IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1762)

Issue 852: February 22, 2010

  1. Reminder: February 2010 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults now available online
  2. New: FDA approves Menveo meningococcal conjugate vaccine for use in people ages 11 through 55 years
  3. Eight more organizations join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
  4. New: IAC's Image Library will educate staff and the public about the importance of vaccination
  5. IAC updates its popular parent brochure "Hepatitis B shots are recommended for all new babies"
  6. Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
  7. Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  8. IAC's Video of the Week has lots of information about meningitis prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
  9. Earn CE credit by viewing the new seasonal influenza module offered by CDC's "You Call the Shots" web-based training course
  10. IAC corrects an H1N1 influenza vaccine recall announcement published in the February 2010 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults
  11. UNICEF announces Bangladesh will vaccinate 20 million children against measles
  12. MMWR publishes report on an outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) on a Peruvian navy ship in June-July 2009
  13. PKIDS offers a February 23 webinar about how to use blogs to communicate immunization information
  14. Regular registration is now open for the May 26-28 National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
  15. Minnesota Coalition for Adult Immunization conference scheduled for March 19

Issue 851: February 15, 2010

  1. New! February 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
  2. Reminder: February 2010 issue of Needle Tips now available online
  3. IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2010 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules are now available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
  4. IAC updates four print resources for providers and patients, including standing orders and the "Reliable Resources" patient handout
  5. A new Unprotected People Report is a mother's account of rotavirus infection in her two youngest children
  6. Earn CME credit for watching the Discovery Health Channel's 4-part "Vaccine Update" video series
  7. MMWR publishes an update on an ongoing mumps outbreak in New York and New Jersey
  8. MMWR publishes a report on transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus through breast-feeding in Brazil in 2009
  9. MMWR publishes report on progress in U.S. immunization information systems in 2008
  10. March 19 is the nomination deadline for the 2010 Natalie J. Smith, MD, Award
  11. PKIDS offers February 18 webinar about using Twitter to communicate immunization information
  12. Immunize Nebraska conference scheduled for June 11 in Omaha; early-bird registration deadline is May 28

Issue 850: February 8, 2010

  1. New! February 2010 edition of Needle Tips is now online
  2. The Lancet retracts 1998 paper about MMR and autism by Wakefield, et al.
  3. CDC's Health Alert Network notifies clinicians about shortened shelf life of certain lots of Sanofi Pasteur H1N1 vaccine in prefilled syringes
  4. IAC updates "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines" and "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults"
  5. IAC updates Spanish-language "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
  6. "Adult Immunization: Shots to Save Lives" report released
  7. IAC's Video of the Week section features video clips for parents produced by ECBT
  8. Check out IAC's redesigned VIS web section
  9. January issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  10. Free "Shots 2010" software for the new adult, child, teen, and catch-up immunization schedules now available
  11. "CDC Features" educates the public about cervical cancer and HPV vaccines
  12. Reminder: Early Bird registration for National Immunization Conference ends February 19
  13. New hepatitis training resource from the University of Alabama available online

Issue 849: February 1, 2010

  1. CDC's Health Alert Network notifies clinicians about voluntary recall of certain lots of Sanofi Pasteur H1N1 vaccine in prefilled syringes
  2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledges $10 billion to accelerate global vaccine efforts
  3. PedvaxHIB again available for vaccination against Haemophilus influenza type b
  4. MMWR reports on H1N1 influenza outbreaks in long-term-care facilities
  5. Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
  6. CDC and Medscape present series of expert commentaries
  7. IAC's Video of the Week features HHS Secretary Sebelius visiting a school-based H1N1 influenza vaccination clinic
  8. Compelling PSAs about adult immunization now available
  9. IAC revises "Seek emergency medical care if you or a family member shows the signs below"
  10. IAC adds Indonesian-language VISs to its website
  11. WHO publishes the December 2009 meeting report of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety

Issue 848: January 27, 2010

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on new vaccine recommendations and licensures

Issue 847: January 25, 2010

  1. Three more healthcare organizations join IAC'S Honor Roll for Patient Safety
  2. IAC updates four print resources for patients and providers
  3. IAC'S Video of the Week features PBS program on the H1N1 influenza epidemic
  4. Keep vaccinating against seasonal and H1N1 influenza!
  5. MMWR provides update on U.S. influenza activity
  6. MMWR article documents transfusion-related transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus
  7. PKIDS offers January 28 webinar about its Communications Made Easy program
  8. "Be Confident!" campaign educates adolescents and parents about HPV and cervical cancer prevention
  9. MMWR publishes data on H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage
  10. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases scheduled for July 11-14 in Atlanta
  11. International Neonatal & Maternal Immunization Symposium to be held March 26-28 in Turkey

Issue 846: January 19, 2010

  1. New: 2010 U.S. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults is now available
  2. CDC provides information for relief workers and others traveling to Haiti
  3. CDC publishes MMWR Early Release on H1N1 influenza vaccination rates
  4. March 1 is the nomination deadline for the 2010 National Influenza Vaccine Summit's Immunization Excellence Awards
  5. CDC experts review and update IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to Hib
  6. IAC's Video of the Week features a Canadian PSA about influenza
  7. HHS unveils new H1N1 influenza PSA campaigns targeted toward American Indians and Alaska Natives
  8. Families Fighting Flu launches new education campaign
  9. Shot of Prevention blog offers immunization advocates a virtual place to meet
  10. Institute of Medicine releases report on chronic hepatitis B and C infection
  11. Live seasonal influenza VIS now available in Amharic

Issue 845: January 11, 2010

  1. Reminder: January 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults now available online
  2. New: CDC, AAP, and AAFP release the 2010 Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Ages 0 Through 18 Years
  3. Check out IAC's redesigned VIS web section: it offers you speed, clarity, and convenience
  4. It's National Influenza Vaccination Week: CDC's impressive collection of resources will help you get the word out
  5. FDA approves high-dose seasonal influenza vaccine intended for use in people ages 65 and older
  6. During National Influenza Vaccination Week, you'll want to view CDC's collection of videos on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
  7. Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  8. New for parents: ECBT's video clip collection features vaccine experts answering pressing questions about vaccination
  9. Reminder: CDC's January 28 Net Conference will cover the 2010 U.S. immunization schedules--register soon
  10. PKIDS' Communications Made Easy program helps immunization educators promote immunization to the public
  11. MMWR publishes report on patients hospitalized with H1N1 influenza at a school in Hawaii in May 2009
  12. MMWR publishes report on patients hospitalized with H1N1 influenza in New York City in May 2009
  13. February 1 is the abstract deadline for the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
  14. ACIP meeting scheduled for February 24-25 in Atlanta; February 2 is deadline for non-U.S. citizens to register

Issue 844: January 4, 2010

  1. January 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults focuses on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
  2. Reminder: January 2010 issue of Needle Tips now available online
  3. Scheduled for January 10-16, National Influenza Vaccination Week will focus on 2009 H1N1 vaccine
  4. New: IAC now has a patient handout that lists emergency warning signs for people with seasonal or H1N1 influenza and a piece that summarizes influenza vaccine products
  5. January is Cervical Health Awareness Month: PKIDS video presents a powerful incentive for HPV vaccination
  6. IAC updates sample standing orders for meningococcal and polio vaccination
  7. Vaccine Education Center videos now available on YouTube
  8. CDC posts Q&As for the public on human papillomavirus vaccine
  9. Register for the National Immunization Conference by February 19 to get the early bird rate
  10. December issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  11. NCIRD influenza materials are available for ordering or downloading
  12. Updated "Teaching Immunization for Medical Education" (TIME) modules are available for downloading
  13. Discovery Health Channel's Vaccine Update offers free CME credit for physicians
  14. MMWR publishes North Carolina study about the public's intent to receive influenza vaccines
  15. MMWR reports on the impact of influenza-related school closings

Issue 843: December 28, 2009

  1. A special edition of Needle Tips that focuses on seasonal and H1N1 influenza is now online
  2. CDC's Health Alert Network (HAN) announces voluntary recall of certain lots of nasal-spray H1N1 influenza vaccine

Issue 842: December 21, 2009

  1. Happy holidays from IAC
  2. CDC's Health Alert Network (HAN) notifies clinicians about voluntary recall of certain lots of H1N1 influenza vaccine
  3. Institute of Medicine releases recommendations for National Vaccine Plan
  4. National Influenza Vaccination Week now scheduled for January 10-16
  5. Four more healthcare organizations are placed on IAC's HonorRoll for Patient Safety
  6. Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  7. Set for Jan. 28, CDC's "Current Issues in Immunization" Net Conference will cover the 2010 immunization schedules
  8. IAC's Video of the Week features Bill and Melinda Gates speaking about global health
  9. CDC releases new H1N1 influenza PSA
  10. "Flu-Free and a Mom-to-Be" campaign educates pregnant women about the importance of influenza vaccination
  11. Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  12. WHO updates position paper on rotavirus vaccines
  13. Fondation Merieux organizes three conferences for early 2010
  14. World Vaccine Congress scheduled for April 19-22 in Washington, DC

Issue 841: December 14, 2009

  1. Pediatrics publishes supplement on financing of childhood and adolescent vaccines
  2. ACIP posts provisional recommendations for use of yellow fever vaccine
  3. MMWR reports on H1N1 influenza deaths among American Indians/Alaska Natives
  4. CDC provides new H1N1 influenza vaccination information for healthcare professionals
  5. PKIDs offers 8 customizable videos on vaccine-preventable diseases
  6. HHS and Ad Council launch new nationwide PSA campaign about H1N1 influenza vaccination
  7. Autopsies show 2009 H1N1 influenza virus damages entire airway
  8. American Academy of Pediatrics launches new immunization website
  9. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  10. Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  11. H1N1 influenza VISs now available in Dzongkha
  12. CDC experts review and update IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A sections related to hepatitis B and hepatitis A
  13. MMWR publishes information about H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
  14. Johns Hopkins announces launch of International Vaccine Access Center
  15. Follow polio eradication progress online
  16. MMWR provides information about March 2010 clinical vaccinology course

Issue 840: December 8, 2009

  1. Please donate to the Immunization Action Coalition

Issue 839: December 7, 2009

  1. MMWR Early Release reports on H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
  2. ACIP posts provisional recommendations for use of HPV vaccine
  3. CDC warns about email phishing scam related to H1N1 influenza vaccination
  4. CDC provides new H1N1 influenza vaccination information for healthcare professionals
  5. Summary report of ACIP's October meeting is now online
  6. IAC's Video of the Week encourages kids to get vaccinated
  7. More translations available for seasonal and H1N1 influenza VISs
  8. Healthy Roads Media offers English-language H1N1 influenza VISs in alternative formats
  9. Important: While you're vaccinating against influenza, be sure to administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  10. Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  11. Reminder: Abstracts for the 2010 National Immunization Conference due by December 11
  12. November issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  13. IAC updates "Quick Answers to Tough Questions" PowerPoint presentation
  14. MMWR reports on global measles mortality
  15. The Measles Initiative launches redesigned website
  16. November issue of the Global Immunization News available online
  17. MMWR publishes information about Conference on Vaccine Research

Issue 838: November 30, 2009

  1. FDA approves Agriflu, an inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine for use in adults age 18 years and older
  2. CDC website posts three important tables on spacing intervals for H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccine
  3. CDC's H1N1 web section includes provider information on use of the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines produced by GSK and CSL
  4. Audio broadcast of NCIRD's practical "Fundamentals of Influenza Vaccine Administration, Storage, and Handling" now available online
  5. CMS web section on adult immunization includes information on Medicare coverage for seasonal and H1N1 vaccination
  6. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  7. CDC experts review and update IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A section related to meningococcus
  8. IAC's Video of the Week features tips on preventing influenza transmission
  9. Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  10. Brochure gives parents a comprehensive overview of pediatric vaccines and the diseases they prevent
  11. VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in seven additional languages
  12. Seasonal influenza VISs now available in three additional languages
  13. 2010 International Conference On Healthcare-Associated Infections scheduled for March 18-22 in Atlanta
  14. GAVI Alliance honors 15 countries for excelling in immunization and child survival

Issue 837: November 23, 2009

  1. CDC revises vaccination criteria for U.S. immigration; HPV and zoster vaccines will no longer be required
  2. CDC Health Advisory stresses that pneumococcal vaccination is recommended to help prevent secondary infections
  3. Google offers new service to help the public find sources for seasonal and H1N1 influenza vaccination
  4. CDC's H1N1 web section includes provider guidance on use of CSL's H1N1 vaccine in children
  5. National Patient Safety Foundation's statement in support of mandatory HCW influenza vaccination added to IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
  6. MMWR includes November 12 MMWR Dispatch report on 2009 mumps outbreak in New York, New Jersey, and Quebec
  7. IAC's Video of the Week section links to HHS public service announcements related to influenza prevention
  8. IAC updates two print pieces that answer the public's questions about hepatitis A and mumps
  9. VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in 5 additional languages

Issue 836: November 18, 2009

  1. Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend year-end dollars! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!

Issue 835: November 16, 2009

  1. FDA approves expanded age indication for both of CSL's inactivated influenza vaccines
  2. FDA approves ID Biomedical's injectable H1N1 influenza vaccine
  3. New: IAC develops form for healthcare employees to sign if declining H1N1 influenza vaccination
  4. New: AMA fact sheet has Q&As about using CPT codes for providing and administering H1N1 vaccine
  5. FDA commissioner's letter to healthcare professionals provides information on the safety of H1N1 vaccines
  6. MMWR Dispatch reports on 2009 mumps outbreak in New York, New Jersey, and Quebec
  7. NCIRD director's letter to providers underscores the need for PPSV vaccination for adults
  8. Update on recent U.S. influenza activity indicates 2009 H1N1 influenza virus is causing significant disease
  9. CDC updates its H1N1 web section with information on pregnancy and H1N1 infection, importance of PPSV vaccination, and more
  10. Two more hospitals added to IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety; NEJM article discusses mandatory HCW vaccination
  11. IAC'S Video Of The Week highlights the impact of rotavirus vaccine in the developing world
  12. CDC experts review and update three of IAC'S online "Ask The Experts" Q&A sections
  13. Online, year-end sale! Get laminated child/teen and adult U.S. immunization schedules for $1 each when you buy 11 or more!
  14. Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  15. CDC reports on the effectiveness of 2008-09 inactivated influenza vaccine in protecting against 2009 H1N1 influenza
  16. National Influenza Vaccination Week set for December 6-12; be sure to submit your organization's event plans
  17. National Immunization Conference abstract deadline is December 11; early-bird registration ends February 19
  18. Website of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is worth exploring

Issue 834: November 10, 2009

  1. Please take our 5-minute survey about IAC activities

Issue 833: November 9, 2009

  1. CDC updates its H1N1 web section with information on vaccine supply, dosage, administration, and storage--and much more
  2. Leading physician groups urge pregnant women to get both seasonal and 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
  3. MMWR publishes article on fatal case of human rabies in Missouri in 2008
  4. Healthy pregnant women mount a robust immune response after receiving one dose of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine
  5. HHS orders intravenous antiviral influenza medication to help patients hospitalized with 2009 H1N1 influenza
  6. Health Alert Network (HAN) Info Service Message advises clinicians about antiviral treatments for 2009 H1N1
  7. AAP offers information on coding for influenza vaccine and its administration
  8. IAC's Video of the Week--"Sneezing 101"--shows how a simple hygiene step can keep you and others healthy
  9. "CDC Features" educate the public about issues related to 2009 H1N1 influenza
  10. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  11. Immunization Techniques video (DVD or VHS) offers a great way to give staff high-quality vaccination training
  12. CDC's two new flyers educate healthcare providers and parents about the Vaccines for Children program
  13. October issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  14. Correction: IAC Express amends statistic on annual number of meningitis cases reported among U.S. infants
  15. Notice: November 17 teleconference on infant meningococcal diseases has been postponed
  16. Laminated seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  17. VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in 12 additional languages
  18. VIS translation: VIS for PPSV vaccine now available in Turkish
  19. Pediatrics publishes "Recommendations for Screening, Monitoring, and Referral of Pediatric Chronic Hepatitis B"
  20. MMWR publishes article on 2009 human vaccinia infection after contact with raccoon rabies vaccine bait in Pennsylvania
  21. Physician toolkit for adolescent immunization ready for downloading
  22. Summary report of ACIP's special July meeting on H1N1 influenza is now online
  23. National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions set for May 26-28 in Chicago; abstracts due February 1

Issue 832: November 5, 2009

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about 2009 H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccination

Issue 831: November 4, 2009

  1. Year-end sale! Buy laminated child/teen and adult U.S. immunization schedules for a fraction of the price--while supplies last

Issue 830: November 2, 2009

  1. Merck announces decision not to resume production of its monovalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines
  2. FDA authorizes emergency use of intravenous antiviral Peramivir for 2009 H1N1 influenza virus infection
  3. MMWR announces that November 2 is World Pneumonia Day
  4. In honor of World Pneumonia Day, IAC's Video of the Week educates about pneumococcal disease and vaccine
  5. CDC posts Q&A on using H1N1 influenza vaccine in pregnant women, H1N1 vaccine dosage chart, and much more
  6. CDC's ready-to-print influenza vaccination record card made available on the 2009 H1N1 Flu website
  7. Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  8. Immunization Techniques video (DVD or VHS) offers a great way to give staff high-quality vaccination instruction
  9. Medical practices make a strong showing on IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety, as do larger institutions
  10. AMA launches Web-based influenza health-assessment program for patients and physicians
  11. November 17 webcast and teleconference on the impact of infant meningococcal disease to feature renowned experts
  12. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  13. Seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  14. Play a fast-paced vocabulary game, and help raise money to purchase vaccine that prevents childhood pneumococcal disease
  15. VISs for H1N1 influenza vaccines now in Hmong, Somali, and Turkish
  16. Department of Health and Human Services' Healthy People 2020 objectives available for public comment

Issue 829: October 26, 2009

  1. CDC posts the provisional recommendations for use of MMRV vaccine on its ACIP web section
  2. FDA approves seasonal influenza vaccine Fluarix for use in children and teens ages 3 to 17 years
  3. President Obama signs emergency declaration for H1N1 influenza
  4. Immunization Techniques video (DVD or VHS) offers a great way to give staff high-quality vaccination instruction
  5. CDC's H1N1 information includes H1N1 billing Q&As, 10 most frequently asked H1N1 questions, and much more
  6. Set for Nov. 12, CDC's "Current Issues in Immunization" Net Conference will cover new HPV recommendations
  7. Wired magazine profiles Dr. Paul A. Offit in the context of his work to dispel autism myths
  8. Seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  9. IAC's Video of the Week features a 60 Minutes report on H1N1 influenza
  10. IAC updates a print Q&A that answers the public's questions about seasonal influenza
  11. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  12. MMWR article reports substantial decrease in U.S. rotavirus disease since vaccine introduction in 2006
  13. VISs for seasonal influenza vaccines now available in Bengali, Haitian Creole, and Urdu
  14. Check out the Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition's new videos, PSAs, and survey results
  15. A new Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website has been launched
  16. "State of the World's Vaccines and Immunization" focuses on major developments since 2000
  17. MMWR article covers introduction and transmission of H1N1 influenza virus in Kenya in 2009
  18. MMWR article discusses recent progress made toward eradicating polio in Nigeria
  19. Phacilitate's North American Vaccine Forum scheduled for January 25-27 in Washington, DC

Issue 828: October 19, 2009

  1. FDA approves new vaccine, Cervarix, for prevention of cervical cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18
  2. FDA approves new indication for the use of Gardasil to prevent genital warts in boys and men
  3. CDC issues Health Advisory counseling clinicians to initiate antiviral treatment in patients with suspected influenza who are at increased risk of developing severe disease
  4. Seasonal influenza vaccine pocket guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
  5. Eleven more organizations that mandate influenza vaccination of healthcare workers join IAC's Honor Roll for Patient Safety
  6. Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  7. CDC updates its H1N1 web section with information on infection control and more
  8. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  9. FDA warns consumers about unapproved and illegal H1N1 drug products purchased over the Internet
  10. Book about families and individuals devastated by vaccine-preventable diseases is a must for every waiting room
  11. IAC's Video of the Week features Sesame Street's Elmo demonstrating easy ways to stay healthy
  12.  VISs for 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines available in up to 10 additional languages
  13. VISs for seasonal influenza vaccines available in Hmong, Karen, Russian, and Somali
  14. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on back--a popular translation at no added cost!
  15. CDC's Pre-teen Vaccine Campaign now has materials for Native American, Korean, and Vietnamese audiences
  16. CDC's 2010 National Immunization Conference set for April 19-22 in Atlanta; abstracts due December 11
  17. Summary report from the June 2009 ACIP meeting now online

Issue 827: October 12, 2009

  1. IAC recognizes organizations with strong influenza vaccination policies for healthcare workers
  2. CDC releases revised VISs for PPSV, rabies, and shingles
  3. H1N1 influenza VISs now available in Spanish
  4. Seasonal influenza VISs now available in up to 12 translations
  5. AMA makes expedited CPT codes available for H1N1 influenza immunizations
  6. MMWR provides updated information on H1N1 2009 monovalent vaccines
  7. MMWR reports on influenza vaccination coverage
  8. ACIP posts provisional recommendations for use of anthrax vaccine adsorbed
  9. MMWR announces new system for monitoring emergency department visits for influenza-like illness
  10. CDC posts new H1N1 influenza resources for healthcare professionals and their patients
  11. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  12. IAC updates Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations, a print resource
  13. California's EZ-IZ training is IAC's Video of the Week
  14. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  15. Vaccine Education Center redesigns its website, adds H1N1 influenza resource for parents
  16. Attend October ACIP meeting via webcast
  17. Save the date: 13th annual Conference on Vaccine Research scheduled for April 26-28, 2010

Issue 826: October 5, 2009

  1. At long last--the VISs for injectable and nasal spray 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine are now online
  2. Standing Orders for Administering Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccines now available
  3. AAP publishes policy statement on the prevention and control of influenza in children
  4. CDC publishes a report on bacterial coinfections from fatal cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1)
  5. CDC issues a Health Alert Network message about updated pediatric antiviral dosing syringe and compounding information for 2009 H1N1 and seasonal influenza
  6. HHS publications and web sections make it easy to educate patients about protecting themselves and their families against influenza
  7. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  8. IAC's Video of the Week features Angelique Kidjo talking about UNICEF's campaign to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus
  9. CDC adds interim recommendations for clinical use of influenza diagnostic tests to its H1N1 web section
  10. CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage among children ages 6 months-18 years during the 2008-09 influenza season
  11. CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage among children ages 6-23 months during the 2007-08 influenza season
  12. IAC updates four print pieces that answer the public's questions about measles, mumps, rubella, and meningococcal
  13. October issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  14. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on the front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
  15. "Vote and Vax" helps local public health agencies provide influenza vaccines at or near polling places on Election Day
  16. WHO issues position paper on hepatitis B vaccines
  17. 2009 Influenza Congress USA is scheduled for November 18-20 in Washington, DC
  18. It's Get Smart About Antibiotics Week--CDC has lots of information for health professionals and the public

Issue 825: September 28, 2009

  1. September 2009 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
  2. CDC publishes recommendation for revaccinating people at prolonged increased risk for meningococcal disease
  3. Trial of 2009 H1N1 vaccine indicates robust early response in children ages 10-17; weaker response in those younger
  4. CDC provides Q&A for clinicians about 2009 H1N1 vaccine; updates recommendations for use of antiviral medications
  5. IDSA releases clinical practice guidelines for immunizing infants, children, adolescents, and adults
  6. CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course now available on DVD and CD
  7. IAC's Video of the Week features a CDC expert's advice about meningococcal meningitis
  8. HHS announces the winner of its 2009 H1N1 influenza PSA contest; seven finalists also named
  9. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  10. "CDC Features" educate the public about the Hib booster dose, influenza, adult vaccination, and rabies
  11. IAC's "Screening Questionnaire for Injectable Influenza Vaccination" now in Spanish
  12. VISs for seasonal influenza vaccine available in Portuguese and Thai
  13. WHO announces composition of seasonal influenza vaccines for the 2010 southern hemisphere influenza season
  14. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  15. MMWR article reports on performance of rapid influenza diagnostic tests in two H1N1 influenza outbreaks
  16. National Meningitis Association's "Tripod and Friends" teaches families about meningococcal disease
  17. MMWR publishes report on progress made toward controlling measles in Africa during 2001-08

Issue 824: September 21, 2009

  1. Reminder: September 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
  2. FDA licenses four 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
  3. MMWR publishes information on Hiberix and updated Hib recommendations
  4. MMWR publishes recommendations on hepatitis A vaccination for close contacts of certain international adoptees
  5. VIS translation: Seasonal influenza VISs now available in Spanish
  6. CDC updates Pink Book with regard to polio vaccine scheduling
  7. MMWR reports on vaccination coverage of adolescents
  8. CDC provides updated influenza guidance related to pregnant women and small businesses
  9. CMS offers billing guidance for H1N1 influenza vaccination
  10. CDC posts three web documents with information related to H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
  11. IAC's Video of the Week features Families Fighting Flu PSA with soccer player Mia Hamm
  12. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on the front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
  13. Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
  14. Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  15. MMWR provides update on U.S. influenza activity
  16. Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition redesigns website
  17. MMWR reports on vaccine-derived polioviruses worldwide
  18. California Department of Public Health announces influenza PSA contest

Issue 823: September 14, 2009

  1. September 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
  2. IAC revises two guides for healthcare professionals: Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine: CDC answers your questions
  3. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases provides information on early results from clinical trials of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
  4. MMWR Early Release provides update on national influenza activity
  5. MMWR reports on influenza vaccination during pregnancy
  6. It's not too early to be vaccinating patients against seasonal influenza
  7. Are you experiencing challenges in purchasing seasonal influenza vaccine?
  8. CDC updates guidelines on use of antivirals for treatment and prevention of H1N1 and seasonal influenza
  9. MMWR reports on oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 influenza infection in two summer campers
  10. CDC releases toolkit to help with planning school-located H1N1 influenza vaccination clinics
  11. PreventInfluenza.org website offers new resources for healthcare providers, including record card for patients
  12. IAC's Video of the Week section features people sharing their personal experiences with bacterial meningitis
  13. IAC adds new topic to Vaccine Concerns web section: Responding to Dr. Sears' Alternative Schedule
  14. IAC updates two educational pieces that emphasize the importance of the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose
  15. IAC announces two Unprotected People reports: a personal account of pneumococcal pneumonia in an elderly woman and a report about two toddlers with invasive Hib disease
  16. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  17. HHS offers influenza PSAs that feature members of Congress
  18. CDC's World Rabies Day toolkit now available for state and local health departments
  19. MMWR article provides information about post-eradication wild polio virus containment

Issue 822: September 8, 2009

  1. MMWR reports on surveillance for pediatric deaths associated with H1N1 influenza virus infection
  2. CDC updates its H1N1 Flu web section with guidelines and a toolkit for child care and early childhood programs
  3. ACIP issues provisional recommendations for evidence of measles, mumps, and rubella immunity for healthcare workers
  4. ACIP issues provisional recommendations for the use of combination vaccines
  5. IAC updates its Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization, as well as eight print pieces about influenza; revised influenza screening questionnaires can be used for H1N1 influenza vaccination too!
  6. It's not too early to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza
  7. Vote for the best influenza prevention PSA by going to IAC's Video of the Week section!
  8. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
  9. "CDC Features" includes information for patients about shingles
  10. CDC publishes guidelines for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections among HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children previously published as MMWR Early Release
  11. CDC's September 17 net conference to focus on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
  12. Healthy Roads Media offers VISs and other immunization resources in new formats
  13. Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition offers tool to help facilitate discussion about influenza vaccination
  14. Reminder: AAP's "Sound Advice" audio interviews are available to help answer parents' questions about vaccination
  15. MMWR reports on worldwide laboratory surveillance for wild and vaccine-derived polioviruses

Issue 821: September 2, 2009

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccination

Issue 820: August 31, 2009

  1. MMWR reports on vaccination coverage of children ages 19-35 months
  2. CDC publishes H1N1 influenza recommendations previously published as an MMWR Early Release
  3. IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Anne Schuchat answering parents' questions about H1N1 influenza
  4. MMWR publishes article about H1N1 influenza infections in Chicago
  5. MMWR reports on surveillance for H1N1 influenza in New Zealand
  6. CDC launches a new vaccination campaign targeted toward parents and caregivers of Native American pre-teens
  7. California VFC Program releases free resources related to vaccine storage and handling
  8. CDC's guidelines for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections among HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children include information about vaccination
  9. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  10. Two campaigns offer resources for preventing pertussis
  11. It's not too early to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza
  12. Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  13. CDC offers the public a way to share opinions about H1N1 influenza vaccination online
  14. August issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  15. WHO issues position paper on measles vaccines
  16. Consortium for Infant and Child Health at Eastern Virginia Medical School offers customizable poster
  17. ACIP meeting scheduled for October 21-22 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early October
  18. Consortium for Healthy and Immunized Communities will present its annual symposium September 25 in Cleveland

Issue 819: August 24, 2009

  1. CDC publishes ACIP recommendations for use of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine
  2. FDA licenses new Hib vaccine, Hiberix
  3. It's time to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza!
  4. CDC releases guidance for businesses and institutions of higher education related to influenza prevention
  5. JAMA publishes articles on HPV vaccine
  6. IAC redesigns its Immunization Topics section
  7. IAC's Video of the Week reports on preventing neonatal tetanus in Cote d'Ivoire
  8. "CDC Features" includes information for parents and patients about meningitis and pertussis
  9. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
  10. August 21 MMWR includes previously published article about oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 virus infection in two immunosuppressed patients
  11. MMWR publishes correction to table in the ACIP seasonal influenza recommendations
  12. VIS translations: VISs for influenza (TIV) and Td/Tdap vaccines now available in Turkish
  13. National Committee for Quality Assurance offers a free online continuing education program
  14. World Rabies Day Symposium scheduled for September 28 in Atlanta
  15. Influenza Congress to be held November 18-20 in Washington, DC
  16. Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership's 14th annual conference set for October 15

Issue 818: August 19, 2009

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on topics from February and June 2009 ACIP meetings

Issue 817: August 17, 2009

  1. New: Updated interim VISs for 2009-10 seasonal influenza vaccines are available--in English only, for now
  2. MMWR Dispatch reports on oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 virus infection in two immunosuppressed patients
  3. IAC's Video of the Week presents stories from families affected by seasonal influenza
  4. The "Flu Clinic Locator" gives the public a way to find a clinic and providers a way to promote their clinics
  5. "CDC Features" includes information for parents on how the government monitors vaccine safety
  6. CDC's "Take 3" plan urges public to take three action steps to protect against seasonal and H1N1 influenza
  7. CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with prevention guidance for workplaces, planning information for healthcare professionals, and more
  8. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  9. HHS reports on the insurance industry's practice of denying coverage to or discriminating against Americans with pre-existing health conditions
  10. Philadelphia Immunization Coalition's online education modules cover a huge spectrum of immunization topics
  11. PKIDS sponsors a handwashing video and poster contest; deadline for submissions is September 15
  12. GAVI announces a $165 million grant will be used to introduce 5-in-1 vaccine in India; 18 million children to be vaccinated over the next five years
  13. August 14 MMWR includes a short summary of the 2008 Reports of Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases
  14. Forum on the domestic response to hepatitis B and C planned for Washington, DC, on September 10-11

Issue 816: August 12, 2009

  1. Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by September 30. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
  2. Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work

Issue 815: August 10, 2009

  1. CDC issues updated recommendations for routine polio vaccination
  2. CDC issues updated school guidance for H1N1 influenza
  3. CDC issues a health advisory about updated recommendations for the amount of time people with influenza-like illness should stay away from others
  4. CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with additional information for schools, exclusion guidance for people with influenza-like illness, and more
  5. Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  6. IAC's Video of the Week features a re-cast of CDC's July 16 Current Issues in Immunization Net Conference on H1N1 influenza
  7. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on back--a popular translation at no added cost!
  8. HHS's website for the public--www.healthfinder.gov--presents information on pre-teen vaccination
  9. CDC website posts presentation slide sets from ACIP's July 29 meeting on H1N1 influenza
  10. MMWR publishes article on the ability of rapid influenza diagnostic tests to detect H1N1 influenza viruses
  11. Clinical Vaccinology course scheduled for Atlanta on November 13-15

Issue 814: August 3, 2009

  1. ACIP makes recommendations for use of novel influenza A (H1N1) vaccine
  2. Study indicates pregnant women have higher rates of hospitalization and death from infection with H1N1 influenza virus; prompt antiviral treatment urged
  3. CDC's 2009 recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza now published as an MMWR Recommendations and Reports
  4. AAP issues early release of a policy statement on recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza in children
  5. IAC's Videos of the Week promote immunization across the lifespan during National Immunization Awareness Month
  6. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  7. New: 2010 edition of the Yellow Book--CDC's travel-health guide--now available online
  8. CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with planning information for healthcare professionals, Q&As for the public on H1N1 influenza vaccine, and more
  9. FDA authorizes emergency use of another diagnostic test for H1N1 influenza
  10. Tuesday--August 4--is the date for IZTA's teleconference on influenza communication
  11. "CDC Features" tells parents how to protect their family from rabies
  12. For coalitions: August 18 is the date for IZTA's hepatitis B update
  13. MMWR publishes a report on a case of laboratory-confirmed vaccinia virus in Virginia in 2008

Issue 813: July 27, 2009

  1. CDC's 2009 recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza published as an MMWR Early Release
  2. ACIP votes on recommendations for many vaccines at its June 24-26 meeting
  3. MMWR publishes report on neurological complications associated with H1N1 influenza in children in May 2009
  4. Four states expand immunization requirements; pharmacists authorized to vaccinate in all 50 states
  5. FDA approves seasonal influenza vaccines for 2009-10; package inserts for all vaccines are on IAC's website
  6. CDC summarizes H1N1 influenza situation and advises the healthcare community and public on ways to stay informed
  7. IAC's Video of the Week presents HHS Secretary Sebelius explaining the 2009 Flu Prevention PSA contest
  8. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications have English on front, Spanish on back--added value at no added cost!
  9. July issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  10. Clinical trials to test two candidate H1N1 influenza vaccines to begin soon
  11. CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with Q&As on H1N1 influenza vaccine development and more
  12. Engaging booklet helps the public evaluate science articles that appear in the media
  13. It's easy to give patients basic immunization information with CDC's attractive, formatted articles
  14. FREE online CE course on best practices in childhood and adolescent immunization now available

Issue 812: July 24, 2009

  1. IAC publishes three accounts of young children who died from complications of seasonal influenza
  2. Unprotected People Report #100: Measles Not Worth the Risk by epidemiologist Dr. John Lawrence Kiely
  3. Unprotected People Report #101: In Memory of Ryan Milley
  4. Unprotected People Report #102: A Lost Week by Dr. Mary E. O'Brien

Issue 811: July 20, 2009

  1. July 2009 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
  2. ACIP issues provisional recommendations for the use of Japanese encephalitis vaccine
  3. Need information fast? Cut to the chase with IAC's redesigned diseases and vaccines web section
  4. August is National Immunization Awareness Month; CDC's resources encourage vaccination across the lifespan
  5. FDA reports that Wyeth has voluntarily recalled one lot of its PCV vaccine, Prevnar
  6. CDC updates vaccine supply information for several vaccines
  7. Important: During novel influenza H1N1 outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  8. CDC's novel influenza H1N1 web section updated with planning steps for medical offices, physician guidance for directing parents/patients in home care, and more
  9. IAC updates its HPV, measles, pneumococcus, and polio Q&As for the public
  10. CDC updates its shingles vaccine Q&As for the public
  11. MMWR article reports on Japanese encephalitis among three U.S. travelers returning from Asia during 2003-08
  12. Reminder: July 30 is the date for CDC's Immunization Update 2009 satellite broadcast and webcast
  13. HHS commits $884 million to purchase more influenza H1N1 vaccine ingredients; White House issues text of related letter
  14. VIS translation: Current VIS for PPSV now available in Thai
  15. IAC's Video of the Week features a Council on Foreign Relations conference panel on H1N1 influenza
  16. Emergency physicians issue a plan for managing novel influenza H1N1 in emergency departments
  17. September 15 is application deadline for CDC's July 2010-June 2011 Epidemic Intelligence Service program
  18. Now available from ACIP: Updated draft agenda for the July 29 special meeting and presentation slides from the June 24-26 meeting
  19. Presentation slides from the June 29-July 1 meeting of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit now available
  20. Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  21. HHS sponsors 2009 influenza prevention PSA contest; deadline for submissions is August 17
  22. July 17 MMWR includes previously published MMWR Dispatch article about ICU patients with H1N1 influenza
  23. Early Childhood Health and Immunization Summit scheduled for September 14-15 in Las Vegas
  24. Shots for Tots conference planned for October 29 in New Orleans
  25. International Neonatal and Maternal Immunization Symposium to be held November 8-9 in Antalya, Turkey

Issue 810: July 13, 2009

  1. Important: CDC's Q&A on HepB vaccine supply constraints presents advice on judicious use of HepB when immunizing infants, children, and adults
  2. MMWR article reports on imported human rabies in California in 2008
  3. ACIP website posts provisional recommendations for prevention of human rabies
  4. HAN issues Info Service Message on three reports of oseltamivir-resistant novel influenza H1N1 viruses
  5. MMWR Dispatch reports on intensive-care patients with severe influenza H1N1 infection in Michigan
  6. White House's H1N1 Influenza Summit calls on nation to prepare for 2009-10 seasonal influenza and ongoing H1N1 influenza outbreak
  7. HHS announces that states can receive $350 million for H1N1 and seasonal influenza preparedness; list outlines funds available for each state
  8. CDC's novel influenza H1N1 web section updated with plans for state/local government vaccination programs, guidance for obstetric settings, and much more
  9. ACIP schedules special meeting on novel influenza H1N1 for July 29; be sure to register ASAP
  10. IAC updates two print pieces that answer the public's questions about shingles and tetanus
  11. IAC's Video of the Week features youth advocates making a difference by supporting the Measles Initiative
  12. IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--added value at no added cost
  13. MMWR article reports on progress India made in eradicating polio during January 2007-May 2009

Issue 809: July 6, 2009

  1. Reminder: July 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
  2. CDC posts Q&As for providers about reinstating the Hib booster dose
  3. CDC's novel H1N1 web section updated with guidance on treating pregnant women, podcast on preventing novel H1N1 infection at camp, and Q&A for the public
  4. Joint Commission's free monograph presents strategies for increasing influenza vaccination rates among healthcare personnel
  5. IAC redesigns the anthrax, chickenpox, diphtheria, and hepatitis A pages of its Diseases & Vaccines web section; 16 other pages previously redesigned
  6. IAC's Video of the Week tells the story of the only unvaccinated rabies survivor and her medical treatment
  7. CDC reports on hepatitis A vaccination coverage of U.S. children ages 24-35 months during 2006-07
  8. U.S. to provide antiviral medication to Latin America and the Caribbean for novel influenza A (H1N1)
  9. Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today
  10. VIS translation: VIS for PPSV now available in Tagalog
  11. Midwest Viral Hepatitis Summit planned for September 18 in Columbus, OH
  12. Conference on aging and immunity is scheduled for September 21-23 in Siena, Italy

Issue 808: June 29, 2009

  1. July 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
  2. CDC recommends that providers reinstate the Hib booster dose for children ages 12-15 months
  3. Important: During the novel influenza A (H1N1) outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
  4. Reminder: Novel influenza A (H1N1) and the 2009-10 seasonal influenza recommendations to be covered on CDC's July 16 net conference
  5. Florida Department of Health looking for three boys who played with a rabid bat
  6. CDC updates its novel influenza A H1N1 web section with revised guidance for businesses
  7. IAC's Video of the Week emphasizes the importance of hand-washing in stopping the spread of disease
  8. June issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  9. Standardized injection site maps help everyone in the office use the same anatomic sites for each vaccine
  10. IAC updates a print piece that answers the public's questions about meningococcal disease and vaccines
  11. HHS announces $35 million contract for a new way to produce influenza vaccine
  12. Save the date: July 7 is the new date for IZTA's Influenza Update conference call
  13. Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  14. Perfect for your waiting room: "The Saturday Shot" storybook presents a kid's-eye view of getting immunized
  15. MMWR article reports on the progress WHO's Western Pacific Region made in eliminating measles during 1990-2008

Issue 807: June 22, 2009

  1. Reminder: Please take IAC's survey about immunization education materials
  2. MMWR article reports on healthcare personnel who may have acquired novel H1N1 influenza infection from ill patients
  3. CDC's novel H1N1 influenza web section is updated with guidance for day/residential camps, PSAs on travel and leaving home when sick, and more
  4. WHO reports that sanofi pasteur will donate 100 million doses of pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine
  5. IAC updates its website with redesigned hepatitis B and HPV web sections; links to package inserts and a sortable language-locator table are also available
  6. IAC adds new Q&As to 14 of its "Ask the Experts" web sections
  7. IAC's Video of the Week features a polio survivor's story about her 60 years in an iron lung
  8. FDA enforces laws to protect consumers from Internet marketing of illegal products related to novel H1N1 influenza
  9. Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  10. CDC updates its online VIS fact sheet with information about new options for distributing VISs
  11. Current VIS for PPSV now available in Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese
  12. Minnesota Viral Hepatitis Symposium scheduled for July 23-24 in Bloomington

Issue 806: June 18, 2009

  1. Please take our survey about immunization education materials

Issue 805: June 15, 2009

  1. CDC releases new interim H1N1 influenza guidelines, including one about use of PPSV vaccine
  2. WHO raises H1N1 influenza pandemic alert to Phase 6
  3. IAC's Video of the Week features HHS Secretary Sebelius discussing the U.S. response to the WHO pandemic declaration
  4. Dr. Thomas Frieden becomes 16th director of CDC
  5. FDA revises the label for Gardasil to include additional information on syncope
  6. CDC releases guidance about protecting infants against hepatitis B when using Pentacel during the Hib vaccine shortage
  7. IAC adds three letters to its Press Room web section
  8. VISs can now be downloaded to mobile devices
  9. Check out "Factcines," a helpful book for vaccine-hesitant parents
  10. New journal articles of interest
  11. CDC to sponsor net conference on H1N1 and seasonal influenza on July 16
  12. Immunize Georgia conference scheduled for September 11

Issue 804: June 10, 2009

  1. Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by June 30. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
  2. Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work

Issue 803: June 8, 2009

  1. MMWR publishes update on H1N1 influenza in Mexico
  2. New! IAC'S padded screening questionnaires for vaccine contraindications are now two-sided, with English on one side and Spanish on the back--added value at no added cost!
  3. New! IAC offers free ready-to-print cards featuring popular quick-links for navigating IAC's www.immunize.org website
  4. IAC updates two print pieces: "It's Federal Law" and "Pertussis: Questions and Answers"
  5. Vaccine issues make the news
  6. IAC's Video of the Week examines the challenges of global immunization
  7. Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
  8. VIS translation: VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine now available in Spanish
  9. WHO recommends global use of rotavirus vaccines
  10. MMWR discontinuing publication of continuing education activities in hard-copy format
  11. Michigan's Adolescent Immunization webcast now archived for online viewing
  12. It's not too late to sign up for the B Informed Patient Conference

Issue 802: June 1, 2009

  1. Study published in Pediatrics indicates children of parents who refuse pertussis vaccination are at high risk for the disease
  2. CDC continually posts new and updated information related to H1N1 influenza
  3. Three measles cases confirmed in unvaccinated children in Bucks County, PA
  4. IAC's Video of the Week features gripping case summaries and images of children with vaccine-preventable diseases
  5. MMWR notifies readers that "Immunization Update 2009" satellite broadcast and webcast is scheduled for July 30
  6. AAP's "Sound Advice" audio interviews are available to answer parents' questions about vaccination
  7. MMWR publishes report on large-scale human exposures to a rabid bat in Montana in 2008
  8. IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!

Issue 801: May 26, 2009

  1. HHS directs $1 billion toward development of vaccine for novel influenza A (H1N1); new HHS ad campaign planned to encourage the public to protect itself against H1N1 influenza
  2. MMWR reports on antibody response to H1N1 after vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine
  3. MMWR reports on patients hospitalized with H1N1 influenza
  4. MMWR publishes surveillance summary on acute viral hepatitis
  5. President Obama appoints Dr. Thomas Frieden as CDC director
  6. CDC offers new H1N1 influenza resources in translation
  7. IAC's Video of the Week helps healthcare professionals talk to parents about vaccine concerns
  8. IAC revises "Admission Orders for Labor & Delivery and Newborn Units to Prevent HBV Transmission" and "Standing Orders for Administering Rotavirus Vaccine to Infants"
  9. IAC updates and redesigns "After the shots. . . What to do if your child has discomfort"
  10. IAC updates three print pieces that answer the public's questions about rotavirus, diphtheria, and Hib
  11. Mark your calendar: July 30 is the date for "Immunization Update 2009"
  12. The 11th edition of CDC's Pink Book can now be downloaded
  13. IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
  14. May issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  15. IZTA plans June 16 conference call on influenza and June 30 call on making new media work for immunization coalitions
  16. MMWR reports on progressive vaccinia in a military smallpox vaccinee
  17. Erratum: MMWR corrects two sentences in its report on H1N1 influenza in pregnant women

Issue 800: May 20, 2009

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about vaccine errors

Issue 799: May 18, 2009

  1. CDC downgrades Travel Health Warning regarding travel to Mexico to a Travel Health Precaution
  2. CDC develops new H1N1 influenza educational resources
  3. Tomorrow is World Hepatitis Day!
  4. MMWR Notice to Readers recognizes hepatitis month and day
  5. MMWR Notice to Readers announces new hepatitis B initiative
  6. IAC's Video of the Week answers questions about the number, safety, and timing of childhood vaccines
  7. Re-translations of IAC's "Screening Questionnaire for Adult Immunization" and "Vaccinations for Adults--You're NEVER too old to get immunized!" available in seven languages
  8. IAC updates its professional-education piece "Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV): CDC answers your questions"
  9. The Vaccine Education Center offers a new resource on aluminum in vaccines
  10. May 15 issue of MMWR includes article about H1N1 influenza previously published as a MMWR Dispatch
  11. Date for ACIP meeting changed to June 24-26
  12. Summary Report from the February 2009 ACIP meeting now online
  13. MMWR publishes report on pediatric bacterial meningitis surveillance in Africa

Issue 798: May 13, 2009

  1. MMWR Dispatch reports on H1N1 influenza in three pregnant women

Issue 797: May 11, 2009

  1. CDC continually posting new information related to H1N1 influenza
  2. MMWR publishes update on worldwide H1N1 influenza cases
  3. IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
  4. IAC's Video of the Week helps answer parents' questions about the safety and importance of vaccines
  5. IAC updates translations of its child and teen screening questionnaire
  6. May 8 issue of MMWR includes two H1N1 influenza articles previously published as MMWR Dispatches
  7. New journal articles that may be of interest
  8. VIS translation: VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine now available in Turkish
  9. For coalitions: 176 immunization coalitions have posted information on www.izcoalitions.org--is yours one of them?
  10. Rwanda becomes first low-income nation to offer PCV7 as part of its national immunization program
  11. Hepatitis B Foundation's B Informed Patient Conference scheduled for June 26-27

Issue 796: May 6, 2009

  1. CDC issues new guidance on closure of schools and childcare facilities related to the H1N1 influenza virus epidemic
  2. CDC has recently posted additional interim guidance documents related to H1N1 influenza
  3. IAC adds web resources related to H1N1 influenza

Issue 795: May 26, 2009

  1. Keep up to date with breaking information about H1N1 influenza (swine flu)
  2. IAC's Video of the Week features Jennifer Lopez promoting immunization against pertussis
  3. Updated 2009 versions of IAC's child/teen and lifetime immunization record cards now available
  4. Such a deal: Save $12.50 per box when you buy IAC's 2007 child/teen or 2008 lifetime immunization record cards--order while supplies last!
  5. Reminder: the 11th edition of CDC's Pink Book can be pre-ordered now
  6. Guidelines for preventing disease associated with animals published in MMWR Recommendations and Reports
  7. IAC updated a print piece that answers the public's questions about chickenpox and varicella vaccine
  8. April issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  9. ACIP meeting scheduled for June 24-25 in Atlanta
  10. Reminder: May 19 is World Hepatitis Day
  11. Autism Science Foundation, a new advocacy group, will focus on supporting autism research not related to vaccines
  12. "CDC Features" includes information for patients and parents on vaccine safety
  13. Iowa immunization conference to be held June 10-11 in Des Moines
  14. Phacilitate European Vaccine Forum scheduled for June 22-24 in Barcelona, Spain

Issue 794: May 1, 2009

  1. CDC continually posting new information regarding H1N1 influenza (swine flu)
  2. How to keep up-to-date on H1N1 influenza (swine flu) news and recommendations
  3. MMWR Dispatch reports on history of current swine-origin influenza A virus outbreak
  4. MMWR Dispatch reports on swine-origin influenza A virus infections in a New York City school
  5. May 1 issue of MMWR includes four articles about H1N1 influenza

Issue 793: April 29, 2009

  1. MMWR Dispatch reports on infections with a swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus in the U.S. and other countries as of April 28
  2. MMWR Dispatch provides detailed information on the drug susceptibility of swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) viruses, April 2009
  3. CDC has recently posted many interim guidance documents regarding swine influenza A (H1N1)
  4. ASTHO's website has useful information and resources for states on swine influenza A (H1N1)
  5. Spanish-language resources on swine influenza A (H1N1) available on the CDC and WHO websites

Issue 792: April 27, 2009

  1. CDC reports on swine influenza investigation and gives interim recommendations; many continually updated resources available for healthcare professionals and the public
  2. CDC releases new VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
  3. National Vaccine Advisory Committee's recommendations on vaccine financing now available online
  4. Confirmed measles cases reported in Iowa, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC
  5. Spread the word about the importance of childhood immunization during National Infant Immunization Week--April 25-May 2
  6. IAC's Video of the Week features CDC's Dr. Jeanne Santoli answering moms' tough questions about immunization
  7. CDC website posts Q&A for providers about Hib vaccine supply and Hib vaccination coverage
  8. VIS translation: Interim VIS for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine now available in Turkish

Issue 791: April 20, 2009

  1. MMWR publishes article on FDA's December 2008 approval of expanded age indication for use of Tdap vaccine
  2. CDC's "Guide to Vaccine Contraindications and Precautions" available for downloading
  3. IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
  4. IAC's Video of the Week features former First Lady Rosalynn Carter's public service announcement about childhood immunization
  5. AAP's 2009 Red Book will be available in four formats in July; order by June 1 to save up to $40
  6. Reminder: AAP makes its audiocast training course on countering vaccine misinformation available at no cost through April 30
  7. May 13 is the deadline for public comment on the draft report of NVAC's Vaccine Safety Working Group
  8. May 8 is the deadline for public comment on proposed vaccination criteria for U.S. immigration
  9. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity from September 28, 2008 to April 4, 2009, and on composition of 2009-10 influenza vaccine
  10. Celebrity spokespeople Gwyneth Paltrow and Hugh Laurie announce that November 2 is World Pneumonia Day
  11. MMWR publishes report on importations of wild poliovirus in 15 African countries in 2008-09
  12. FDA approves rapid test for detecting avian influenza A virus in humans
  13. Conferences on novel vaccines scheduled for August 17-18 and August 18-19 in Providence, RI

Issue 790: April 13, 2009

  1. $300 million in Recovery Act funds to be allocated to CDC's Section 317 immunization program
  2. Six confirmed measles cases reported in southwest Pennsylvania; additional probable cases await confirmation
  3. AAP and partners submit amicus brief in defense of statute that protects U.S. vaccine supply
  4. IAC's Video of the Week focuses on shingles disease, treatment, and prevention
  5. CDC corrects an answer that appeared in the IAC Express "Ask the Experts" Extra Edition on April 6
  6. Influenza complications have killed 45 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
  7. NFID releases its Call to Action on adult vaccination and introduces its new adult vaccination website
  8. California Department of Public Health launches EZ-IZ, a one-stop shop for immunization training and resources
  9. Coming right up: National Infant Immunization Week starts on April 25 and goes through May 2
  10. New: CDC's pocket-size adult and child/teen immunization schedules now available online
  11. IAC corrects its March 30 IAC Express article regarding latex gloves
  12. WHO issues position paper on human papillomavirus vaccines
  13. Reminder: April 25 is the date for World Meningitis Day
  14. MMWR notifies readers about ACIP's standardized vaccine abbreviations
  15. Guidelines for preventing and treating opportunistic infections in HIV-infected adults and adolescents now published in MMWR Recommendations and Reports

Issue 789: April 6, 2009

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about changes in vaccine recommendations, vaccine shortages, recently approved vaccines, and more

Issue 788: April 6, 2009

  1. FDA approves new vaccine to prevent Japanese encephalitis
  2. IAC updates three of its most popular print materials: two screening questionnaires and a patient-education piece about adult vaccinations
  3. IAC's Video of the Week is the PBS documentary "The Polio Crusade"
  4. Influenza complications have killed 43 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
  5. MMWR article encourages U.S. residents to be vaccinated against influenza before traveling to the southern hemisphere
  6. AAP makes its audiocast training course on countering vaccine misinformation available at no cost through April 30
  7. IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
  8. "CDC Features" includes information for parents on rotavirus vaccine and on detecting autism
  9. World Hepatitis Day is May 19
  10. MMWR publishes report on worldwide progress in interrupting wild poliovirus transmission during 2008

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