IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1762)

Issue 982: March 6, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 982
March 6, 2012
Top Stories
Spotlight on immunize.org: translations of Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)
MMWR issues erratum for the 2012 U.S. immunization schedules for children and adolescents
FDA approves first quadrivalent influenza vaccine
IAC Handouts
Dr. Ari Brown's "Clear Answers & Smart Advice About Your Baby's Shots" newly updated
IAC's newly updated Guides to Contraindications and Precautions available
Q&A on meningococcal disease and vaccine now thoroughly revised
IAC's "Are You 11–19 Years Old?" now in Spanish
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts three newly updated VISs in seven languages
VIS translations that were out of date now available in French, Somali, and Vietnamese
Official Releases and Announcements
AAP revises its policy statement on recommendations for HPV vaccination to include routine use in males
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center publishes updated HPV, rotavirus, and shingles resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Education and Training
Vaccine Education Center plans webinar on current vaccine issues for March 14
A DVD of CDC's Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases self-study course is available for ordering
Conferences and Meetings
Hepatitis B Foundation to hold its "2012 B Informed" parent conference in Philadelphia on May 19

Issue 981: February 28, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 981
February 28, 2012
Top Stories
ACIP votes to extend the age recommendation for Tdap vaccine to adults age 65 years and older
Spotlight on immunize.org: Most popular web sections and downloads
CDC publishes report on 2009–10 influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women in 29 states and New York City
CDC publishes report on U.S. influenza activity during October 2, 2011– February 11, 2012
CDC schedules March 1 teleconference on new ideas and resources for National Infant Immunization Week
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC corrects an error on "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization"
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated VIS for Gardasil HPV vaccine
IAC posts new Indonesian and Turkish VIS translations
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO recommends influenza vaccine composition for the 2012–13 northern hemisphere influenza season
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Public Health Reports publishes NVAC's recommendations on adult immunization
Education and Training
American College of Physicians' webinar on quality improvement in immunization to be held on March 13
Clinical Vaccinology course to be held in Chicago on March 9–11
Conferences and Meetings
Be sure to take part in the 1st National Immunization Conference Online on March 26–28

Issue 980: February 22, 2012

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 980
February 22, 2012
Questions and Answers:
Q: Is it true that ACIP no longer specifies a time interval between administering doses of Td and Tdap to teens and adults?
Q: If a teen or adult patient received a dose of Td vaccine 2 years ago, should I wait approximately 8 more years before administering a dose of Tdap to the patient?
Q: If a teen or adult mistakenly received a dose of Td when they should have received Tdap, what is the optimal time to give the missing Tdap dose?
Q: Is there any reason not to administer Tdap vaccine to adults age 65 and older who want the vaccine but are not in contact with an infant? It seems like it would be a good idea to vaccinate them to protect them, their family, and their community from pertussis.
Q: We intend to start vaccinating family contacts of pregnant women with Tdap to protect the newborn. Can you tell me how long it takes for the Tdap vaccine to provide protection?
Q: Since we know that children with functional or anatomic asplenia are at high risk for contracting Neisseria meningitidis, why aren’t they included in the latest recommendations to vaccinate certain high-risk children against meningococcal disease beginning at age 9 months?
Q: Can we vaccinate a 2-year-old boy with functional or anatomic asplenia against meningococcal disease if he has not completed a series of PCV13?
Q: When people are in their 80s, is it still recommended for them to get the shingles vaccine? I've heard it doesn't work as well in the elderly.
Q: Occasionally we have asplenic adult patients who want to get the Hib vaccine. We know it’s given only to infants and young children, but what about using it in this situation?
Q: ACIP and CDC’s Vaccine Storage and Handling Guide say that refrigerated vaccines should be stored between 35°–46°F, but some vaccine package inserts list 36°–46°F as the proper range. Should I use 35°F or 36°F as the low boundary of the range?
Q: What should I do if my thermometer indicates my refrigerated vaccine has been stored between 32°–34°F? Since the vaccine wasn’t “frozen,” will it be OK to use? And what about people who received the vaccine before we discovered the temperature excursion—will we need to revaccinate them?
Q: Does the federal law that requires providing patients with VISs apply when administering influenza vaccine to employees and volunteers in hospitals or other workplaces?
Q: If you place a needle on a pre-filled syringe and then don't administer the vaccine, how long can you store the pre-filled syringe with the needle attached?
Q: I have a child patient traveling to a country for which Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine is recommended. What can I do to protect her now that JE-Vax is no longer available?

Issue 979: February 21, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 979
February 21, 2012
Top Stories
Reminder: February issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
Spotlight on immunize.org: Reminder to use IAC’s newly developed and revised educational materials on vaccine refusal
IAC Handouts
IAC updates five standing orders for vaccine administration
IAC updates two popular handouts: "Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations" and "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization"
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
MMWR corrects errors in "Progress on Global Measles Control, 2000–2010," published on February 3
Education and Training
CDC's Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases self-study course available in web-on-demand format
Conferences and Meetings
March 2 is nomination deadline for the National Influenza Vaccine Summit's 2012 Immunization Excellence Awards
Access the live webcast of the February 22–23 ACIP meeting by following the posted instructions
Register by February 24 to receive the early-bird registration rate for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions

Issue 978: February 15, 2012

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 978
February 15, 2012
Questions and Answers:
Q: Please describe the new recommendations for the use of HPV4 vaccine in males and explain how these new recommendations differ from the previous ones.
Q: Is it recommended that patients age 26 years start the HPV vaccination series even though they will be older than 26 when they complete it?
Q: Will patients who have already had genital warts benefit from receiving Gardasil?
Q: If a patient has been sexually active for a number of years, is it still recommended to give HPV vaccine or to complete the HPV vaccine series?
Q: If a patient’s vaccination history indicates she received the third dose of HPV vaccine earlier than the recommended minimum interval of 24 weeks, should she be given a fourth dose?
Q: Will the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program cover HPV vaccination for males?
Q: If HPV vaccine is given subcutaneously instead of intramuscularly, does the dose need to be repeated?
Q: Would you please provide details about the new ACIP recommendations for the use of hepatitis B vaccine in adult diabetic patients?

Issue 977: February 14, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 977
February 14, 2012
Top Stories
New: February issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
Reminder: February issue of Needle Tips available online
2012 U.S. Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0 Through 18 Years now available
National Infant Immunization Week scheduled for April 21–28; many resources are available
CDC's recommendations for influenza antiviral medications remain unchanged
IAC Handouts
IAC updates two of its handouts: "Are you 11–19 years old?" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
Official Releases and Announcements
George Washington University report analyzes mandatory influenza vaccination of healthcare workers
Minutes of the October 2011 ACIP meeting now online
Featured Resources
"Shots by STFM" 2012 immunization schedules available for PCs and smart phones
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC’s collection of practical and clinically relevant journal articles
January issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Conferences and Meetings
February 29 is the date of the VICNetwork's webinar on vaccine hesitancy
March 29 Immunization NetConference to cover CDC's 2012 child/teen and adult immunization schedules

Issue 976: February 7, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 976
February 7, 2012
Top Stories
New! February 2012 issue of Needle Tips is now online
2012 U.S. Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule is now available
CDC publishes report on adult vaccination coverage
Spotlight on immunize.org: Immunization schedules web section offers quick access to child, teen, and adult schedules for 2012
CDC publishes report on patient who recovered from clinical rabies
CDC publishes report on global measles control
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated VIS for hepatitis B vaccine
IAC posts new translations of the hepatitis A vaccine VIS in Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese
Official Releases and Announcements
National Influenza Vaccine Summit is accepting nominations for its 2012 Immunization Excellence Awards by March 2
CDC requests nominations for new Childhood Immunization Champion Awards by February 10
Featured Resources
CDC Catch-Up Immunization Scheduler is now online
IAC Handouts
IAC revises its two most popular staff educational materials, Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization and Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization
Conferences and Meetings
February 10 is the new deadline for abstracts for the 1st National Immunization Conference Online
Register by February 24 to receive the early-bird registration rate for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
IOM committee meeting on childhood immunization schedule to be held February 9

Issue 975: January 31, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 975
January 31, 2012
Top Stories
Spotlight on immunize.org: 28 more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll
CDC publishes report on use of Tdap in an Arizona emergency department in 2009-10
Vaccine Information Statements
CDC releases updated VIS for Td/Tdap vaccines
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Errata in the January 6 MMWR article about receipt of A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine by U.S. prisons and jails
Education and Training
February 2 is the date of the Red Book webinar on the 2012 childhood immunization schedule
Clinical Vaccinology course to be held in Chicago on March 9-11
Earn free CME/CE credit through the Florida Bureau of Immunization's video programs
Conferences and Meetings
Symposium on Dual Use Research: H5N1 Influenza Virus and Beyond to be held February 2 in New York City

Issue 974: January 24, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 974
January 24, 2012
Top Stories
CDC publishes report on a 2009 hospital-associated measles outbreak in Pennsylvania
Spotlight on immunize.org: “Technically Speaking” column from IAC’s executive director covers practical topics in delivering vaccination services
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Thai translation of the VIS for inactivated polio vaccine
Official Releases and Announcements
RAND Health publishes a blueprint for improving adult vaccination promotion and delivery in the United States
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Conferences and Meetings
Conference on Vaccine Research to be held in Baltimore on May 7–9

Issue 973: January 17, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 973
January 17, 2012
Top Stories
Spotlight on immunize.org: Visit "What's New at IAC"
CDC publishes surveillance report on chronic hepatitis B virus infections in New York City
The Philippines will begin vaccinating children against rotavirus infection in 2012
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese VISs for HPV (Cervarix) and hepatitis A vaccines (also in Thai)
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
CDC's new atlas to provide access to data on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, and tuberculosis
Education and Training
American College of Physicians' webinar on efficient vaccine ordering planned for February 23

Issue 972: January 10, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 972
January 10, 2012
Top Stories
Spotlight on immunize.org: HPV-related videos
Influenza can be severe for children and young adults with neurologic and neurodevelopmental conditions
CDC publishes report on fatal 2011 case of imported human rabies in New Jersey
CDC publishes report on receipt of A(H1N1) vaccine by U.S. prisons and jails during 2009–10 influenza season
CDC publishes update on current influenza A(H3N2)v transmission in five U.S. states
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes November 2011 meeting report of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization
Guidelines for safe work practices in medical diagnostic laboratories include information on vaccination
Reminder: Healthcare personnel at long-term care facilities need influenza vaccination
Featured Resources
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
AAP News reports that two-dimensional barcodes on vaccines are ready for use in pediatric offices
January issue of Virtual Mentor, AMA's online journal of ethics, explores on vaccines and ethics
December 2011 issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Conferences and Meetings
February 3 is the deadline for abstracts for the 1st National Immunization Conference Online
National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions set for May 23–25 in New Orleans

Issue 971: January 3, 2012

IAC Express: Issue 971
January 3, 2012
Top Stories
FDA expands use of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Prevnar 13 for people age 50 and older
FDA issues Drug Safety Communication regarding liquid acetaminophen marketed for infants
Spotlight on immunize.org: redesign of IAC Express web section
GAO report examines Medicare beneficiaries' access to vaccinations covered under Medicare Part D
IAC Handouts
IAC updates Td/Tdap standing orders for children 7 years and older and "Vaccine Handling Tips"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts new translations of the meningococcal vaccines VIS in Portuguese and Haitian Creole
Featured Resources
California develops two resources on preparing vaccines for administration
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Conferences and Meetings
ACIP meeting scheduled for February 22-23 in Atlanta; registration deadline is February 6

Issue 970: December 27, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 970
December 27, 2011
Table of Contents
It's a new look for IAC Express!
CDC publishes recommendations for use of HPV4 in males
CDC publishes recommendations for use of hepatitis B vaccine in adults with diabetes
CDC publishes an MMWR Early Release update on current influenza A(H3N2)v transmission in five U.S. states

Issue 969: December 19, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 969
December 19, 2011
Table of Contents
IAC revises its parent-education handout "What if you don't immunize your child?"
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's selection of practical and clinically relevant vaccine-related journal articles
IAC's video of the week makes the case for nurses receiving annual influenza vaccination
IAC updates its patient-education handout "Influenza: Questions and Answers"
HHS announces the dedication of first U.S. facility for manufacturing cell-based influenza vaccine
IAC posts four new translations of the VIS for meningococcal vaccines
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit

Issue 967: December 12, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 967
December 12, 2011
Table of Contents
"Dear Colleague" joint letter urges healthcare professionals to vaccinate pregnant women against influenza
CDC releases revised Japanese encephalitis vaccine VIS
Spotlight on immunize.org: Subscribe to immunization-related email news services from AAP, CDC, CIDRAP, and more
IAC's Video of the Week focuses on influenza vaccine safety; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers
CDC publishes a report on U.S. influenza activity during October 2-November 26
Survey results present data on influenza vaccination coverage among healthcare personnel
"Keep your kids safe," IAC's new influenza handout for parents, now available in Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic
White paper explores school-located vaccination as a way to increase vaccine uptake
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
WHO reports on the validation of elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in Uganda in 2011
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Clinical Vaccinology course to be held in Chicago on March 9-11, 2012
Conference on Vaccine Research to be held in Baltimore on May 7-9, 2012

Issue 966: December 6, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 966
December 6, 2011
Table of Contents
Now's a great time to order IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend year-end dollars. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!

Issue 965: December 5, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 965
December 5, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC publishes report on recent human-to-human transmission of novel influenza A(H3N2) virus in Iowa
It's National Influenza Vaccination Week: CDC's collection of resources will help you get the word out
IAC's Video of the week offers a selection of influenza videos for National Influenza Vaccination Week
Spotlight on immunize.org: influenza handouts for patients and staff
CDC publishes report on increased measles transmission and outbreaks in Europe in 2011
NCIRD publishes article that summarizes votes taken at the October ACIP meeting
October issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC develops influenza materials for refugees
CDC publishes report on the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in Latin America and the Caribbean during 2006-2010
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
IAC posts Thai translation of the VIS for meningococcal vaccines
January 9 is the nomination deadline for the Association of Immunization Managers' 2012 Natalie J. Smith, MD, Award

Issue 964: November 28, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 964
November 28, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC releases ACIP recommendations for immunizing healthcare personnel
Reminder: November issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
AAP News publishes article about the many children who are missing their supplemental dose of PCV 13
Spotlight on immunize.org: Some of IAC's most popular handouts for patients are offered in several languages
IAC's Video of the Week features a physician recounting his and his family's first-hand experience with measles
Reminder: CDC's December 1 Net Conference will cover influenza and HPV vaccination and National Influenza Vaccination Week
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating
IAC posts Spanish and Chinese translations of the VIS for meningococcal vaccines
Online newsletter describes activities planned for underserved populations during National Influenza Vaccination Week
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch

Issue 963: November 21, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 963
November 21, 2011
Table of Contents
Reminder: New issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
Immunization Action Coalition's executive director receives national recognition from Every Child By Two
American Academy of Family Physicians and National Business Group on Health each endorse mandatory influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel; 25 more organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
IAC renames its new declination form for parents who refuse to vaccinate their children and updates "It's Federal Law!
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's standing orders for vaccination
IAC's Video of the Week urges viewers to give a child a shot at life by supporting immunization
"Declination of Influenza Vaccination" now available in Spanish
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating!
Online update spreads the word about activities HHS and CDC partners plan for National Influenza Vaccination Week
Sign up to start receiving "Fighting Influenza," an e-newsletter from Families Fighting Flu
WHO issues updated position paper on meningococcal vaccines
Maryland's free online rabies postexposure prophylaxis course offers free CE credit
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch

Issue 962: November 14, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 962
November 14, 2011
Table of Contents
New: November issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
Reminder: November issue of Needle Tips available online
CDC releases revised interim polio vaccine VIS
ACIP votes to recommend hepatitis B vaccination for adults age 60 years and younger with diabetes
MMWR provides information on herpes zoster vaccine licensure and related recommendation
IAC's Video of the Week features Alabama's Secretary of State's personal appeal for influenza vaccination
Spotlight on immunize.org: where you'll find hundreds of images/photos related to vaccination and vaccine-preventable diseases
CDC develops new educational pieces for healthcare providers and parents
MMWR reports on global routine vaccination coverage
IAC updates "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations" and its translations
IAC's updated screening questionnaires for children/teens and adults now available in Spanish and seven other languages
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating!
CDC's December 1 Net Conference will cover influenza and HPV vaccination and National Influenza Vaccination Week
Save the date: 1st National Immunization Conference Online to be held March 26-28!
American College of Physicians to host a series of immunization-related webinars
CDC offers webinar on using its FluVaxView system
IAC posts new VIS translations for MMR and hepatitis B vaccines
CDC posts presentation slide sets from the October 2011 ACIP meeting
MMWR reports on progress toward polio eradication in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available

Issue 961: November 7, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 961
November 7, 2011
Table of Contents
New: November 2011 issue of Needle Tips is now online
Immunization Action Coalition receives major award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Third annual World Pneumonia Day is November 12
2011 National Influenza Vaccination Week planned for December 4-12; be sure to submit information about your influenza immunization activities
Spotlight on immunize.org: where you'll find up-to-date vaccine package inserts and contact information for vaccine manufacturers
IAC's Video of the Week focuses on CDC's disease investigation teams
"After the Shots," IAC's popular handout for parents, now available in Spanish and six other languages
CDC publishes report on invasive pneumococcal disease and PCV13 coverage in selected U.S. regions during 2010-2011
Congressional leaders introduce legislation to require viral hepatitis testing, treatment, and education
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Best Shot Foundation strives to get Empire State Building illuminated for World Pneumonia Day--support is needed
Reminder: abstracts for National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions due November 15
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
CDC publishes report on progress India made toward polio eradication from January 2010 to September 2011
IAC posts Turkish translation of VIS for meningococcal vaccine
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
CDC issues 2011 recommendations on animal rabies prevention and control

Issue 960: October 31, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 960
October 31, 2011
Table of Contents
ACIP votes to recommend HPV vaccine for all males age 11-12 years
CDC releases updated hepatitis A vaccine VIS
IAC develops declination form for parents who refuse to vaccinate their children
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC'S Influenza section offers one-stop access to vaccination information
IAC updates online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to influenza
IAC's Video of the Week features a teenager's account of the 34 days he was hospitalized with influenza
CDC and FDA issue guidance regarding patients who received influenza vaccine via jet injector
Vaccine Education Center offers webinar on current vaccine issues on November 2
Webinar on promoting influenza vaccine uptake in culturally diverse populations to be offered November 10
American Nurses Association launches campaign to increase influenza vaccination rates
Lancet Infectious Diseases publishes article about influenza vaccine effectiveness; public health groups respond
IAC posts several new VIS translations for influenza, chickenpox, and shingles vaccines
IAC divides its 2011-12 influenza vaccine products piece into two information sheets, one about products and one about vaccine administration
HHS to release leading health indicators for Healthy People 2020 on October 31
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
National Cocooning Summit to be held in Las Vegas on March 15-16
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
MMWR publishes report on two 2011 outbreaks of rotavirus gastroenteritis among elderly adults in Illinois retirement communities
Effective November 30, CDC will discontinue distributing investigational pentavalent (ABCDE) botulinum toxoid (PBT) vaccine for workers at risk for occupational exposure to botulinum serotypes A, B, C, D, and E

Issue 959: October 24, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 959
October 24, 2011
Table of Contents
MMWR publishes ACIP recommendations on Tdap vaccination of pregnant women and others with close infant contact
CDC releases updated meningococcal VIS
Congratulations! Dr. Paul Offit elected to Institute of Medicine
MMWR reports on change to rotavirus contraindications regarding history of intussusception
FDA advises healthcare professionals not to use jet injector devices to administer influenza vaccine
IAC releases new influenza handout: "Keep your kids safe--get them vaccinated every fall or winter"
IAC revises "First do no harm--protect patients by making sure all staff receive yearly influenza vaccine!"
Spotlight on immunize.org--IAC in the news
IAC revises "Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV): CDC answers your questions"
IAC's Video of the Week features an influenza campaign targeted to mothers
Vaccine Education Center and AMA release updated booklet about teen immunization
NFID offers new adult pneumoccocal vaccination resources
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
IAC posts 13 new VIS translations for several different vaccines
Minutes of the June 2011 ACIP meeting now online
National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions set for May 23-25 in New Orleans; abstracts due November 15
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!

Issue 958: October 17, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 958
October 17, 2011
Table of Contents
MMWR publishes ACIP recommendations for meningococcal conjugate vaccine for high-risk children age 9-23 months
Spotlight on immunize.org: quick access to AAP vaccine policy statements
IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Paul Offit reviewing the movie "Contagion"
IAC updates four handouts, including adult and child/teen screening questionnaires, influenza vaccination declination form, and shingles Q&As
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
CDC releases new influenza resources for providers
Cuban American TV host Lili Estefan spearheads the American Lung Association's 2011-12 "Rostros de la gripe" Hispanic American influenza campaign
MMWR reports on HPV vaccination implementation in the Americas
Applications for NACCHO's 2012 Model Practices Awards program are due November 11
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!

Issue 957: October 10, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 957
October 10, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC releases updated vaccine storage and handling guide
IAC updates "After the Shots" to include new medication information
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Spotlight on immunize.org: find links to blogs about vaccines and immunization topics
Use our flyers to promote IAC resources!
IAC's Video of the Week encourages teens to get vaccinated against influenza
New: CDC announces addition of 2011 influenza module to its "You Call the Shots" training course--free CE credit is available
Google's Flu Vaccine Finder can help the public find locations for influenza vaccination
MMWR celebrates 50 years of publishing!
CDC publishes three updated chapters of its vaccine-preventable diseases surveillance manual
Order or download immunization resources for parents, patients, and providers from CDC
National Influenza Vaccination Week scheduled for December 4-10
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are still available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
September issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
2011-12 influenza vaccine VISs now available in Haitian Creole and Portuguese
Minnesota immunization conference to take place October 20-21; CE credit available
Meeting on rebuilding trust in vaccines is planned for November 21-23 in Annecy, France

Issue 956: October 3, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 956
October 3, 2011
Table of Contents
American Hospital Association endorses patient safety policies that require influenza vaccination of healthcare workers
American Academy of Pediatrics updates three vaccine policy statements
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Spotlight on immunize.org: New! School-located vaccination web section
IAC's Video of the Week provides information on the 2011-12 influenza recommendations
WHO announces composition of seasonal influenza vaccine for the 2012 southern hemisphere influenza season
MMWR reports on progress in measles mortality reduction in India
United Nations Foundation launches new global vaccines campaign
CDC revises estimates of the public health impact of H1N1 influenza vaccination
New VIS translations available: Korean and Ilokano for influenza and Yiddish for varicella
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available.
Order a supply for your workplace today! Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch-11 influenza season

Issue 955: September 26, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 955
September 26, 2011
Table of Contents
MMWR publishes notice about FDA change to age indication for Boostrix and reviews ACIP guidance for the use of Tdap vaccine
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Spotlight on immunize.org: stay current with media coverage about vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases
New England Journal of Medicine publishes results of CDC study on rotavirus vaccination
IAC revises one-page version of "After the Shots" to provide space for writing medication instructions
IAC's Video of the Week discusses issues involved in building better vaccines
Vaccine Education Center offers updated resources
MMWR reports on measles outbreak started by case imported from Malaysia
CDC releases final state-level vaccination coverage statistics for the 2010-11 influenza season
NFID blog explores issues related to infectious diseases
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
2011-12 influenza vaccine VISs now available in Hmong and Karen
Program on adult immunization planned for October 4 in Piscataway, NJ; view it in person or on your computer screen

Issue 953: September 19, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 953
September 19, 2011
Table of Contents
Laurel Wood joins the Immunization Action Coalition as coordinator for public health
AAP responds to Rep. Michele Bachmann's assertion that HPV vaccine can have "very dangerous side effects" on children's health
IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Arthur Caplan's challenge to Rep. Bachmann to produce her HPV "victim"
CDC publishes report on influenza-associated pediatric deaths in the United States from September 2010 through August 2011
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Olympic Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi spearheads the American Lung Association's Faces of Influenza Campaign
CDC publishes an update on U.S. and worldwide influenza activity from May 22 through September 3, 2011
Cervical Cancer-Free America launches publication of an email newsletter--become a subscriber today!
Spotlight on immunize.org: vaccine news and information web section
CDC updates providers about febrile seizures related to simultaneous administration of PCV13 and TIV vaccines
Reader alert: If you registered for VICNetwork's "What's New with the Flu?" webinar, you need to register again
On October 5--Orange Nose Day--share what you know about the five steps to good health
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Immunize Nevada to present CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course in Reno on November 2-4

Issue 952: September 12, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 952
September 12, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC publishes report on maternal and infant outcomes among severely ill pregnant and postpartum women with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1)
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
CDC publishes report in MMWR on swine-origin influenza A (H3N2) virus infection in two U.S. children in 2011
IAC updates handout that explains which children need two doses of influenza vaccine during the 2011-12 influenza season
FREE: American College of Physicians' Adult Immunization Guide available in electronic and hard-copy formats
IAC's screening questionnaires for influenza vaccination now available in Spanish
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's clinic resources
IAC's Video of the Week discusses how taking a sexual history can protect a teen's health
IAC corrects confusing information it published in an IAC Express article about febrile seizures related to simultaneous administration of PCV13 and TIV vaccines
Every Child By Two schedules September 27 webinar on using the media to communicate vaccine messages and October 14 webinar on speaking with parents about autism
WHO publishes revised recommendations for yellow fever vaccination for international travelers
August issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC publishes a report on respiratory syncytial virus activity in the U.S. during July 2007-June 2011
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Scheduled for November 12, World Pneumonia Day seeks to raise awareness of the global effects of pneumonia
ACIP meeting scheduled for October 25-26 in Atlanta; registration deadline is October 10
2011-12 influenza vaccine VISs now available in Armenian and Farsi
CDC publishes report on U.S. surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks in 2008

Issue 951: September 6, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 951
September 6, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC publishes MMWR Early Release about recent swine-origin influenza A (H3N2) virus infections in Indiana and Pennsylvania children
CDC reports on vaccination coverage of children ages 19-35 months
IAC updates its handout on influenza vaccine products available for the U.S. 2011-12 influenza season
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides are available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
IAC's Video of the Week explores the pros and cons of physicians' refusing to see patients who decline vaccination
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's Featured Resources
AAP releases policy statement on recommendations for influenza immunization of children and makes influenza resources available on Red Book Online
AAP releases an updated policy statement on recommendations for use of quadrivalent and monovalent varicella vaccines in children
CDC's September 15 Net Conference to focus on influenza
CDC publishes report on a measles outbreak in Indiana during June-July 2011
CDC gives providers information for patients about febrile seizures related to simultaneous administration of PCV13 and TIV vaccines
CDC updates information for clinicians on influenza vaccination, vaccine safety, and antiviral medications
2011-12 influenza vaccine VISs now available in Amharic and Thai
CDC publishes report on a human rabies death in Wisconsin in 2010
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
VICNetwork to host September 21 webinar on promoting influenza vaccination
Minnesota immunization conference planned for October 20-21

Issue 950: August 30, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 950
August 30, 2011
Table of Contents
Now's a great time to order IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by September 30. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work

Issue 949: August 29, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 949
August 29, 2011
Table of Contents
Institute of Medicine publishes report on vaccine safety
IAC updates screening questionnaires and standing orders for influenza vaccination
Bulk quantities of the 2011-12 Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides and PPSV Pocket Guides are available--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
MMWR reports on adolescent vaccination rates
IAC's Video of the Week features a mother describing the aftermath of losing her 5-year-old son to influenza
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's Central Feature Box
CDC publishes ACIP's 2011-12 influenza recommendations in MMWR
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare conference set for September 28-October 1

Issue 947: August 22, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 947
August 22, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC's 2011 recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza published as an MMWR Early Release
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's most popular web sections and downloads
CDC reports on U.S. influenza vaccination coverage among healthcare personnel during 2010-11 influenza season
CDC reports on U.S. influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women during 2010-11 influenza season
IAC's Video of the Week features a young mother describing the death of her infant son from pertussis
IAC updates "Standing Orders for Administering Tetanus-Diphtheria Toxoids & Pertussis Vaccine (Td/Tdap) to Adults" and "Skills Checklist for Immunization"
2011-12 VISs for influenza vaccines now in Arabic, Cambodian, Chinese, Tagalog, Turkish, and Vietnamese
"CDC Features" educates parents about the importance of making sure their children are fully vaccinated for school
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch MMWR publishes information about transplant-transmitted hepatitis B virus in the United States in 2010 Two Clinical Vaccinology courses coming up--one to be held in Atlanta on November 4-6, 2011, the other in Chicago on March 9-11, 2012
MMWR publishes information about transplant-transmitted hepatitis B virus in the United States in 2010
Two Clinical Vaccinology courses coming up--one to be held in Atlanta on November 4-6, 2011, the other in Chicago on March 9-11, 2012

Issue 946: August 15, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 946
August 15, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC website posts ACIP's provisional recommendations for use of Tdap vaccine in pregnant women
Reminder: New issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
New: Spanish-language versions of the 2011-12 influenza vaccine VISs now available
Spotlight on immunize.org: guide to immunize.org
IAC posts new vaccine refrigerator and freezer temperature logs and updates existing logs
IAC's Video of the Week presents tips for preventing errors in vaccine administration and storage and handling
IAC updates "It's federal law! You must give your patients vaccine information statements (VISs)"
NACCHO policy statement supports eliminating personal-belief exemptions from immunization requirements for child care and school attendance
Dr. Arthur Caplan makes the ethical case for mandatory influenza vaccination of healthcare workers
August is National Immunization Awareness Month; HHS toolkit is loaded with resources and ideas
IAC's "After the Shots . . ." And "When Do Children And Teens Need Vaccinations?" now available in Spanish and six other languages
CDC reports on 2010 Louisiana rabies death after exposure to a vampire bat in Mexico
CDC makes the Pink Book available as an e-Book
For parents: August 18 webinar will discuss FDA's role in protecting children's health with safe, effective vaccines
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
National Meningitis Association launches a new blog--Parents Who Protect
WHO announces that the Measles Initiative has helped vaccinate more than one billion children against measles since 2001
CDC reports on progress toward poliomyelitis eradication in Nigeria during January 2010-June 2011

Issue 945: August 8, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 945
August 8, 2011
Table of Contents
New: July issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
Reminder: July issue of Needle Tips available online
MMWR publishes CDC's updated recommendations for use of meningococcal conjugate vaccine
IAC's Video of the Week features IAC Executive Director Dr. Deborah L. Wexler speaking about back-to-school vaccination
Spotlight on immunize.org: A to Z Index
FDA and manufacturers provide resources in response to advisory committees' new recommendations on safe use of acetaminophen in children
Journal of Infectious Diseases publishes CDC's special supplement on global progress toward measles eradication
July issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Landscape analysis investigates potential drivers of strong routine immunization system performance in Africa

Issue 944: August 1, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 944
August 1, 2011
Table of Contents
New: July 2011 issue of Needle Tips is now online
Reminder: IAC launched a major redesign of www.immunize.org
New: CDC issues VISs for the two 2011-12 influenza vaccines--available in English only
CDC publishes errata to the General Recommendations on Immunization
IAC's Video of the Week features CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat discussing ways to overcome parents' vaccine concerns
IAC updates its "Standing Orders for Administering Td/Tdap to Children Ages 7 Years and Older"
Reminder: CDC's "Immunization Update 2011" live satellite broadcast and webcast scheduled for August 4
U.S. varicella deaths nearly eliminated since vaccination program began
NFID brief focuses on challenges and opportunities involved in protecting older adults from influenza
CDC reports on characteristics associated with preschool children receiving influenza vaccine in Oregon during 2006-08
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
IAC's "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?" now available in Turkish

Issue 943: July 25, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 943
July 25, 2011
Table of Contents
Reminder: IAC launched a major redesign of www.immunize.org
FDA approves the 2011-12 influenza vaccine formulation for manufacturers licensed to produce and distribute influenza vaccine in the U.S.
IAC's Video of the Week features a mother's account of her daughter's poor outcome from measles--wishes she had vaccinated her
Nominate an outstanding person for an ECBT Immunization Award--application deadline is August 15
WHO publishes report on rotavirus vaccine and intussusception
MMWR announces the first official World Hepatitis Day will be held on July 28
MMWR reports on sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus among HIV-infected men who have sex with men
CDC website posts presentation slide sets from the June 2011 ACIP meeting
New: CDC issues VIS for adenovirus vaccine
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
New Jersey Immunization Network's webinar on adolescent immunization scheduled for August 10
Louisiana's Shots for Tots immunization conference set for October 27-28 in New Orleans

Issue 942: July 18, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 942
July 18, 2011
Table of Contents
Reminder: IAC launched a major redesign of www.immunize.org
IAC's Video of the Week focuses on unsafe injection practices; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers
CDC's new infection prevention guide and checklist promote safe care in outpatient settings
WHO issues updated position paper on rubella vaccines
DTaP and rotavirus vaccine VISs available in additional languages
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
MMWR reports on sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus among HIV-infected men who have sex with men

Issue 941: July 11, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 941
July 11, 2011
Table of Contents
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC launches major redesign of immunize.org
FDA approves Boostrix for people age 65 years and older
IAC updates "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?" and "Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling"
New: 2012 edition of the Yellow Book--CDC's travel-health guide--now available
IAC's Video of the Week explores the anti-vaccine movement in Australia
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
CDC offers information on changes in health insurance laws
"CDC Features" provides information about tetanus vaccination
VICNetwork to host webinar on reaching communities of color on July 27
Immunize Nevada to sponsor CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course November 2-4 in Reno

Issue 940: July 5, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 940
July 5, 2011
Table of Contents
Spotlight on immunize.org: new home page and website design coming soon
New: Spanish-language version of the 2011 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule available from CDC
IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Paul Offit discussing the history of the anti-vaccine movement
CDC publishes report on multiple cases of measles after exposure during air travel in Australia and New Zealand
Current Issues in Vaccines webinar, featuring Dr. Paul Offit, is available through August 23
CDC's "Immunization Update 2011" live satellite broadcast and webcast scheduled for August 4
CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases 2011" course now available in web-on-demand and DVD formats
View a panel discussion about ACIP's decision-making process on vaccine recommendations in the context of cost-effectiveness data and a vaccine's value to society. Video is now streaming online.
"CDC Features" encourages parents to make sure their children are up to date on their measles (and other) vaccinations
June issue of CDC's Immunization Works email newsletter includes articles on global immunizations and more
VISs for MMRV, yellow fever, and anthrax vaccines available in additional languages
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
July 8 webinar is your chance to offer your ideas on the Division of Viral Hepatitis's national education campaign
CDC publishes update on worldwide outbreaks of vaccine-derived poliovirus during July 2009-March 201

Issue 939: June 27, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 939
June 27, 2011
Table of Contents
ACIP votes in favor of administering pertussis vaccine to pregnant women to protect infants from contracting the disease
Decline in vaccine-preventable diseases called one of the decade's great global public health achievements
Spotlight on immunize.org: information and resources to help you respond to parents about personal belief exemptions
IAC's Video of the Week outlines a new framework for communicating with parents about vaccine safety
VISs for PCV, HPV (Cervarix), and PPSV vaccines now available in additional languages
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch

Issue 938: June 23, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 938
June 23, 2011
Table of Contents
Official CDC Health Advisory: High Number of Reported Measles Cases in the U.S. in 2011--Linked to Outbreaks Abroad

Issue 936: June 20, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 936
June 20, 2011
Table of Contents
MMWR reports on the settings in which U.S. adults received influenza vaccine during the 2010-11 influenza season
IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Eric Courchesne discussing the latest research findings on autism
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's Shingles (zoster) section offers one-stop access to vaccination information
Minutes of the February 2011 ACIP meeting now online
VISs for shingles vaccine and for Cervarix and Gardasil HPV vaccines now available in additional languages
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
CDC publishes errata to its report on vaccination coverage among U.S. kindergartners during 2009-10
2011 Illinois Immunization & Communicable Disease Conference set for August 8-9 in Normal, IL

Issue 935: June 13, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 935
June 13, 2011
Table of Contents
States, major cities, and counties across the nation report recent increases in measles cases
Three states expand immunization requirements for school attendance
ASTHO brief asserts that permissive state vaccine-exemption laws contribute to increasing spread of VPDs
Spotlight on immunize.org: official releases from ACIP, CDC, FDA, WHO, and more
IAC's Video of the Week features five short clips that answer parents' basic questions about immunization
IAC makes major updates to "It's federal law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
IAC updates its useful handout "Vaccines with Diluents: How to Use Them"
Varicella and shingles vaccines should not be transported or stored at temperatures colder than -58 degrees F; do not use dry ice when transporting
CDC publishes interim results of state-specific U.S. influenza vaccination coverage during August 2010-February 2011
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!

Issue 934: June 6, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 934
June 6, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC reports on vaccination coverage and vaccination exemption rates among U.S. kindergartners during 2009-10
IAC's Video of the Week features a six-part series about Dr. Paul Offit's career in vaccine research
IAC updates "After the Shots . . . What to do if your child has discomfort"
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's Meningococcal web section offers one-stop access to vaccination information
CDC report summarizes U.S. influenza activity during the 2010-11 influenza season
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
2011 North Carolina Immunization Conference scheduled for August 10-12 in Greensboro, NC
2011 Illinois Immunization & Communicable Disease Conference set for August 8-9 in Normal, IL

Issue 933: May 31, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 933
May 31, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC reports 118 measles cases across the U.S. in 2011, the highest number of cases reported for any January-May period since 1996
CDC publishes recommendations for use of a booster dose of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine
CDC updates information on options for obtaining Japanese encephalitis vaccine for children
American Pharmacists Association adopts a policy mandating influenza vaccination for pharmacy personnel; four more organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
Spotlight on immunize.org: state immunization laws
IAC's Video of the Week drives home the importance of being adequately vaccinated against measles
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
New: CDC launches Preteen and Teen Vaccines website
NFID offers two online training activities on pneumococcal disease--free CE credits available

Issue 932: May 25, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 932
May 25, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC reports 118 measles cases across the U.S. in 2011, the highest number of cases reported for any January-May period since 1996

Issue 931: May 24, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 931
May 24, 2011
Table of Contents
Now's a great time to order IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by June 30. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work

Issue 930: May 23, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 930
May 23, 2011
Table of Contents
Decline in vaccine-preventable diseases called one of the decade's great U.S. public health achievements
FDA approves adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine for use in military personnel ages 17 through 50 years
Washington state law requires parents to get information on the benefits and risks of immunization
IAC updates its patient-education handout "Reliable Sources of Immunization Information"
IAC updates the provider-education handout "Need Help Responding to Vaccine-Hesitant Parents?"
IAC's Video of the Week features "Crying Baby Symphony," a light-hearted look at babies leading healthier lives because of vaccination
CDC offers a user-friendly child-and-teen vaccination schedule for parents
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC provides resources and vaccination information on hepatitis A and B
ANA confers its April 2011 Immunity Award on Patricia Stinchfield, MS, RN, CPNP
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
CDC's 2009 Surveillance Summary on the health status of minority communities includes information on influenza and pneumococcal vaccination
VISs for hepatitis B and Td/Tdap vaccines now available in Indonesian

Issue 929: May 16, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 929
May 16, 2011
Table of Contents
FDA licenses Fluzone Intradermal influenza vaccine
HHS releases viral hepatitis action plan
Spotlight on immunize.org: translations of Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)
IAC's Video of the Week provides information on diagnosing and preventing measles
CDC's June 2 Net Conference will cover vaccinating people with altered immunocompetence and talking to parents about infant immunization
CDC publishes "Summary of Notifiable Diseases, UnitedStates, 2009"
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
CDC publishes report on tracking the progress toward global polio eradication during 2009-10
VISs for MMR, varicella, polio, hepatitis B, DTaP, and Tdap/Td vaccines now available in Burmese
World Vaccine Congress scheduled for October 10-13 in Lyon, France

Issue 928: May 9, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 928
May 9, 2011
Table of Contents
Dr. Sharon G. Humiston joins the Immunization Action Coalition as Associate Director for Research
Reminder: New issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
Correction: IAC posts second correction for "Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Children and Teens"
CDC issues new editions of the VISs for the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix
IAC revises its two most popular educational pieces, "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
CDC offers resources in response to recently reported cases of imported measles
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's Measles web section offers one-stop access to vaccination information
Cervical Cancer-Free America launched on May 5 in Washington, DC
IAC's Video of the Week focuses on cervical cancer prevention and treatment
Now in Spanish: 2011 U.S. immunization schedules for children/teens and 2011 recommended vaccinations for babies
IAC updates "Don't be Guilty of These Errors in Vaccine Storage and Handling"
IAC's patient screening questionnaire "Are You 11 to 19 Years Old?" now available in Spanish
CDC's 2011 "Parent's Guide to Childhood Immunizations" and 2011 "Immunization Works" CD available for order
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
National Influenza Vaccine Summit announces recipients of its 2011 Immunization Excellence Awards
April issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Scheduled for May 19: State University of New York webcast on recognizing and correcting unsafe injection practices
VICNetwork hosts "Speak Up! The 2011 Virtual Immunization Symposium" on May 25
Now available: Abstracts, slides, and recordings of presentations made at the 2011 National Immunization Conference
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month
CDC reports on hepatitis C virus infection among adolescents and young adults in Massachusetts
Symposium on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment to be held in New York City on May 16
NVHR's May 16 webinar to explore HHS's national strategy for preventing and treating viral hepatitis
Conference on strategies to improve screening and treatment of chronic viral hepatitis to be held June 4-5 in Atlanta
Guidelines for preventing disease associated with animals published in MMWR Recommendations and Reports

Issue 927: May 2, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 927
May 2, 2011
Table of Contents
New: April 2011 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
Reminder: April 2011 issue of Needle Tips available online
IAC updates its "Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling" and temperature logs for refrigerators and freezers in Fahrenheit and Celsius
IAC updates online "Ask the Experts" Q&A sections related to diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, meningococcal, hepatitis B, and combination vaccines
IAC updates its standing orders for administering meningococcal vaccine to children/teens and to adults
Spotlight on immunize.org: Access the archive of IAC's "Ask the Experts" vaccine Q&As
IAC's "Immunizations for Babies" now available in Spanish and six other languages
CDC publishes surveillance summary on county-level trends in vaccination coverage among U.S. children ages 19-35 months during 1995-2008
Correction: Link IAC Express gave to Pediatrics' May 2011 supplement on vaccine safety has expired; new active link now available
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
IAC's Video of the Week features a mother's account of her infant son's pertussis death
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
CDC publishes report on global rotavirus surveillance
Many of PKIDs' May and June webinars focus on using social media to communicate immunization information
Meeting on vaccines and immunotherapy for nosocomial infections is planned for September 26-28 in Annecy, France

Issue 926: April 25, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 926
April 25, 2011
Table of Contents
New: April 2011 issue of Needle Tips is now online
FDA expands Menactra meningococcal vaccine licensure to include infants and toddlers ages 9 through 23 months
MMWR announces National Infant Immunization Week for April 23-30, 2011
New: 12th edition of the Pink Book now available to order or download
AAP offers free access to Pediatrics' May 2011 supplement on vaccine safety
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's pertussis web section offers one-stop access to vaccination information
IAC's Video of the Week features an entertaining animated video that explains how vaccines work
ACOG's routine screening recommendations include information on assessing patients' immunization status
MMWR announces World Malaria Day for April 25
CDC reports on opportunities for and challenges to malaria eradication
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Pennsylvania Immunization Conference scheduled for June 30 in Lancaster

Issue 925: April 18, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 925
April 18, 2011
Table of Contents
Reminder: IAC has posted an important correction to its educational piece for healthcare professionals: "Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Children and Teens"
CDC publishes report about a case of human rabies in Michigan in 2009
Spotlight on immunize.org: IAC's standing orders for vaccination
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Eleven new healthcare organizations have been added to IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety--bringing the total to more than 100!
IAC's Video of the Week features magicians Penn and Teller making a strong visual case for immunization
Use CDC's fact sheets to educate parents about the benefits and risks of vaccination
National Infant Immunization Week starts on Saturday, April 23--be sure to add your activities to the CDC website
Handout about safe injection practices is worth reviewing with your staff
Scheduled for April 21: State University of New York webcast on improving teen immunization rates--CE credit available
91 U.S. children have died from complications of influenza during the 2010-11 season--so please keep vaccinating
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
ACIP meeting scheduled for June 22-23 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early June
CDC publishes report on tracking the progress toward global polio eradication during 2009-10
New Zealand National Immunisation Conference planned for August 19-20 in Rotorua; abstracts due May 10
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!

Issue 924: April 12, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 924
April 12, 2011
Table of Contents
IAC has posted an important correction to its educational piece for healthcare professionals: "Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Children and Teens"

Issue 923: April 11, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 923
April 11, 2011
Table of Contents
CDC website posts ACIP's provisional recommendations for use of Tdap vaccine among healthcare personnel
APHA and AMDA issue position statements in support of mandating influenza vaccination for healthcare workers, joining seven other professional associations on IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society adopts position statement regarding personal belief exemption from immunization mandates
IAC's Video of the Week features a discussion between authors Paul Offit and Seth Mnookin on the challenges of communicating vaccine information
CDC issues new edition of the VIS for yellow fever vaccine
IAC updates its two professional educational-guidance handouts on medical management of vaccine reactions
CDC reports on measles imported by returning U.S. travelers ages 6-23 months during 2001-11
CDC reports on a measles outbreak in Hennepin County, Minnesota, during February-March 2011
Spotlight on immunize.org: answers to frequently asked questions
IAC updates online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to MMR vaccine
Important update: CDC's April 21 Net Conference will cover ACIP's changes to the use of Tdap vaccine in adolescents and adults, as well as the general recommendations for combination vaccines
CDC reports on an assessment of the completeness of reporting on perinatal hepatitis B infection in the U.S.
Six updated IAC handouts now available in Turkish
Proportion of deaths from influenza and pneumonia remains higher than expected, so please keep vaccinating!
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
CDC reports on an assessment of influenza-like illness surveillance at the U.S. Air Force Academy in 2009
Some of PKIDs' April and May webinars on using social media are related to immunization

Issue 921: April 4, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 921
April 4, 2011
Table of Contents
All at IAC mourn the passing of our beloved colleague and friend, Becky Payne
CDC summarizes ACIP's recent votes on Tdap vaccination of healthcare workers, booster dose of Japanese encephalitis vaccine, and more
American Nurses Association and eight other professional societies urge clinicians to follow CDC's new Tdap recommendations
HHS announces launch of a new consumer-focused immunization website--www.vaccines.gov
Minnesota Department of Health reports 15 confirmed cases of measles
IAC updates its popular provider-education handout "Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations"
IAC updates its "Do I Need Any Vaccinations Today?" adult patient screening questionnaire" and "Vaccine Handling Tips" for proper vaccine storage
IAC's Video of the Week features Somali-language videos developed to educate Somali-American parents
Spotlight on immunize.org: where you'll find information on upcoming immunization events and conferences
National Infant Immunization Week is April 23-30; be sure to add your activities to the CDC website
NCIRD announces National Immunization Conference will move to an every-other-year schedule; next conference to be held in Atlanta in 2013
ACIP updates U.S. vaccine abbreviations
77 U.S. children have died from complications of influenza during the 2010-11 season--so please keep vaccinating!
March issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC publishes results of 2001-2008 U.S. tetanus surveillance
CDC posts live meeting archive of the February ACIP meeting
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
"Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines 2010" available in hard copy and electronic formats
April is STD Awareness Month; young people urged to get tested
MMWR publishes report on 2009-10 measles outbreaks in Africa and progress toward measles pre-elimination goal
April is Autism Awareness Month
Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course scheduled for September 27-28 in Tacoma
Reminder: Minnesota Coalition for Adult Immunization's 20th annual conference to be held April 8

Issue 920: March 28, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 920
March 28, 2011
Table of Contents
FDA expands Zostavax vaccine age indications to include adults ages 50 through 59 years
Spotlight on immunize.org: handy "Quick Links"
IAC's Video of the Week reminds nurses and the public to keep their immunizations up to date
IAC updates "Meningococcal: Questions & Answers"
The Vaccine Education Center's "Parents PACK" website and newsletter give parents up-to-the minute information about vaccines
CDC's April 21 Net Conference will cover general recommendations for combination vaccines
Proportion of deaths from influenza and pneumonia remains higher than expected, so please keep vaccinating!
World TB Day was observed on March 24; U.S. did not meet the national goal of eliminating TB by 2010
CDC reports on U.S. trends in tuberculosis in 2010
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Iowa Immunization Conference planned for June 8-9 in Des Moines
West Virginia Immunization Summit scheduled for June 9-10 in Charleston, WV

Issue 919: March 21, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 919
March 21, 2011
Table of Contents
"Vaccines and Your Child"--a new book to help parents separate fact from fiction
Webinar on addressing parents' concerns about vaccines now available for viewing online
MMWR publishes erratum related to the recommended schedule for people ages 7-18 years
IAC develops new handout that can help individuals understand decisions in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding
Spotlight on immunize.org: where you'll find hundreds of images/photos related to vaccination and vaccine-preventable diseases
IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Paul Offit discussing the BMJ disclosure of Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent research
CDC offers user-friendly childhood vaccination schedule for parents
Comments solicited on draft federal report about adult immunization
CDC website posts presentation slide sets from the February ACIP meeting
IAC updates "Hib: Questions and Answers" and "Polio: Questions and Answers"
CDC corrects Binational Immunization Resource
CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis offers new posters
Influenza vaccination is recommended for almost everyone, so please keep vaccinating!
MMWR reports on progress toward interrupting wild poliovirus circulation in countries with reestablished transmission
MMWR reports on polio outbreak in Republic of the Congo
Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
Minnesota Coalition for Adult Immunization's 20th annual conference to be held April 8
2011 Ohio Immunization Conference scheduled for May 13 in Cleveland

Issue 918: March 16, 2011

IAC Express: Issue 918
March 16, 2011
Table of Contents
IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
Now's a great time to place an order for the newly updated Immunization Techniques DVD and IAC's personal patient record cards! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!

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