- New: August 2010 issue of Needle Tips is now online
- Spanish translations of 2010-11 influenza VISs now available
- Director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases encourages providers to vaccinate against influenza
- MMWR reports on vaccination coverage among adolescents
- IAC corrects CPT code information in "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2010-11 Influenza Season"
- IAC develops new handout to help providers determine the number of influenza vaccine doses needed by children in the 2010-11 season
- IAC updates the influenza handout for patients, "Seek emergency medical care. . ."
- IAC updates two pieces on hepatitis B vaccination--one for adults, and the other for preteens
- Take the Joint Commission Flu Vaccination Challenge!
- IAC's Video of the Week promotes National Immunization Awareness Month
- Indiana State Department of Health shares immunization resources
- American Nurses Association now accepting nominations for its ANA Immunity Award
- Conference titled "The Science, Ethics, and Politics of Vaccine Mandates" to be held September 21 in Philadelphia
- PKIDs' September 1 webinar will teach participants about YouTube
- Missouri Immunization Conference to be held November 17-19 in St. Louis
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 53,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
- New CDC vaccine recommendations
- FDA vaccine approvals
- Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
- New immunization resources
- Current events
- Notable journal articles
- Ask the Experts special editions
- And more …
Results (1794)
Issue 883: August 17, 2010
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on current immunization issues
Issue 882: August 16, 2010
- New: CDC issues VISs for the two 2010-11 influenza vaccines--available in English only
- MMWR publishes ACIP's recommendations for use of CSL's influenza vaccine during 2010-11
- IAC updates four handouts, including its vaccine administration record forms, influenza vaccine products chart, and declination of influenza vaccination form
- IAC updates online "Ask The Experts" Q&A sections related to PCV and PPSV
- IAC's Video of the Week features children promoting the importance of the hepatitis B birth dose
- Register for CDC's September 2 Net Conference on ACIP'S influenza recommendations and CDC's communication plans
- "CDC Features" educates parents about getting their children vaccinated in time for school
- MMWR issues erratum for ACIP's 2010 influenza recommendations
- Conference on the Science, Ethics, and Politics of Vaccine Mandates scheduled for September 21 in Philadelphia
- WHO issues position paper on rabies vaccine
- MMWR publishes report on laboratory containment of wild poliovirus in WHO's Region of the Americas
Issue 881: August 9, 2010
- ACIP makes recommendations for use of CSL's Afluria seasonal influenza vaccine during 2010-11
- CDC Health Advisory Network notifies providers about seasonal influenza A (H3N2) virus infections
- CDC publishes ACIP influenza recommendations in MMWR Recommendations and Reports
- CDC updates information on supply of Hib and hepatitis B vaccines
- IAC updates screening questionnaires and standing orders for seasonal influenza vaccination
- CDC Health Advisory Network notifies providers about shortened shelf life of sanofi pasteur's H1N1 2009 monovalent influenza vaccine in multi-dose vials
- IAC's Video of the Week features an original song about vaccination
- IAC updates "Pneumococcus: Questions and Answers"
- "CDC Features" educates the public about shingles vaccination
- Texas Immunization Summit scheduled for September 30-October 1 in Fort Worth
- Hepatitis Foundation International summits to be held in four locations this fall
Issue 880: August 2, 2010
- CDC's 2010 recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza published as an MMWR Early Release
- MMWR publishes CDC's recommendations for use of yellow fever vaccine
- MMWR reports on influenza activity in the United States during the 2009-10 influenza season
- MMWR reports on regional H1N1 influenza vaccination campaign in Skokie, IL
- IAC's Video of the Week focuses on autism research
- "CDC Features" educates the public about various immunization-related topics
- FDA approves 4 influenza vaccines for the 2010-11 season
- Campaign plans to vaccinate almost 8 million Afghani children against polio
- IAC updates "Management of Chronic Hepatitis B in Adults"
- CDC website posts presentation slide sets from the June ACIP meeting
- WHO publishes the June 2010 meeting report of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
- Reminder: Vaccine Education Center to hold symposium in Philadelphia on September 25
- Minnesota immunization conference set for October 15
Issue 879: July 26, 2010
- ACIP publishes recommendations for use of anthrax vaccine
- MMWR reports on gastrointestinal anthrax after an animal-hide drumming event
- IAC updates patient handout "Should You Be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B?"
- IAC's Video of the Week provides training on injection safety
- IAC's updated "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization" and "Are you 11-19 years old?" available in 8 translations
- Spanish translations of Td/Tdap, meningococcal, MMR, and multi-vaccine VISs now available
- Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine corrects its adolescent immunization schedule
- Webcast on vaccine handling and storage scheduled for August 26
- Reminder: August 5 is the date for "Immunization Update 2010"
- PKIDs' July 28 webinar to focus on CDC's 2010-11 influenza vaccination campaign; August 3 webinar to focus on California's experience with social media
- 2010 Influenza Congress USA is scheduled for November 8-10 in Washington, DC
Issue 878: July 19, 2010
- IAC updates "Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Questions and Answers"
- IAC's Video of the Week features a Medscape commentary on HPV vaccine safety
- CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course now available on DVD
- Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity to sponsor July 27 conference call on vaccine updates
- Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine posts adolescent immunization schedule
- PCV and HPV VISs now available in Hmong, Karen, Somali, Russian, and Vietnamese
- PPSV and shingles VISs now available in Karen and Somali
- Thai translations of HPV and MMRV VISs now available
- Project BioShield delivers first smallpox vaccine for certain immunocompromised persons
Issue 877: July 12, 2010
- Six states expand immunization requirements for school attendance
- IAC's "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization" now in Spanish
- LOL as rapper "Tdap Vac" and his friends entertain teens with their "Get the Tdap Shot" message
- MMWR reports on increase in pertussis cases in California during January-June 2010
- A CDC Commentary video on Medscape tells clinicians which people need Tdap vaccination and the value of giving it
- Third edition of "The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians" now available
- New: MMWR reports can now be accessed on Facebook and Twitter
- MMWR publishes report on Nigeria's progress toward poliomyelitis eradication from January 2009 to June 2010
- Save the date: Shots for Tots conference planned for October 28-29 in New Orleans
Issue 876: July 6, 2010
- Reminder: June 2010 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
- IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety updated as five more healthcare organizations join; related editorial added
- IAC updates handout for the public about hepatitis A vaccination
- IAC's Video of the Week features real-life stories about vaccine-preventable diseases
- AAP's Vaccine Status Table is updated and online; two additional tables have been added
- CDC reports on hepatitis A vaccination coverage among U.S. children ages 12-23 months during 2006-09
- "CDC Features" educates the public about pertussis
- Toolkit from Project Immunize Virginia helps healthcare professionals address parents' concerns about vaccinations
- CDC reports on a case of vaccinia virus infection in Washington state in 2010
- Virtual Immunization Communication Network sponsors July 22 webinar on communication strategies for the upcoming influenza season
- CDC announces Immunization Update 2010 webcast, which is scheduled for August 5
- Reminder: Vaccine Education Center to hold symposium in Philadelphia on September 25
- CDC's Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course scheduled for Lake Tahoe, November 3-5
- North Dakota State Immunization Conference set for August 24-25 in Mandan
- Reminder: PKIDs' webinar about successful social marketing coming up on July 15
- Fondation Merieux plans October conference on herd immunity
Issue 875: June 28, 2010
- New: June 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
- Reminder: June 2010 issue of Needle Tips available online
- California's pertussis epidemic claims the lives of five infants
- IAC updates three handouts, including "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization"
- IAC updates online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and disease
- IAC's Video of the Week presents an overview of the immune system
- For coalitions: 182 immunization coalitions have posted information on www.izcoalitions.org--is yours one of them?
- MMRV vaccine VIS now available in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese
- Real Guys Immunize campaign spurs dads on to protect themselves and their families against VPDs
- "CDC Features" discusses the importance of vaccination to protect children and families against tetanus
- CDC issues "Summary of Notifiable Diseases--United States, 2008"
- Minutes of the February 2010 ACIP meeting now online
- PKIDs' June 29 webinar to outline how ImmunizeBC uses traditional and new media to teach the merits of immunization
- Immunotherapeutics and Vaccine Summit scheduled for August 17-19 in Cambridge, MA
Issue 874: June 21, 2010
- New: June 2010 issue of Needle Tips is now online
- IAC creates a handout of resources for professionals to respond to vaccine-hesitant parents and updates handout on medical management of vaccine reactions in adults
- IAC's Video of the Week features older adults discussing their recollections of vaccine-preventable diseases
- AAP issues policy statement on increasing immunization coverage
- A CDC Commentary video on Medscape can help you reassure your patients about the safety of HPV vaccine
- CDC updates information on supply of hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines
- VIS for DTaP vaccine now available in Spanish, Chinese, and Russian
- CDC's Adult Immunization 2010 webcast now available online
- Hepatitis B Foundation to hold "B Informed Now!" workshop in Los Angeles on June 26
Issue 873: June 14, 2010
- Rotavirus vaccine is now contraindicated for infants diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency
- IAC updates four handouts, including standing orders for PCV13 and "It's federal law!"
- IAC's Video of the Week focuses on pneumococcal disease and PCV13 vaccine
- IAC's "Are you 11-19? Then you need to be vaccinated!" now available in 7 updated translations
- Michigan Department of Community Health offers adolescent immunization toolkit
- Presentations from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit now available online
- Rotavirus VIS now available in Spanish; MMRV VIS available in Indonesian
- Mark your calendar: August 5 is the date for "Immunization Update 2010"
- Register for CDC's July 1 Net Conference on vaccine administration
- WHO publishes third edition of "State of the World's Vaccines and Immunization"
- MMWR reports on deaths and hospitalizations due to H1N1 influenza in Greece
- Global Training Network invites healthcare professionals to try its pilot program about vaccine safety
- New Jersey Learning Management Network schedules immunization program on July 26
Issue 872: June 7, 2010
- IAC updates handout about the importance of vaccination
- IAC's video of the week features news clip about an infant who died of pertussis
- One & Only Campaign educates healthcare professionals and the public about safe injection practices
- World Health Assembly adopts resolution to tackle childhood pneumonia
- CDC publishes MMWR report on surveillance for Guillain-Barre syndrome after receipt of H1N1 influenza vaccine
- WHO issues position paper on polio vaccines and polio immunization in the pre-eradication era
- Save the date: Vaccine Education Center to hold symposium on September 25
- Interim rotavirus VIS now available in Thai
- PKIDs' July 15 webinar will teach participants about successful social marketing
Issue 871: June 2, 2010
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on current immunization issues
Issue 870: June 1, 2010
- MMWR discusses licensure of bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV2, Cervarix) for use in females and presents CDC's updated HPV vaccination recommendations
- MMWR discusses licensure of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV4, Gardasil) for use in males and presents CDC's guidance for its use
- New: CDC publishes interim VIS for MMRV vaccine
- Check out IAC's redesigned print materials section
- IAC develops new handout to help healthcare professionals administer pneumococcal vaccines to children
- IAC updates "Do I need any vaccinations today?"
- AAP releases policy statement on the prevention of Streptococcus pneumoniae infections in infants and children
- IAC's Video of the Week offers a personal perspective on chronic hepatitis B virus infection
- Hep B Moms helps empower women so they can say, "Hep B stops with me"
- Interim VIS for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) now available in Indonesian
- CDC's Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases course to be offered in Colorado, July 12-14
Issue 869: May 24, 2010
- Interim VIS for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) now available in Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese
- IAC updates its adult immunization chart "Vaccinations for Adults: You're NEVER too old to get immunized!"
- IAC's Video of the Week strongly states that vaccination is the ONLY way to prevent meningitis
- National Influenza Vaccine Summit announces recipients of its 2010 Immunization Excellence Awards
- During National Hepatitis Awareness month, President Obama, NVHR, and CDC take steps to end the silence around hepatitis
- The just-published book "Expecting 411" includes vaccination information for parents-to-be
- MMWR corrects its misstatement of the requirements for evidence of mumps immunity for healthcare personnel
- International Papillomavirus Conference set for July 3-8 in Montreal
Issue 868: May 17, 2010
- FDA revises its recommendations for rotavirus vaccine: clinicians can resume use of Rotarix and continue use of RotaTeq
- New: CDC revises interim VIS for rotavirus vaccine
- IAC's "Hepatitis B shots are recommended for all new babies" now available in Spanish and five other languages
- IAC's Video of the Week examines the growing bias against science, including opposition to vaccination
- CDC provides information on the supply of shingles and MMRV vaccines
- Want to know more about using the new PCV 13 vaccine? A CDC Commentary video on Medscape can help you
- PKIDs' June 10 webinar will focus on using social marketing to target parents who are hesitant about vaccines
- Please take three minutes out of your day to give PATH feedback about its Vaccine Resource Library
- MMWR publishes report on worldwide progress made toward interrupting wild poliovirus transmission during 2009
- CDC reports on Regional Vaccination Weeks, held April 24 to May 1, 2010
- MMWR corrects errors in its April 30 interim report on seasonal influenza coverage during August 2009-January 2010
- MMWR corrects an error in its April 2 interim report on H1N1 influenza coverage during October 2009-January 2010
Issue 867: May 12, 2010
- Please add your local, state, or national organization's name to the 317 Coalition's letter of general support for immunization funding--the deadline is next Wednesday, May 19
Issue 866: May 10, 2010
- CDC publishes recommendations for use of combination measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (MMRV) vaccine
- VIS for PCV7 vaccine is temporarily re-posted on CDC's and IAC's websites
- CDC announces Hepatitis Awareness Month
- CDC reports on the results of California's Adult Hepatitis Vaccine Project during 2007-08
- CDC reports on U.S. rotavirus vaccination coverage among infants age 5 months during June 2006-June 2009
- Five more healthcare organizations join IAC'S Honor Roll for Patient Safety
- Video presents a mother's account of the devastating effects pneumococcal disease had on her children
- IAC updates the popular print piece "Are you 11-19 years old?" and two other print pieces
- IAC updates its two standing orders for administering hepatitis A vaccine
- IAC updates online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to rotavirus vaccine
- CDC reports on U.S. trends in hepatocellular carcinoma incidence during 2001-06
- Turkish translations available for IAC's parent-education piece on hepatitis B vaccination and VIS for PCV13 vaccine
- MMWR corrects errors in "Human Rabies--Kentucky/Indiana, 2009," which was published April 9, 2010
Issue 865: May 3, 2010
- Reminder: April 2010 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults available online
- MMWR publishes ACIP's guidance for use of high-dose inactivated influenza vaccine in people age 65 years and older
- IAC's Video of the Week is a rebroadcast of PBS's "The Vaccine War"
- Shingles vaccine VIS now available in Spanish
- MMWR presents state-by-state statistics on seasonal influenza vaccination coverage during August 2009-January 2010
- Keep vaccinating against H1N1 and seasonal influenza!
- VISs for Gardasil and Cervarix human papillomavirus vaccines now available in four translations
- MMWR corrects some references that appeared in the March 2010 ACIP recommendations for rabies postexposure prophylaxis
Issue 864: April 26, 2010
- New: April 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
- Reminder: April 2010 issue of Needle Tips available online
- It's National Infant Immunization Week April 24-May 1: Check out how childhood immunization is being promoted around the nation
- In support of National Infant Immunization Week, IAC's website features videos that champion childhood immunization
- VISs for Gardasil and Cervarix human papillomavirus vaccines now available in Spanish
- On Tuesday, April 27, "The Vaccine War" will air on PBS's Frontline program
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) VIS now available in Hmong, Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog
- Keep vaccinating against influenza this spring, and be sure to give pneumococcal vaccine when indicated
- "CDC Features" encourages parents to get pre-teens and teens vaccinated against meningococcal disease
- May 26-28 National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions to feature many notable speakers
- ACIP meeting scheduled for June 23-24 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early June
Issue 863: April 19, 2010
- New! April 2010 issue of Needle Tips is now online
- IAC updates "Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
- New: CDC publishes VIS for PCV13 vaccine
- IAC's Honor Roll for patient safety updated; related editorial added
- IAC's Video of the Week features animated descriptions of how immunization works
- AIM Provider Toolkit includes great resources to help you vaccinate patients
- American Pharmacists Association publishes immunization handbook
- Paul Offit's "Autism's False Prophets" now available in paperback
- Japanese encephalitis VISs for JE-VAX and Ixiaro vaccines now available in five translations
- MMWR reports on recent U.S. influenza activity and composition of 2010-11 influenza vaccine
- Keep vaccinating against H1N1 and seasonal influenza!
- PKIDs' webinars to focus on various components of social media
- International Rotavirus Symposium scheduled for August 2-3 in Johannesburg, South Africa
Issue 862: April 12, 2010
- Pediatrics publishes article about gaps in perinatal hepatitis B prevention
- IAC updates online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
- April 28 webinar will feature Dr. Paul Offit discussing how to communicate scientific information
- IAC's Video of the Week explores the deadly 1918 influenza pandemic
- "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vaccinations" is an excellent resource for patients and parents
- MMWR reports on case of human rabies and provides infection control recommendations for personnel performing autopsies on decedents with confirmed or suspected rabies infection
- National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) announces new blog
- PKIDs' May 4 webinar to focus on social marketing
- Two IAC parent-education pieces now available in Farsi
- Meeting on HIV/AIDS vaccine development to be held in New York City on May 19
- Errata: MMWR makes corrections to its report on H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare personnel
Issue 861: April 9, 2010
- It's time to contact your U.S. senators to ask them to increase immunization funding
Issue 860: April 7, 2010
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on current immunization issues
Issue 859: April 5, 2010
- New: CDC publishes new interim VISs for HPV vaccines--one VIS for Gardasil and one for Cervarix
- Increase in H1N1 influenza in Southeastern U.S. underscores the need to keep vaccinating against H1N1 and seasonal influenza
- Influenza vaccination coverage increases among U.S. healthcare personnel during August 2009-January 2010
- MMWR reports state-by-state H1N1 vaccination coverage during October 2009-January 2010
- IAC's Video of the Week focuses on the importance of adult immunization
- Reminder: National Infant Immunization Week is set for April 24-May 1; CDC has resources for planning and promotion
- March issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter available online
- "CDC Features" educate the public about pertussis and mumps
- Reminder: the National Immunization Conference will be held April 19-22 in Atlanta
- Two viral hepatitis training videos now available online
Issue 858: March 29, 2010
- CDC and FDA publish Q&As for providers and parents about temporary suspension of Rotarix (GSK)
- Global organizations release statements on the use of Rotarix vaccine
- MMWR reports on H1N1 influenza in pregnant women who require intensive care
- 2010 U.S. immunization schedules available in a variety of formats
- IAC updates two resources for parents, one on hepatitis B vaccine for babies and one on rotavirus vaccine
- Keep vaccinating against influenza this spring and be sure to also give pneumococcal vaccine when indicated
- IAC's Video of the Week teaches young adults about the value of immunization
- PPSV and multi-vaccine VISs now available in Thai
- IAC posts updated Turkish translations of three popular parent pieces
Issue 857: March 22, 2010
- CDC Health Advisory notifies providers about FDA's recommendation to temporarily suspend use of GSK's Rotarix vaccine
- MMWR publishes CDC's recommendations for the use of a reduced (4-dose) vaccine schedule for postexposure prophylaxis to prevent human rabies
- MMR vaccine VIS now available in Yiddish
- Video presents a mother's powerful narrative of her son's decade-long struggle with complications from chickenpox
- Keep vaccinating against H1N1 and seasonal influenza!
- Nearly 8 million Afghan children to benefit in latest United Nations polio vaccination drive
- Free CME webinar: American College of Preventive Medicine's "H1N1--Lessons Learned" webinar is scheduled for March 24
- California Immunization Coalition's 2010 Summit is planned for May 3-4 in Sacramento
Issue 856: March 15, 2010
- MMWR discusses licensure of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and presents CDC's recommendations for its use among children
- MMWR discusses licensure of a meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Menveo) and presents CDC's guidance for its use
- MMWR publishes CDC's recommendations for use of Japanese encephalitis vaccines
- IAC corrects information about ACIP's provisional recommendations for universal influenza vaccination, which appeared in the March 8 issue of IAC Express
- CDC Health Advisory notifies providers about potential cases of mumps during the current multi-state outbreak
- Vaccine Court rules that thimerosal-containing vaccines do not cause autism
- MMWR publishes report on invasive pneumococcal disease in young children before licensure of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- Important: Register for CDC's April 1 Net Conference on the new ACIP recommendations for PCV13 and meningococcal vaccine
- IAC updates seven translations of the adolescent immunization piece "Are you 11-19 years old?"
- IAC's Video of the Week promotes a fund-raising campaign to prevent pneumonia in children worldwide
- Updated anthrax vaccine VIS incorporates recommendations for the new 5-dose administration schedule
- Keep vaccinating against H1N1 influenza!
- Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- February issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter is now online
- Shingles vaccine VIS now available in Thai
- CDC website posts presentation slide sets and the live meeting archive from the February ACIP meeting
- PKIDS' March 23 webinar to present an overview of social marketing; March 24 webinar to focus on identity management
- MMWR publishes report on progress made in 2009 toward poliomyelitis eradication in Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Epidemiology in Action course set for April 26-May 7 at Emory University in Atlanta
- International Papillomavirus Conference set for July 3-8 in Montreal; early registration deadline is March 30
Issue 855: March 8, 2010
- CDC posts provisional recommendations for universal inactivated influenza vaccination in the 2010-11 U.S. influenza season
- CDC posts provisional recommendations for the use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine among infants and children
- New: CDC publishes VISs for licensed Japanese encephalitis vaccine--one VIS for Ixiaro and one for JE-VAX
- Two more healthcare organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
- FDA advisory panel selects viruses for influenza vaccines to be used in the U.S. during the 2010-11 influenza season
- IAC's Video of the Week features a boy's positive perspective on the benefits of influenza vaccination
- Keep vaccinating against H1N1 influenza!
- CDC has resource to help providers talk with parents about vaccines
- IAC corrects inaccurate age indication for PCV13 vaccine that appeared in the March 1 issue of IAC Express
- MMWR publishes a report on respiratory syncytial virus activity in the U.S. during July 2008-December 2009
- Reminder: Deadline for regular registration for National Immunization Conference is April 2
- National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention publishes its Strategic Plan for 2010-15
- Scheduled for April 24, World Meningitis Day is a day of action to raise awareness about meningitis and septicemia
- NFID's Annual Conference on Vaccine Research planned for April 26-28 in Bethesda; early registration deadline is March 15
Issue 854: March 3, 2010
- Use IAC's top-quality products to efficiently vaccinate patients and effectively educate them about the importance of vaccination. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
Issue 853: March 1, 2010
- ACIP votes to recommend influenza vaccination for all people ages 6 months and older
- ACIP votes to recommend replacing Prevnar (7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) with Prevnar 13 (13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine); FDA approves Prevnar 13
- WHO recommends viruses for influenza vaccines for use in the 2010-11 northern hemisphere influenza season
- IAC'S Video of the Week features blogger moms discussing if the vaccine-autism debate is over
- IAC updates six translations of "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
- IAC updates its "Quiz #1: Immunization" and "Quiz #2: Vaccine Administration"
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
- CDC offers health departments and coalitions lots of resources to plan for and promote National Infant Immunization Week, scheduled for April 24-May 1
- "CDC Features" educates parents about Hib disease and vaccine
- MMWR publishes report about a case of presumptive abortive human rabies in Texas in 2009
- PKIDS' March 4 webinar will teach the basics of social marketing; March 11 webinar to focus on Skype and instant messaging
- Reminder: NFID's Clinical Vaccinology Course is planned for March 12-14 in San Diego
- Phacilitate's European Vaccine Forum scheduled for June 21-23 in Barcelona
Issue 852: February 22, 2010
- Reminder: February 2010 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults now available online
- New: FDA approves Menveo meningococcal conjugate vaccine for use in people ages 11 through 55 years
- Eight more organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
- New: IAC's Image Library will educate staff and the public about the importance of vaccination
- IAC updates its popular parent brochure "Hepatitis B shots are recommended for all new babies"
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
- Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- IAC's Video of the Week has lots of information about meningitis prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
- Earn CE credit by viewing the new seasonal influenza module offered by CDC's "You Call the Shots" web-based training course
- IAC corrects an H1N1 influenza vaccine recall announcement published in the February 2010 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults
- UNICEF announces Bangladesh will vaccinate 20 million children against measles
- MMWR publishes report on an outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) on a Peruvian navy ship in June-July 2009
- PKIDS offers a February 23 webinar about how to use blogs to communicate immunization information
- Regular registration is now open for the May 26-28 National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
- Minnesota Coalition for Adult Immunization conference scheduled for March 19
Issue 851: February 15, 2010
- New! February 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
- Reminder: February 2010 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2010 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
- IAC updates four print resources for providers and patients, including standing orders and the "Reliable Resources" patient handout
- A new Unprotected People Report is a mother's account of rotavirus infection in her two youngest children
- Earn CME credit for watching the Discovery Health Channel's 4-part "Vaccine Update" video series
- MMWR publishes an update on an ongoing mumps outbreak in New York and New Jersey
- MMWR publishes a report on transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus through breast-feeding in Brazil in 2009
- MMWR publishes report on progress in U.S. immunization information systems in 2008
- March 19 is the nomination deadline for the 2010 Natalie J. Smith, MD, Award
- PKIDS offers February 18 webinar about using Twitter to communicate immunization information
- Immunize Nebraska conference scheduled for June 11 in Omaha; early-bird registration deadline is May 28
Issue 850: February 8, 2010
- New! February 2010 edition of Needle Tips is now online
- The Lancet retracts 1998 paper about MMR and autism by Wakefield, et al.
- CDC's Health Alert Network notifies clinicians about shortened shelf life of certain lots of Sanofi Pasteur H1N1 vaccine in prefilled syringes
- IAC updates "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines" and "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults"
- IAC updates Spanish-language "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
- "Adult Immunization: Shots to Save Lives" report released
- IAC's Video of the Week section features video clips for parents produced by ECBT
- Check out IAC's redesigned VIS web section
- January issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- Free "Shots 2010" software for the new adult, child, teen, and catch-up immunization schedules now available
- "CDC Features" educates the public about cervical cancer and HPV vaccines
- Reminder: Early Bird registration for National Immunization Conference ends February 19
- New hepatitis training resource from the University of Alabama available online
Issue 849: February 1, 2010
- CDC's Health Alert Network notifies clinicians about voluntary recall of certain lots of Sanofi Pasteur H1N1 vaccine in prefilled syringes
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledges $10 billion to accelerate global vaccine efforts
- PedvaxHIB again available for vaccination against Haemophilus influenza type b
- MMWR reports on H1N1 influenza outbreaks in long-term-care facilities
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
- CDC and Medscape present series of expert commentaries
- IAC's Video of the Week features HHS Secretary Sebelius visiting a school-based H1N1 influenza vaccination clinic
- Compelling PSAs about adult immunization now available
- IAC revises "Seek emergency medical care if you or a family member shows the signs below"
- IAC adds Indonesian-language VISs to its website
- WHO publishes the December 2009 meeting report of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
Issue 848: January 27, 2010
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on new vaccine recommendations and licensures
Issue 847: January 25, 2010
- Three more healthcare organizations join IAC'S Honor Roll for Patient Safety
- IAC updates four print resources for patients and providers
- IAC'S Video of the Week features PBS program on the H1N1 influenza epidemic
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
- MMWR provides update on U.S. influenza activity
- MMWR article documents transfusion-related transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus
- PKIDS offers January 28 webinar about its Communications Made Easy program
- "Be Confident!" campaign educates adolescents and parents about HPV and cervical cancer prevention
- MMWR publishes data on H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage
- International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases scheduled for July 11-14 in Atlanta
- International Neonatal & Maternal Immunization Symposium to be held March 26-28 in Turkey
Issue 846: January 19, 2010
- New: 2010 U.S. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults is now available
- CDC provides information for relief workers and others traveling to Haiti
- CDC publishes MMWR Early Release on H1N1 influenza vaccination rates
- March 1 is the nomination deadline for the 2010 National Influenza Vaccine Summit's Immunization Excellence Awards
- CDC experts review and update IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to Hib
- IAC's Video of the Week features a Canadian PSA about influenza
- HHS unveils new H1N1 influenza PSA campaigns targeted toward American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Families Fighting Flu launches new education campaign
- Shot of Prevention blog offers immunization advocates a virtual place to meet
- Institute of Medicine releases report on chronic hepatitis B and C infection
- Live seasonal influenza VIS now available in Amharic
Issue 845: January 11, 2010
- Reminder: January 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults now available online
- New: CDC, AAP, and AAFP release the 2010 Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Ages 0 Through 18 Years
- Check out IAC's redesigned VIS web section: it offers you speed, clarity, and convenience
- It's National Influenza Vaccination Week: CDC's impressive collection of resources will help you get the word out
- FDA approves high-dose seasonal influenza vaccine intended for use in people ages 65 and older
- During National Influenza Vaccination Week, you'll want to view CDC's collection of videos on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
- Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- New for parents: ECBT's video clip collection features vaccine experts answering pressing questions about vaccination
- Reminder: CDC's January 28 Net Conference will cover the 2010 U.S. immunization schedules--register soon
- PKIDS' Communications Made Easy program helps immunization educators promote immunization to the public
- MMWR publishes report on patients hospitalized with H1N1 influenza at a school in Hawaii in May 2009
- MMWR publishes report on patients hospitalized with H1N1 influenza in New York City in May 2009
- February 1 is the abstract deadline for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
- ACIP meeting scheduled for February 24-25 in Atlanta; February 2 is deadline for non-U.S. citizens to register
Issue 844: January 4, 2010
- January 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults focuses on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
- Reminder: January 2010 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- Scheduled for January 10-16, National Influenza Vaccination Week will focus on 2009 H1N1 vaccine
- New: IAC now has a patient handout that lists emergency warning signs for people with seasonal or H1N1 influenza and a piece that summarizes influenza vaccine products
- January is Cervical Health Awareness Month: PKIDS video presents a powerful incentive for HPV vaccination
- IAC updates sample standing orders for meningococcal and polio vaccination
- Vaccine Education Center videos now available on YouTube
- CDC posts Q&As for the public on human papillomavirus vaccine
- Register for the National Immunization Conference by February 19 to get the early bird rate
- December issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- NCIRD influenza materials are available for ordering or downloading
- Updated "Teaching Immunization for Medical Education" (TIME) modules are available for downloading
- Discovery Health Channel's Vaccine Update offers free CME credit for physicians
- MMWR publishes North Carolina study about the public's intent to receive influenza vaccines
- MMWR reports on the impact of influenza-related school closings
Issue 843: December 28, 2009
- A special edition of Needle Tips that focuses on seasonal and H1N1 influenza is now online
- CDC's Health Alert Network (HAN) announces voluntary recall of certain lots of nasal-spray H1N1 influenza vaccine
Issue 842: December 21, 2009
- Happy holidays from IAC
- CDC's Health Alert Network (HAN) notifies clinicians about voluntary recall of certain lots of H1N1 influenza vaccine
- Institute of Medicine releases recommendations for National Vaccine Plan
- National Influenza Vaccination Week now scheduled for January 10-16
- Four more healthcare organizations are placed on IAC's HonorRoll for Patient Safety
- Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- Set for Jan. 28, CDC's "Current Issues in Immunization" Net Conference will cover the 2010 immunization schedules
- IAC's Video of the Week features Bill and Melinda Gates speaking about global health
- CDC releases new H1N1 influenza PSA
- "Flu-Free and a Mom-to-Be" campaign educates pregnant women about the importance of influenza vaccination
- Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- WHO updates position paper on rotavirus vaccines
- Fondation Merieux organizes three conferences for early 2010
- World Vaccine Congress scheduled for April 19-22 in Washington, DC
Issue 841: December 14, 2009
- Pediatrics publishes supplement on financing of childhood and adolescent vaccines
- ACIP posts provisional recommendations for use of yellow fever vaccine
- MMWR reports on H1N1 influenza deaths among American Indians/Alaska Natives
- CDC provides new H1N1 influenza vaccination information for healthcare professionals
- PKIDs offers 8 customizable videos on vaccine-preventable diseases
- HHS and Ad Council launch new nationwide PSA campaign about H1N1 influenza vaccination
- Autopsies show 2009 H1N1 influenza virus damages entire airway
- American Academy of Pediatrics launches new immunization website
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- H1N1 influenza VISs now available in Dzongkha
- CDC experts review and update IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A sections related to hepatitis B and hepatitis A
- MMWR publishes information about H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
- Johns Hopkins announces launch of International Vaccine Access Center
- Follow polio eradication progress online
- MMWR provides information about March 2010 clinical vaccinology course
Issue 840: December 8, 2009
- Please donate to the Immunization Action Coalition
Issue 839: December 7, 2009
- MMWR Early Release reports on H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
- ACIP posts provisional recommendations for use of HPV vaccine
- CDC warns about email phishing scam related to H1N1 influenza vaccination
- CDC provides new H1N1 influenza vaccination information for healthcare professionals
- Summary report of ACIP's October meeting is now online
- IAC's Video of the Week encourages kids to get vaccinated
- More translations available for seasonal and H1N1 influenza VISs
- Healthy Roads Media offers English-language H1N1 influenza VISs in alternative formats
- Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- Reminder: Abstracts for the 2010 National Immunization Conference due by December 11
- November issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- IAC updates "Quick Answers to Tough Questions" PowerPoint presentation
- MMWR reports on global measles mortality
- The Measles Initiative launches redesigned website
- November issue of the Global Immunization News available online
- MMWR publishes information about Conference on Vaccine Research
Issue 838: November 30, 2009
- FDA approves Agriflu, an inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine for use in adults age 18 years and older
- CDC website posts three important tables on spacing intervals for H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccine
- CDC's H1N1 web section includes provider information on use of the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines produced by GSK and CSL
- Audio broadcast of NCIRD's practical "Fundamentals of Influenza Vaccine Administration, Storage, and Handling" now available online
- CMS web section on adult immunization includes information on Medicare coverage for seasonal and H1N1 vaccination
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- CDC experts review and update IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to meningococcus
- IAC's Video of the Week features tips on preventing influenza transmission
- Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- Brochure gives parents a comprehensive overview of pediatric vaccines and the diseases they prevent
- VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in seven additional languages
- Seasonal influenza VISs now available in three additional languages
- 2010 International Conference On Healthcare-Associated Infections scheduled for March 18-22 in Atlanta
- GAVI Alliance honors 15 countries for excelling in immunization and child survival
Issue 837: November 23, 2009
- CDC revises vaccination criteria for U.S. immigration; HPV and zoster vaccines will no longer be required
- CDC Health Advisory stresses that pneumococcal vaccination is recommended to help prevent secondary infections
- Google offers new service to help the public find sources for seasonal and H1N1 influenza vaccination
- CDC's H1N1 web section includes provider guidance on use of CSL's H1N1 vaccine in children
- National Patient Safety Foundation's statement in support of mandatory HCW influenza vaccination added to IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
- MMWR includes November 12 MMWR Dispatch report on 2009 mumps outbreak in New York, New Jersey, and Quebec
- IAC's Video of the Week section links to HHS public service announcements related to influenza prevention
- IAC updates two print pieces that answer the public's questions about hepatitis A and mumps
- VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in 5 additional languages
Issue 836: November 18, 2009
- Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend year-end dollars! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
Issue 835: November 16, 2009
- FDA approves expanded age indication for both of CSL's inactivated influenza vaccines
- FDA approves ID Biomedical's injectable H1N1 influenza vaccine
- New: IAC develops form for healthcare employees to sign if declining H1N1 influenza vaccination
- New: AMA fact sheet has Q&As about using CPT codes for providing and administering H1N1 vaccine
- FDA commissioner's letter to healthcare professionals provides information on the safety of H1N1 vaccines
- MMWR Dispatch reports on 2009 mumps outbreak in New York, New Jersey, and Quebec
- NCIRD director's letter to providers underscores the need for PPSV vaccination for adults
- Update on recent U.S. influenza activity indicates 2009 H1N1 influenza virus is causing significant disease
- CDC updates its H1N1 web section with information on pregnancy and H1N1 infection, importance of PPSV vaccination, and more
- Two more hospitals added to IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety; NEJM article discusses mandatory HCW vaccination
- IAC'S Video Of The Week highlights the impact of rotavirus vaccine in the developing world
- CDC experts review and update three of IAC'S online "Ask The Experts" Q&A sections
- Online, year-end sale! Get laminated child/teen and adult U.S. immunization schedules for $1 each when you buy 11 or more!
- Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- CDC reports on the effectiveness of 2008-09 inactivated influenza vaccine in protecting against 2009 H1N1 influenza
- National Influenza Vaccination Week set for December 6-12; be sure to submit your organization's event plans
- National Immunization Conference abstract deadline is December 11; early-bird registration ends February 19
- Website of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is worth exploring
Issue 834: November 10, 2009
- Please take our 5-minute survey about IAC activities
Issue 833: November 9, 2009
- CDC updates its H1N1 web section with information on vaccine supply, dosage, administration, and storage--and much more
- Leading physician groups urge pregnant women to get both seasonal and 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
- MMWR publishes article on fatal case of human rabies in Missouri in 2008
- Healthy pregnant women mount a robust immune response after receiving one dose of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine
- HHS orders intravenous antiviral influenza medication to help patients hospitalized with 2009 H1N1 influenza
- Health Alert Network (HAN) Info Service Message advises clinicians about antiviral treatments for 2009 H1N1
- AAP offers information on coding for influenza vaccine and its administration
- IAC's Video of the Week--"Sneezing 101"--shows how a simple hygiene step can keep you and others healthy
- "CDC Features" educate the public about issues related to 2009 H1N1 influenza
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- Immunization Techniques video (DVD or VHS) offers a great way to give staff high-quality vaccination training
- CDC's two new flyers educate healthcare providers and parents about the Vaccines for Children program
- October issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- Correction: IAC Express amends statistic on annual number of meningitis cases reported among U.S. infants
- Notice: November 17 teleconference on infant meningococcal diseases has been postponed
- Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in 12 additional languages
- VIS translation: VIS for PPSV vaccine now available in Turkish
- Pediatrics publishes "Recommendations for Screening, Monitoring, and Referral of Pediatric Chronic Hepatitis B"
- MMWR publishes article on 2009 human vaccinia infection after contact with raccoon rabies vaccine bait in Pennsylvania
- Physician toolkit for adolescent immunization ready for downloading
- Summary report of ACIP's special July meeting on H1N1 influenza is now online
- National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions set for May 26-28 in Chicago; abstracts due February 1
Issue 832: November 5, 2009
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about 2009 H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccination
Issue 831: November 4, 2009
- Year-end sale! Buy laminated child/teen and adult U.S. immunization schedules for a fraction of the price--while supplies last
Issue 830: November 2, 2009
- Merck announces decision not to resume production of its monovalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines
- FDA authorizes emergency use of intravenous antiviral Peramivir for 2009 H1N1 influenza virus infection
- MMWR announces that November 2 is World Pneumonia Day
- In honor of World Pneumonia Day, IAC's Video of the Week educates about pneumococcal disease and vaccine
- CDC posts Q&A on using H1N1 influenza vaccine in pregnant women, H1N1 vaccine dosage chart, and much more
- CDC's ready-to-print influenza vaccination record card made available on the 2009 H1N1 Flu website
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- Immunization Techniques video (DVD or VHS) offers a great way to give staff high-quality vaccination instruction
- Medical practices make a strong showing on IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety, as do larger institutions
- AMA launches Web-based influenza health-assessment program for patients and physicians
- November 17 webcast and teleconference on the impact of infant meningococcal disease to feature renowned experts
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- Seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- Play a fast-paced vocabulary game, and help raise money to purchase vaccine that prevents childhood pneumococcal disease
- VISs for H1N1 influenza vaccines now in Hmong, Somali, and Turkish
- Department of Health and Human Services' Healthy People 2020 objectives available for public comment
Issue 829: October 26, 2009
- CDC posts the provisional recommendations for use of MMRV vaccine on its ACIP web section
- FDA approves seasonal influenza vaccine Fluarix for use in children and teens ages 3 to 17 years
- President Obama signs emergency declaration for H1N1 influenza
- Immunization Techniques video (DVD or VHS) offers a great way to give staff high-quality vaccination instruction
- CDC's H1N1 information includes H1N1 billing Q&As, 10 most frequently asked H1N1 questions, and much more
- Set for Nov. 12, CDC's "Current Issues in Immunization" Net Conference will cover new HPV recommendations
- Wired magazine profiles Dr. Paul A. Offit in the context of his work to dispel autism myths
- Seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- IAC's Video of the Week features a 60 Minutes report on H1N1 influenza
- IAC updates a print Q&A that answers the public's questions about seasonal influenza
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- MMWR article reports substantial decrease in U.S. rotavirus disease since vaccine introduction in 2006
- VISs for seasonal influenza vaccines now available in Bengali, Haitian Creole, and Urdu
- Check out the Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition's new videos, PSAs, and survey results
- A new Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website has been launched
- "State of the World's Vaccines and Immunization" focuses on major developments since 2000
- MMWR article covers introduction and transmission of H1N1 influenza virus in Kenya in 2009
- MMWR article discusses recent progress made toward eradicating polio in Nigeria
- Phacilitate's North American Vaccine Forum scheduled for January 25-27 in Washington, DC
Issue 828: October 19, 2009
- FDA approves new vaccine, Cervarix, for prevention of cervical cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18
- FDA approves new indication for the use of Gardasil to prevent genital warts in boys and men
- CDC issues Health Advisory counseling clinicians to initiate antiviral treatment in patients with suspected influenza who are at increased risk of developing severe disease
- Seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- Eleven more organizations that mandate influenza vaccination of healthcare workers join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- CDC updates its H1N1 web section with information on infection control and more
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- FDA warns consumers about unapproved and illegal H1N1 drug products purchased over the Internet
- Book about families and individuals devastated by vaccine-preventable diseases is a must for every waiting room
- IAC's Video of the Week features Sesame Street's Elmo demonstrating easy ways to stay healthy
- VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in up to 10 additional languages
- VISs for seasonal influenza vaccines available in Hmong, Karen, Russian, and Somali
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- CDC's Pre-teen Vaccine Campaign now has materials for Native American, Korean, and Vietnamese audiences
- CDC's 2010 National Immunization Conference set for April 19-22 in Atlanta; abstracts due December 11
- Summary report from the June 2009 ACIP meeting now online
Issue 827: October 12, 2009
- IAC recognizes organizations with strong influenza vaccination policies for healthcare workers
- CDC releases revised VISs for PPSV, rabies, and shingles
- H1N1 influenza VISs now available in Spanish
- Seasonal influenza VISs now available in up to 12 translations
- AMA makes expedited CPT codes available for H1N1 influenza immunizations
- MMWR provides updated information on H1N1 2009 monovalent vaccines
- MMWR reports on influenza vaccination coverage
- ACIP posts provisional recommendations for use of anthrax vaccine adsorbed
- MMWR announces new system for monitoring emergency department visits for influenza-like illness
- CDC posts new H1N1 influenza resources for healthcare professionals and their patients
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- IAC updates Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations, a print resource
- California's EZ-IZ training is IAC's Video of the Week
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- Vaccine Education Center redesigns its website, adds H1N1 influenza resource for parents
- Attend October ACIP meeting via webcast
- Save the date: 13th annual Conference on Vaccine Research scheduled for April 26-28, 2010
Issue 826: October 5, 2009
- At long last--the VISs for injectable and nasal spray 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine are now online
- Standing Orders for Administering Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccines now available
- AAP publishes policy statement on the prevention and control of influenza in children
- CDC publishes a report on bacterial coinfections from fatal cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1)
- CDC issues a Health Alert Network message about updated pediatric antiviral dosing syringe and compounding information for 2009 H1N1 and seasonal influenza
- HHS publications and web sections make it easy to educate patients about protecting themselves and their families against influenza
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- IAC's Video of the Week features Angelique Kidjo talking about UNICEF's campaign to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus
- CDC adds interim recommendations for clinical use of influenza diagnostic tests to its H1N1 web section
- CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage among children ages 6 months-18 years during the 2008-09 influenza season
- CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage among children ages 6-23 months during the 2007-08 influenza season
- IAC updates four print pieces that answer the public's questions about measles, mumps, rubella, and meningococcal
- October issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on the front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- "Vote and Vax" helps local public health agencies provide influenza vaccines at or near polling places on Election Day
- WHO issues position paper on hepatitis B vaccines
- 2009 Influenza Congress USA is scheduled for November 18-20 in Washington, DC
- It's Get Smart About Antibiotics Week--CDC has lots of information for health professionals and the public
Issue 825: September 28, 2009
- September 2009 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
- CDC publishes recommendation for revaccinating people at prolonged increased risk for meningococcal disease
- Trial of 2009 H1N1 vaccine indicates robust early response in children ages 10-17; weaker response in those younger
- CDC provides Q&A for clinicians about 2009 H1N1 vaccine; updates recommendations for use of antiviral medications
- IDSA releases clinical practice guidelines for immunizing infants, children, adolescents, and adults
- CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course now available on DVD and CD
- IAC's Video of the Week features a CDC expert's advice about meningococcal meningitis
- HHS announces the winner of its 2009 H1N1 influenza PSA contest; seven finalists also named
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- "CDC Features" educate the public about the Hib booster dose, influenza, adult vaccination, and rabies
- IAC's "Screening Questionnaire for Injectable Influenza Vaccination" now in Spanish
- VISs for seasonal influenza vaccine available in Portuguese and Thai
- WHO announces composition of seasonal influenza vaccines for the 2010 southern hemisphere influenza season
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- MMWR article reports on performance of rapid influenza diagnostic tests in two H1N1 influenza outbreaks
- National Meningitis Association's "Tripod and Friends" teaches families about meningococcal disease
- MMWR publishes report on progress made toward controlling measles in Africa during 2001-08
Issue 824: September 21, 2009
- Reminder: September 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- FDA licenses four 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
- MMWR publishes information on Hiberix and updated Hib recommendations
- MMWR publishes recommendations on hepatitis A vaccination for close contacts of certain international adoptees
- VIS translation: Seasonal influenza VISs now available in Spanish
- CDC updates Pink Book with regard to polio vaccine scheduling
- MMWR reports on vaccination coverage of adolescents
- CDC provides updated influenza guidance related to pregnant women and small businesses
- CMS offers billing guidance for H1N1 influenza vaccination
- CDC posts three web documents with information related to H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
- IAC's Video of the Week features Families Fighting Flu PSA with soccer player Mia Hamm
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on the front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- MMWR provides update on U.S. influenza activity
- Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition redesigns website
- MMWR reports on vaccine-derived polioviruses worldwide
- California Department of Public Health announces influenza PSA contest
Issue 823: September 14, 2009
- September 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- IAC revises two guides for healthcare professionals: Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine: CDC answers your questions
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases provides information on early results from clinical trials of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
- MMWR Early Release provides update on national influenza activity
- MMWR reports on influenza vaccination during pregnancy
- It's not too early to be vaccinating patients against seasonal influenza
- Are you experiencing challenges in purchasing seasonal influenza vaccine?
- CDC updates guidelines on use of antivirals for treatment and prevention of H1N1 and seasonal influenza
- MMWR reports on oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 influenza infection in two summer campers
- CDC releases toolkit to help with planning school-located H1N1 influenza vaccination clinics
- PreventInfluenza.org website offers new resources for healthcare providers, including record card for patients
- IAC's Video of the Week section features people sharing their personal experiences with bacterial meningitis
- IAC adds new topic to Vaccine Concerns web section: Responding to Dr. Sears' Alternative Schedule
- IAC updates two educational pieces that emphasize the importance of the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose
- IAC announces two Unprotected People reports: a personal account of pneumococcal pneumonia in an elderly woman and a report about two toddlers with invasive Hib disease
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- HHS offers influenza PSAs that feature members of Congress
- CDC's World Rabies Day toolkit now available for state and local health departments
- MMWR article provides information about post-eradication wild polio virus containment
Issue 822: September 8, 2009
- MMWR reports on surveillance for pediatric deaths associated with H1N1 influenza virus infection
- CDC updates its H1N1 Flu web section with guidelines and a toolkit for child care and early childhood programs
- ACIP issues provisional recommendations for evidence of measles, mumps, and rubella immunity for healthcare workers
- ACIP issues provisional recommendations for the use of combination vaccines
- IAC updates its Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization, as well as eight print pieces about influenza; revised influenza screening questionnaires can be used for H1N1 influenza vaccination too!
- It's not too early to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza
- Vote for the best influenza prevention PSA by going to IAC's Video of the Week section!
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- "CDC Features" includes information for patients about shingles
- CDC publishes guidelines for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections among HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children previously published as MMWR Early Release
- CDC's September 17 net conference to focus on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
- Healthy Roads Media offers VISs and other immunization resources in new formats
- Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition offers tool to help facilitate discussion about influenza vaccination
- Reminder: AAP's "Sound Advice" audio interviews are available to help answer parents' questions about vaccination
- MMWR reports on worldwide laboratory surveillance for wild and vaccine-derived polioviruses
Issue 821: September 2, 2009
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccination
Issue 820: August 31, 2009
- MMWR reports on vaccination coverage of children ages 19-35 months
- CDC publishes H1N1 influenza recommendations previously published as an MMWR Early Release
- IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Anne Schuchat answering parents' questions about H1N1 influenza
- MMWR publishes article about H1N1 influenza infections in Chicago
- MMWR reports on surveillance for H1N1 influenza in New Zealand
- CDC launches a new vaccination campaign targeted toward parents and caregivers of Native American pre-teens
- California VFC Program releases free resources related to vaccine storage and handling
- CDC's guidelines for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections among HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children include information about vaccination
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- Two campaigns offer resources for preventing pertussis
- It's not too early to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- CDC offers the public a way to share opinions about H1N1 influenza vaccination online
- August issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- WHO issues position paper on measles vaccines
- Consortium for Infant and Child Health at Eastern Virginia Medical School offers customizable poster
- ACIP meeting scheduled for October 21-22 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early October
- Consortium for Healthy and Immunized Communities will present its annual symposium September 25 in Cleveland