- September 2009 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
- CDC publishes recommendation for revaccinating people at prolonged increased risk for meningococcal disease
- Trial of 2009 H1N1 vaccine indicates robust early response in children ages 10-17; weaker response in those younger
- CDC provides Q&A for clinicians about 2009 H1N1 vaccine; updates recommendations for use of antiviral medications
- IDSA releases clinical practice guidelines for immunizing infants, children, adolescents, and adults
- CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course now available on DVD and CD
- IAC's Video of the Week features a CDC expert's advice about meningococcal meningitis
- HHS announces the winner of its 2009 H1N1 influenza PSA contest; seven finalists also named
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- "CDC Features" educate the public about the Hib booster dose, influenza, adult vaccination, and rabies
- IAC's "Screening Questionnaire for Injectable Influenza Vaccination" now in Spanish
- VISs for seasonal influenza vaccine available in Portuguese and Thai
- WHO announces composition of seasonal influenza vaccines for the 2010 southern hemisphere influenza season
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- MMWR article reports on performance of rapid influenza diagnostic tests in two H1N1 influenza outbreaks
- National Meningitis Association's "Tripod and Friends" teaches families about meningococcal disease
- MMWR publishes report on progress made toward controlling measles in Africa during 2001-08
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 53,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
- New CDC vaccine recommendations
- FDA vaccine approvals
- Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
- New immunization resources
- Current events
- Notable journal articles
- Ask the Experts special editions
- And more …
Results (1800)
Issue 824: September 21, 2009
- Reminder: September 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- FDA licenses four 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
- MMWR publishes information on Hiberix and updated Hib recommendations
- MMWR publishes recommendations on hepatitis A vaccination for close contacts of certain international adoptees
- VIS translation: Seasonal influenza VISs now available in Spanish
- CDC updates Pink Book with regard to polio vaccine scheduling
- MMWR reports on vaccination coverage of adolescents
- CDC provides updated influenza guidance related to pregnant women and small businesses
- CMS offers billing guidance for H1N1 influenza vaccination
- CDC posts three web documents with information related to H1N1 influenza vaccine safety
- IAC's Video of the Week features Families Fighting Flu PSA with soccer player Mia Hamm
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on the front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- Keep vaccinating against seasonal influenza!
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- MMWR provides update on U.S. influenza activity
- Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition redesigns website
- MMWR reports on vaccine-derived polioviruses worldwide
- California Department of Public Health announces influenza PSA contest
Issue 823: September 14, 2009
- September 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- IAC revises two guides for healthcare professionals: Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine: CDC answers your questions
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases provides information on early results from clinical trials of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines
- MMWR Early Release provides update on national influenza activity
- MMWR reports on influenza vaccination during pregnancy
- It's not too early to be vaccinating patients against seasonal influenza
- Are you experiencing challenges in purchasing seasonal influenza vaccine?
- CDC updates guidelines on use of antivirals for treatment and prevention of H1N1 and seasonal influenza
- MMWR reports on oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 influenza infection in two summer campers
- CDC releases toolkit to help with planning school-located H1N1 influenza vaccination clinics
- PreventInfluenza.org website offers new resources for healthcare providers, including record card for patients
- IAC's Video of the Week section features people sharing their personal experiences with bacterial meningitis
- IAC adds new topic to Vaccine Concerns web section: Responding to Dr. Sears' Alternative Schedule
- IAC updates two educational pieces that emphasize the importance of the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose
- IAC announces two Unprotected People reports: a personal account of pneumococcal pneumonia in an elderly woman and a report about two toddlers with invasive Hib disease
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- HHS offers influenza PSAs that feature members of Congress
- CDC's World Rabies Day toolkit now available for state and local health departments
- MMWR article provides information about post-eradication wild polio virus containment
Issue 822: September 8, 2009
- MMWR reports on surveillance for pediatric deaths associated with H1N1 influenza virus infection
- CDC updates its H1N1 Flu web section with guidelines and a toolkit for child care and early childhood programs
- ACIP issues provisional recommendations for evidence of measles, mumps, and rubella immunity for healthcare workers
- ACIP issues provisional recommendations for the use of combination vaccines
- IAC updates its Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization, as well as eight print pieces about influenza; revised influenza screening questionnaires can be used for H1N1 influenza vaccination too!
- It's not too early to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza
- Vote for the best influenza prevention PSA by going to IAC's Video of the Week section!
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- "CDC Features" includes information for patients about shingles
- CDC publishes guidelines for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections among HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children previously published as MMWR Early Release
- CDC's September 17 net conference to focus on seasonal and H1N1 influenza
- Healthy Roads Media offers VISs and other immunization resources in new formats
- Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition offers tool to help facilitate discussion about influenza vaccination
- Reminder: AAP's "Sound Advice" audio interviews are available to help answer parents' questions about vaccination
- MMWR reports on worldwide laboratory surveillance for wild and vaccine-derived polioviruses
Issue 821: September 2, 2009
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccination
Issue 820: August 31, 2009
- MMWR reports on vaccination coverage of children ages 19-35 months
- CDC publishes H1N1 influenza recommendations previously published as an MMWR Early Release
- IAC's Video of the Week features Dr. Anne Schuchat answering parents' questions about H1N1 influenza
- MMWR publishes article about H1N1 influenza infections in Chicago
- MMWR reports on surveillance for H1N1 influenza in New Zealand
- CDC launches a new vaccination campaign targeted toward parents and caregivers of Native American pre-teens
- California VFC Program releases free resources related to vaccine storage and handling
- CDC's guidelines for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections among HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children include information about vaccination
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- Two campaigns offer resources for preventing pertussis
- It's not too early to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- CDC offers the public a way to share opinions about H1N1 influenza vaccination online
- August issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- WHO issues position paper on measles vaccines
- Consortium for Infant and Child Health at Eastern Virginia Medical School offers customizable poster
- ACIP meeting scheduled for October 21-22 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early October
- Consortium for Healthy and Immunized Communities will present its annual symposium September 25 in Cleveland
Issue 819: August 24, 2009
- CDC publishes ACIP recommendations for use of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine
- FDA licenses new Hib vaccine, Hiberix
- It's time to start vaccinating people against seasonal influenza!
- CDC releases guidance for businesses and institutions of higher education related to influenza prevention
- JAMA publishes articles on HPV vaccine
- IAC redesigns its Immunization Topics section
- IAC's Video of the Week reports on preventing neonatal tetanus in Cote d'Ivoire
- "CDC Features" includes information for parents and patients about meningitis and pertussis
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- August 21 MMWR includes previously published article about oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 virus infection in two immunosuppressed patients
- MMWR publishes correction to table in the ACIP seasonal influenza recommendations
- VIS translations: VISs for influenza (TIV) and Td/Tdap vaccines now available in Turkish
- National Committee for Quality Assurance offers a free online continuing education program
- World Rabies Day Symposium scheduled for September 28 in Atlanta
- Influenza Congress to be held November 18-20 in Washington, DC
- Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership's 14th annual conference set for October 15
Issue 818: August 19, 2009
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As on topics from February and June 2009 ACIP meetings
Issue 817: August 17, 2009
- New: Updated interim VISs for 2009-10 seasonal influenza vaccines are available--in English only, for now
- MMWR Dispatch reports on oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 virus infection in two immunosuppressed patients
- IAC's Video of the Week presents stories from families affected by seasonal influenza
- The "Flu Clinic Locator" gives the public a way to find a clinic and providers a way to promote their clinics
- "CDC Features" includes information for parents on how the government monitors vaccine safety
- CDC's "Take 3" plan urges public to take three action steps to protect against seasonal and H1N1 influenza
- CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with prevention guidance for workplaces, planning information for healthcare professionals, and more
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- HHS reports on the insurance industry's practice of denying coverage to or discriminating against Americans with pre-existing health conditions
- Philadelphia Immunization Coalition's online education modules cover a huge spectrum of immunization topics
- PKIDS sponsors a handwashing video and poster contest; deadline for submissions is September 15
- GAVI announces a $165 million grant will be used to introduce 5-in-1 vaccine in India; 18 million children to be vaccinated over the next five years
- August 14 MMWR includes a short summary of the 2008 Reports of Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases
- Forum on the domestic response to hepatitis B and C planned for Washington, DC, on September 10-11
Issue 816: August 12, 2009
- Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by September 30. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
- Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work
Issue 815: August 10, 2009
- CDC issues updated recommendations for routine polio vaccination
- CDC issues updated school guidance for H1N1 influenza
- CDC issues a health advisory about updated recommendations for the amount of time people with influenza-like illness should stay away from others
- CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with additional information for schools, exclusion guidance for people with influenza-like illness, and more
- Important: During H1N1 influenza outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- IAC's Video of the Week features a re-cast of CDC's July 16 Current Issues in Immunization Net Conference on H1N1 influenza
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on back--a popular translation at no added cost!
- HHS's website for the public--www.healthfinder.gov--presents information on pre-teen vaccination
- CDC website posts presentation slide sets from ACIP's July 29 meeting on H1N1 influenza
- MMWR publishes article on the ability of rapid influenza diagnostic tests to detect H1N1 influenza viruses
- Clinical Vaccinology course scheduled for Atlanta on November 13-15
Issue 814: August 3, 2009
- ACIP makes recommendations for use of novel influenza A (H1N1) vaccine
- Study indicates pregnant women have higher rates of hospitalization and death from infection with H1N1 influenza virus; prompt antiviral treatment urged
- CDC's 2009 recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza now published as an MMWR Recommendations and Reports
- AAP issues early release of a policy statement on recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza in children
- IAC's Videos of the Week promote immunization across the lifespan during National Immunization Awareness Month
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- New: 2010 edition of the Yellow Book--CDC's travel-health guide--now available online
- CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with planning information for healthcare professionals, Q&As for the public on H1N1 influenza vaccine, and more
- FDA authorizes emergency use of another diagnostic test for H1N1 influenza
- Tuesday--August 4--is the date for IZTA's teleconference on influenza communication
- "CDC Features" tells parents how to protect their family from rabies
- For coalitions: August 18 is the date for IZTA's hepatitis B update
- MMWR publishes a report on a case of laboratory-confirmed vaccinia virus in Virginia in 2008
Issue 813: July 27, 2009
- CDC's 2009 recommendations for prevention and control of seasonal influenza published as an MMWR Early Release
- ACIP votes on recommendations for many vaccines at its June 24-26 meeting
- MMWR publishes report on neurological complications associated with H1N1 influenza in children in May 2009
- Four states expand immunization requirements; pharmacists authorized to vaccinate in all 50 states
- FDA approves seasonal influenza vaccines for 2009-10; package inserts for all vaccines are on IAC's website
- CDC summarizes H1N1 influenza situation and advises the healthcare community and public on ways to stay informed
- IAC's Video of the Week presents HHS Secretary Sebelius explaining the 2009 Flu Prevention PSA contest
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications have English on front, Spanish on back--added value at no added cost!
- July issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- Clinical trials to test two candidate H1N1 influenza vaccines to begin soon
- CDC's H1N1 influenza web section updated with Q&As on H1N1 influenza vaccine development and more
- Engaging booklet helps the public evaluate science articles that appear in the media
- It's easy to give patients basic immunization information with CDC's attractive, formatted articles
- FREE online CE course on best practices in childhood and adolescent immunization now available
Issue 812: July 24, 2009
- IAC publishes three accounts of young children who died from complications of seasonal influenza
- Unprotected People Report #100: Measles Not Worth the Risk by epidemiologist Dr. John Lawrence Kiely
- Unprotected People Report #101: In Memory of Ryan Milley
- Unprotected People Report #102: A Lost Week by Dr. Mary E. O'Brien
Issue 811: July 20, 2009
- July 2009 issue of Vaccinate Adults now online
- ACIP issues provisional recommendations for the use of Japanese encephalitis vaccine
- Need information fast? Cut to the chase with IAC's redesigned diseases and vaccines web section
- August is National Immunization Awareness Month; CDC's resources encourage vaccination across the lifespan
- FDA reports that Wyeth has voluntarily recalled one lot of its PCV vaccine, Prevnar
- CDC updates vaccine supply information for several vaccines
- Important: During novel influenza H1N1 outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- CDC's novel influenza H1N1 web section updated with planning steps for medical offices, physician guidance for directing parents/patients in home care, and more
- IAC updates its HPV, measles, pneumococcus, and polio Q&As for the public
- CDC updates its shingles vaccine Q&As for the public
- MMWR article reports on Japanese encephalitis among three U.S. travelers returning from Asia during 2003-08
- Reminder: July 30 is the date for CDC's Immunization Update 2009 satellite broadcast and webcast
- HHS commits $884 million to purchase more influenza H1N1 vaccine ingredients; White House issues text of related letter
- VIS translation: Current VIS for PPSV now available in Thai
- IAC's Video of the Week features a Council on Foreign Relations conference panel on H1N1 influenza
- Emergency physicians issue a plan for managing novel influenza H1N1 in emergency departments
- September 15 is application deadline for CDC's July 2010-June 2011 Epidemic Intelligence Service program
- Now available from ACIP: Updated draft agenda for the July 29 special meeting and presentation slides from the June 24-26 meeting
- Presentation slides from the June 29-July 1 meeting of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit now available
- Order IAC's laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- HHS sponsors 2009 influenza prevention PSA contest; deadline for submissions is August 17
- July 17 MMWR includes previously published MMWR Dispatch article about ICU patients with H1N1 influenza
- Early Childhood Health and Immunization Summit scheduled for September 14-15 in Las Vegas
- Shots for Tots conference planned for October 29 in New Orleans
- International Neonatal and Maternal Immunization Symposium to be held November 8-9 in Antalya, Turkey
Issue 810: July 13, 2009
- Important: CDC's Q&A on HepB vaccine supply constraints presents advice on judicious use of HepB when immunizing infants, children, and adults
- MMWR article reports on imported human rabies in California in 2008
- ACIP website posts provisional recommendations for prevention of human rabies
- HAN issues Info Service Message on three reports of oseltamivir-resistant novel influenza H1N1 viruses
- MMWR Dispatch reports on intensive-care patients with severe influenza H1N1 infection in Michigan
- White House's H1N1 Influenza Summit calls on nation to prepare for 2009-10 seasonal influenza and ongoing H1N1 influenza outbreak
- HHS announces that states can receive $350 million for H1N1 and seasonal influenza preparedness; list outlines funds available for each state
- CDC's novel influenza H1N1 web section updated with plans for state/local government vaccination programs, guidance for obstetric settings, and much more
- ACIP schedules special meeting on novel influenza H1N1 for July 29; be sure to register ASAP
- IAC updates two print pieces that answer the public's questions about shingles and tetanus
- IAC's Video of the Week features youth advocates making a difference by supporting the Measles Initiative
- IAC's padded screening questionnaires for contraindications now have English on front, Spanish on the back--added value at no added cost
- MMWR article reports on progress India made in eradicating polio during January 2007-May 2009
Issue 809: July 6, 2009
- Reminder: July 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- CDC posts Q&As for providers about reinstating the Hib booster dose
- CDC's novel H1N1 web section updated with guidance on treating pregnant women, podcast on preventing novel H1N1 infection at camp, and Q&A for the public
- Joint Commission's free monograph presents strategies for increasing influenza vaccination rates among healthcare personnel
- IAC redesigns the anthrax, chickenpox, diphtheria, and hepatitis A pages of its Diseases & Vaccines web section; 16 other pages previously redesigned
- IAC's Video of the Week tells the story of the only unvaccinated rabies survivor and her medical treatment
- CDC reports on hepatitis A vaccination coverage of U.S. children ages 24-35 months during 2006-07
- U.S. to provide antiviral medication to Latin America and the Caribbean for novel influenza A (H1N1)
- Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today
- VIS translation: VIS for PPSV now available in Tagalog
- Midwest Viral Hepatitis Summit planned for September 18 in Columbus, OH
- Conference on aging and immunity is scheduled for September 21-23 in Siena, Italy
Issue 808: June 29, 2009
- July 2009 issue of Needle Tips now available online
- CDC recommends that providers reinstate the Hib booster dose for children ages 12-15 months
- Important: During the novel influenza A (H1N1) outbreak, administer PPSV to all people with existing indications
- Reminder: Novel influenza A (H1N1) and the 2009-10 seasonal influenza recommendations to be covered on CDC's July 16 net conference
- Florida Department of Health looking for three boys who played with a rabid bat
- CDC updates its novel influenza A H1N1 web section with revised guidance for businesses
- IAC's Video of the Week emphasizes the importance of hand-washing in stopping the spread of disease
- June issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- Standardized injection site maps help everyone in the office use the same anatomic sites for each vaccine
- IAC updates a print piece that answers the public's questions about meningococcal disease and vaccines
- HHS announces $35 million contract for a new way to produce influenza vaccine
- Save the date: July 7 is the new date for IZTA's Influenza Update conference call
- Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- Perfect for your waiting room: "The Saturday Shot" storybook presents a kid's-eye view of getting immunized
- MMWR article reports on the progress WHO's Western Pacific Region made in eliminating measles during 1990-2008
Issue 807: June 22, 2009
- Reminder: Please take IAC's survey about immunization education materials
- MMWR article reports on healthcare personnel who may have acquired novel H1N1 influenza infection from ill patients
- CDC's novel H1N1 influenza web section is updated with guidance for day/residential camps, PSAs on travel and leaving home when sick, and more
- WHO reports that sanofi pasteur will donate 100 million doses of pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine
- IAC updates its website with redesigned hepatitis B and HPV web sections; links to package inserts and a sortable language-locator table are also available
- IAC adds new Q&As to 14 of its "Ask the Experts" web sections
- IAC's Video of the Week features a polio survivor's story about her 60 years in an iron lung
- FDA enforces laws to protect consumers from Internet marketing of illegal products related to novel H1N1 influenza
- Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- CDC updates its online VIS fact sheet with information about new options for distributing VISs
- Current VIS for PPSV now available in Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese
- Minnesota Viral Hepatitis Symposium scheduled for July 23-24 in Bloomington
Issue 806: June 18, 2009
- Please take our survey about immunization education materials
Issue 805: June 15, 2009
- CDC releases new interim H1N1 influenza guidelines, including one about use of PPSV vaccine
- WHO raises H1N1 influenza pandemic alert to Phase 6
- IAC's Video of the Week features HHS Secretary Sebelius discussing the U.S. response to the WHO pandemic declaration
- Dr. Thomas Frieden becomes 16th director of CDC
- FDA revises the label for Gardasil to include additional information on syncope
- CDC releases guidance about protecting infants against hepatitis B when using Pentacel during the Hib vaccine shortage
- IAC adds three letters to its Press Room web section
- VISs can now be downloaded to mobile devices
- Check out "Factcines," a helpful book for vaccine-hesitant parents
- New journal articles of interest
- CDC to sponsor net conference on H1N1 and seasonal influenza on July 16
- Immunize Georgia conference scheduled for September 11
Issue 804: June 10, 2009
- Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by June 30. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
- Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work
Issue 803: June 8, 2009
- MMWR publishes update on H1N1 influenza in Mexico
- New! IAC'S padded screening questionnaires for vaccine contraindications are now two-sided, with English on one side and Spanish on the back--added value at no added cost!
- New! IAC offers free ready-to-print cards featuring popular quick-links for navigating IAC's www.immunize.org website
- IAC updates two print pieces: "It's Federal Law" and "Pertussis: Questions and Answers"
- Vaccine issues make the news
- IAC's Video of the Week examines the challenges of global immunization
- Order laminated U.S. immunization schedules today!
- VIS translation: VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine now available in Spanish
- WHO recommends global use of rotavirus vaccines
- MMWR discontinuing publication of continuing education activities in hard-copy format
- Michigan's Adolescent Immunization webcast now archived for online viewing
- It's not too late to sign up for the B Informed Patient Conference
Issue 802: June 1, 2009
- Study published in Pediatrics indicates children of parents who refuse pertussis vaccination are at high risk for the disease
- CDC continually posts new and updated information related to H1N1 influenza
- Three measles cases confirmed in unvaccinated children in Bucks County, PA
- IAC's Video of the Week features gripping case summaries and images of children with vaccine-preventable diseases
- MMWR notifies readers that "Immunization Update 2009" satellite broadcast and webcast is scheduled for July 30
- AAP's "Sound Advice" audio interviews are available to answer parents' questions about vaccination
- MMWR publishes report on large-scale human exposures to a rabid bat in Montana in 2008
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
Issue 801: May 26, 2009
- HHS directs $1 billion toward development of vaccine for novel influenza A (H1N1); new HHS ad campaign planned to encourage the public to protect itself against H1N1 influenza
- MMWR reports on antibody response to H1N1 after vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine
- MMWR reports on patients hospitalized with H1N1 influenza
- MMWR publishes surveillance summary on acute viral hepatitis
- President Obama appoints Dr. Thomas Frieden as CDC director
- CDC offers new H1N1 influenza resources in translation
- IAC's Video of the Week helps healthcare professionals talk to parents about vaccine concerns
- IAC revises "Admission Orders for Labor & Delivery and Newborn Units to Prevent HBV Transmission" and "Standing Orders for Administering Rotavirus Vaccine to Infants"
- IAC updates and redesigns "After the shots. . . What to do if your child has discomfort"
- IAC updates three print pieces that answer the public's questions about rotavirus, diphtheria, and Hib
- Mark your calendar: July 30 is the date for "Immunization Update 2009"
- The 11th edition of CDC's Pink Book can now be downloaded
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- May issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- IZTA plans June 16 conference call on influenza and June 30 call on making new media work for immunization coalitions
- MMWR reports on progressive vaccinia in a military smallpox vaccinee
- Erratum: MMWR corrects two sentences in its report on H1N1 influenza in pregnant women
Issue 800: May 20, 2009
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about vaccine errors
Issue 799: May 18, 2009
- CDC downgrades Travel Health Warning regarding travel to Mexico to a Travel Health Precaution
- CDC develops new H1N1 influenza educational resources
- Tomorrow is World Hepatitis Day!
- MMWR Notice to Readers recognizes hepatitis month and day
- MMWR Notice to Readers announces new hepatitis B initiative
- IAC's Video of the Week answers questions about the number, safety, and timing of childhood vaccines
- Re-translations of IAC's "Screening Questionnaire for Adult Immunization" and "Vaccinations for Adults--You're NEVER too old to get immunized!" available in seven languages
- IAC updates its professional-education piece "Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV): CDC answers your questions"
- The Vaccine Education Center offers a new resource on aluminum in vaccines
- May 15 issue of MMWR includes article about H1N1 influenza previously published as a MMWR Dispatch
- Date for ACIP meeting changed to June 24-26
- Summary Report from the February 2009 ACIP meeting now online
- MMWR publishes report on pediatric bacterial meningitis surveillance in Africa
Issue 798: May 13, 2009
- MMWR Dispatch reports on H1N1 influenza in three pregnant women
Issue 797: May 11, 2009
- CDC continually posting new information related to H1N1 influenza
- MMWR publishes update on worldwide H1N1 influenza cases
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- IAC's Video of the Week helps answer parents' questions about the safety and importance of vaccines
- IAC updates translations of its child and teen screening questionnaire
- May 8 issue of MMWR includes two H1N1 influenza articles previously published as MMWR Dispatches
- New journal articles that may be of interest
- VIS translation: VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine now available in Turkish
- For coalitions: 176 immunization coalitions have posted information on www.izcoalitions.org--is yours one of them?
- Rwanda becomes first low-income nation to offer PCV7 as part of its national immunization program
- Hepatitis B Foundation's B Informed Patient Conference scheduled for June 26-27
Issue 796: May 6, 2009
- CDC issues new guidance on closure of schools and childcare facilities related to the H1N1 influenza virus epidemic
- CDC has recently posted additional interim guidance documents related to H1N1 influenza
- IAC adds web resources related to H1N1 influenza
Issue 795: May 26, 2009
- Keep up to date with breaking information about H1N1 influenza (swine flu)
- IAC's Video of the Week features Jennifer Lopez promoting immunization against pertussis
- Updated 2009 versions of IAC's child/teen and lifetime immunization record cards now available
- Such a deal: Save $12.50 per box when you buy IAC's 2007 child/teen or 2008 lifetime immunization record cards--order while supplies last!
- Reminder: the 11th edition of CDC's Pink Book can be pre-ordered now
- Guidelines for preventing disease associated with animals published in MMWR Recommendations and Reports
- IAC updated a print piece that answers the public's questions about chickenpox and varicella vaccine
- April issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- ACIP meeting scheduled for June 24-25 in Atlanta
- Reminder: May 19 is World Hepatitis Day
- Autism Science Foundation, a new advocacy group, will focus on supporting autism research not related to vaccines
- "CDC Features" includes information for patients and parents on vaccine safety
- Iowa immunization conference to be held June 10-11 in Des Moines
- Phacilitate European Vaccine Forum scheduled for June 22-24 in Barcelona, Spain
Issue 794: May 1, 2009
- CDC continually posting new information regarding H1N1 influenza (swine flu)
- How to keep up-to-date on H1N1 influenza (swine flu) news and recommendations
- MMWR Dispatch reports on history of current swine-origin influenza A virus outbreak
- MMWR Dispatch reports on swine-origin influenza A virus infections in a New York City school
- May 1 issue of MMWR includes four articles about H1N1 influenza
Issue 793: April 29, 2009
- MMWR Dispatch reports on infections with a swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus in the U.S. and other countries as of April 28
- MMWR Dispatch provides detailed information on the drug susceptibility of swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) viruses, April 2009
- CDC has recently posted many interim guidance documents regarding swine influenza A (H1N1)
- ASTHO's website has useful information and resources for states on swine influenza A (H1N1)
- Spanish-language resources on swine influenza A (H1N1) available on the CDC and WHO websites
Issue 792: April 27, 2009
- CDC reports on swine influenza investigation and gives interim recommendations; many continually updated resources available for healthcare professionals and the public
- CDC releases new VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
- National Vaccine Advisory Committee's recommendations on vaccine financing now available online
- Confirmed measles cases reported in Iowa, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC
- Spread the word about the importance of childhood immunization during National Infant Immunization Week--April 25-May 2
- IAC's Video of the Week features CDC's Dr. Jeanne Santoli answering moms' tough questions about immunization
- CDC website posts Q&A for providers about Hib vaccine supply and Hib vaccination coverage
- VIS translation: Interim VIS for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine now available in Turkish
Issue 791: April 20, 2009
- MMWR publishes article on FDA's December 2008 approval of expanded age indication for use of Tdap vaccine
- CDC's "Guide to Vaccine Contraindications and Precautions" available for downloading
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- IAC's Video of the Week features former First Lady Rosalynn Carter's public service announcement about childhood immunization
- AAP's 2009 Red Book will be available in four formats in July; order by June 1 to save up to $40
- Reminder: AAP makes its audiocast training course on countering vaccine misinformation available at no cost through April 30
- May 13 is the deadline for public comment on the draft report of NVAC's Vaccine Safety Working Group
- May 8 is the deadline for public comment on proposed vaccination criteria for U.S. immigration
- CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity from September 28, 2008 to April 4, 2009, and on composition of 2009-10 influenza vaccine
- Celebrity spokespeople Gwyneth Paltrow and Hugh Laurie announce that November 2 is World Pneumonia Day
- MMWR publishes report on importations of wild poliovirus in 15 African countries in 2008-09
- FDA approves rapid test for detecting avian influenza A virus in humans
- Conferences on novel vaccines scheduled for August 17-18 and August 18-19 in Providence, RI
Issue 790: April 13, 2009
- $300 million in Recovery Act funds to be allocated to CDC's Section 317 immunization program
- Six confirmed measles cases reported in southwest Pennsylvania; additional probable cases await confirmation
- AAP and partners submit amicus brief in defense of statute that protects U.S. vaccine supply
- IAC's Video of the Week focuses on shingles disease, treatment, and prevention
- CDC corrects an answer that appeared in the IAC Express "Ask the Experts" Extra Edition on April 6
- Influenza complications have killed 45 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
- NFID releases its Call to Action on adult vaccination and introduces its new adult vaccination website
- California Department of Public Health launches EZ-IZ, a one-stop shop for immunization training and resources
- Coming right up: National Infant Immunization Week starts on April 25 and goes through May 2
- New: CDC's pocket-size adult and child/teen immunization schedules now available online
- IAC corrects its March 30 IAC Express article regarding latex gloves
- WHO issues position paper on human papillomavirus vaccines
- Reminder: April 25 is the date for World Meningitis Day
- MMWR notifies readers about ACIP's standardized vaccine abbreviations
- Guidelines for preventing and treating opportunistic infections in HIV-infected adults and adolescents now published in MMWR Recommendations and Reports
Issue 789: April 6, 2009
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about changes in vaccine recommendations, vaccine shortages, recently approved vaccines, and more
Issue 788: April 6, 2009
- FDA approves new vaccine to prevent Japanese encephalitis
- IAC updates three of its most popular print materials: two screening questionnaires and a patient-education piece about adult vaccinations
- IAC's Video of the Week is the PBS documentary "The Polio Crusade"
- Influenza complications have killed 43 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
- MMWR article encourages U.S. residents to be vaccinated against influenza before traveling to the southern hemisphere
- AAP makes its audiocast training course on countering vaccine misinformation available at no cost through April 30
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- "CDC Features" includes information for parents on rotavirus vaccine and on detecting autism
- World Hepatitis Day is May 19
- MMWR publishes report on worldwide progress in interrupting wild poliovirus transmission during 2008
Issue 787: March 30, 2009
- New: 11th edition of the Pink Book now available; order by April 10, and save 15 percent off the cover price
- CDC media advisory announces 43rd National Immunization Conference
- Corrections: IAC fixes errors on its two checklists of vaccine supplies that are essential to have available at immunization clinics
- Influenza complications have killed 35 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
- MMWR Early Release has updated guidelines for preventing and treating opportunistic infections in HIV-infected adults and adolescents
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- National Influenza Vaccine Summit announces recipients of its 2009 Immunization Excellence Awards
- National Infant Immunization Week starts April 25; CDC offers resources for planning, evaluation, promotion, and more
- IZTA plans April 9 conference call on creating public service announcements and April 28 call on telling the story of vaccine-preventable diseases
- Masspro and Massachusetts Adult Immunization Coalition plan Adult Immunization Conference for May 21 in Worcester
Issue 786: March 23, 2009
- CDC Health Advisory stresses the need for all young children to receive the 3-dose primary series of Hib vaccine
- Pennsylvania Department of Health announces several recently reported Hib cases and strongly encourages clinicians to give the full primary series of Hib vaccine
- ACIP releases provisional recommendations for the use of influenza vaccine in the 2009-10 influenza season
- CDC publishes information on the recommendations ACIP members voted on at the February 25-26 ACIP meeting
- IAC's Video of the Week features a mother's story about her son's death from Hib disease
- The most recent version of IAC's popular parent-education piece "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?" now available in Spanish and six additional languages
- Influenza complications have killed 32 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
- California Department of Public Health's "i choose" campaign validates and encourages the decision to immunize
- FDA alert: Healthcare professionals can lower the risk of transmitting hepatitis and HIV viruses by never sharing insulin pens and cartridges among patients
- FDA selects influenza virus strains for the 2009-10 influenza vaccine
- March issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- Attention healthcare professionals: Free CE credits are available at the National Immunization Conference
- Inactivated influenza vaccine VIS now available in the Karen language
- California Immunization Coalition's 2009 Summit is planned for April 20-21 in Pasadena
- North Dakota Vaccination Expedition 2009 scheduled for May 28-29 in Grand Forks
- Attention: March 31 is the deadline for early bird registration for the May 14 Points Across VI conference
- GAO publishes the findings of its study on sustaining U.S. efforts to plan and prepare for an influenza pandemic
Issue 785: March 16, 2009
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- ACIP votes to recommend hepatitis A vaccination for close contacts of international adoptees from countries with high and intermediate endemicity
- Influenza complications have killed 26 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
- IAC makes several revisions to its adult screening questionnaire, "Do I need any vaccinations today?"
- IAC's Video of the Week chronicles the challenges facing the final stages of polio eradication
- IAC updates its two checklists of vaccine supplies that are essential to have available at immunization clinics
- NIIW runs from April 25-May 2: Start planning now with the help of CDC's many childhood immunization promotional materials
- CDC website posts presentation slide sets from the February ACIP meeting
- Perfect for your waiting room: "The Saturday Shot" storybook presents a kid's-eye view of getting immunized
- Scheduled for April 25, World Meningitis Day is a day of action to raise awareness about meningitis and septicemia
- Phacilitate European Vaccine Forum and Active Immunotherapeutics Forum are planned for June 22-24 in Barcelona
Issue 784: March 9, 2009
- IAC's laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules offer significant advantages over paper versions. Place your order today and use them throughout 2009!
- IAC's redesigned VIS web section is your source for easily accessible VISs in many languages and formats
- Influenza complications have killed 22 U.S. children during the current influenza season. It is vital to continue vaccinating through the spring months
- IAC's Video of the Week is a doo-wop ditty promoting influenza vaccination for healthcare workers
- NCIRD provides updated information on vaccine supply and shortages
- Spring issue of Stanford Medicine features a special report, "Hot Shots: Vaccines under the gun"
- Archive of the webcast "Vaccines: Wading through the Confusion" now available from California
- What to Expect Foundation video answers parents' pressing questions about immunization
- New VIS translation: Interim multi-vaccine VIS now available in Korean
- NCIRD's new online tool gives users lots of useful information at the click of a mouse
- MMWR publishes article on hepatitis C virus transmission at a New York outpatient hemodialysis unit during 2001-08
- Coalition University's second and third semesters planned for March 18-19 and May 13 in Baltimore; related Points Across VI conference to be held May 14
- MMWR publishes article on progress Afghanistan and Pakistan made toward polio eradication in 2008
Issue 783: March 2, 2009
- Influenza complications have killed 17 U.S. children during the current influenza season; CDC issues related talking points
- Influenza activity now widespread in 27 states; CDC tells those who are sick how to take care of themselves
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
- IAC's Video of the Week introduces the Vaccines For Teens campaign and includes a PSA by the Phoenix Suns' Grant Hill
- IAC updates its standing orders for administering PCV to children and for administering PPSV to children and teens
- National Immunization Conference opens in Dallas on March 30; save $25 by registering by March 13
- March 12 "Current Issues in Immunization" net conference to focus on vaccine storage and handling
- MMWR article reports on the completeness and timeliness of reporting on meningococcal disease in Maine during 2001-06
- MMWR notifies readers about the availability of a new Power Point course, Public Health Law 101
- Scientists identify lab-made proteins that neutralize multiple strains of seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses
- World Vaccine Congress scheduled for April 20-23 in Washington, DC
Issue 782: February 23, 2009
- IAC's Video of the Week features CNN broadcaster Campbell Brown's plea to parents to get their children vaccinated
- HHS letter to clinicians outlines the Hib vaccine schedule to use during the current vaccine shortage
- IAC updates two popular "how-to" vaccine administration print pieces
- IAC updates standing orders for administering pneumococcal vaccine to adults and rotavirus vaccine to children
- NNii's science-based essay on vaccines and autism is an excellent resource for parents and the public
- February issue of the AAP Immunization Initiatives Newsletter answers frequently asked immunization coding questions
- Free "Shots 2009" software for the new adult, child, teen, and catch-up immunization schedules is now available
- CDC offers health departments and coalitions abundant resources to plan for and promote National Infant Immunization Week
- "One And Only" campaign teaches clinicians and patients that syringes should be used only once
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
- MMWR publishes report on progress Europe made toward measles elimination during 2005-08
- Online course on preventing meningococcal disease offers clinicians CE credit
- Key health communication lessons from the global initiative to eradicate polio will be explored at March 13 event in Washington, DC
- WHO's tables of immunization recommendations will aid countries in reviewing and improving immunization schedules
- Minnesota Coalition for Adult Immunization conference scheduled for March 13 in Chaska
- Illinois Immunization and Communicable Disease Conference and Downstate Preparedness Response Summit set for June 8-10 in Springfield
Issue 781: February 18, 2009
- Use IAC's top-quality products to efficiently vaccinate patients and effectively educate them about the importance of vaccination. For significant discounts, make bulk purchases!
Issue 780: February 16, 2009
- IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2009 child/teen and adult immunization schedules are now available. Place your order today!
- Vaccine Court rules that MMR vaccine, when administered with thimerosal-containing vaccines, does not cause autism
- Lead author "changed and misreported" research data published in the 1998 Lancet article that sparked MMR-autism scare, Sunday Times investigation indicates
- IAC's Video of the Week features a specialized image analysis of several phases of cough airflow
- February issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- CDC's update on 2008-09 influenza season indicates increasing activity beginning at the end of January
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- American Idol's Brook White will give a concert at the school of the teen whose video wins an influenza prevention contest
- Correction: Error fixed on Korean version of HPV vaccine VIS
- "CDC Features" includes information that encourages vaccination to protect children against Hib disease
- Project Immunize Virginia plans the tenth Vaccine Update Conference for April 3 in Richmond
Issue 779: February 9, 2009
- New: CDC issues recommendations for preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis among infants and children
- IAC's Video of the Week educates parents and students about meningococcal disease, symptoms, and prevention
- FDA posts a notification that Novartis requests customers to discontinue use of five lots of Fluvirin vaccine and return remaining doses
- IAC updates two popular vaccine administration print pieces
- Information about the safety of HPV vaccine is available to healthcare professionals and the public on CDC's website
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- CDC posts a Q&A to answer parents' questions during current shortage of monovalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines
- The "CDC Features" web section presents basic rubella information for the public
- Institute of Medicine's Committee on Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis Infections plans public meeting for March 3
Issue 778: February 6, 2009
- Federal immunization funding in jeopardy--Call Today (Friday, Feb. 6)!
Issue 777: February 2, 2009
- MMWR publishes article about 5 Hib cases in children under age 3 in Minnesota, including one death
- Every Child By Two issues press release about unvaccinated child who died from Hib meningitis
- IAC's Video of the Week stresses the importance of influenza immunization for healthcare personnel
- New article on the shifting hypotheses about vaccines and autism available online
- CDC releases Spanish-language versions of the 2009 child, adolescent, and catch-up immunization schedules
- IAC updates its guides to contraindications and precautions to commonly administered vaccines
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- February 10 is the date for IZTA's teleconference on National Infant Immunization Week
- NIH Conference on the Management of Hepatitis B issues final consensus statement
- PKIDS launches new website for girls
- Don't forget to register for the 2009 National Immunization Conference!
- Reminder: Conference on Vaccine Research to be held April 27-29
- WHO publishes the December 2008 meeting report of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
Issue 776: January 26, 2009
- MMWR Early Release reports on five cases of Hib disease in Minnesota during 2008, including one death
- New Q&A newsletter for parents lays out the evidence showing that vaccines do not cause autism
- Richard E. Besser, MD, appointed acting CDC director and acting ATSDR administrator
- IAC's Video of the Week stresses the importance of pertussis vaccination for new parents and others with infant contact
- IAC's popular parent-education chart "Immunizations for Babies" now available in Spanish and six other languages
- Spanish-language version of the 2009 Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule now on CDC's website
- IAC reviews, updates, and reorganizes its hepatitis B "Ask the Experts" web section
- January issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- February 23 is the nomination deadline for the 2009 Natalie J. Smith Award
- Bangladesh announces plan to vaccinate 4 million children annually with 5-in-1 combination vaccine
Issue 775: January 20, 2009
- Be sure to read New York Times article on Dr. Paul Offit's new book, Autism's False Prophets
- The "CDC Features" web section presents basic pertussis information for the public
- MMWR publishes update on pneumonia hospitalizations among young U.S. children before and after PCV7 was introduced
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition offers educational materials in Spanish and five Asian languages
- HHS awards a $487 million contract to build facility to manufacture cell-based influenza vaccine
- WHO announces that major updates made to its Immunization Financing web section during 2008 are now live
- Erratum: MMWR corrects a footnote in its October 10, 2008, article on adolescent vaccination coverage
- HHS releases the sixth Pandemic Planning Update
Issue 774: January 12, 2009
- New: CDC, AAFP, ACOG, and ACP release the 2009 Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule
- Erratum: MMWR corrects an error in its January 2 article about the 2009 Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Ages 0 Through 18 Years
- AAP article answers parents' questions about the number and timing of vaccines recommended in the childhood immunization schedule
- CDC study reveals that poor infection control practices by healthcare personnel expose patients to hepatitis B and C
- IAC's Video of the Week presents stories from families affected by influenza
- January 16 is the nomination deadline for the 2009 National Influenza Vaccine Summit's Immunization Excellence Awards
- Merck reports shortage of the adult formulation of its hepatitis B vaccine
- CDC issues media statement about oseltamivir resistance and antiviral recommendations
- January is Cervical Health Awareness Month: CDC encourages the public to learn about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination
- Use the Michigan Department of Public Health's monthly posters to encourage influenza immunization through April
- NAPNAP's immunization brochure encourages immunization for healthcare professionals who take care of children
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- Summary Report from the October 2008 ACIP meeting is now online
- January 29 Current Issues in Immunization Net Conference to focus on antiviral resistance among influenza A (H1N1) viruses
- January 12 issue of People magazine includes interview with Amanda Peet voicing support for childhood immunization
- Final Statement of October 2008 NIH Consensus Development Conference on Management of Hepatitis B now online
Issue 773: January 5, 2009
- New: CDC, AAP, and AAFP release the 2009 Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Ages 0 Through 18 Years
- Dr. Paul A. Offit's Pediatrics article discusses the problems inherent in Dr. Robert W. Sears' alternative vaccine schedule
- National Quality Forum includes the hepatitis B birth dose among its consensus standards for improving health care for mothers and newborns
- FDA approves changes in the schedule for administering anthrax vaccine and in the route of administration
- Simplified version of IAC's parent-education piece "After the Shots" now available in Spanish and six additional languages
- IAC's video of the week celebrates Cervical Health Awareness Month and encourages HPV vaccination
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
Issue 772: December 22, 2008
- Now available online: Needle Tips
- Now available online: Vaccinate Adults for adult medicine specialists
- Happy holidays from all of us at IAC
- California Immunization Coalition develops three Q&A fact sheets to help clinicians answer parents' common questions
- IAC updates VIS dates on "It's federal law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
- Available only until January 20, CDC's "Immunization Encounter" webcast is well worth watching
- IAC's Video of the Week features children with pneumonia in the Philippines
- December issue of the AAP Immunization Initiatives Newsletter has information on CPT codes for immunization administration
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- CDC issues a Health Advisory with interim recommendations for using antiviral medications in the midst of a high prevalence of Oseltamivir-resistant influenza A (H1N1) viruses
- A packed schedule of events makes this year's National Influenza Vaccination Week the biggest ever!
- Color template of special influenza gift cards now available from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
- New: CDC posts updated information on supply of hepatitis A vaccine and on status of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines
- Office of Minority Health releases strategies to address chronic hepatitis B in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islander populations
- December issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
Issue 771: December 16, 2008
- Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As about influenza and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination from CDC experts
Issue 770: December 15, 2008
- New: CDC issues provisional recommendations for use of pneumococcal vaccines
- FDA approves expanded indication for use of Boostrix Tdap vaccine in people ages 10-64 years
- New interim VIS for PCV incorporates changes in recommendations for vaccinating healthy children ages 2-4 years
- Audio of NPR's interview with Dr. Paul Offit and Amanda Peet is available online
- Reminder: December 18 is the date for CDC's webcast "The Immunization Encounter: Critical Issues"
- IAC updates its parent-education piece "MMR vaccine does not cause autism: Examine the evidence!"
- IAC's Video of the Week features a polio survivor's story
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- CDC issues update on U.S. influenza activity during September 28-November 29
- VIS for injectable influenza vaccine now in Turkish; VIS for yellow fever vaccine now in Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese
- Mark your calendar: IZTA's teleconference on fundraising and outreach for coalitions is planned for January 13, 2009
Issue 769: December 8, 2008
- Breaking news: NPR interview with Dr. Paul Offit and Amanda Peet to be aired on December 8
- IAC redesigns its home page and two important web sections
- It's National Influenza Vaccination Week! Resources for promoting vaccination are numerous and easily accessible
- New Q&A sheet addresses parents' concerns that receiving recommended vaccines can overwhelm a young child's immune system
- AAP develops a parent-education Q&A on the childhood immunization schedule and another on vaccine ingredients
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- CDC recaps decisions made at the October 22-23 ACIP meeting; presentation slides are now available
- Updated version of SHOTS 2008 software now available on the Web
- National Vaccine Program Office releases draft of the 2008 National Vaccine Plan
- Before the holiday rush, take time to register for CDC's 2009 National Immunization Conference
- November issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
- MMWR publishes report indicating that worldwide measles deaths decreased 74 percent during 2000-2007
- Bangladesh immunizes 22 million young children against polio
- Journal reviews topics covered at the spring meeting of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board and the European Liver Patient Association
Issue 768: December 2, 2008
- Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work
Issue 767: December 1, 2008
- FDA stresses the importance of healthcare organizations ensuring that employees are vaccinated against influenza
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- MMWR notifies readers that a CDC webcast, The Immunization Encounter: Critical Issues, is set for December 18
- Today is World AIDS Day
- December 16 is the date for IZTA's teleconference on issues and trends in adolescent immunization
- ACIP meeting scheduled for February 25-26, 2009, in Atlanta; February 2 is deadline for non-U.S. citizens to register
Issue 766: November 24, 2008
- New VIS: CDC issues an interim VIS to be used for both Td vaccine and Tdap vaccine
- New: IAC patient-education piece makes the case for getting the whole family vaccinated against influenza every year
- Nineteen medical societies support a statement affirming the importance of adult vaccination
- New: This year, National Influenza Vaccination Week focuses on vaccinating three significant populations: children, seniors, and healthcare personnel
- Reminder: CDC's December 12 net conference to focus on influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- VIS translations: Current VISs for injectable and nasal-spray influenza vaccines now in Arabic, Cambodian, and Korean
- MMWR publishes article on worldwide implementation of newborn hepatitis B vaccination during 2006
- CDC reports on importance of Hib surveillance during the current Hib vaccine shortage
- CDC issues guidance for testing people with suspected avian influenza virus and for following up on their contacts
- MMWR publishes article on worldwide rotavirus surveillance during 2001-08
- CDC and Emory University schedule a series of epidemiology courses for 2009
Issue 765: November 19, 2008
- Influenza Vaccine Pocket Guides--FREE!--from the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
Issue 764: November 17, 2008
- IAC redesigns three important web sections
- IAC revises its child and adult immunization summaries
- Three organizations launch a national awareness campaign about fighting influenza in child care settings
- Google Flu Trends website initiated
- Reminder: Be sure to watch and share the CDC/Families Fighting Flu video featuring personal stories about influenza
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- Second edition of "The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians" now available
- MMWR announces annual conference on vaccine research to be held April 27-29 in Baltimore
Issue 763: November 12, 2008
- Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend your fiscal year-end dollars by December 31! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
Issue 762: November 10, 2008
- IAC revises its parent-education piece "Reliable Sources of Immunization Information: Where to go to find answers!"
- CDC reports approximately 25,000 HPV-associated cancer cases occurred annually during 1998-2003
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- CDC's Seasonal Flu web section updates its information about antivirals, National Influenza Vaccination Week, and more
- Save the date: CDC's December 12 net conference to focus on influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel
Issue 761: November 3, 2008
- Dr. Paul Offit dispels myth of vaccine-autism link on NBC's Today Show and in Newsweek magazine
- Updated: IAC revises its parent-education resource "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
- Parents PACK email newsletter recounts a polio survivor's harrowing experience during a 1953 polio outbreak
- The "Flu Clinic Locator" gives the public a way to find an influenza clinic and providers a way to promote their clinics
- Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
- CDC's Seasonal Flu web section updates information for parents, workplaces, patients, and providers
- It's coming right up: November 14-16 is the date for NFID's Clinical Vaccinology course in Bethesda, MD
- MMWR reports on progress toward eliminating rubella and congenital rubella syndrome in the Americas during 2003-08
- MMWR reports that labels on pediatric over-the-counter cough and cold medicines will be modified to indicate that the products are not intended for use in children younger than age 4 years