IZ Express

Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 53,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:

  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1802)

Issue 762: November 10, 2008

  1. IAC revises its parent-education piece "Reliable Sources of Immunization Information: Where to go to find answers!"
  2. CDC reports approximately 25,000 HPV-associated cancer cases occurred annually during 1998-2003
  3. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
  4. CDC's Seasonal Flu web section updates its information about antivirals, National Influenza Vaccination Week, and more
  5. Save the date: CDC's December 12 net conference to focus on influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel

Issue 761: November 3, 2008

  1. Dr. Paul Offit dispels myth of vaccine-autism link on NBC's Today Show and in Newsweek magazine
  2. Updated: IAC revises its parent-education resource "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
  3. Parents PACK email newsletter recounts a polio survivor's harrowing experience during a 1953 polio outbreak
  4. The "Flu Clinic Locator" gives the public a way to find an influenza clinic and providers a way to promote their clinics
  5. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
  6. CDC's Seasonal Flu web section updates information for parents, workplaces, patients, and providers
  7. It's coming right up: November 14-16 is the date for NFID's Clinical Vaccinology course in Bethesda, MD
  8. MMWR reports on progress toward eliminating rubella and congenital rubella syndrome in the Americas during 2003-08
  9. MMWR reports that labels on pediatric over-the-counter cough and cold medicines will be modified to indicate that the products are not intended for use in children younger than age 4 years

Issue 760: October 27, 2008

  1. CDC announces that the Hib vaccine shortage will continue until mid-2009
  2. The word from CDC is "Protect Yourself, Your Patients, and Family from Flu"
  3. Say "Boo!" to the Flu Program offers FREE influenza prevention materials to promote vaccination
  4. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
  5. CDC's Immunization Safety Office updates its HPV vaccine safety information
  6. FDA publishes "Addressing Questions about Gardasil," a Consumer Health Information resource on HPV vaccine
  7. CDC website spotlights current U.S. measles outbreaks on its "CDC Features" web section
  8. For coalitions: 173 immunization coalitions have posted information on www.izcoalitions.org--is yours one of them?
  9. October issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  10. MMWR reports on worldwide progress in introducing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine during 2000-2008
  11. Webcast on pandemic influenza planning to take place on October 29
  12. Phacilitate Vaccine Forum scheduled for Washington, DC, on January 26-28, 2009

Issue 759: October 20, 2008

  1. New: Sample vaccine policy statement provides a way for healthcare providers to inform parents that they strongly endorse childhood immunization
  2. Action alert: Please contact the Oprah Winfrey Show to urge that it dedicate a show to vaccine science
  3. IAC updates two of its print materials
  4. CDC website adds resources for National Influenza Vaccination Week and posts many other revised influenza materials
  5. Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition adds educational videos for public and professionals
  6. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
  7. Heads up: November 14 is deadline for abstracts for the 2009 National Immunization Conference

Issue 758: October 13, 2008

  1. CDC publishes information on adolescent vaccination rates
  2. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology releases position paper on influenza immunization of healthcare personnel
  3. Journal of Child Neurology publishes letters about failure to disclose possible conflict of interest related to Poling case article
  4. CDC publishes updated recommendation for isolation of persons with mumps
  5. CDC answers additional questions about use of zoster vaccine
  6. IAC revises Spanish-language influenza screening questionnaires
  7. Current VISs for injectable and nasal-spray influenza vaccines now available in Karen
  8. September issue of The Vaccine Quarterly features article on advocating for vaccines
  9. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research offers updated training module on influenza
  10. Franklin Institute sponsoring public forum on HPV vaccine issues on October 30
  11. Summary of WHO global immunization work from 2006-07 available online
  12. CDC's "Baby Steps" campaign offers information on early recognition of developmental disabilities

Issue 757: October 6, 2008

  1. CDC presents indications for new DTaP-IPV-Hib combination vaccine (Pentacel) and provides guidance for use
  2. CDC presents indications for new DTaP-IPV combination vaccine (Kinrix) and provides guidance for use
  3. CDC website spotlights pre-teen and hepatitis B vaccination in the "CDC Features" section of its homepage
  4. Current VISs for injectable and nasal-spray influenza vaccines now available in Hmong, Russian, and Somali
  5. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring 2009
  6. CDC updates its Seasonal Flu web section
  7. Correction: IAC corrects formatting error in its print piece "Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease"
  8. CDC reports on June 2008 importation of canine rabies from Iraq
  9. FDA approves a test that identifies seasonal and novel influenza strains
  10. Erratum: MMWR corrects a figure published in its article on influenza vaccination coverage in children ages 6-23 months
  11. Get Smart About Antibiotics Week is October 6-10; the goal is to draw attention to the problem of antibiotic resistance

Issue 756: September 29, 2008

  1. Resource from Dr. Ari Brown can help healthcare professionals work with vaccine-hesitant parents
  2. AAP releases policy statement on recommendations for influenza immunization of children
  3. Multi-vaccine VIS updated with new information about rotavirus vaccines
  4. Families Fighting Flu expands website and offers new resources including a not-to-be-missed new video
  5. Read description and reviews of Dr. Paul Offit's new book, "Autism's False Prophets"
  6. CDC publishes information on influenza vaccination coverage of adults in the 2006-07 influenza season
  7. CDC publishes information on influenza vaccination coverage of children age 6-23 months in the 2006-07 influenza season
  8. CDC publishes information on influenza vaccination coverage of children age 6-59 months in the 2007-08 influenza season
  9. CDC updates its Seasonal Flu web section with additional education materials
  10. CDC reports on influenza activity in the United States and worldwide from May 18-September 19, 2008
  11. IAC revises print piece for public about hepatitis A
  12. MMWR reports on progress on measles elimination in Japan
  13. WHO recommends influenza vaccine strains for southern hemisphere
  14. Errata: MMWR publishes corrections to articles on pediatric general immunization and influenza vaccination rates
  15. Hepatitis Foundation International summit to be held November 13-14 in Las Vegas

Issue 755: September 22, 2008

  1. Immunization Alliance issues a Call to Action to preserve the health of U.S. children through immunization
  2. New: CDC publishes new recommendations that call for expanded testing for chronic hepatitis B virus infection
  3. NFID's September 24 press conference to feature top health experts discussing the 2008-09 influenza season
  4. It's National Adult Immunization Awareness Week; CDC website offers resources for healthcare professionals
  5. CDC updates its Seasonal Flu web section with a multitude of materials for healthcare professionals
  6. Current VISs for influenza vaccines available in Chinese, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese
  7. October 21 is the date of IZTA's teleconference on the "Vaccinate Your Baby" campaign
  8. September issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  9. Congressional Budget Office publishes "U.S. Policy Regarding Pandemic Influenza Vaccines"
  10. CDC launches online forum for exchanging ideas about HIV, hepatitis, STD, and TB prevention
  11. Hepatitis B Foundation focuses on hepatitis B in Asian/Pacific Islander communities
  12. Viet Hep B Free Project offers culturally appropriate information on its website

Issue 754: September 15, 2008

  1. Spanish-language versions of VISs for inactivated and live influenza vaccines available on IAC website
  2. New: FDA approves expanded use of Gardasil to include preventing certain vulvar and vaginal cancers in girls and women ages 9-26
  3. IAC releases simplified version of its "After the Shots" education resource for parents
  4. IAC revises four education materials for healthcare professionals and one for patients
  5. American Public Health Association's Get Ready campaign helps communities prepare for possible emergencies, including an influenza pandemic
  6. New: Interim VIS for shingles vaccine now available in Thai
  7. MMWR publishes article about B. anthracis cross-contamination
  8. Reminder: Vaccine Education Center's Vaccine Education Symposium taking place September 27

Issue 753: September 9, 2008

  1. Users of hepprograms.org, please give us your input!

Issue 752: September 8, 2008

  1. New interim rotavirus VIS: contains information about the Rotarix vaccine schedule
  2. CDC reports on 2007 NIS data on vaccination coverage among U.S. children ages 19-35 months
  3. National Adult Immunization Awareness Week is September 21-27; NFID posts extensive resources on its website
  4. Study results published in the Public Library of Science firmly show no connection between MMR vaccine and autism
  5. The Vaccine Education Center offers an updated version of its influenza resource
  6. This one-page ready-to-copy flyer will make conference attendees aware of hundreds of reliable immunization resources--all FREE from IAC!
  7. 2008-09 influenza vaccine update posted on CDC's seasonal flu web section
  8. South Carolina Immunization Conference to be held November 7 in Columbia
  9. MMWR publishes report on worldwide laboratory surveillance for wild and vaccine-derived polioviruses

Issue 751: September 4, 2008

  1. Read "Ask the Experts" Q&As from CDC experts

Issue 750: September 2, 2008

  1. Take time to view Dr. Paul A. Offit's video about his new book, "Autism's False Prophets"
  2. Joint Commission Resources challenges hospitals to increase influenza immunization of healthcare personnel
  3. New: Available in English and Spanish, CDC's public service announcements promote pre-teen vaccination
  4. CDC issues a statement on the cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination
  5. IAC updates two of its print materials for healthcare professionals--"It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)" and "Suggestions to Improve Your Immunization Services"
  6. Correction: Use this new link to enroll in eDispense Vaccine Manager, a free web-based application for reimbursement for vaccines under Medicare Part D
  7. New: Fourth edition of CDC's "Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" available online
  8. Vote & Vax project's September 3 Webinar will give influenza vaccination providers information about holding a clinic at or near a polling site on election day
  9. Cancelled: Immunize Georgia conference, scheduled for October 1, has been cancelled
  10. PATH launches new Vaccine Resource Library
  11. MMWR publishes report on Nigeria's progress toward polio eradication during January 2007-August 12, 2008

Issue 749: August 25, 2008

  1. CDC reports 131 measles cases in the U.S. during January-July 2008, the highest number of cases year-to-date since 1996
  2. CDC Health Update: Limited rabies vaccine supply may affect near-term availability of vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis
  3. Reporting that bacterial pneumonia caused the most deaths in the 1918 influenza pandemic, NIH authors call for stockpiling bacterial vaccines and antibiotics as part of preparing for a future pandemic
  4. CDC's 1918 Pandemic Influenza Storybook can help public health officials prepare for a possible influenza pandemic
  5. Two of IAC's revised viral-hepatitis screening questionnaires are now available in Spanish
  6. Book that helps parents evaluate vaccine safety concerns is available for order or electronically
  7. For coalitions: 168 immunization coalitions have posted information on www.izcoalitions.org--is yours one of them?
  8. August issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  9. For coalitions: August 26 is the new date for IZTA's teleconference on the upcoming influenza season
  10. MMWR includes summary of reported cases of notifiable diseases for 2007
  11. Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for November 14-16 in Bethesda, MD
  12. International Conference on Rabies in the Americas planned for September 28-October 3 in Atlanta

Issue 748: August 18, 2008

  1. CDC posts guidance on use of Pentacel and Pediarix vaccines
  2. CDC presents infection-control requirements for dialysis facilities and gives guidance on parenteral medication vials
  3. IAC updates three of its print materials
  4. HHS offers a toolkit of resources to improve influenza vaccination rates among healthcare personnel
  5. National Association of School Nurses encourages influenza vaccination and education
  6. For coalitions: August 19 is the date of IZTA's teleconference on the upcoming influenza season
  7. Reminder: CDC's webcast "Immunization Update 2008" is scheduled for August 28
  8. September 18 "Current Issues in Immunization" net conference to focus on 2008-09 seasonal influenza recommendations
  9. The Vaccine Education Center plans a Vaccine Education Symposium for September 27 in Philadelphia
  10. FDA approves use of the HIV drug Viread for treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection in adults
  11. Reminder: NIH Consensus Development Conference on the Management of Hepatitis B to be held October 20-22 in Bethesda

Issue 747: August 11, 2008

  1. Every Child By Two launches "Vaccinate Your Baby" campaign to address vaccine misinformation
  2. FDA approves 2008-09 seasonal influenza vaccines
  3. MMWR publishes ACIP's recommendations for prevention and control of influenza
  4. IAC revises three print resources
  5. National Association of School Nurses launches program to promote pertussis vaccination of preteens and teens
  6. Louisiana Shots for Tots conference scheduled for November 20-21

Issue 746: August 6, 2008

  1. Now's a great time to place an order for IAC's top-quality products, especially if you need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by September 30! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
  2. Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work

Issue 745: August 4, 2008

  1. VIS news: CDC issues two influenza VISs for the 2008-09 influenza season, one for injectable influenza vaccine, the other for nasal-spray influenza vaccine
  2. 2006 NIS data indicate 50 percent of newborns born between January 2003-June 2005 received the hepatitis B birthdose by age 3 days
  3. CDC corrects an "Ask the Experts" answer that appeared in recent issues of Needle Tips, Vaccinate Adults, and Vaccinate Women
  4. CDC issues recommendations for postexposure interventions to prevent infection with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, or HIV virus and tetanus in persons wounded during bombings and other mass-casualty events
  5. CDC redesigns its viral hepatitis website
  6. MMWR notifies readers that the webcast of Immunization Update 2008 is scheduled for August 28
  7. July 31 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online
  8. Author reviews and revises two print materials on childhood hepatitis B virus infection
  9. Interim VIS for HPV vaccine now available in Vietnamese
  10. FDA website posts information on storing and using temperature-sensitive biological products after a power failure or flood
  11. MMWR notifies readers that the online application deadline for the Epidemic Intelligence Service is September 15

Issue 744: July 28, 2008

  1. CDC and FDA make updated information available about the safety of HPV vaccine
  2. CDC reports on use of mass Tdap vaccination during a recent pertussis outbreak in a high school in Cook County, IL
  3. Updated: IAC revises several of its vaccine administration standing orders protocols
  4. IAC reviews and revises its resources on vaccinating healthcare personnel and on vaccine handling and storage
  5. Mark your calendar: August 28 is the date for CDC's webcast "Immunization Update 2008"
  6. HHS announces the release of "Guidance on Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Allocation"
  7. NFID sets Clinical Vaccinology course for November 14-16 in Bethesda, MD

Issue 743: July 21, 2008

  1. New: MMWR publishes an Early Release edition of CDC's influenza recommendations for 2008
  2. For easy access to more than 175 FREE, ready-to-print immunization resources for patients and professionals, visit IAC's redesigned Print Materials web section
  3. IAC redesigns its online Directory of Immunization Resources
  4. "Ask the Experts" panel planned for the October 1 Immunize Georgia conference in College Park
  5. Coalition University's first semester scheduled for September 24-25 in Baltimore; additional semesters planned for 2009
  6. July issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter recently released
  7. Minnesota Viral Hepatitis Symposium to take place July 30 in Bloomington
  8. SIGN Meeting 2008 to be held in Moscow on October 13-15
  9. Correction: MMWR revises wording in a table in CDC's recommendations for prevention of shingles

Issue 742: July 14, 2008

  1. IAC's redesigned Vaccine Concerns web section gives health professionals answers to parents' pressing questions
  2. IAC reviews and revises two of its hepatitis print resources
  3. AMA offers information about a free online option to help providers get reimbursed for vaccines under Medicare Part D
  4. IAC's four redesigned state-immunization-information web sections include a section with updated immunization mandates
  5. New: Multi-vaccine VIS now available in Burmese
  6. Providers: Please ask medical assistants to take a survey about their immunization training needs--the survey deadline is August 8

Issue 741: July 9, 2008

  1. Are you familiar with IAC's website at vaccineinformation.org -- if so, please take our survey!

Issue 740: July 7, 2008

  1. New: CDC posts the provisional recommendations for use of rotavirus vaccine on the ACIP web section
  2. IAC reviews and revises several of its hepatitis A and B resources and one resource on vaccine storage and handling
  3. New: "Questions Parents Ask about Baby Shots" now in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese
  4. New Jersey and Vermont expand school vaccination requirements; West Virginia allows pharmacists to vaccinate
  5. American Journal of Medicine publishes a supplement on expanding the influenza vaccination season
  6. CDC's QuickStats charts percentage of adults age >=65 years who ever received pneumococcal vaccine by sex, age group, and race/ethnicity
  7. Summer meeting of the Chicago Area Immunization Campaign scheduled for July 23 in Chicago
  8. MMWR issues correction to the ACIP recommendations "Prevention of Pertussis, Tetanus, and Diphtheria Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their Infants"

Issue 739: June 30, 2008

  1. FDA approves new DTaP-IPV vaccine (Kinrix) for use in children ages 4-6 years
  2. Preliminary data indicate 2007-08 rotavirus season was less severe than usual; new vaccine may have played a part
  3. CDC reports on influenza activity in the United States and worldwide during the 2007-08 influenza season
  4. New: CDLHN offers a two-part webcast on talking with parents and patients about vaccine safety
  5. IAC offers Arabic and French translations of its popular parent-education brochure "All Kids Need Hepatitis B Shots!"
  6. CDC urges Olympic travelers to take protective measures against respiratory ills, dog bites, other health concerns
  7. June issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available online
  8. New: Hand-hygiene DVD encourages patients to play an active role in preventing hospital infections

Issue 738: June 23, 2008

  1. FDA approves new combination DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccine for use in infants and young children
  2. IAC website has VIS translations in 36 languages; the most recently added is Karen
  3. International coalition of health agencies announces the "final push" to end polio
  4. CDC issues HAN Advisory announcing a temporary decrease in human rabies vaccine supply
  5. CDC reports only about one-third of persons with asthma received influenza vaccine in 2005-06 influenza season
  6. Revised and updated, "Vaccines" textbook has comprehensive information about all aspects of vaccination
  7. AMA offers physicians practical information on improving immunization among racial and ethnic populations
  8. June 18 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now online
  9. WHO committee makes recommendations on the use of alternative diagnostic samples for measles and rubella surveillance

Issue 737: June 16, 2008

  1. AAP News publishes a pediatrics practice's vaccine policy statement that other practices are free to use or modify
  2. New book: "Do Vaccines Cause That?! A Guide for Evaluating Vaccine Safety Concerns" answers parents' questions
  3. Immunization resources for teens and adults now in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese
  4. Updated! IAC revises its VIS resource "It's Federal Law!" and a hepatitis B brochure for pre-teens
  5. Teen immunization advocates will find practical, time-saving resources in ASHA's 2008 "Give It A Shot" toolkit
  6. CDC announces important vaccination information for international travel during summer 2008
  7. International Vaccine Institute released its latest annual report--"Children, Vaccines and a Better World"--celebrating its first ten years of operations
  8. HHS awards contracts for faster influenza diagnostic tests; CDC finds some avian influenza strains have properties that could increase potential to infect humans
  9. CDC reports on two U.S. cases of cutaneous anthrax associated with drum making using goat hides from West Africa
  10. South Carolina Older Adult Immunization Workshop scheduled for June 25 in Columbia, SC
  11. PATH's RHO Cervical Cancer web section offers online information resources

Issue 736: June 12, 2008

  1. New feature! "Ask The Experts" Q&As from CDC experts now included in IAC Express

Issue 735: June 9, 2008

  1. CDC's recommendations for preventing herpes zoster (shingles) now published as an MMWR Recommendations and Reports
  2. CDC reports on hospital-acquired pertussis among newborns in Texas in 2004
  3. FDA approves use of Tenivac tetanus and diphtheria toxoids in adults age 60 years and older
  4. Two hepatitis B parent-education resources now available in Spanish and six additional languages
  5. Update: IAC revises its "Emergency Response Worksheet"
  6. Correction: June 2 IAC Express had incorrect URL for ordering vaccination resources from the Vaccine Education Center (VEC)
  7. The Vaccine Quarterly provides an evidence-based academic review of timely vaccine-related issues
  8. AMA offers physicians practical information on improving adolescent immunization
  9. Two comprehensive sharps injury prevention resources are available--one on CD-ROM, the other for downloading
  10. New: Interim VIS for MMR vaccine now available in Thai
  11. PowerPoint presentations now available from the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions
  12. Seminar on CMI techniques standardization for vaccine response evaluation is planned for September 15-17 in Annecy, France

Issue 734: June 2, 2008

  1. CDC’S recommendations for preventing pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria in pregnant and postpartum women and their infants is now published as an MMWR recommendations and reports document
  2. New: IAC's standing orders protocol for administering shingles (zoster) vaccine to adults now available
  3. CDC's June 12 netconference will cover information on addressing parents' concerns about immunization
  4. New: CDC announces temporary shortage of vaccines for pre-exposure rabies prophylaxis
  5. CDC software helps health professionals and parents detect missed vaccinations in children ages six years and younger
  6. Updated: IAC print resource now reflects current stats on declines in vaccine-preventable diseases
  7. Free: VEC offers sample quantities of new adult and teen vaccination resources at no charge
  8. Parents PACK email newsletter reports on the World Health Organization's "10 Facts on Immunization"
  9. ACIP meeting scheduled for June 25-26 in Atlanta; June 3 is deadline for non-U.S. citizens to register
  10. MMWR reports on ACIP's principles for developing recommendations on vaccination during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  11. CDC updates its avian influenza web section with information on H5N1 infections in humans

Issue 733: May 28, 2008

  1. Save 10% on online orders placed between now and June 30! A great deal for anyone--especially for organizations that need to spend fiscal year-end dollars by June 30! For greater discounts, make bulk purchases online!

Issue 732: May 27, 2008

  1. CDC website updated with shingles information for the public, healthcare professionals, and media professionals
  2. News about Vaccinate Women--the June 2008 issue is on the IAC website
  3. IAC's summary of child and teen immunization recommendations has updated information on HPV vaccine dosing intervals
  4. Dr. Paul Offit's editorial puts Poling case in context of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program's decision-making process
  5. Are you giving your patients current VISs? IAC's new online chart, "Current VIS Dates," makes it easy to find out
  6. CDC's rabies recommendations now published in standard MMWR format; continuing education credit available
  7. May issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available online
  8. CDC announces hepatitis poster contest winners
  9. CDC's website features hepatitis information in honor of National Hepatitis Awareness Month and World Hepatitis Day
  10. CDC's four-part perinatal hepatitis B netconference offers continuing education credit
  11. May 15 and May 20 issues of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now online
  12. NIH Consensus Development Conference on the Management of Hepatitis B to be held October 20-22 in Bethesda
  13. WHO issues report on its October 2007 scientific consultation on human H5N1 influenza vaccines

Issue 731: May 19, 2008

  1. Today is World Hepatitis Day!
  2. CDC announces viral hepatitis awareness for May
  3. CDC releases ACIP recommendations for preventing herpes zoster
  4. CDC releases ACIP recommendations for preventing pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria among pregnant and postpartum women and their infants
  5. CDC reports on acute hepatitis C virus infections attributed to unsafe injection practices in Nevada endoscopy clinic
  6. CDC offers new podcast on hepatitis B and Asian Pacific Islander Americans
  7. CDC releases revised and expanded National Immunization Survey data on hepatitis B birth dose
  8. CDC experts review and update twelve of IAC's online "Ask the Experts" Q&A sections
  9. Mark your calendar: IZTA's May 21 conference call will present the latest research on autism
  10. Enhanced surveillance detects hepatitis C virus infection among injection drug users in New York state
  11. Multi-vaccine VIS and interim varicella vaccine VIS now in Thai
  12. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring

Issue 730: May 12, 2008

  1. New: CDC's 2008 child and teen immunization schedules now in Spanish
  2. CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" course now in DVD and web-on-demand formats
  3. CDC materials help health departments support implementation of ACIP's adolescent vaccine recommendations
  4. CDC's shingles print ads help health professionals promote shingles vaccination to their patients
  5. MMWR includes May 1 report on U.S. measles outbreaks during January 1-April 25, 2008
  6. CDC alerts members of the media that the National Influenza Vaccine Summit will be held May 12-13 in Atlanta
  7. For parents: "What to Expect Guide to Immunizations" and "Immunizations for Babies" are in English and Spanish
  8. Information about and resources related to May 19 observance of World Hepatitis Day available online
  9. New: CDC publishes ACIP's 2008 recommendations on human rabies prevention as an MMWR Early Release
  10. Summary Report from the February 2008 ACIP meeting now online
  11. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
  12. AIM Provider Toolkit is a resource guide for immunization in Michigan
  13. MMWR reports on worldwide progress toward interrupting wild poliovirus transmission during January 2007-April 2008
  14. International Rotavirus Symposium scheduled for June 3-4 in Istanbul

Issue 729: May 5, 2008

  1. CDC study finds 28 percent of toddlers not vaccinated in compliance with ACIP recommendations; CDC develops related talking points
  2. CDC reports on syncope after vaccination from January 2005 to July 2007
  3. Vaccine Safety Office website posts VAERS reports related to HPV vaccine
  4. CDC reports on human rabies fatality in Minnesota in 2007
  5. New: Multi-vaccine VIS now available in Hmong, Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese
  6. For coalitions: IZTA's June 3 teleconference to feature National Influenza Vaccine Summit's update on vaccine supply
  7. April issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now online
  8. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
  9. CDC reports on ACIP decision not to recommend routine MCV4 vaccination of all children ages 2-10 years
  10. Reminder: National Conference on Immunization & Health Coalitions will be held in San Francisco May 21-23

Issue 728: May 5, 2008

  1. CDC publishes MMWR Early Release about U.S. measles outbreaks during January 1-April 25, 2008

Issue 727: April 28, 2008

  1. CDC reminds parents of the importance of immunization and urges them to seek information from their child's doctor
  2. Updated Pink Book now available for purchase and downloading
  3. Updated and online: CDC's webcast toolkit on vaccine storage and handling
  4. CDC issues an important update on Hib vaccine shortage
  5. Update: IAC revises three popular immunization resources
  6. CDC experts update online "Ask the Experts" topics on General Immunization, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B
  7. VIS translations: VISs for varicella, meningococcal, and MMR vaccines now available in Turkish
  8. Parents PACK newsletter covers vaccine mandates and individual liberties, as well as U.S. measles outbreaks
  9. NCIRD annual report for 2008 available online
  10. Draft recommendations of the Immunization Safety Office Scientific Agenda now online
  11. World Hepatitis Day is May 19
  12. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
  13. CDC updates its Seasonal Flu web section
  14. Hepatitis B Foundation's B Informed patient conference scheduled for June 27-28 in Los Angeles
  15. Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board updates its website with new meeting report
  16. Points Across conference, "Collaborations That Work, Partnerships That Last," scheduled for May 14 in Baltimore

Issue 726: April 22, 2008

  1. Latest U.S. hepatitis B birth dose rate is less than 50%. How to increase it? IAC Express readers may hold the answers.

Issue 725: April 21, 2008

  1. It's National Infant Immunization Week!
  2. AAP publishes recommendations for influenza immunization of children for 2007-08
  3. CDC reports interim results of a 2008 study of influenza vaccine effectiveness in Marshfield, WI
  4. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity from September 30, 2007, through April 5, 2008, and on composition of the 2008-09 influenza vaccine
  5. CDC urges U.S. travelers to Israel to protect themselves from measles
  6. CDC reports on U.S. rotavirus vaccination coverage and adherence to the ACIP-recommended vaccination schedule
  7. New: Child/teen screening questionnaire now in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese
  8. New: Multi-vaccine VIS in Spanish, Chinese, and Tagalog; hepatitis B vaccine VIS in Thai; HPV vaccine VIS in Polish
  9. April 16 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now online
  10. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
  11. CDC publishes recommendations for animal rabies prevention and control
  12. CDC reports on laboratory-acquired vaccinia infections and vaccinia exposure in the U.S. during 2005-07

Issue 724: April 14, 2008

  1. April 19-26 are the dates for NIIW; be sure to check out CDC's extensive resources and to list your NIIW events
  2. CDC corrects an answer in Needle Tips (March 2008) about remedying a hepatitis A vaccine dosing error
  3. Reminder: Defer Hib vaccine booster dose for healthy children ages 12-15 months during current Hib vaccine shortage
  4. IAC revises parent- and professional-education materials on the hepatitis B birth dose
  5. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through the spring months
  6. Salma Hayek, UNICEF, and Pampers join to bring tetanus vaccine to mothers and children in developing countries
  7. SnapShots, an electronic newsletter of USAID, offers readers an international perspective on immunization
  8. Reminder: National Conference on Immunization & Health Coalitions will be held in San Francisco on May 21-23
  9. Seminar on evaluating the acceptability of vaccine and vaccination programs planned for July 7-9 in Annecy, France

Issue 723: April 9, 2008

  1. Act now--ask your U.S. representative to sign the "Dear Colleague" immunization appropriations letter
  2. The 317 Coalition has 156 member organizations. If your organization isn't a member, please consider joining today!

Issue 722: April 7, 2008

  1. CDC updates recommendation for use of PCV7 in children ages 24-59 months who are not completely vaccinated
  2. FDA approves new rotavirus vaccine for use in U.S.
  3. CDC issues Health Advisory in response to widespread measles outbreaks in U.S.
  4. New: Popular child/teen vaccination resources now in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese
  5. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  6. Revised VISs for DTaP, HPV, and meningococcal vaccines now available in Thai
  7. National Immunization Survey data tables for July 2006-June 2007 now posted on CDC website
  8. CDC reports on transplantation-transmitted tuberculosis in Oklahoma and Texas in 2007
  9. For coalitions: California Immunization Coalition Summit planned for April 28-29 in Sacramento
  10. Phacilitate Vaccine Forum 2008 scheduled for May 14-16 in Geneva, Switzerland

Issue 721: April 2, 2008

  1. Last chance--Thursday, April 3, is new deadline to ask your U.S. senators to sign the immunization appropriations letter

Issue 720: March 31, 2008

  1. CDC website posts provisional recommendations for prevention and control of influenza in 2008-09
  2. March 2008 issue of Vaccinate Adults offers adult medicine specialists many immunization resources
  3. CDC responds to recent vaccine court case with an op-ed article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution
  4. Dr. Paul Offit's teleconference on issues related to recent media coverage of vaccine safety is available for downloading
  5. MMWR issues corrections to the Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0-18 Years--United States, 2008
  6. CDC revises its interactive immunization scheduler for children age 6 years and younger
  7. IAC website posts updated patient-education piece for young adults who are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus
  8. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  9. Single-dose vials of yellow fever vaccine now available
  10. FDA updates two tables in its "Thimerosal in Vaccines" online resource
  11. For coalitions: IZTA's April 10 teleconference to focus on working with the media to promote facts about vaccine safety
  12. Vaccine Safety Working Group meeting scheduled for April 11 in Washington, DC; the public is invited to attend
  13. MMWR reports on progress made toward eradicating polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2007
  14. Chicago Area Immunization Campaign plans its Spring General Meeting for April 16

Issue 719: March 24, 2008

  1. Resources available to help professionals answer questions related to recent vaccine court case
  2. CDC releases 2006 U.S. surveillance data for acute viral hepatitis
  3. CDC reports on progress U.S. Immunization Information Systems made during 2006
  4. CDC website posts images of the three 2008 childhood vaccination schedules
  5. MMWR announces that March 24 is World TB Day and publishes information about TB trends in the U.S. during 2007
  6. AARP surveys seniors about their attitudes toward and knowledge of influenza and pneumococcal immunization
  7. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--through spring
  8. CDC website posts presentation slides from the February ACIP meeting
  9. CDC issues "Summary of Notifiable Diseases--United States, 2006"
  10. Federal government adds several new resources to its PandemicFlu website
  11. Massachusetts adult immunization conference set for May 22 in Worcester

Issue 718: March 17, 2008

  1. March 2008 issue of Needle Tips offers many resources for childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization
  2. CDC updates its recommendations for administering combination MMRV vaccine
  3. VIS news: CDC releases interim VISs for MMR vaccine and varicella vaccine
  4. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  5. IAC updates hepatitis B resource for parents and immunization resource for health professionals
  6. March issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available online
  7. For primary care practitioners: Interactive training program on increasing adult vaccination rates offers CE credit
  8. National Infant Immunization Week scheduled for April 19-26; CDC's online resources make it easy to promote
  9. CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis announces poster contest
  10. March 13 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now online
  11. For immunization coalitions: 165 coalitions have posted information on www.izcoalitions.org--is yours one of them?
  12. MMWR reports on progress Eastern Mediterranean made in reducing and eliminating measles mortality during 1997-2007

Issue 717: March 17, 2008

  1. Please--do it now! Call your U.S. senators about signing the immunization appropriations letter by Friday, March 21

Issue 716: March 12, 2008

  1. Check out IAC's immunization products--they can save valuable staff time and improve the quality of vaccination delivery

Issue 715: March 10, 2008

  1. CDC posts Q&As about new multi-vaccine VIS
  2. CDC offers flyer about the correct use of Hib vaccine during the current shortage
  3. CDC publishes correction to catch-up immunization schedule
  4. CDC answers questions from the media about vaccine safety
  5. New online Influenza Vaccine Algorithm can aid clinicians in determining the number and timing of child vaccine doses
  6. New influenza resources available
  7. IAC updates three print educational pieces
  8. MMWR publishes article about the cost of vaccinating refugees
  9. MMWR publishes article about the cost of polio infections in a camp of U.S.-bound refugees
  10. Errata: MMWR publishes corrections to the report "Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Children 5 Years After Conjugate Vaccine Introduction—Eight States, 1998–2005"
  11. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  12. Reminder: National Conference on Immunization & Health Coalitions will be held May 21-23, in San Francisco
  13. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality releases 2007 reports on national healthcare quality and disparities
  14. On-site course, Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, scheduled for Atlanta on April 15-16
  15. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America's Annual Scientific Meeting scheduled for April 5-8, in Orlando
  16. World TB Day is March 24

Issue 714: March 3, 2008

  1. New: ACIP votes to expand influenza recommendation to include vaccination for children ages 6 months-18 years
  2. CDC health advisory alerts clinicians to potential benefits of influenza antiviral use during current influenza season
  3. CDC website posts information for clinicians on MMRV vaccine safety
  4. CDC reports on measles outbreak in San Diego during January and February
  5. CDC reports on human rabies death in Canada in 2007
  6. CDC issues health advisory about revised directions for using HyperRAB/SD human rabies immune globulin in fixed needle 2 mL pre-filled syringe
  7. New: CDC's Immunization Safety Office launches website to help public understand the basics of vaccine safety
  8. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  9. NPHIC develops resource library of communications materials on pandemic influenza
  10. California Department of Public Health releases new online presentation, "Marketing Vaccines to Tweens"
  11. MMWR notifies readers that CDC has begun distributing a new-generation smallpox vaccine
  12. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases scheduled for March 16-19 in Atlanta
  13. Vaccines Summit to take place in London on June 16-17

Issue 713: February 25, 2008

  1. FDA advisory panel selects influenza virus strains that will make up the U.S. 2008-09 vaccine; CDC press briefing reveals 12 additional pediatric influenza deaths
  2. CDC reports on measles outbreak in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Texas during August-September 2007
  3. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  4. CDC adds to its Seasonal Influenza web section
  5. MMWR publishes U.S. influenza update for September 30, 2007-February 9, 2008
  6. For coalitions: March 11 is the date for IZTA's teleconference on building media support for NIIW activities
  7. Adolescent immunization symposium scheduled in Atlanta on March 18 to coincide with NIC
  8. Adult immunization conference scheduled for March 7 in Chaska, MN

Issue 712: February 18, 2008

  1. NCIRD website posts update on shortage of Merck's pediatric and adult hepatitis A vaccine
  2. New: Fifth edition of "Vaccines," the foremost vaccine textbook, now available for order
  3. CDC issues update on influenza activity in the United States during September 30, 2007-February 9, 2008
  4. CDC reports on status of invasive pneumococcal disease in children five years after PCV7 introduction
  5. February issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now online
  6. Reported pediatric influenza death prompts response from CIIC; new brochure urges annual influenza vaccination
  7. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  8. WHO recommends composition of 2008-09 influenza vaccine for Northern Hemisphere; CDC website posts Q&A on selecting viruses for influenza vaccine
  9. February 14 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now online
  10. On-site course, Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, scheduled for Atlanta on April 15-16
  11. CDC reports on progress in introducing Hib vaccine in low-income countries worldwide during 2004-07

Issue 711: February 11, 2008

  1. IZTA plans teleconference on parents' vaccine concerns on March 4
  2. Free "Shots 2008" software for childhood, adolescent, and catch-up immunization schedules now available
  3. IAC updates "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination"
  4. Sanofi pasteur provides information on proper use of ActHIB
  5. CDC provides new influenza resources for providers and the public
  6. National Conference on Immunization & Health Coalitions extends abstract deadline to February 15
  7. American Council on Science and Health offers new resource for patients and parents
  8. MMWR notifies readers about requirements for health economic studies presented to ACIP
  9. WHO issues position paper on typhoid vaccines

Issue 710: February 5, 2008

  1. Users of IAC's free print materials--please take our survey!

Issue 709: February 4, 2008

  1. New: CDC's multi-vaccine VIS has information on all vaccines routinely given to infants between birth and age 6 months
  2. Did you contact ABC concerning the "Eli Stone" episode? Please tell us about your letter or phone call
  3. "Eli Stone" show follow-up and related resources for healthcare providers
  4. CDC releases Dear Colleague letter on influenza
  5. CDC releases revised interim meningococcal VIS
  6. IAC updates "Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization" and "Screening Questionnaire for Adult Immunization"
  7. Official CDC Health Advisory: Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality and Staphylococcus aureus co-infection
  8. New: Spanish-language version of the current recommended adult immunization schedule now online
  9. National Infant Immunization Week scheduled for April 19-26; CDC's online resources make it easy to promote
  10. February 22 is the nomination deadline for the fifth annual "Natalie J. Smith, MD, Award"
  11. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--including the spring months
  12. ACIP meeting scheduled for February 27-28; registration deadline for U.S. citizens is February 8

Issue 708: January 29, 2008

  1. Do it now: Contact ABC and express your opinion! Join IAC and AAP in urging ABC to cancel the "Eli Stone" episode on Thursday night (Jan. 31) that provides extensive misinformation about vaccine safety

Issue 707: January 28, 2008

  1. New CDC survey data show dismally low rates of adult immunization
  2. CDC's QuickStats give overview of strategies nursing homes used to encourage employee influenza vaccination in 2004
  3. AAP toolkit gives clinicians an extensive array of resources for caring for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  4. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--including the spring months
  5. CDC reports on influenza-testing and antiviral-agent prescribing practices in four states during 2006-07 influenza season

Issue 706: January 22, 2008

  1. IAC updates its summaries of adult and child/teen immunization recommendations
  2. IAC updates many of its standing orders protocols for vaccine administration
  3. Brazil announces a yellow fever disease alert for tourists and diplomats; CDC strongly advises vaccination
  4. CDC announces temporary shortage of single-dose vials of yellow fever vaccine
  5. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  6. National Influenza Vaccine Summit's January 15 newsletter now available online
  7. CDC augments its Seasonal Flu web section with provider and patient information pieces
  8. Families Fighting Flu launches "Fighting Influenza" newsletter
  9. CDC's Travelers' Health web section posts bird flu information for those traveling to Asia for Lunar New Year
  10. IAC makes minor updates to its "Quiz #1: Immunization" and "Quiz #2: Vaccine Administration"
  11. January 16 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now online

Issue 705: January 14, 2008

  1. New: CDC, AAP, and AAFP release the 2008 Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Age 0-18 Years
  2. Article published in an AMA journal counters the recurrent and unsubstantiated claim that exposure to thimerosal in vaccines is a cause of autism
  3. January issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available online
  4. IAC updates "Immunizations for Babies" and "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
  5. Here's a round up of IAC's newly translated print education materials for staff and patients
  6. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  7. VIS translation: Interim VIS for meningococcal vaccines now available in Turkish
  8. Reminder: January 15 is registration deadline for net conference on zoster disease/vaccine and adolescent immunization recommendations
  9. Slides and audio of AHIP's virtual seminar on "Medicare Part D and Vaccine Claims Submission" now available

Issue 704: January 7, 2008

  1. CDC reports on four states' collective public health response to a rabid kitten during summer 2007
  2. NCIRD adds information on vaccine safety monitoring to its Q&A on Hib vaccine recall
  3. Time's running out: January 25 is the early-bird registration deadline for the 2008 National Immunization Conference
  4. FDA's "A Parent's Guide to Kid's Vaccines" is an excellent resource on infant, childhood, and teen vaccination
  5. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring
  6. Reminder: CDC's series on Epidemiology and Prevention of VPDs ceases live broadcast; DVD and Internet formats planned
  7. Conference on Vaccine Research scheduled for May 5-7 in Baltimore; abstracts due February 15
  8. Use of the new International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is required for yellow fever vaccine
  9. MMWR corrects pneumonia and influenza mortality data reported on December 14, 2007

Issue 703: December 31, 2007

  1. Merck updates information on supply of Varivax varicella vaccine and ProQuad MMR/varicella combination vaccine
  2. MMWR publishes interim recommendations for use of Hib vaccine in response to recall of certain lots of PedvaxHIB and Comvax
  3. New Jersey becomes first state to require influenza vaccination for children in day care and preschool settings
  4. IAC mourns the death of immunization advocate Rebecca Cole, who lost a child to complications from varicella
  5. Proceedings from the October 2007 ACIP meeting now online
  6. VIS translation: VIS for hepatitis A vaccine now available in Burmese
  7. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from now through spring 2008
  8. "Spotlight on Shingles" website is a useful resource for patients and the public
  9. State and local health departments: Healthy Roads Media requests that you fill out a short survey--please help
  10. For coalitions: IZTA plans two teleconferences for early 2008--one on January 23, another on February 5
  11. CDC website posts reports of confirmed human cases of avian influenza in Myanmar and Pakistan

Issue 702: December 20, 2007

  1. CDC issues interim recommendations for the use of Hib vaccines in light of the recall of certain lots of PedvaxHIB and Comvax

Issue 701: December 17, 2007

  1. Happy holidays from all of us at IAC
  2. Merck announces voluntary recall of certain lots of its Hib-containing vaccines PedvaxHIB and COMVAX
  3. IAC website posts three Spanish-language immunization print resources
  4. IAC updates its print resource "MMR Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism: Examine the evidence!"
  5. December issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available online
  6. December 12 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter posted on IAC's website
  7. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from fall 2007 through spring 2008
  8. CDC publishes update on U.S. influenza activity from September 30 through December 1
  9. Nomination deadline for the 2008 National Influenza Vaccine Summit's Immunization Excellence Awards is January 17, 2008
  10. WHO issues position paper on rabies vaccines

Issue 700: December 10, 2007

  1. CDC publishes updated recommendation for meningococcal vaccination of at-risk children age 2-10 years
  2. Errors corrected in recommendations for eliminating hepatitis B transmission in infants, children, and teens
  3. In TV interview, NCIRD's Dr. Melinda Wharton refutes claims that vaccines cause harm
  4. Reminder: Satellite broadcast on Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases is scheduled for December 13
  5. Planned for January 17, 2008, CDC net conference will focus on shingles disease and vaccine, and adolescent vaccination recommendations
  6. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from fall 2007 through spring 2008
  7. CDC updates its Seasonal Flu web section with a Q&A on influenza vaccine efficacy
  8. Faces of Influenza schedules nationwide events for December 2007 and January 2008
  9. PandemicFlu.gov website posts toolkit of communication resources for healthcare community and others
  10. Deadline for abstract submission for NFID's Conference on Vaccine Research is February 15, 2008
  11. Abstract submission deadline for the National Conference on Immunization & Health Coalitions is February 1, 2008
  12. Subscribe to PATH's Vaccines for the Future e-newsletter

Issue 699: December 6, 2007

  1. Please consider a contribution to support IAC's work
  2. Subscribe to IAC publications. They're free!

Issue 698: December 3, 2007

  1. December 6 conference call offers practical strategies for vaccinating throughout the 2007-08 influenza season
  2. VIS for intranasal influenza vaccine now available in Spanish and Cambodian
  3. New: Two IAC screening questionnaires on precautions and contraindications to vaccination now available in more languages
  4. IAC updates a piece that answers patients' and parents' questions about influenza
  5. IAC updates its "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults"
  6. CDC reports on global progress on measles control and mortality reduction during 2000-2006
  7. CDC series on Epidemiology and Prevention of VPDs ceases live broadcast; will be available on DVD and Internet only
  8. MMWR announces that December 1 marked the twentieth anniversary of World AIDS Day
  9. National Influenza Vaccination Week organizers thank partners and encourage on-going use of resources
  10. GAO publishes the findings of its study on influenza vaccine production, distribution, and promotion
  11. Important: Be sure to give influenza vaccine throughout the influenza season--from fall 2007 through spring 2008

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