
IAC revises its staff-education document titled "Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations"
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
"Hepatitis A, B, and C: Learn the Differences" provides a quick overview of viral hepatitis
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC announces new look for its "Vaccines" website
Featured Resources
CDC Worksite Health Scorecard updated and expanded; now includes questions about vaccine-preventable diseases
Influenza season is not over—please keep vaccinating your patients!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on influenza-like illness and influenza vaccination coverage among workers in the 2009–10 influenza season

Issue 1108: March 11, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1108
March 11, 2014
Top Stories
CDC honors IAC with its Excellence in Partnering award for leadership in providing VISs in languages other than English
CDC temporarily removes the Multi-vaccine VIS from service until it is updated
National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit launches new website: www.izsummitpartners.org
CDC announces new Twitter account for immunization providers
IAC Spotlight! Personal testimonies on vaccine-preventable diseases; Lasker Foundation President's powerful editorial on the dangers of vaccine refusal
Vaccine Education Center plans March 19 Current Issues in Vaccines webinar
Reminder: National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit requests nominations for its 2014 Immunization Excellence Awards; deadline is March 25
CDC publishes report on impact of Connecticut regulation that requires influenza vaccination of children in licensed child care and preschool programs
IAC Handouts
IAC corrects text in its recently redesigned hepatitis B handout: "Give the Birth Dose... Hepatitis B Vaccine at Birth Saves Lives!"
Official Releases and Announcements
UNICEF announces that IPV will be available to low-income countries for as little as $1 a dose to help implement new WHO polio recommendations
Featured Resources
Influenza season is not over—please keep vaccinating your patients!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study finds that childhood immunizations save thousands of lives and billions of dollars in the U.S.
Education and Training
CDC offers video on protecting people with chronic health conditions from influenza
Conferences and Meetings
Registration deadline for June 25–26 ACIP meeting is June 2 for non-citizens and June 9 for citizens
NACCHO annual conference scheduled for July 8–10 in Atlanta; poster submission deadline is March 16

Issue 1107: March 4, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1107
March 4, 2014
Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP recommendations for prevention and control of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease
AAP News publishes commentary on HPV vaccination by Dr. Michael Brady, chair of the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases; useful AAP resources available to help providers increase HPV vaccine uptake
Reminder: National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit requests nominations for its 2014 Immunization Excellence Awards; deadline is March 25
CDC and South Carolina Department of Health and Environment warn of possible hepatitis A exposure at Hilton Head restaurant
Please comment on the new USPSTF draft recommendations for hepatitis B screening by March 10; sample letters and comments available
IAC Spotlight! Quick access to ACIP recommendations on immunize.org
Polio-like illness reported in five California children
IAC Handouts
IAC revises and redesigns two educational pieces about the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose: "Give the Birth Dose... Hepatitis B Vaccine at Birth Saves Lives!" and "Hepatitis B Shots Are Recommended for All New Babies"
IAC updates and redesigns two hepatitis B handouts for adults: "Every Week Hundreds of People Get Hepatitis B" and "Protect Yourself Against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B... A Guide for Gay and Bisexual Men"
IAC updates "Questions Parents Ask About Vaccinations for Babies"
IAC updates sample standing orders templates for administering meningococcal and varicella vaccines to children and teens
IAC posts Hmong translation of "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Live Attenuated Intranasal Influenza Vaccination"
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO issues updated position paper on polio vaccines
CDC expands its injection safety efforts
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
January and February issues of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC publishes information about two-dose varicella vaccination coverage in the U.S.
CDC reports on emergence of wildlife rabies on island free from canine rabies for 52 years
Education and Training
CDC updates Influenza module in its "You Call the Shots" training course
Conferences and Meetings
Conference on Vaccine Research posts agenda; early bird registration rate ends March 17

Issue 1106: February 25, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1106
February 25, 2014
Top Stories
CDC holds telebriefing about seriousness of influenza this season, especially among adults age 18–64; MMWR publishes three related reports on influenza cases and deaths, seasonal influenza activity, and influenza vaccine effectiveness
"Dear Colleague" letter from CDC and professional societies urges healthcare professionals caring for pregnant women to administer influenza vaccination and treat influenza with antivirals
National Vaccine Advisory Committee publishes "Standards for Adult Immunization Practice"
California Department of Public Health issues health advisory: 14 measles cases in state since beginning of 2014
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issues draft recommendations for HBV screening of high-risk populations; comments solicited
CDC's March 12 NetConference to focus on the 2014 childhood and adult immunization recommendations and on adult immunization practice standards
IAC enrolls nine more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
IAC Spotlight! "IAC's Most Popular Web Sections and Downloads" are easy to find on immunize.org home page
IAC Handouts
IAC develops new handout for parents: "Top Ten Reasons to Protect Your Child by Vaccinating"
Use "Skills Checklist for Immunization" to review and promote proper standards with immunization staff
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO requests nominations for current and future vacancies for its Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on immunization
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for pneumococcal vaccine are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report of varicella-associated death of vaccinated child with leukemia
Conferences and Meetings
Registration now open for 2014 STD Prevention Conference; early bird registration ends April 15

Issue 1105: February 18, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1105
February 18, 2014
Top Stories
Leading medical organizations release "Dear Colleague" letter that urges healthcare professionals to promote HPV vaccination
President's Cancer Panel releases report on HPV vaccination
ACOG issues "Dear Colleague" letter and algorithm to assess and treat pregnant women with influenza-like illness
IAC's Diane Peterson coauthors new JAMA article on legislative challenges to immunization
IAC Spotlight! Five more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its two screening checklists for contraindications to vaccines
IAC updates provider resource "Emergency Response Worksheet"
IAC revises standing orders templates for administering zoster and varicella vaccines to adults
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
Official Releases and Announcements
U.S. joins 26 countries to accelerate progress against infectious disease threats
Featured Resources
CDC updates its interactive quiz for adolescent and adult immunization
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for pneumococcal vaccine are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Conferences and Meetings
Archived video broadcast of the October 2013 ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1104: February 11, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1104
February 11, 2014
Top Stories
CDC publishes details about the 2014 immunization schedules for children/teens and adults in the February 7 issue of MMWR
IAC Spotlight! Immunization Schedules web section offers quick access to child, teen, and adult guidance for 2014
CDC releases updated VISs for Hib and Td vaccines
CDC publishes report on noninfluenza vaccination coverage among adults
CDC offers website content syndication to immunization partners
CDC publishes article about global control and regional elimination of measles
IAC Handouts
New! IAC releases two new handouts for patients with chronic health conditions: "Vaccinations for Adults with Heart Disease" and "Vaccinations for Adults with Lung Disease"
New! IAC develops a standing orders template for Tdap vaccination of pregnant women
IAC updates "Meningococcal Vaccination Recommendations by Age and/or Risk Factors"
IAC revises its standing orders templates for administering rotavirus and PPSV vaccines to children
Featured Resources
CDC updates its interactive childhood immunization scheduler
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for pneumococcal vaccine are availablefreefrom the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Conferences and Meetings
Program for National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions now available; early bird registration ends February 14

Issue 1103: February 4, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1103
February 4, 2014
Top Stories
2014 U.S. Recommended Immunization Schedules for people age 0–18 years and adults age 19 years and older are now available
CDC publishes information about rotavirus vaccine administration errors
CDC publishes Grand Rounds report on reducing HPV infection and related cancers
IAC Spotlight! Eighteen more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its professional-education resource "Vaccines with Diluents: How to Use Them"
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
Test your vaccination knowledge with IAC's quizzes
IAC revises "Notification of Vaccination Letter Template"
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC publishes report on national public health preparedness
Featured Resources
Interactive map vividly illustrates the increase in certain vaccine-preventable diseases
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Nominations and Awards
National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit requests nominations for its 2014 Immunization Excellence Awards; deadline is March 25
Reminder: It's time to submit nominations for CDC's Childhood Immunization Champion Award
Education and Training
CDC to offer Twitter chat about healthy travel on February 6
Conferences and Meetings
Registration deadline for February 26–27 ACIP meeting is February 10 for U.S. citizens
Early bird registration for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions ends February 14

Issue 1102: January 28, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1102
January 28, 2014
Top Stories
IAC enrolls six more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
CDC releases updated Japanese encephalitis VIS
IAC Spotlight! Please refer parents and patients to www.vaccineinformation.org, IAC's website for the public
CDC provides guidance to travelers and clinicians related to the ongoing avian influenza A (H7N9) virus outbreak in China
Featured Resources
Use newly released brochure to encourage HPV vaccination of boys and young men
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Nominations and Awards
Reminder: It's time to submit nominations for CDC's Childhood Immunization Champion Award
Education and Training
Join Voices for Vaccines on a conference call about the power of storytelling
CDC to host February 11 webinar on National Infant Immunization Week

Issue 1101: January 21, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1101
January 21, 2014
Top Stories
IAC's Give birth to the end of Hep B initiative helps birthing hospitals adopt and strengthen hepatitis B birth dose policies
IAC Spotlight! Fourteen more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Trust for America's Health publishes report on poor influenza vaccination rates for adults age 18–64 years
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC publishes "Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2012"
Featured Resources
Order free immunization resources from CDC
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Education and Training
CDC updates two modules, "Vaccine Storage and Handling" and "Vaccines for Children," in its "You Call the Shots" training course
Conferences and Meetings
Pennsylvania Immunization Conference scheduled for June 19

Issue 1099: January 14, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1099
January 14, 2014
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Where you'll find information on upcoming immunization conferences, events, and meetings
CDC requests nominations for Childhood Immunization Champion Awards
First human avian influenza A (H5N1) virus infection reported in the Americas
CDC issues travel notice related to yellow fever in Sudan
VICNetwork January 28 webinar to focus on HPV vaccination
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Need help in responding to vaccine-hesitant parents?"
IAC Web Sections
CDC provides updates to IAC's online Ask the Experts web section on shingles disease and zoster vaccination
Featured Resources
CDC adds new resources to its HPV vaccination campaign, including videos
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients

Issue 1098: January 7, 2014

IAC Express: Issue 1098
January 7, 2014
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Eight more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC enrolls six more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
New York City Board of Health votes to require influenza immunization for children in daycare and preschool
CDC looks back at 2013, and ahead to 2014 health challenges, including two related to vaccination
New report finds the nation’s ability to prevent and control infectious diseases inadequate
IAC Handouts
IAC updates patient handouts "Meningococcal: Questions and Answers" and "Shingles (Zoster): Questions and Answers"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Haitian-Creole translations of the Tdap and rotavirus VISs and a Portuguese translation of the Tdap VIS
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center offers free mobile app for Android phones as well as for iPhones
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on influenza activity in the U.S. from September 29 through December 7
Education and Training
Watch HHS-sponsored webinar on preventing perinatal hepatitis B infection
Clinical Vaccinology Course set for March 21–23 in Seattle
Conferences and Meetings
American Public Health Association meeting scheduled for November 2014; abstract deadline spans February 10–14

Issue 1096: December 23, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1096
December 23, 2013
Top Stories
Happy holidays from all of us at IAC!
CDC publishes guidance for HBV protection and postexposure management of healthcare personnel
Merck voluntarily recalls one lot of Gardasil HPV vaccine
Voices for Vaccines to host January 14 conference call featuring Dr. Paul Offit

Issue 1094: December 17, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1094
December 17, 2013
Top Stories
Three infectious diseases societies issue joint statement on mandatory immunization of healthcare personnel
CDC publishes report estimating the number of influenza illnesses and hospitalizations averted by influenza vaccination during 2012–13 season
IAC enrolls eleven more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
CDC reports on progress in immunization information systems
IAC Spotlight! Hundreds of images/photos related to vaccination and vaccine-preventable diseases
Reminder: December 19 is the date of the HHS-sponsored webinar on preventing perinatal hepatitis B infection
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Portuguese translation of the VIS for rotavirus vaccines
Featured Resources
The Know Hepatitis B campaign promotes testing for hepatitis B among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage among women who gave birth during the 2009–10 and 2010–11 influenza seasons
CDC publishes update on progress toward polio eradication in Nigeria
Conferences and Meetings
Registration now open for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions

Issue 1093: December 10, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1093
December 10, 2013
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Real-life stories about vaccine-preventable diseases
Analysis of newly available data highlights the value of immunization—100 million cases of vaccine-preventable diseases averted since 1924
Institute for Safe Medication Practices publishes first annual review of data submitted to its National Vaccine Errors Reporting Program
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage among people with asthma
Recently published study provides warning that measles still a threat in the U.S.
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Vaccines Work!" handout for parents
Official Releases and Announcements
Stakeholders publish report on possible ways to increase HPV vaccination
CDC publishes announcement about National Influenza Vaccination Week in MMWR
Featured Resources
Stay up to date with CDC's free email subscription service
Reminder: If you vaccinate children and teens, be sure to download AAP's revised immunization training guide and procedure manual
Project Tycho database makes health data available to everyone
Family Planning and Immunization Integration Working Group releases new toolkit
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available–free–from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on global progress in eliminating rubella and congenital rubella syndrome
November issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available

Issue 1092: December 4, 2013

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 1092
December 4, 2013
Questions and Answers:
Q: What are the ACIP recommendations for vaccination of preterm infants?
Q: We plan to keep our influenza vaccine in coolers when we travel to off-site vaccination events. How can we ensure the vaccine remains within the proper temperature range?
Q: We inadvertently administered a 0.5 mL dose of FluLaval (GSK) to a 2-year-old child before realizing that the vaccine is only licensed for use in people age 3 years and older. Do we need to repeat the dose with an age-appropriate product?
Q: We inadvertently administered intradermal influenza vaccine (Fluzone ID, sanofi) to a patient who is not in the recommended age range of 18 through 64 years. What should we do now?
Q: Is it acceptable to administer a dose of the quadrivalent influenza vaccine to a patient who has already received the trivalent vaccine? We’ve had a few patients request this.
Q: Sometimes patients age 65 years and older who have received the standard-dose influenza vaccine hear about the high-dose product (Fluzone High-Dose, sanofi) and want to receive that, too. Is this okay to administer?
Q: Would giving an older patient 2 doses of standard-dose influenza vaccine be the same as administering the high-dose product?
Q: How soon after bone marrow transplant do we start to vaccinate our patients against influenza?
Q: When should adolescents who received a dose of Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria, pertussis-containing vaccine; Adacel, sanofi; Boostrix, GSK) at age 11–12 years receive their next dose of Td or Tdap?
Q: Please describe the new Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) vote recommending the use of the meningococcal vaccine Menveo in high-risk children 2 through 23 months of age.
Q: Why is it recommended to delay meningococcal vaccination for infants with functional or anatomic asplenia until after the PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Prevnar, Pfizer) series is completed?
Q: We frequently see children (mostly from certain foreign countries) who have received 6 or more doses of polio vaccine, all administered before age 4 years. How do we handle this when assessing the child’s immunization history?
Q: Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV, Pneumovax, Merck) is recommended for people with diabetes. Does this include gestational diabetes?

Issue 1091: December 3, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1091
December 3, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: November issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
CDC issues health advisory for clinicians related to meningococcal outbreaks at Princeton University and the University of California, Santa Barbara
CDC issues two new travel health notices concerning polio outbreaks in Syria and Cameroon, and updates travel health notices about polio in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia
IAC enrolls five more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
National Influenza Vaccination Week is almost here!
IAC Spotlight! Influenza vaccination-related handouts for patients and staff
CDC expands its vaccine safety web content to include "Frequently Asked Questions about HPV Vaccine Safety"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts corrected Marshallese translations of influenza VISs
IAC posts Thai translation of LAIV VIS
Featured Resources
Spending a lot of time talking with parents about vaccines? Download CDC resources for healthcare professionals.
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Education and Training
Illinois AAP chapter to host December 10 webinar on influenza
Conferences and Meetings
Save the date: Conference on Vaccine Research scheduled for April 28–30, 2014
Save the date: California Immunization Coalition Summit to be held May 4–5, 2014

Issue 1090: November 26, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1090
November 26, 2013
Top Stories
New! November issue of Vaccinate Adults is now available online
Reminder: November issue of Needle Tips is online
Access information about the Princeton University meningococcal outbreak and the public health response
IAC Spotlight! Twelve more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll
CDC's December 12 NetConference to focus on influenza vaccination
HHS-sponsored webinar on preventing perinatal hepatitis B infection rescheduled for December 19
CDC publishes report on health disparities in the U.S.; one section covers seasonal influenza vaccination rates for 2009–10 and 2010–11
Call for Abstracts deadline for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions extended to December 13
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "MMR vaccine does not cause autism: Examine the evidence!"
Featured Resources
CDC updates information about pertussis outbreak control in the Manual for Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
CDC updates its Vaccine Price List web page
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes articles about polio eradication in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Issue 1089: November 19, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1089
November 19, 2013
Top Stories
New! November issue of Needle Tips now available online
CDC publishes new recommendations for use of Japanese encephalitis vaccine in children
IAC enrolls three more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "Ask the Experts" Q&As give you answers from CDC experts
National Influenza Vaccination Week is December 8–14; CDC makes a multitude of resources available
Voices for Vaccines to host December 3 conference call about effective conversations with vaccine hesitant parents
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines"
IAC redesigns "Do Not Unplug" and "Do Not Turn Off Circuit Breaker" signs
IAC updates "Influenza Vaccination of People with a History of Egg Allergy"
IAC revises "Before you vaccinate adults, consider their 'H-A-L-O'!"
Official Releases and Announcements
HHS releases new report about federal efforts to implement viral hepatitis action plan
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Supplies are low! IAC's full-sized laminated versions of the 2013 immunization schedules are 50% off (use coupon code IAC50)
Conferences and Meetings
Call for Abstracts deadline extended to November 22 for CDC's 2014 STD Prevention Conference

Issue 1087: November 12, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1087
November 12, 2013
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Thirteen more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll
Today, November 12, is World Pneumonia Day!
Immunization advocates develop universal symbol for immunization
Intensive vaccination outreach planned after ten wild polio cases confirmed in the Syrian Arab Republic
WHO reports on two new cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection in China
IAC Handouts
IAC releases new handout for parents about HPV vaccination of preteens and teens
IAC updates "Personal belief exemptions for vaccination put people at risk. Examine the evidence for yourself."
Spanish translation of "Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Age 11–19 Years" corrected
Featured Resources
Michigan Department of Community Health releases toolkit of resources to increase influenza vaccination of young adults
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
Supplies are low! IAC's full-sized laminated versions of the 2013 immunization schedules are 50% off (use coupon code IAC50)
Education and Training
Reminder: Vaccine Education Center plans November 13 Current Issues in Vaccines webinar
Conferences and Meetings
Reminder: December 6 is abstract deadline for the 11th National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions

Issue 1086: November 5, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1086
November 5, 2013
Top Stories
Pediatrics publishes article by CDC authors on influenza-associated pediatric deaths in the U.S., 2004–2012; CDC posts related commentary
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination of pregnant women in Massachusetts during the 2009–2010 influenza season
IAC enrolls five more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
AAP endorses CDC meningococcal vaccine guidance
Spotlight on immunize.org: access influenza videos and public service announcements
CDC's Immunization Safety Office expands its vaccine safety services for U.S. healthcare providers
CDC reports on global vaccination coverage
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling"
Spanish translations of "Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Age 0–10 Years" as well as "Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Age 11–19 Years" are now available
Featured Resources
CDC develops new resources to help providers increase HPV vaccination rates
National Institutes of Health publishes article for public that encourages vaccination against HPV
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Limited-time offer: 50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Education and Training
Online Medscape course focuses on rotavirus immunization and the risk of intussusception
Conferences and Meetings
Minutes of the June ACIP meeting now online

Issue 1085: October 29, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1085
October 29, 2013
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Fifteen more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
CDC publishes surveillance summary on influenza vaccination coverage from 2007 through 2012 in the U.S.
CDC publishes report on influenza activity in the U.S. from May 19 through September 28
Eleventh National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions scheduled for May 21–23 in Seattle; abstract deadline is December 6
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "First do no harm: Mandatory influenza vaccination policies for healthcare personnel help protect patients"
IAC revises "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Spanish translation of the large-print VIS for inactivated influenza vaccine
Featured Resources
CDC and Safe Injection Practices Coalition offer new infographic to help clinicians properly use single- and multiple-dose vaccine vials
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Help-4-Hep offers support and information for people with questions about hepatitis C
Limited-time offer: 50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Education and Training
Vaccine Education Center plans November 13 Current Issues in Vaccines webinar
The Joint Commission offers free course on rapid influenza testing in ambulatory settings
Conferences and Meetings
Call for Abstracts deadline extended to November 15 for CDC's 2014 STD Prevention Conference

Issue 1084: October 22, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1084
October 22, 2013
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! "Like" IAC on Facebook and "follow" IAC on Twitter!
IAC enrolls two more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
Adult vaccination providers: Please list your clinics with the HealthMap Vaccine Finder
Clinicians: The Influenza Vaccine Availability Tracking System (IVATS) can help you locate influenza vaccine for purchase
WHO reports on new case of avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection in China
Voices for Vaccines to host November 5 conference call featuring Curtis Brainard from the Columbia Journalism Review
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Karen, Haitian Creole, and Amharic translations of inactivated and live attenuated influenza vaccine VISs
IAC corrects error in Hmong inactivated influenza vaccine VIS title translation
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Limited-time offer: 50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Education and Training
New Jersey Immunization Network to offer October 31 webinar about the United Nation Foundation's Shot@Life campaign
The Immunization Partnership to offer November 7 webinar on immunization and the Affordable Care Act

Issue 1083: October 15, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1083
October 15, 2013
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Ten more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll
MMWR to only publish reports on immediate health threats during federal government shutdown
IAC Handouts
"Vaccinations for Pregnant Women" patient handout now available in Spanish
IAC updates "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination"
IAC updates "If you, your parents, or your children were born in any of these places..." in English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Vietnamese
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts translations of influenza VISs in Portuguese
IAC Web Sections
IAC creates gateway page for its two honor rolls for patient safety
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Limited-time offer—50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Education and Training
New Jersey Immunization Network to offer October 22 webinar on adult vaccination

Issue 1082: October 8, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1082
October 8, 2013
Top Stories
IAC enrolls six more birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
Voices for Vaccines to host October 15 conference call featuring widely published writer JJ Keith
IAC Spotlight! Reminder to use IAC’s new educational materials for patients and parents
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Decision to Not Vaccinate My Child"
IAC revises "Pneumococcal Vaccination Recommendations for Children and Adults by Age and/or Risk Factor"
IAC updates "Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Age 11–19 Years"
IAC reviews three influenza handouts for the public, including "Influenza: Questions and Answers"
IAC updates two patient handouts related to hepatitis B infection, one for Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and one about chronic HBV infection
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 15 translations of the revised rotavirus VIS
Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese VISs for 19 routinely recommended vaccines are now available on IAC's website
IAC Web Sections
CDC provides updates to IAC's online Ask the Experts web section on meningococcal disease and vaccination
Featured Resources
American Academy of Microbiology offers report and teaching materials on influenza
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Limited-time offer—50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on sentinel hospital surveillance for meningitis in The Gambia and Senegal
Education and Training
Families Fighting Flu to sponsor virtual summit on October 16

Issue 1081: October 1, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1081
October 1, 2013
Top Stories
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare personnel during 2012-13 influenza season
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage of pregnant women during 2012-13 influenza season
IAC Spotlight! Vaccineinformation.org Video Library offers an extensive and searchable collection of more than 125 videos about vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of immunization
History of Vaccines website educates the public about immunization’s past and present contributions to public health
HHS to sponsor webinar on preventing perinatal hepatitis B infection on October 10
IAC Handouts
IAC's updated screening checklists for influenza vaccination contraindications now available in Spanish
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC's supplemental provider information for the 2013-14 influenza VISs summarizes many important issues
Spanish translations of 19 routinely recommended vaccine VISs are now available in rich text format (RTF)
Featured Resources
CDC updates its interactive quiz for adolescent and adult immunization
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Information about NFID's September 26 influenza/pneumococcal press conference is now online
Unbelievable limited-time offer—50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Journal Articles and Newsletters
September issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Webinar about women and hepatitis B and C to take place on October 17

Issue 1079: September 24, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1079
September 24, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: September issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
CDC publishes 2013–14 recommendations for prevention and control of influenza with vaccines
Fourteen birthing institutions have been enrolled in IAC's Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
New York Times publishes Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin’s editorial calling for a vaccine to protect humans against Lyme disease
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "Ask the Experts" Q&As give you the answers
NFID news conference on influenza and pneumococcal disease scheduled for September 26
Coming September 27, the American Health Care Association's Twitter chat on seniors and the flu season
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC's provider information sheet on the rotavirus VIS can help providers talk with parents about intussusception
IAC posts translations of influenza VISs in Bengali, Burmese, Chuukese, Polish, and Urdu
IAC posts additional VIS translations in Burmese, simplified Chinese, Farsi, French, Somali, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish
Featured Resources
CDC posts fact sheet for the public on human papillomavirus (HPV) and oropharyngeal cancer
Unbelievable limited-time offer—50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
American Academy of Microbiology report explains why adult vaccination is important
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on assessing and mitigating risks for polio outbreaks in Africa in 2012–13
CDC corrects error in report on U.S. measles outbreaks in 2013

Issue 1078: September 19, 2013

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 1078
September 19, 2013
Questions and Answers:
Q: What influenza vaccine products will be available during the 2013–14 influenza season?
Q: What are the differences in trivalent and quadrivalent influenza vaccines?
Q: If quadrivalent vaccine includes one additional strain, why isn't it preferred for use over trivalent vaccines in ACIP's 2013–14 influenza recommendations?
Q: I heard there was a new influenza vaccine that can be given to people with severe egg allergies. Is that true?
Q: How many doses of vaccine are recommended for children younger than 9 years who are receiving influenza vaccine for the first time?
Q: Can a child who needs 2 doses of influenza receive 1 dose of quadrivalent vaccine and 1 dose of trivalent vaccine?
Q: Does ACIP recommend one influenza product over another for pregnant women?
Q: Why is a higher dose influenza vaccine (Fluzone High-Dose) available for adults 65 and older?
Q: If a patient is undergoing treatment for cancer, is it safe to vaccinate her or him against influenza?
Q: If a woman received Tdap in early pregnancy, should she get it again in the third trimester?
Q: Each time there is a pregnancy in the family, should fathers and other family members receive a Tdap booster to ensure adequate protection and boost the cocoon effect to protect the newborn from pertussis?
Q: A pertussis outbreak is occurring in our town, with many cases happening in the schools. Is there a recommendation for boosting middle and high-school students with an additional dose of Tdap during an outbreak if students have already had 1 dose?
Q: Currently, ACIP recommends pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) for smokers age 19–64 years. Should we also vaccinate 16-year-olds who smoke?
Q: Rather than giving pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) first and waiting 8 weeks to give PPSV as recommended for an immunocompromised child (2 years+) or adult patient, we inadvertently gave both vaccines at the same visit. We are looking for guidance.
Q: What is the latest on rotavirus vaccination and intussusception?
Q: Why did Merck discontinue the registry for collecting reports of pregnant women who inadvertently received its HPV vaccine (Gardasil) during pregnancy?
Q: Why does CDC include 2D barcodes on VISs now?
Q: It seems CDC is changing the format of VISs. Do we have to throw our old supply away and use the new ones?

Issue 1077: September 17, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1077
September 17, 2013
Top Stories
New! September 2013 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
Reminder: September 2013 issue of Needle Tips is online
IAC Spotlight! Six more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety—Mandatory Influenza Vaccination for Healthcare Workers
CDC publishes report on 2012 national, state, and local vaccination coverage among children age 19–35 months; related NIS data is released
Dr. Anne Schuchat briefs the media on immunization among U.S. infants and on recent measles outbreaks
CDC publishes report on measles in the United States from January 1 to August 24, 2013
2013 measles outbreak in religious community in Brooklyn, NY, is largest since 1996
Measles outbreak in North Carolina religious community sickens 23
CDC announces 20th anniversary of the Vaccines for Children Program, makes related resources available
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web sections on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, HPV, influenza, and pneumococcal diseases and vaccines
IAC Handouts
IAC adds new FluLaval information to "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2013–2014 Influenza Season"
IAC and CDC change the color of the recently revised freezer temperature logs
Official Releases and Announcements
Pentacel, Daptacel, and Adacel shortages to last through mid-October; ActHIB supply is tight
Member states of WHO's South-East Asia Region commit to eliminating measles and controlling rubella and congenital rubella syndrome by 2020
Featured Resources
Unbelievable limited-time offer—50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50)
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination practices of physicians and caregivers of children with neurologic and neurodevelopmental conditions

Issue 1076: September 12, 2013

IAC Express Special Edition - Shop IAC: Issue 1076
September 12, 2013
Top Stories:
Unbelievable limited-time offer–50% off 2013 laminated immunization schedules (use coupon code IAC50
Funds left in your 9/30 year-end budget? Consider ordering IAC's valuable immunization tools
You will make a difference! Please donate to support IAC

Issue 1075: September 10, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1075
September 10, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: September 2013 issue of Needle Tips is online
IAC's resources can help you learn more about the importance of giving the hepatitis B birth dose to newborns
IAC Spotlight! Please refer parents and patients to www.vaccineinformation.org, IAC's website for the public
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Guides for determining the number of doses of influenza vaccine to give children age 6 months through 8 years during the 2013–2014 influenza season" and "How to administer intramuscular, intradermal and intranasal influenza vaccines"
IAC updates "Hepatitis B and Healthcare Personnel"
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center's free mobile app for iPhones educates parents about vaccines
Vaccine Education Center updates its fact sheet on influenza
CDC publishes information on 2013–14 influenza vaccine production
Journal Articles and Newsletters
August issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC's surveillance of waterborne disease outbreaks includes information on viral hepatitis
Education and Training
Reminder: Vaccine Education Center plans September 11 webinar on rotavirus and intussusception
Conferences and Meetings
Reminder: Registration deadline for October 23–24 ACIP meeting is September 30 for non-citizens and October 7 for citizens
Meeting on vaccination and pathogen evolution is planned for November 25–27 in Annecy, France

Issue 1074: September 4, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1074
September 4, 2013
Top Stories
New! September 2013 issue of Needle Tips now online
Dr. Anne Schuchat’s "Dear Colleague" letter urges healthcare professionals to discuss benefits of annual influenza vaccination with patients
IAC Spotlight! Reminder to use IAC’s 27 new educational materials for patients and staff; 20 are available in Spanish translation
CDC publishes report on 2012 national and state vaccination coverage among adolescents age 13–17
Wild poliovirus detected in sewers in Israel; CDC posts clinical update on polio vaccine guidance for travelers
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web sections on hepatitis B, rabies, and rotavirus
IAC Handouts
IAC updates four popular influenza staff resources: its two checklists for influenza vaccination contraindications and its two influenza standing orders templates
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC updates Q&As for the public on three vaccine-preventable diseases: hepatitis B, rabies, and rotavirus
Dr. Ari Brown's "Clear Answers & Smart Advice About Your Baby's Shots" newly updated
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts four additional influenza VIS translations
Official Releases and Announcements
American Academy of Pediatrics releases 2013–14 influenza policy statement
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Education and Training
October 28–30 Nevada Health Conference includes CDC's Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course

Issue 1073: August 27, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1073
August 27, 2013
Top Stories
Read Dr. Deborah Wexler's HHS blog post on the importance of giving the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine
Apply for inclusion into IAC's new Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll
New from IAC and ACOG! "Vaccinations for Pregnant Women" patient handout
IAC Spotlight! Subscribing to IAC's free publications is quick work using shortened online form
FDA extends FluLaval IIV (GlaxoSmithKline) age range to include children and teens age 3–17 years; licenses quadrivalent FluLaval product
IAC Handouts
IAC and CDC revise vaccine storage temperature logs and add troubleshooting record with electronic functionality
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated rotavirus VIS
IAC posts 27 additional influenza VIS translations
IAC posts eight additional translations of the chickenpox (varicella) VIS and one more translation of the shingles VIS
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on Japanese encephalitis in Asia and the Western Pacific
CDC publishes article on polio vaccination in northern Nigeria
Education and Training
Reminder: New Jersey Immunization Network to offer August 28 webinar on the importance of the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose

Issue 1072: August 20, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1072
August 20, 2013
Top Stories
New! Spanish-language translations of the 2013–14 influenza vaccine VISs now available
IAC Spotlight! "Technically Speaking" column from IAC's executive director covers practical topics in delivering vaccination services
CDC publishes report on human rabies case in South Carolina
WHO reports on new case of avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection in China
IAC Handouts
New! All of IAC's easy-to-read handouts on child, teen, and adult vaccination are now available in Spanish
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts new VIS translations in simplified Chinese, Burmese, Armenian, and Korean
Featured Resources
Word of Mom campaign promotes vaccination
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on testing for chronic hepatitis C infection
Education and Training
New Jersey Immunization Network to offer August 28 webinar on perinatal hepatitis B prevention
Vaccine Education Center plans September 11 webinar on rotavirus and intussusception

Issue 1071: August 13, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1071
August 13, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: IAC's Give birth to the end of Hep B initiative helps birthing hospitals adopt and strengthen hepatitis B birth dose policies
CDC publishes an online summary of the 2013–14 influenza recommendations
CDC makes minor change to the inactivated influenza VIS
New: 2014 edition of the Yellow Book—CDC's travel-health guide—now available
IAC Spotlight! IAC offers 20 new easy-to-read handouts on child, teen, and adult vaccination that encourage everyone to get vaccinated
IAC Handouts
Updated "Vaccinations for Adults... You're never too old to get immunized!" now available in seven translations
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts the hepatitis B and polio VISs in simplified Chinese and shingles VIS in Farsi and Burmese
Featured Resources
CDC updates easy-to-read immunization schedule for adult patients
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Education and Training
VICNetwork schedules August 27 webinar on CDC's influenza communication plans
Conferences and Meetings
Archived video broadcast of the June 2013 ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1070: August 6, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1070
August 6, 2013
Top Stories
IAC's Give birth to the end of Hep B initiative helps birthing hospitals adopt and strengthen hepatitis B birth dose policies
It's National Immunization Awareness Month! Here are materials you can use to develop your own promotions
New York State Department of Health adopts new influenza prevention regulations for all personnel in healthcare facilities, residential facilities, and agencies
FDA expands age indication for Menveo (Norvartis) to include infants and toddlers age 2 through 23 months
IAC Spotlight! Five more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
CDC publishes report on vaccination coverage among kindergartners during 2012–13 school year
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC updates Q&As for the public on varicella disease and vaccines
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web section on varicella
Featured Resources
CDC redesigns its Vaccine Information Statements web section
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
July issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Archive of July 25 Current Issues in Immunization NetConference available online
Conferences and Meetings
North Carolina Cervical Cancer Coalition Summit planned for September 13 in Raleigh

Issue 1069: July 30, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1069
July 30, 2013
Top Stories
New: CDC issues VISs for the 2013–14 influenza vaccines—stay tuned for translations
Report summarizes HPV vaccination coverage of teen girls and HPV vaccine postlicensure safety monitoring
CDC announces third annual World Hepatitis Day was observed July 28; presidential proclamation issued
IAC Spotlight! Like IAC on Facebook and follow IAC on Twitter!
IAC Handouts
IAC updates Q&As on three diseases and vaccines: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis
Vaccine Information Statements
VISs for Tdap and HPV (Gardasil) vaccines now available in simplified Chinese
Featured Resources
If you vaccinate children and teens, be sure to download AAP's revised immunization training guide and procedure manual
Adolescent immunization resources from AAP, CDC, and others are available on AAP's website
CDC's newly posted vaccine price lists include prices for 2013–14 pediatric and adult influenza vaccines
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on hepatitis B birth dose practices in Laos during December 2011–February 2012
CDC publishes report on a hepatitis E outbreak among refugees in South Sudan in 2012–13

Issue 1068: July 23, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1068
July 23, 2013
Top Stories
CDC issues updated recommendations for use of VariZIG immune globulin for varicella postexposure prophylaxis
Adult vaccination providers—please list your clinics with the HealthMap Vaccine Finder; newsletter publishers and Twitter account holders—please promote the Vaccine Finder
ACIP redesigns its vaccine recommendations web page and discontinues issuing provisional recommendations
IAC Spotlight! Compelling videos featured each week on the vaccineinformation.org home page
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web section on pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria diseases and vaccines
Vaccine Information Statements
VISs for Tdap and HPV (Gardasil) vaccines now available in Spanish RTF
IAC posts VIS for PCV vaccine in Haitian Creole and Portuguese, and multi-vaccine VIS in Thai
Featured Resources
Vaccines for Maxine teaches children about immunization
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Surveillance summary indicates vaccine-preventable diseases were spread through travel during 1997–2011
Education and Training
2013 Ohio Statewide Immunization Conference to be held in Cleveland on October 18
Conferences and Meetings
Archived video slide sets from the June ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1066: July 16, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1066
July 16, 2013
Top Stories
CDC's July 25 NetConference to cover influenza vaccine recommendations
CDC posts information on two novel influenza viruses: H3N2v and H7N9
IAC Spotlight! H3N2v influenza web section updated
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2013–2014 Influenza Season"
Spanish versions of IAC's new easy-to-read handouts for adults and teen vaccination now available
Now in Spanish: IAC's "Cocooning Protects Babies" and handouts on vaccinating adults who have diabetes, HIV, or hepatitis C
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts eight new translations of the VIS for Gardasil HPV vaccine
Official Releases and Announcements
ACIP updates U.S. vaccine abbreviations
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC corrects error in report on Japan's nationwide rubella outbreak
Conferences and Meetings
Registration deadline for October 23–24 ACIP meeting is September 30 for non-citizens and October 7 for citizens

Issue 1065: July 9, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1065
July 9, 2013
Top Stories
Final reminder: Don’t miss July 16 webinar on IAC’s major initiative to end hepatitis B infection in newborns
CDC Health Advisory issued about variant influenza (H3N2v) infections
IAC Spotlight! Consider using IAC’s newest educational materials for patients and staff
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 14 translations of the VIS for Tdap vaccine
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC publishes "Summary of Notifiable Diseases, United States, 2011"
Featured Resources
ASTHO document outlines benefits of public health and primary care partnerships in immunization
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Education and Training
October 28–30 Nevada Health Conference includes CDC's Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course
Clinical Vaccinology course to be held November 15–17 in Cambridge, MA

Issue 1064: July 2, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1064
July 2, 2013
Top Stories
Don’t miss July 16 webinar on IAC’s major initiative to end hepatitis B infection in newborns
CDC issues recommendations for PCV and PPSV vaccination of children with immunocompromising conditions
CDC study shows influenza vaccination prevents significant illness, physician visits, and hospitalizations
A toolkit and related July 9 webinar will help you promote August 2013 National Immunization Awareness Month
IAC Spotlight! Featured Resources web section
IAC Handouts
New! IAC develops 12 easy-to-read handouts that encourage parents to get their children vaccinated
Official Releases and Announcements
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issues recommendation on screening adults for hepatitis C virus infection
Featured Resources
ACOG’s comprehensive toolkit gives obstetrician-gynecologists resources that encourage patient immunization
Sabin Vaccine Institute launches International Association of Immunization Managers
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
June issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
HHS publishes guidelines for preventing HIV, HBV, and HCV transmission through human tissue and organ transplantation
CDC issues biosafety recommendations for work involving highly pathogenic avian influenza
Education and Training
Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course planned for October 10–11 in Chicago

Issue 1063: June 25, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1063
June 25, 2013
Top Stories
CDC study indicates HPV vaccination significantly lowers HPV infection rates in teen girls
Rotavirus and pertussis vaccines discussed at June ACIP meeting
ACIP votes to recommend FluBlok influenza vaccine for people age 18 through 49 with egg allergy
CDC offers continually updated information on current multistate hepatitis A outbreak, as well as resources for healthcare professionals
Report indicates strong public support for pertussis vaccination of people in contact with newborns
IAC Spotlight! Like us on Facebook
Just published: Dr. Paul A. Offit’s new book, Do You Believe in Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine
IAC Handouts
IAC updates seven standing orders templates for vaccine administration
Official Releases and Announcements
GAVI Alliance's 2012 progress report now available online
Featured Resources
Now is the time to order IAC's top-quality immunization products! Get a 10 percent discount on all IAC products ordered by June 30!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative's Stop Transmission of Polio Program (STOP)
CDC corrects error in report on polio outbreaks in Somalia and Kenya
Education and Training
Online Medscape course focuses on immunizing the older adult
Conferences and Meetings
Immunize Georgia Conference scheduled for September 12 at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA

Issue 1061: June 18, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1061
June 18, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: May issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
CDC publishes recommendations for preventing measles, rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, and mumps
CDC publishes report summarizing U.S. influenza activity during the 2012–13 influenza season
FDA approves Fluzone (sanofi pasteur) as the third quadrivalent influenza vaccine licensed for U.S. use
IAC Spotlight! Timeline of historic events related to vaccines and immunization
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its standing orders templates for administering meningococcal vaccine
IAC revises its staff-education document “Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations”
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on Japan's 2013 nationwide rubella outbreak
CDC publishes report on polio outbreaks in Somalia and Kenya in May 2013

Issue 1060: June 12, 2013

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 1060
June 12, 2013
Questions and Answers:
Q: Please review the most recent ACIP changes in recommendations for use of PCV13 in children.
Q: If a patient has already had PPSV23 for his high-risk condition and also needs PCV13 for the same condition, how long should we wait before administering PCV13?
Q: I work in a family medicine clinic that sees patients (children and adults) who are asplenic. Can we give them Hib vaccine since they are at high risk for Haemophilus influenzae type b disease?
Q: I have a patient who is eligible for zoster vaccination who is going to be receiving chemotherapy soon. What are the guidelines in such a situation?
Q: A 33-year-old patient in my practice has already suffered from three episodes of shingles. He would like to receive the zoster vaccine. Is this a good idea?
Q: Some women have closely spaced pregnancies. Should we give Tdap during each pregnancy, even if it means such women would get 2 doses within 12 months?
Q: At what gestational age of pregnancy should we vaccinate pregnant women with Tdap?
Q: We would like to avoid stocking both Tdap and Td vaccines. Is CDC likely to recommend that Tdap completely replace Td in the immunization schedule in the near future?
Q: The recently updated ACIP recommendations, Prevention and Control of Meningococcal Disease, advise using MCV4 in certain adults older than age 55. Please give me more details.

Issue 1059: June 11, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1059
June 11, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: May issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
CDC's Health Alert Network: Health Update on human infections with avian influenza A(H7N9) viruses includes new testing and reporting recommendations
New! IAC's Adult Vaccination Resources Library gives providers and the public convenient access to adult vaccination materials
AAP's new Storage and Handling Tip Sheets can help practitioners keep their vaccine supply safe
CDC announces rabies vaccine is available without restriction
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC releases toolkit to assist with patient notification after an infection-control lapse
CDC announces that its VIS 2D Barcode Lookup Table is available in XML, as well as in PDF and Excel formats
Featured Resources
Dr. Ari Brown's new immunization videos available on the website of Parents magazine
New ACOG app features interactive immunization tool
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on progress toward eliminating measles in the Western Pacific Region
Conferences and Meetings
Minutes of the February ACIP meeting now online

Issue 1058: June 4, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1058
June 4, 2013
Top Stories
Reminder: May issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
CDC publishes report on preventing unsafe injection practices in the U.S. healthcare system
ACOG publishes updated committee opinion regarding vaccinating pregnant women with Tdap vaccine
IAC Spotlight! Ten vaccine-related slide set presentations available from IAC, CDC, and other trusted sources
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
May issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC's surveillance of U.S. health behavior includes information on influenza and pneumococcal vaccination
Conferences and Meetings
Presentations from 2013 National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit now online; winners of Immunization Excellence Awards announced

Issue 1057: May 28, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1057
May 28, 2013
Top Stories
New! May 2013 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
Reminder: May 2013 issue of Needle Tips online
IAC Spotlight! Seven more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
IAC Handouts
IAC revises its two most popular staff education materials, "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on value of pharmacy-based influenza surveillance
CDC publishes report on building laboratory capacity to support the Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network

Issue 1056: May 21, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1056
May 21, 2013
Top Stories
New! May 2013 issue of Needle Tips now online
Shortage of Pentacel, Daptacel, and Pediarix vaccines to continue through summer 2013
IAC Spotlight! Reminder to consider using IAC's newest educational materials for patients and staff
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated HPV (Gardasil) VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO press release: Yellow fever vaccination booster not needed
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center offers new booklet for parents about vaccine safety
CDC offers free Spanish-language posters that promote childhood immunization
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Pediatrics publishes results of CDC study on rotavirus vaccine safety
CDC publishes report on hepatitis B virus transmission in assisted-living facilities
CDC announces Hepatitis Awareness Month and Hepatitis Testing Day in MMWR
CDC publishes study on human exposure to bats in Kentucky camp facilities

Issue 1055: May 14, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1055
May 14, 2013
Top Stories
CDC publishes interim recommendations on influenza vaccination
AAP reaffirms policy regarding parents who refuse immunization for their children
Opinion piece by Dr. Paul Offit about religious exemptions to medical care published in the Philadelphia Inquirer
IAC Spotlight! Personal testimonies on vaccine-preventable diseases; polio survivor recalls loss of twin to the disease in recently added testimony
IAC Handouts
New! IAC develops eight easy-to-read handouts that encourage adults and teens to get vaccinated
IAC updates its educational pieces "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated Tdap VIS; additional document available for providers
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC publishes updated guidance on HCV testing
Featured Resources
It's Hepatitis Awareness Month; organizations offer resources to promote hepatitis awareness and education
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on HCV infection testing and reporting in the U.S.
CDC reprints MMWR Early Release article about avian influenza A(H7N9) in May 10 MMWR
Education and Training
Archive of March 21 Current Issues in Immunization NetConference available online

Issue 1054: May 7, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1054
May 7, 2013
Top Stories
CDC publishes an MMWR Early Release update on avian influenza A(H7N9) infection in humans in China
IAC Spotlight! News and Information web section
IAC Handouts
IAC updates four patient handouts with new Tdap recommendation
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC announces that May is Hepatitis Awareness Month; May 19 is a national Hepatitis Testing Day
Featured Resources
Newly available! IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules. Order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
AAP Global website features information and resources related to AAP's international immunization work
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes article about progress toward global polio eradication
April issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Voices for Vaccines to host May 15 conference call on educating new and expectant parents; related resources available online
Conferences and Meetings
ACIP meeting scheduled for Atlanta on June 19-20; registration deadline is June 3

Issue 1053: April 30, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1053
April 30, 2013
Top Stories
WHO reports on four additional cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9)
Keep the momentum from National Infant Immunization Week going strong!
IAC Spotlight! Six more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
CDC publishes report on pneumococcal conjugate vaccine use worldwide
IAC Handouts
IAC makes correction to Tdap/Td standing orders
IAC updates three resources for healthcare professionals and their patients
Official Releases and Announcements
Share a post and unlock $5 for global vaccination
FDA contributes to global fight against polio
Featured Resources
Newly available! IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules. Order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases releases new and updated resources for adult pneumococcal vaccination
Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition website offers new design and resources
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Conferences and Meetings
Save the date! Minnesota Department of Health immunization conference to be held October 10-11

Issue 1052: April 23, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1052
April 23, 2013
Top Stories
It's National Infant Immunization Week!
CDC announces 2013 recipients of the Childhood Immunization Champion Award
IAC Spotlight! Parent handouts about infant immunization
CDC updates its Understanding Vaccines and Vaccine Safety series for parents
CDC provides updated information regarding human infection with novel avian influenza A (H7N9) virus in China
Official Releases and Announcements
Measles & Rubella Initiative releases annual report
National Comprehensive Cancer Network publishes immunization recommendations for cancer survivors
Featured Resources
Newly available! IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules. Order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
New book Vaccines for Maxine teaches children about immunization
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients

Issue 1051: April 16, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1051
April 16, 2013
Top Stories
Newly available! IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules. Order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Immunization Schedules web section offers quick access to child, teen, and adult schedules for 2013
CDC publishes report on 2009 varicella death of an unvaccinated, previously healthy Ohio adolescent
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"; eight translations are available
IAC updates four staff-education materials on pneumococcal vaccination
IAC's screening checklists for influenza vaccination contraindications are now available in Spanish
IAC updates two hepatitis B handouts, one for parents of adopted children, another for young adults with chronic hepatitis B infection
Featured Resources
Download a colorful adolescent immunization brochure from King County, WA
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on human contact with oral rabies vaccine baits in Ohio in 2012
CDC publishes report on evaluating surveillance of global polio eradication in 2011–12
Conferences and Meetings
New York Academy of Sciences' May 17 symposium on HIV/AIDS will include an update on vaccine trials

Issue 1050: April 9, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1050
April 9, 2013
Top Stories
CDC provides information regarding human infection with novel avian influenza A(H7N9) virus in China
IAC Spotlight! Reminder to consider using IAC’s newest educational materials for patients and staff
CDC publishes two corrections to the U.S. immunization schedule for children and teens age 0 through 18 years
Coming later in April: National Infant Immunization Week and World Immunization Week
April is STD Awareness Month
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "It's Federal Law!" and "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC updates "Immunizations for Babies"; Spanish, French, and Turkish translations are available
Vaccine Information Statements
VIS for PCV13 now available in Armenian, Cambodian, Farsi, Hmong, Korean, and Tagalog
Featured Resources
HPV articles educate minority women and parents of preteens about cervical cancer and importance of HPV vaccination
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
March issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course planned for June 12–13 in Omaha
Conferences and Meetings
Archived video broadcast and slide sets from the February 2013 ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1049: April 3, 2013

IAC Express Special Edition - Shop IAC: Issue 1049
April 3, 2013
Top Stories:
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Now's a great time to place an order for the Immunization Techniques DVD and IAC's personal patient record cards! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!

Issue 1048: April 2, 2013

IAC Express: Issue 1048
April 2, 2013
Top Stories
CDC study indicates vaccines recommended for young children during the first two years of life do not increase the risk of autism
CDC publishes report on measles outbreaks after importation
CDC publishes report on three cases of congenital rubella syndrome in the U.S.
CDC publishes report on outbreak of severe respiratory disease in an assisted living facility
ACOG publishes committee opinion regarding integrating immunizations into practice
IAC Spotlight! Where you'll find books and periodicals for reference and reading
Vaccine Information Statements
VISs for MMR, varicella, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines now available in Hindi
Featured Resources
AAP and ACOG publish 7th edition of Guidelines to Perinatal Care
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Education and Training
Hepatitis B Foundation to offer webinar on liver cancer and hepatitis C on April 3
Conferences and Meetings
Iowa Immunization Conference scheduled for June 12-13 in Des Moines

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