Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 53,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
IAC Spotlight! Fifteen more healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll
Bulk quantities of laminated pocket guides for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are available—free—from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit and IAC
CDC publishes surveillance summary on influenza vaccination coverage from 2007 through 2012 in the U.S.
CDC publishes report on influenza activity in the U.S. from May 19 through September 28
Eleventh National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions scheduled for May 21–23 in Seattle; abstract deadline is December 6
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "First do no harm: Mandatory influenza vaccination policies for healthcare personnel help protect patients"
IAC revises "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Spanish translation of the large-print VIS for inactivated influenza vaccine
Featured Resources
CDC and Safe Injection Practices Coalition offer new infographic to help clinicians properly use single- and multiple-dose vaccine vials
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Help-4-Hep offers support and information for people with questions about hepatitis C
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare personnel during 2012-13 influenza season
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage of pregnant women during 2012-13 influenza season
IAC Spotlight! Vaccineinformation.org Video Library offers an extensive and searchable collection of more than 125 videos about vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of immunization
History of Vaccines website educates the public about immunization’s past and present contributions to public health
HHS to sponsor webinar on preventing perinatal hepatitis B infection on October 10
IAC Handouts
IAC's updated screening checklists for influenza vaccination contraindications now available in Spanish
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC's supplemental provider information for the 2013-14 influenza VISs summarizes many important issues
Spanish translations of 19 routinely recommended vaccine VISs are now available in rich text format (RTF)
Featured Resources
CDC updates its interactive quiz for adolescent and adult immunization
Influenza is serious; be sure to vaccinate everyone age 6 months and older!
Information about NFID's September 26 influenza/pneumococcal press conference is now online
Q: What influenza vaccine products will be available during the 2013–14 influenza season?
Q: What are the differences in trivalent and quadrivalent influenza vaccines?
Q: If quadrivalent vaccine includes one additional strain, why isn't it preferred for use over trivalent vaccines in ACIP's 2013–14 influenza recommendations?
Q: I heard there was a new influenza vaccine that can be given to people with severe egg allergies. Is that true?
Q: How many doses of vaccine are recommended for children younger than 9 years who are receiving influenza vaccine for the first time?
Q: Can a child who needs 2 doses of influenza receive 1 dose of quadrivalent vaccine and 1 dose of trivalent vaccine?
Q: Does ACIP recommend one influenza product over another for pregnant women?
Q: Why is a higher dose influenza vaccine (Fluzone High-Dose) available for adults 65 and older?
Q: If a patient is undergoing treatment for cancer, is it safe to vaccinate her or him against influenza?
Q: If a woman received Tdap in early pregnancy, should she get it again in the third trimester?
Q: Each time there is a pregnancy in the family, should fathers and other family members receive a Tdap booster to ensure adequate protection and boost the cocoon effect to protect the newborn from pertussis?
Q: A pertussis outbreak is occurring in our town, with many cases happening in the schools. Is there a recommendation for boosting middle and high-school students with an additional dose of Tdap during an outbreak if students have already had 1 dose?
Q: Currently, ACIP recommends pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) for smokers age 19–64 years. Should we also vaccinate 16-year-olds who smoke?
Q: Rather than giving pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) first and waiting 8 weeks to give PPSV as recommended for an immunocompromised child (2 years+) or adult patient, we inadvertently gave both vaccines at the same visit. We are looking for guidance.
Q: What is the latest on rotavirus vaccination and intussusception?
Q: Why did Merck discontinue the registry for collecting reports of pregnant women who inadvertently received its HPV vaccine (Gardasil) during pregnancy?
Q: Why does CDC include 2D barcodes on VISs now?
Q: It seems CDC is changing the format of VISs. Do we have to throw our old supply away and use the new ones?
Reminder: September 2013 issue of Needle Tips is online
IAC's resources can help you learn more about the importance of giving the hepatitis B birth dose to newborns
IAC Spotlight! Please refer parents and patients to www.vaccineinformation.org, IAC's website for the public
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Guides for determining the number of doses of influenza vaccine to give children age 6 months through 8 years during the 2013–2014 influenza season" and "How to administer intramuscular, intradermal and intranasal influenza vaccines"
IAC updates "Hepatitis B and Healthcare Personnel"
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center's free mobile app for iPhones educates parents about vaccines
Vaccine Education Center updates its fact sheet on influenza
CDC publishes information on 2013–14 influenza vaccine production
Journal Articles and Newsletters
August issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC's surveillance of waterborne disease outbreaks includes information on viral hepatitis
Education and Training
Reminder: Vaccine Education Center plans September 11 webinar on rotavirus and intussusception
Conferences and Meetings
Reminder: Registration deadline for October 23–24 ACIP meeting is September 30 for non-citizens and October 7 for citizens
Meeting on vaccination and pathogen evolution is planned for November 25–27 in Annecy, France
New! September 2013 issue of Needle Tips now online
Dr. Anne Schuchat’s "Dear Colleague" letter urges healthcare professionals to discuss benefits of annual influenza vaccination with patients
IAC Spotlight! Reminder to use IAC’s 27 new educational materials for patients and staff; 20 are available in Spanish translation
CDC publishes report on 2012 national and state vaccination coverage among adolescents age 13–17
Wild poliovirus detected in sewers in Israel; CDC posts clinical update on polio vaccine guidance for travelers
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web sections on hepatitis B, rabies, and rotavirus
IAC Handouts
IAC updates four popular influenza staff resources: its two checklists for influenza vaccination contraindications and its two influenza standing orders templates
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC updates Q&As for the public on three vaccine-preventable diseases: hepatitis B, rabies, and rotavirus
Dr. Ari Brown's "Clear Answers & Smart Advice About Your Baby's Shots" newly updated
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts four additional influenza VIS translations
Official Releases and Announcements
American Academy of Pediatrics releases 2013–14 influenza policy statement
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Education and Training
October 28–30 Nevada Health Conference includes CDC's Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course
IAC's Give birth to the end of Hep B initiative helps birthing hospitals adopt and strengthen hepatitis B birth dose policies
It's National Immunization Awareness Month! Here are materials you can use to develop your own promotions
New York State Department of Health adopts new influenza prevention regulations for all personnel in healthcare facilities, residential facilities, and agencies
FDA expands age indication for Menveo (Norvartis) to include infants and toddlers age 2 through 23 months
IAC Spotlight! Five more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
CDC publishes report on vaccination coverage among kindergartners during 2012–13 school year
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC updates Q&As for the public on varicella disease and vaccines
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web section on varicella
Featured Resources
CDC redesigns its Vaccine Information Statements web section
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
July issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Archive of July 25 Current Issues in Immunization NetConference available online
Conferences and Meetings
North Carolina Cervical Cancer Coalition Summit planned for September 13 in Raleigh
CDC issues updated recommendations for use of VariZIG immune globulin for varicella postexposure prophylaxis
Adult vaccination providers—please list your clinics with the HealthMap Vaccine Finder; newsletter publishers and Twitter account holders—please promote the Vaccine Finder
ACIP redesigns its vaccine recommendations web page and discontinues issuing provisional recommendations
IAC Spotlight! Compelling videos featured each week on the vaccineinformation.org home page
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web section on pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria diseases and vaccines
Vaccine Information Statements
VISs for Tdap and HPV (Gardasil) vaccines now available in Spanish RTF
IAC posts VIS for PCV vaccine in Haitian Creole and Portuguese, and multi-vaccine VIS in Thai
Featured Resources
Vaccines for Maxine teaches children about immunization
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Surveillance summary indicates vaccine-preventable diseases were spread through travel during 1997–2011
Education and Training
2013 Ohio Statewide Immunization Conference to be held in Cleveland on October 18
Conferences and Meetings
Archived video slide sets from the June ACIP meeting now available
Q: Please review the most recent ACIP changes in recommendations for use of PCV13 in children.
Q: If a patient has already had PPSV23 for his high-risk condition and also needs PCV13 for the same condition, how long should we wait before administering PCV13?
Q: I work in a family medicine clinic that sees patients (children and adults) who are asplenic. Can we give them Hib vaccine since they are at high risk for Haemophilus influenzae type b disease?
Q: I have a patient who is eligible for zoster vaccination who is going to be receiving chemotherapy soon. What are the guidelines in such a situation?
Q: A 33-year-old patient in my practice has already suffered from three episodes of shingles. He would like to receive the zoster vaccine. Is this a good idea?
Q: Some women have closely spaced pregnancies. Should we give Tdap during each pregnancy, even if it means such women would get 2 doses within 12 months?
Q: At what gestational age of pregnancy should we vaccinate pregnant women with Tdap?
Q: We would like to avoid stocking both Tdap and Td vaccines. Is CDC likely to recommend that Tdap completely replace Td in the immunization schedule in the near future?
Q: The recently updated ACIP recommendations, Prevention and Control of Meningococcal Disease, advise using MCV4 in certain adults older than age 55. Please give me more details.
New! May 2013 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
Reminder: May 2013 issue of Needle Tips online
IAC Spotlight! Seven more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
IAC Handouts
IAC revises its two most popular staff education materials, "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
IAC updates its staff education materials "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
Featured Resources
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on value of pharmacy-based influenza surveillance
CDC publishes report on building laboratory capacity to support the Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network
CDC publishes interim recommendations on influenza vaccination
AAP reaffirms policy regarding parents who refuse immunization for their children
Opinion piece by Dr. Paul Offit about religious exemptions to medical care published in the Philadelphia Inquirer
IAC Spotlight! Personal testimonies on vaccine-preventable diseases; polio survivor recalls loss of twin to the disease in recently added testimony
IAC Handouts
New! IAC develops eight easy-to-read handouts that encourage adults and teens to get vaccinated
IAC updates its educational pieces "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated Tdap VIS; additional document available for providers
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC publishes updated guidance on HCV testing
Featured Resources
It's Hepatitis Awareness Month; organizations offer resources to promote hepatitis awareness and education
Order IAC's popular full-size laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. immunization schedules today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on HCV infection testing and reporting in the U.S.
CDC reprints MMWR Early Release article about avian influenza A(H7N9) in May 10 MMWR
Education and Training
Archive of March 21 Current Issues in Immunization NetConference available online
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2013 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Now's a great time to place an order for the Immunization Techniques DVD and IAC's personal patient record cards! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
Reminder: February issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
Dr. William L. Atkinson receives the United States Public Health Service Distinguished Service Medal
NVAC Report highlights the critical role the federal Section 317 Immunization Program plays in sustaining the nation's vaccine infrastructure
New York State law requires hospitals to offer and provide Tdap vaccination to parents and caregivers of newborns
Vaccineinformation.org, IAC's newly launched website for the public, offers the basics on vaccines and vaccination
CDC publishes a summary of the February 2013 ACIP meeting
IAC clarifies an "Ask the Experts" answer that appeared in the March 6 issue of IAC Express
April 24 is World Meningitis Day
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its educational piece titled "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements"
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated VIS for PCV13 vaccine; additional document available for providers
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC reports that U.S. rabies vaccine supply remains restricted
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
New CDC infographic shows parents and parents-to-be the three ways to protect infants against pertussis
CDC posts updated vaccine price lists for pediatric/VFC vaccines and adult vaccines
Journal Articles and Newsletters
February issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
CDC's March 21 NetConference to cover adult immunization, Tdap vaccine recommendations for pregnant women, and the 2013 child/adolescent immunization schedule
MMWR announces the Epidemiology in Action course will be held in Atlanta on June 3–14
Conferences and Meetings
2013 California Immunization Coalition Summit scheduled for April 14–15 in Los Angeles
Q: I understand that ACIP recently changed its definition of evidence of immunity to measles, rubella, and mumps. Please explain.
Q: What are the new provisional ACIP recommendations for use of immune globulin (IG) for measles post-exposure prophylaxis?
Q: Please describe the new provisional ACIP recommendations for the use of MMR vaccine in people who are HIV-infected.
Q: Some single-dose pre-loaded vaccines come with an air pocket in the syringe chamber. Do we need to expel the air pocket before vaccinating?
Q: Is it recommended to use a new alcohol swab to cleanse the skin before administering a vaccine, or can we swab the skin with the same alcohol swab that we used to wipe off the stopper on the vial?
Q: I have a 45-year-old patient who is traveling to Haiti for a mission trip. She doesn’t recall ever getting an MMR booster (she didn’t go to college and never worked in health care). She was rubella immune when pregnant 20 years ago. Her measles titer is negative. Would you recommend an MMR booster?
Q: A nursing student received 2 valid, documented doses of varicella vaccine. For whatever reason, she subsequently had a titer drawn. The titer was negative. Do you recommend revaccination with 2 doses of varicella vaccine?
Q: If a patient is not able to receive rotavirus vaccine orally, can we give it through a G-tube?
Q: What vaccines can we safely give to an infant or older child who has a sibling undergoing treatment for leukemia?
Q: If the lymph nodes under a patient’s arm were surgically removed, should we avoid giving vaccines in that arm?
Q: An employee is currently taking prophylactic acyclovir daily to prevent herpes type 2 recurrent infection. Can she receive zoster vaccine?
Q: Is it safe for a pregnant healthcare worker to administer zoster (shingles) vaccine?
Q: We inadvertently reconstituted a vaccine with the wrong diluent and administered the vaccine. By the time we realized our error, the patient had already left the clinic. Do we need to revaccinate the patient? If so, when should we do it?
Q: An adult came to our office for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Tdap, and influenza vaccination. Afterward, it appeared that we did not record influenza vaccination on her chart. When questioned, the patient said she thought she got all four shots. Should we give her another dose of influenza vaccine or assume we gave it as intended?
Q: I keep hearing about changes to vaccine storage and handling recommendations. Why is CDC making these changes? And how can I make sure I am up to date with all the newest information?
Q: Is it still acceptable to use combination household units for storing vaccines?
Q: What temperature is considered a temperature excursion on refrigerated vaccine? Frozen vaccine?
Q: What are the new ACIP recommendations for vaccinating pregnant women with Tdap?
Q: If a woman did not receive Tdap during pregnancy, and it is uncertain whether she received a dose of Tdap prior to her pregnancy, should she receive a dose of Tdap postpartum?
Q: I have an adult patient with controlled epilepsy who wishes to receive the Tdap vaccine. May I vaccinate him?
Q: A 7-year-old who needed a tetanus shot for wound management came into our emergency department. My question is, if a child has received the complete 5-dose series of DTaP but has never had Tdap, should the child receive Tdap or Td for wound management?
Q: What are the new ACIP recommendations for use of MenHibrix, the new combination meningococcal Groups C and Y and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine?
Q: Is fainting after the first or second dose of HPV vaccine a contraindication to administering subsequent doses?
Q: How soon after taking prednisone for an asthma attack can a child receive a flu shot?
Q: We inadvertently administered an adult dose (0.5 mL) of influenza vaccine to an 8-month-old infant. Does this child need the second dose?
New! February 2013 issue of Needle Tips now online
IAC revises its two most popular staff educational materials, Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization and Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization
New! Vaccineinformation.org offers personal testimonies on vaccine-preventable diseases, organized by age group and disease
Clinicians: The Influenza Vaccine Availability Tracking System (IVATS) can help you find influenza vaccine
Featured Resources
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases relaunches its adolescent vaccination website
Influenza continues to spread and is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
Hepatitis B and C educational postcards available in Pacific Islander languages
Journal Articles
CDC publishes article about chronic hepatitis B and C virus infection reporting in Michigan
Education and Training
CDC adds modules on vaccine storage and handling and the VFC program to its "You Call the Shots" training course
IAC welcomes Dr. Litjen (L.J) Tan as chief strategy officer
New! Vaccineinformation.org Video Library offers a searchable collection of almost 100 videos about vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of immunization
At least nine polio vaccine health workers killed in Nigeria
Clinicians: The Influenza Vaccine Availability Tracking System (IVATS) can help you find influenza vaccine
Featured Resources
CDC launches new video, infographic, and PSAs
Influenza continues to spread and is serious; vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
California VFC program's flyer encourages late-season influenza vaccination
Nominations and Awards
CDC requests nominations for Childhood Immunization Champion Awards
National Influenza Vaccine Summit is accepting nominations for its 2013 Immunization Excellence Awards by March 15
Conferences and Meetings
Iowa Immunization Conference scheduled for June 12-13 in Des Moines
New York City recommends meningococcal vaccination for certain men who have sex with men
IAC Spotlight! Hundreds of images/photos related to vaccination and VPDs
IAC Handouts
New staff-education piece: "Pneumococcal Vaccination Recommendations for Children and Adults by Age and/or Risk Factor," along with an updated "Pneumococcal Vaccines—CDC answers your questions"
New parent handout: "Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Age 0–10 Years"
IAC takes a fresh approach in its handout for adolescents “Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Age 11–19 Years”
New patient handout: "Vaccinations for Adults with Diabetes"
Featured Resources
Influenza is spreading and serious, and vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please keep vaccinating your patients
CDC announces December 2–8 is National Influenza Vaccination Week
New and important: CDC releases its Vaccine Storage & Handling Toolkit and related resources
IAC Spotlight! Twelve more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
CDC to present a December 13 NetConference on what's new in preventing measles, mumps, and rubella
CDC releases digital press kit on the impact of unsafe injection practices
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statement (VISs)" and "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements"
Official Releases and Announcements
December 21 is the deadline to submit funding proposals for evidence-based HPV and adult immunization projects
Featured Resources
Looking for a good laugh? Canadian comedian Rick Mercer makes a fast-paced, accurate pitch for getting a flu shot
Influenza vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please vaccinate your patients
The Joint Commission issues "Improving Patient and Worker Safety" monograph
National Influenza Vaccination Week is December 2–8; CDC makes a multitude of resources available
Bulk quantities of pocket guides for influenza, pneumococcal, Tdap, and zoster vaccines are available—FREE!—from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit and IAC
Dr. Chesley Richards named director of NCIRD's Immunization Services Division
IAC Spotlight! Newly developed educational materials for patients and staff on immunize.org
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Recommendations for Pneumococcal Vaccine Use in Children and Teens"
IAC Web Sections
IAC updates online Ask the Experts Q&A web section on pneumococcal disease and vaccines
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC issues updated multi-vaccine VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
AAP announces that the Red Book Online now includes full text of the new Spanish 2012 Red Book
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for nearly everyone, so please vaccinate your patients
CDC launches new website on Haemophilus influenzae disease
CDC's influenza iPad app for healthcare professionals is available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
October issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Register soon for CDC's November 29 NetConference on vaccine storage and handling
Families Fighting Flu offers free November 29 webinar to teach moms and moms-to-be how to protect themselves and their children from influenza
Conferences and Meetings
CDC posts presentation slides from the October 24–25 ACIP meeting and publishes brief meeting update
November 30 is the deadline for coalitions to apply to host the 2014 National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
CDC announces the Annual Conference on Vaccine Research will be held in Baltimore on April 22–24, 2013
Q: Which formulations of influenza vaccines (i.e., nasal spray, intradermal, injectable high-dose, and injectable standard-dose) are recommended for various age groups?
Q: Can a clinic vaccinate children younger than age 3 years with a 0.25 mL dose of influenza vaccine taken from a multi-dose vial of Fluzone (TIV; sanofi)? The multi-dose vial contains thimerosal as a preservative.
Q: In recommending influenza vaccination for people age 65 and older, does CDC prefer that healthcare professionals administer high-dose influenza vaccine or standard-dose influenza vaccine?
Q: If a patient received a dose of influenza vaccine in June (e.g., for international travel), how long should the patient wait before getting vaccinated with the next season’s flu vaccine?
Q: Can adolescents and adults who have been exposed to pertussis be vaccinated if they haven’t had a one-time dose of Tdap yet?
Q: Should a person who received 2 doses of varicella vaccine be vaccinated with zoster vaccine when they turn 60?
Q: Can we accept receipt of a single documented dose of zoster vaccine as proof of varicella immunity in a healthcare employee who has no other evidence of immunity?
Q: I work in employee health. Several hospital employees have told me they have had chickenpox, but their titers show no antibodies. Should I offer varicella vaccination to them even though they insist they’ve had the illness?
Q: Does the recommendation to administer hepatitis B vaccine to diabetics younger than age 60 extend to women with gestational diabetes?
Q: I still am not clear about the need for testing if the hepatitis B vaccine series was completed many years ago—can you advise?
Q: Should women who have not received HPV vaccine get Pap tests more often than women who have received HPV vaccine?
Q: Is it acceptable practice to administer MMR, Tdap, and influenza vaccines to a postpartum mom at the same time as administering RhoGam?