IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1762)

Issue 592: April 12, 2006

  1. CDC alerts healthcare providers that persons infectious with mumps traveled by air in the U.S. between March 26-April 2, 2006

Issue 591: April 10, 2006

  1. IAC posts three thimerosal resources to its website
  2. CDC issues an update on Guillain-Barre Syndrome and receipt of Menactra vaccine
  3. Handouts and recordings of NIC sessions now available online
  4. April issue of Immunization Works summarizes information about NIP reorganization and name change
  5. New: April issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available online
  6. MMWR publishes report on the current mumps epidemic in Iowa
  7. Avian influenza covered extensively on the websites of CDC, NIAID, and WHO
  8. Reminder: Register soon for the April 20 Rotavirus net conference
  9. Public Health and the Law in the 21st Century conference scheduled for June 12-14 in Atlanta

Issue 590: April 3, 2006

  1. CDC reports on current mumps epidemic in Iowa
  2. CDC releases updated hepatitis A VIS
  3. New: Two more excellent thimerosal resources from Dr. Paul Offit are now online
  4. Society of Adolescent Medicine's position paper on adolescent immunization published in Journal of Adolescent Health
  5. IAC revises three hepatitis education pieces for patients
  6. CDC updates its Influenza web section
  7. FDA approves the use of the antiviral drug Relenza for preventing influenza, as well as treating it
  8. March 29 issue of Hep Express now available online
  9. May 18–19 are the dates for North Dakota's Vaccination Expedition 2006

Issue 589: March 27, 2006

  1. New: AAP endorses CDC's hepatitis B recommendations for infants, children, and adolescents
  2. Here's a resource to help you talk with parents about thimerosal
  3. MMWR publishes ACIP's tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis recommendations for adolescents
  4. Current Issues in Immunization net conference to focus on general recommendations and rotavirus recommendations
  5. April 11 teleconference to discuss human papillomavirus disease and vaccine
  6. HHS adds more influenza antiviral medication to the nation's stockpile
  7. CDC adds to and updates its Influenza web section
  8. Pandemic Influenza website adds planning checklists for colleges/universities and child care/preschools
  9. Updated: IAC revises a Spanish-language adolescent immunization piece and a professional-education piece
  10. Attention teens: Your PSA on meningococcal disease could be featured on websites, a pod cast, and a DVD

Issue 588: March 20, 2006

  1. HHS releases two new pandemic influenza planning guides and an update on related department priorities
  2. CDC posts updated provisional Tdap recommendations for adults online
  3. Build NIIW awareness with new English and Spanish resources
  4. PATH's Rotavirus Vaccine Program publishes newsletters and other resources
  5. CDC offers influenza chemoprophylaxis and treatment guidelines for PDAs
  6. CDC reports on increased antiviral medications sales before the 2005–06 influenza season in New York City
  7. CDC reports on inhalation anthrax associated with dried animal hides
  8. CDC adds to and updates its Influenza web section
  9. CDC issues update on U.S. influenza activity during February 26–March 4, 2006
  10. Hib Initiative offers a free quarterly email newsletter

Issue 587: March 13, 2006

  1. New: Laminated U.S. childhood and adult immunization schedules are a must for every exam room
  2. New: Current U.S. childhood and adult immunization schedules now available for PDAs
  3. NIP schedules March 14–15 teleconference on promoting infant immunization through Spanish-language media outlets
  4. March issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  5. MMWR focuses on public health response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in states other than Louisiana
  6. Erratum: MMWR corrects storage information for live attenuated influenza vaccine
  7. CDC website posts presentation slides from ACIP's February 21–22 meeting
  8. CDC updates its Influenza web section with news about the geographic spread of avian influenza
  9. Pandemic influenza: new Update newsletter and checklists for school districts and home healthcare providers now available
  10. NFID issues Call to Action on immunizing children with asthma against influenza
  11. CDC issues update on U.S. influenza activity during February 19–25
  12. New: FDA issues draft guidelines for accelerated development of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines
  13. CDC reports that during 1999–2004 global measles deaths were reduced 48 percent to 454,000

Issue 586: March 6, 2006

  1. Dr. Paul A. Offit to deliver Hilleman lecture at National Immunization Conference
  2. HHS secretary Mike Leavitt to address NIC's opening plenary session
  3. HHS prepares for potential influenza pandemic by buying additional antiviral medications
  4. CDC posts provisional ACIP recommendations for wider use of varicella vaccine, including a second dose during outbreaks
  5. New: CDC announces addition of Hib module to its "You Call the Shots" training course
  6. CDC updates its Influenza web section with news about the geographical spread of avian influenza
  7. IAC's hepatitis website celebrates five years of sharing good ideas!
  8. MMWR includes an article about investigational product for varicella postexposure prophylaxis
  9. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during February 12–18
  10. February 28 issue of IAC's Hep Express newsletter now online
  11. B Informed patient conference scheduled for June 10–11
  12. Points Across III health promotion conference will introduce Coalition University

Issue 585: March 3, 2006

  1. Unprotected People #84: Mississippi boy dies from rabies; exposure to bats around home is likely source

Issue 584: February 27, 2006

  1. New: CDC publishes recommendations for preventing tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis in adolescents
  2. New: ACIP recommends new rotavirus vaccine for infants
  3. New: ACIP expands its influenza vaccine recommendation for children
  4. New: CDC reports an investigational drug is available for postexposure varicella prophylaxis of high-risk patients
  5. CDC issues two Health Updates about a current case of inhalation anthrax in Pennsylvania
  6. CDC reports on an outbreak of mumps in a New York summer camp during 2005
  7. CDC reports on the 2004–05 mumps epidemic in the United Kingdom
  8. Avian influenza: WHO and CDC report on rapid spread of the disease in birds
  9. Influenza vaccination recommendations for healthcare personnel now in MMWR Recommendations and Reports format
  10. Updated: IAC revises two patient-education pieces
  11. Puzzled about the status of vaccine licensures and recommendations? "Red Book Online" has current information
  12. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during February 5–11
  13. Attention immunization coalitions: Meet 'n' Greet and teleconferencing opportunities are available in March
  14. Reminder: March 6 is registration deadline for meeting on management of hepatitis B virus

Issue 583: February 20, 2006

  1. Errata: MMWR publishes corrections to ACIP's hepatitis B recommendations for infants, children, and adolescents
  2. New: CDC website posts numerous resources to help you promote National Infant Immunization Week, April 22-29
  3. IAC updates patient-information pieces on immunizations for people infected with HIV and/or hepatitis C virus
  4. February 16 issue of CDC's Pandemic Influenza Update now available on IAC's website
  5. CDC updates its Influenza web section with information about avian influenza outbreaks
  6. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during January 29-February 4
  7. WHO's redesigned immunization website is now live
  8. CDC reports that transmission of resurgent wild poliovirus type 1 during 2002-05 has been interrupted
  9. Phacilitate Vaccine Forum scheduled for June 19-21 in Amsterdam

Issue 582: February 13, 2006

  1. New: CDC publishes recommendations for influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel
  2. Don't miss it: Rosalynn Carter and Betty Bumpers to speak at NIC's closing plenary
  3. New: 9th edition of the Pink Book now available for downloading and ordering
  4. New: Spanish-language version of the current Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule now online
  5. Your help is needed: Support the National Hepatitis B Act, H.R. 4550
  6. February issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter focuses on Dr. Anne Schuchat, the new NIP director
  7. NIP makes Td and Tdap resources available online
  8. New: IAC and New York state collaborate on a professional-education piece about the hepatitis B birth dose
  9. Updated: IAC revises two patient-education pieces
  10. MMWR includes article about new lab test for diagnosing avian influenza in humans
  11. CDC adds to and updates its Influenza web section
  12. HHS and Institut Pasteur to collaborate on pandemic influenza preparedness
  13. February 2 issue of CDC's Pandemic Influenza Update now available on IAC's website
  14. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during January 22-28
  15. ICEID to be held in Atlanta on March 19-22; two related conferences also planned
  16. Minnesota Coalition for Adult Immunization Conference set for March 10

Issue 581: February 9, 2006

  1. FDA approves new rotavirus vaccine
  2. FDA approves new lab test for detecting avian influenza in humans

Issue 580: February 6, 2006

  1. The staff of IAC honor the memory of Mark Wexler
  2. Involved with immunizing children and/or teens? Be sure to sign up for this practical teleconference
  3. Federal government launches official pandemic influenza website
  4. CDC posts hepatitis conference presentations online
  5. CDC adds to and updates its Influenza web section
  6. CDC reports on U.S. childhood influenza vaccination coverage during the 2003-04 season
  7. Free: Free bulk copies of the latest issue of Needle Tips (October 2005) are just a click away
  8. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during January 15–21
  9. Updated: IAC revises a vaccine-storage-and-handling piece for health professionals
  10. National Conference on Immunization Coalitions extends abstract submission deadline to February 28
  11. CDC releases report on a case of imported vaccine-associated paralytic polio
  12. Sign up for February continuing education conference calls
  13. New: February 3 issue of IAC'S Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online
  14. CDC issues guidelines for surveillance of adverse reactions to smallpox vaccine

Issue 579: January 30, 2006

  1. CDC releases Dear Colleague letter about new recommendations to prevent perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission
  2. Reminder: Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases satellite broadcast begins February 9
  3. Reminder: February 17 is deadline for regular-price registration for the National Immunization Conference
  4. New: January 19 issue of CDC's Pandemic Influenza Update now available on IAC website
  5. CDC's web section on avian influenza has a link to WHO's updated information on global occurrences of the disease
  6. New: Award-winning BBC documentary "Fragile lives: Immunization at risk" now available on DVD
  7. New VIS translation: Spanish-language version of the new rabies VIS now available on IAC's website
  8. Updated translations: Revised IAC patient-education brochure on hepatitis B now available in Vietnamese and Chinese
  9. Teleconference on working with pharmacies to increase immunization rates is scheduled for February 14
  10. CDC adds to and updates its Influenza web section with Spanish- and English-language materials
  11. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during January 8-14

Issue 578: January 23, 2006

  1. MMWR includes CDC's report on adamantane resistance among influenza A (H3N2) viruses and interim guidelines for use of antiviral agents
  2. WHO publishes the December 2005 meeting report of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
  3. CDC adds to and updates its Influenza web section
  4. Attention NIC attendees: The National Immunization Coalitions (TA) Network needs your immediate feedback
  5. CDC reports on U.S. influenza activity during January 1-7
  6. MMWR list of exams available for continuing education credit includes three related to immunization and viral hepatitis

Issue 577: January 18, 2006

  1. CDC publishes an MMWR Dispatch on Adamantane resistance among influenza A (H3N2) viruses and interim guidelines for the use of antiviral agents

Issue 576: January 17, 2006

  1. CDC issues official Health Advisory, recommending against the use of Amantadine and Rimandatine for the treatment or prophylaxis of influenza
  2. CDC issues interim VIS for hepatitis A vaccine
  3. CDC issues updated VIS for rabies vaccine
  4. Important information for those planning on attending ACIP meetings
  5. HHS releases a pandemic influenza guide for individuals and families
  6. AAFP publishes a pandemic influenza vaccine prioritization guide for providers
  7. IAC adds web section of pandemic influenza resources
  8. IAC adds autism web section to its website for the public and health professionals
  9. Influenza update: CDC reports on influenza activity during December 25–31, 2005
  10. VIS translation: IAC posts Haitian Creole VIS for meningococcal vaccine
  11. CDC updates its influenza web section
  12. January issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website

Issue 575: January 9, 2006

  1. NIP website posts the 2006 Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule and links to related materials
  2. New: NEJM reports on two studies indicating that rotavirus vaccines in development are effective and safe
  3. CDC provides online information about the new hepatitis B recommendations
  4. Act soon: Deadlines for three important CDC events are coming up fast
  5. CDC updates its Influenza web section with materials on avian and seasonal influenza
  6. Influenza update: CDC reports on influenza activity during December 18-24, 2005
  7. February 10 is nomination deadline for the 3rd annual "Natalie J. Smith, MD, Award"
  8. MMWR Quick Stats show healthcare settings that delivered or prescribed vaccines for persons younger than 18 years in 2002-03
  9. New: January 6 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online

Issue 574: January 6, 2006

  1. CDC, AAP, and AAFP release the Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for 2006

Issue 573: January 4, 2006

  1. Start the New Year with a bargain: Order IAC Adult Immunization Record cards by the case

Issue 572: January 3, 2006

  1. New: ACIP releases hepatitis B recommendations for infants, children, and adolescents
  2. Net conference on new hepatitis B recommendations is scheduled for February 2; register by January 31
  3. Registration opens January 19 for CDC's satellite broadcast on Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
  4. CDC reports on 2001-03 pertussis surveillance data
  5. World Health Organization reports on pandemic influenza now available online
  6. Updated: IAC revises "It's federal law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)"
  7. Russian-language VISs for influenza and meningococcal vaccines are revised
  8. January 10 teleconference to offer a preview and update on the National Conference on Immunization Coalitions

Issue 571: December 19, 2005

  1. All of us at IAC wish you a wonderful holiday season
  2. AAP releases policy statement on use of Tdap vaccine in adolescents
  3. CDC issues an update of U.S. influenza activity from October 2 to December 3
  4. NEJM: Influenza-associated deaths among persons younger than 18 years were "substantial" during 2003-04 influenza season
  5. NIP website posts provisional ACIP recommendations for use of Tdap, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines
  6. Updated: IAC revises its parent-education piece "What if you don't vaccinate your child?"
  7. Deadline for abstracts for the National Conference on Immunization Coalitions is January 27, 2006
  8. Deadline for abstracts for the Conference on Vaccine Research is February 3, 2006

Issue 570: December 15, 2005

  1. Looking for serious savings? Order Adult Immunization Record cards by the case
  2. Need to spend year-end dollars? Stock up now on essential immunization resources for 2006
  3. Want to support a worthy cause? IAC could really use your tax-deductible year-end contribution!

Issue 569: December 12, 2005

  1. CDC publishes guidelines on antimicrobials recommended for treatment and postexposure prophylaxis of pertussis
  2. NIP issues updated version of the provisional recommendation for vaccinating adolescents with Tdap vaccine
  3. December Immunization Works newsletter focuses on the billions routine childhood immunization saves each year
  4. HHS starts a process to integrate pandemic influenza planning at federal, state, and local levels
  5. CDC report on epidemiology of measles in U.S. in 2004 indicates only 37 reported cases, a new one-year low
  6. New: Current Issues in Immunization Net Conference to focus on new hepatitis A vaccine recommendations
  7. MMWR notifies readers that FDA approved lowering the age limit for Havrix hepatitis A vaccine to 12 months
  8. Errata: MMWR corrects errors in its December 2 article on licensure of measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine
  9. New: Current VISs for injectable and nasal-spray influenza vaccines now available in Russian and Somali
  10. New: Interim VIS for meningococcal vaccine now available in Russian and Somali
  11. Before the holiday rush, take time to register for CDC's 2006 National Immunization Conference
  12. Johns Hopkins/UNICEF report makes the case for investing in immunization communication
  13. CDC updates its Influenza web section

Issue 568: December 5, 2005

  1. CDC issues press release about the appointment of three new center directors
  2. Important: Deadline for nominations to ACIP is December 19; ACIP's provisional recommendations are now online
  3. Heads up: One-word error now corrected on Spanish-language VISs for injectable and nasal-spray influenza vaccines
  4. New: Interim VIS for Tdap vaccine now available in Spanish
  5. CDC provides information about newly licensed measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine
  6. CDC updates its Influenza web section with English- and Spanish-language materials
  7. New: December 2 issue of Hep Express now available online

Issue 567: November 28, 2005

  1. CDC proposes updating communicable disease regulations, including those for pandemic influenza and diphtheria
  2. New: IAC website presents standing orders protocols in a single table for easy reference
  3. New: IAC website consolidates answers to FAQs onto one web section
  4. NIP collects several adult immunization resources on one web page
  5. New: CDC announces addition of polio module to its "You Call the Shots" training course
  6. CDC reports on the October 2005 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication
  7. Teleconference about immunizing migrant workers scheduled for December 13
  8. Turkish translations for three educational materials now available on IAC's website

Issue 566: November 22, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #81: Imported case of congenital rubella syndrome diagnosed in New Hampshire

Issue 565: November 21, 2005

  1. Note: Watch tomorrow's IAC Express for an Unprotected People Report on a case of imported congenital rubella syndrome
  2. CDC updates its Influenza web section with information on avian influenza
  3. Use IAC's Adult Immunization Record Card to educate adult patients about their lifelong need for vaccination
  4. Updated: IAC revises several of its print materials for health professionals
  5. CDC reports that 48 percent of children under age six participated in immunization information systems in 2004

Issue 564: November 14, 2005

  1. ACIP votes to recommend adult vaccination with tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine (Tdap)
  2. New: CDC issues final VISs for injectable and nasal-spray influenza vaccines and updates VIS instructions
  3. Update: CDC adds new fact sheet to its web section on Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Menactra meningococcal vaccine
  4. New: Prepublication copies of the ninth edition of the Pink Book now available for order
  5. CDC's satellite broadcast/webcast on Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases is set for December 8
  6. CDC updates its Influenza web section
  7. Multiple copies of the CD-ROM of NIP's Vaccine Storage & Handling Toolkit now available through IAC
  8. New: GAO releases its report on the influenza vaccine shortage of 2004-05
  9. New: November issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  10. Updated: IAC revises two of its professional-education pieces
  11. Correction: Copyright information about ACOG's guidelines on immunization during pregnancy
  12. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases planned for Atlanta on March 19-22, 2006
  13. Two new resources on global immunization now available

Issue 563: November 7, 2005

  1. New: DHHS releases pandemic influenza plan for nation; federal government launches a pandemic influenza website
  2. CDC updates its Influenza web section
  3. Spanish-language version of the interim VIS for meningococcal disease available on IAC's website
  4. Updated: IAC revises two professional-education pieces related to viral hepatitis
  5. New: November 4 issue of Hep Express now available on IAC's website
  6. CDC publishes a correction to the current adult immunization schedule
  7. CDC reports on the global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network during January 2004-June 2005
  8. November 11 is the early-bird registration date for the Phacilitate North American Vaccine Forum

Issue 562: October 31, 2005

  1. ACIP recommends hepatitis A vaccine for all children
  2. CDC announces that nation's influenza vaccine supply continues to increase, encourages broader use of vaccine
  3. DHHS awards a $62.5-million contract to Chiron to manufacture avian influenza vaccine
  4. CDC adds lots of new and updated material to its Influenza web section
  5. Vaccine Education Center website posts useful article for parents on vaccine myths and vaccine safety
  6. NIAID press release reports on a study showing acellular pertussis vaccine is effective in adults and adolescents
  7. PKIDS surveys parents and teens about adolescent immunization and posts results on its website
  8. Immunization coalition teleconference to focus on using an advisory committee to contribute to a pandemic influenza plan

Issue 561: October 28, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #80: Preventable measles outbreak in Indiana results in 34 cases and three hospitalizations in summer 2005

Issue 560: October 24, 2005

  1. Read immediately: CDC issues guidance about vaccine storage during power outages
  2. FDA approves Havrix hepatitis A vaccine for use in children as young as age 12 months
  3. New: LTC facilities funded by Medicare or Medicaid now must offer residents influenza and pneumococcal vaccination
  4. New: Here are three excellent influenza resources you should know about
  5. New: CDC's Influenza web section posts comprehensive information about avian influenza
  6. CDC declares 1918 pandemic influenza virus a select agent
  7. 2003 influenza vaccination rates for elderly and high-risk persons fell short of national objectives
  8. Survey indicates only 13 percent of pregnant women received influenza vaccination during the 2003-04 influenza season
  9. October issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  10. Interim VIS for injectable influenza vaccine now in Vietnamese and Armenian; audio and video VISs available
  11. MMWR includes CDC's report on recent polio infections among four Minnesota children
  12. New: APHA annual meeting moved from New Orleans to Philadelphia; date changed to December 10-14

Issue 559: October 18, 2005

  1. Official CDC Health Advisory confirms a human rabies death in Mississippi
  2. CDC releases report on recent poliovirus infections among four unvaccinated children in Minnesota

Issue 558: October 17, 2005

  1. FDA releases three lots of Chiron's Fluvirin vaccine for use during 2005-06 influenza season
  2. NEW: CDC issues Adult Immunization Schedule for October 2005-September 2006
  3. MMWR includes CDC's report on Guillain-Barre Syndrome among recent recipients of Menactra vaccine
  4. MMWR notifies readers about FDA's approval of VAQTA hepatitis A vaccine for children age 1 year and older
  5. New: The October 2005 issue of Vaccinate Adults is in the mail and on the Web
  6. Typo trouble: NIP corrects a typo on the interim VIS for Tdap vaccine
  7. Erratum: IAC Express corrects its October 10 article on Alaska's meningococcal mandate
  8. Update: IAC makes minor changes to four of its vaccine administration pieces
  9. Rate of pertussis hospitalizations for infants younger than 6 months increased by 20% from 1994-1998 to 1999-2003
  10. New: November 4 is the deadline for abstracts for the 2006 National Immunization Conference
  11. CDC's Influenza web section begins posting the "Weekly Report: Influenza Summary Update" for the 2005-06 season
  12. CDC's Influenza web section posts information on laboratory diagnosis of respiratory illness

Issue 557: October 10, 2005

  1. Updated interim VIS for meningococcal vaccine has information about possible association between Menactra and Guillain-Barre syndrome
  2. New: NIP website posts the latest information about VISs currently under development
  3. New: Minnesota infant contracts vaccine-derived polio virus; NIP website posts page of FAQs about polio
  4. Researchers reconstruct the 1918 pandemic influenza virus with hope of learning how to avert future pandemics
  5. Updated: Five IAC pieces related to viral hepatitis have been revised
  6. New: Alaska mandates education about meningococcal disease and vaccine for college students; three more states let pharmacists vaccinate.
  7. New: October 5 issue of Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online
  8. New: UNICEF issues Progress for Children, a report card on worldwide childhood immunization

Issue 556: October 10, 2005

  1. CDC reports on five cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome among recent recipients of Menactra meningococcal conjugate vaccine

Issue 555: October 3, 2005

  1. CDC issues official Health Advisory about Menactra meningococcal vaccine and Guillain Barre Syndrome
  2. New: October 2005 issue of Needle Tips offers many resources for childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization
  3. New: Influenza Vaccine Bulletin #3 available for the 2005-06 influenza season
  4. New: NIP makes its Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit available in web-based and CD-ROM formats
  5. Locate influenza clinics with ALA's online Flu Clinic Locator or your 2-1-1 information-and-referral call center
  6. NIAID and MedImmune to collaborate in developing vaccines against potential pandemic influenza viruses
  7. New: ECBT launches a vaccine safety web section
  8. VIS translations: Interim influenza vaccine VISs now available in Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Turkish
  9. Reminder: Two-day course "Epidemiology & Prevention of VPDs" to be held at two California sites in November
  10. CDC reports on WHO's laboratory surveillance for wild and vaccine-derived polioviruses during 2004-05

Issue 554: September 30, 2005

  1. The Cutter Incident, by Paul A. Offit, MD, traces the enduring effects of a 1955 vaccine manufacturing accident
  2. Editorial urges media, scientific community, and parents to strongly counter the myth that thimerosal causes autism

Issue 553: September 26, 2005

  1. New: CDC issues interim VIS for Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis) vaccine for adolescents and adults
  2. MMWR issues correction to the influenza vaccination recommendations it published September 16
  3. News alert: On September 28 Dear Abby will publish a letter urging early influenza vaccination for high-risk persons
  4. New: Screening questionnaire identifies which patients are eligible to receive influenza vaccine before October 24
  5. New: CDC responds to Lancet article questioning the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines for older people
  6. Federal and military employees: Help IAC by using agency code 0233 when you contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign
  7. "Vote and Vax" booklet tells how to set up an influenza shot clinic in your community on Election Day
  8. Teleconference on adolescent immunization is scheduled for October 11
  9. Report compares influenza vaccination in managed healthcare plans during the 2003-04 and 2004-05 influenza seasons
  10. VIS translation: Thai-language VIS now available for hepatitis A vaccine
  11. Annual SIGN Alliance meeting to be held November 14-16 in Hanoi; October 1 is deadline for hotel reservations
  12. MMWR corrects data on 2003 influenza and pneumococcal coverage among persons age 65 years and older

Issue 552: September 19, 2005

  1. DHHS announces children 18 years and younger displaced by Hurricane Katrina can receive free vaccinations
  2. Health experts urge vaccination for those at risk of complications of influenza or pneumococcal disease
  3. New: Spanish-language VISs for injectable and intranasal influenza vaccines available on IAC's website
  4. CDC report assesses the impact routine PCV7 vaccination had on invasive pneumococcal disease from 1998-2003
  5. CDC reports on recent U.S. and worldwide influenza activity and on vaccination recommendations for the 2005-06 season
  6. New: IAC's "2005-06 Influenza Vaccination Pocket Information Guide" is a useful resource for health professionals
  7. September issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  8. CDC presents stats on nursing home residents age 65 and older who received pneumococcal vaccinations in the late 1990s
  9. DHHS prepares for possible influenza pandemic by buying vaccine and antiviral medications
  10. Arizona Immunization Conference scheduled for November 17-18 in Mesa

Issue 551: September 12, 2005

  1. All of us at IAC extend our condolences to those affected by Hurricane Katrina
  2. CDC's Hurricane Katrina Health & Safety web page offers continually updated immunization information
  3. CDC has information on Hurricane Katrina for health professionals, relief workers, and shelter operators
  4. DHHS sets up a toll-free crisis hotline for persons emotionally distressed by Hurricane Katrina
  5. Influenza Vaccine Bulletin #2 available for the 2005-06 influenza season
  6. Mark your calendar: The next Current Issues in Immunization netconference is scheduled for October 13
  7. New: CDC's Flu Gallery offers professional- and patient-education materials for the 2005-06 influenza season
  8. Coming up: National Adult Immunization Awareness Week is scheduled for September 25-October 1
  9. Free: Bulk copies of the May 2005 issue of Vaccinate Adults are available for the asking
  10. Updated: IAC's Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization has been substantially revised
  11. New: Professional-education piece on Healthcare Worker Vaccination Recommendations available on IAC's website
  12. September 9 issue of IAC's HEP Express electronic newsletter now available online
  13. Help out: NIP continues to need volunteers to pilot test its immunization training courses
  14. Polio update: Immunization campaigns reduce polio incidence in Nigeria; WHO reports two new cases in Ethiopia
  15. Corrections: CDC revises pneumonia and influenza mortality stats reported in MMWR on August 19 and August 26

Issue 550: September 6, 2005

  1. CDC website posts interim immunization recommendations for persons displaced by Hurricane Katrina
  2. CDC website posts interim immunization recommendations for emergency responders assisting with Hurricane Katrina
  3. DHHS establishes web page and toll-free number to identify health professionals to assist in Hurricane Katrina relief

Issue 549: September 6, 2005

  1. Note: Watch for an Extra Edition of IAC Express related to Hurricane Katrina
  2. FDA approves combination measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine
  3. FDA approves new influenza vaccine for upcoming season
  4. CDC publishes updated information on influenza vaccine supply and recommendations for prioritization
  5. CDC updates its website with Q&As about influenza vaccine supply and prioritization
  6. FDA releases statement on Chiron Corporation inspection
  7. Heads up: November 4 is deadline for abstracts for the 2006 National Immunization Conference
  8. Updated: IAC substantially revises its professional-education piece "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
  9. New: CDC announces addition of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis module to its "You Call the Shots" training course
  10. Influenza vaccination standing orders for children and adolescents is new, standing orders for adults is updated
  11. Updated: Revised "Administering Vaccines to Adults: Dose, Route, Site, Needle Size, and Preparation" now online
  12. Injectable typhoid vaccine currently unavailable
  13. New: Draft agenda for the National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference now available

Issue 548: August 29, 2005

  1. New: CDC's influenza web section adds materials for the 2005-06 season
  2. New: VIS for MMR vaccine now available in Vietnamese
  3. Updated: IAC revises its patient questionnaire "Do I Need Any Vaccinations Today?"
  4. Updated: Two revised hepatitis educational pieces available on the IAC website
  5. Upcoming event: Rosalynn Carter and Betty Bumpers to speak at the Sierra Nevada Immunization Conference

Issue 547: August 26, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #79: CDC reports on preventable measles among
  2. U.S. residents, 2001-2004

Issue 546: August 22, 2005

  1. Comments on proposed CMS nursing home immunization requirement must be submitted by August 30
  2. FDA approves VAQTA hepatitis A vaccine for use in children ages 12 months and older
  3. New: August 2005 issue of Vaccinate Women is on the IAC website
  4. Important: September 15 is the deadline for submitting comments on proposed revisions to Healthy People 2010
  5. Teleconference on working with physicians to improve adult vaccination rates is scheduled for September 13

Issue 545: August 15, 2005

  1. New: CDC issues comprehensive interim guideline for planning for an influenza vaccine shortage during the 2005-06 season
  2. Looking for sources of presentation material? Online PowerPoint slides put valuable information at your fingertips
  3. August issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  4. August 12 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online

Issue 544: August 12, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #78: Florida man dies from rabies eight months after receiving dog bite in Haiti

Issue 543: August 8, 2005

  1. Do it today: Please thank Tim Russert for moderating the vaccines-and-autism debate on Meet the Press
  2. Must read: Slate.com article sheds light on controversy about thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism
  3. NIP announces temporary shortage of conjugated meningococcal vaccine
  4. CDC outlines priority groups for vaccination with injectable influenza vaccine in the event of a vaccine shortage
  5. Errata: MMWR corrects four errors in ACIP's newly released influenza recommendations
  6. Register today: Update on 2005-06 influenza vaccine communications and supply planned for August 16
  7. Three states enact immunization legislation for a variety of vaccines
  8. Updated: Spanish-language version of IAC's brochure "Immunization . . . Not Just Kids' Stuff"
  9. New: Interim 2005-06 VIS for injectable influenza vaccine now available in audio format

Issue 542: August 5, 2005

  1. Sunday, August 7, Meet the Press to discuss mercury-containing vaccines and neurological disorders

Issue 541: August 1, 2005

  1. CDC reports on 2004 vaccination coverage levels among U.S. children ages 19-35 months
  2. Hard copy of ACIP's new influenza recommendations now available
  3. NPI announces recipients of its 2005 Excellence in Immunization awards
  4. New: Transcript of CDC's media briefing on vaccine safety and child health is now posted on NIP's website
  5. Updated: IAC revises three influenza education pieces to reflect the new ACIP recommendations
  6. CDC summarizes data from its 2003 Immunization Registry Annual Report
  7. 140 immunization coalitions have posted information on IAC's IZ Coalitions website--is yours one of them?
  8. Upcoming events: IAC adds a Boston University symposium and the APHA Annual Meeting to its online calendar

Issue 540: July 27, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #77: Toddler suffers septicemia, meningitis, and multi-organ failure as complications of Haemophilus influenzae type b infection

Issue 539: July 25, 2005

  1. New: Provisional ACIP recommendations for combined tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine are posted on NIP's website
  2. New: Interim VISs now available for both injectable and intranasal influenza vaccines
  3. July issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  4. Updated: IAC revises a professional education piece on preventing perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission
  5. Pharmacists and medical assistants: NIP needs you to pilot test its training programs
  6. Oregon's Answer to Cancer race--a fund raiser for hepatitis B virus infection and liver cancer--is scheduled for August 6

Issue 538: July 18, 2005

  1. New: CDC issues the latest ACIP influenza recommendations in an "MMWR Early Release"
  2. MMWR notifies readers about August 9 webcast on prevention of human papilloma virus infection and cervical cancer
  3. Teleconference on communicating with legislatures about vaccine safety is scheduled for August 9
  4. CDC releases guidance statement on HIPAA and perinatal hepatitis B
  5. Learn about proposed hepatitis B vaccination strategies for U.S. adults
  6. Study reveals that handwashing with soap can save children's lives by reducing the incidence of certain diseases
  7. New: July 15 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online
  8. CDC reports on a survey of U.S. syringe exchange programs operating during 2002
  9. CDC reports on the use of a rapid analysis system to assess influenza vaccination coverage among California HMO members

Issue 537: July 11, 2005

  1. DHHS announces addition of influenza vaccine to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
  2. New: Johns Hopkins report on adolescent and adult pertussis now available online
  3. New: Article reveals that containment of 2004 measles outbreak cost Iowa $142,000
  4. Reminder: Register soon for the two-day course "Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases"
  5. Order soon: Price of DVD version of "Immunization Techniques" video will increase to $35 on August 1
  6. Updated: IAC revises its parent-education piece "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?"
  7. Polio update: CDC reports on India's progress toward polio eradication, WHO reports on Indonesia's new polio cases

Issue 536: July 5, 2005

  1. New: NIP posts CDC's 2005 "Vaccine Management" booklet on its website
  2. CDC posts Influenza Vaccine Bulletin #1 for 2005-06 on its influenza web section
  3. CDC reports on influenza activity in the United States and worldwide during the 2004-05 season
  4. Arizona Department of Health Services reports 500 pertussis cases and one infant death
  5. CDC notifies MMWR readers about the July 28 satellite broadcast "Immunization Update 2005"
  6. Update: IAC revises educational pieces to include information on two newly licensed vaccines
  7. Reminder: Use these online promotional materials to advertise National Immunization Awareness Month in August
  8. Correction: IAC revises information it published about CMS's reimbursement for administering influenza vaccinations
  9. VIS translations: IAC posts Haitian Creole VISs for measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
  10. WHO's email bulletin service "Disease Outbreak News" reports first case of polio in Angola since 2001

Issue 535: June 27, 2005

  1. The New York Times article "On Autism's Cause, It's Parents vs. Research" is available free of charge only until July 2
  2. Institute of Medicine responds to article on thimerosal written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  3. More than 30 cases of measles reported in Indiana; free vaccine administered
  4. June issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter now available on the NIP website
  5. New: The web section of WHO's Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety now offers information in six languages
  6. Upcoming events: Hepatitis B Foundation's B-Informed patient conference and Oregon's Flu Summit scheduled for July
  7. MMWR corrects its article on seroprevalence of poliovirus antibodies in a Dominican community in Puerto Rico

Issue 534: June 23, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #76: Newborn's death emphasizes need to consider pertussis in differential diagnosis of coughing adults

Issue 533: June 20, 2005

  1. CDC announces topics for July 14 net conference on Current Issues in Immunization and opens online registration
  2. FDA approves Pegasys for treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection
  3. New: June 17 issue of IAC's Hep Express electronic newsletter now available online
  4. Corrections made to Hmong inactivated influenza vaccine VIS; interim meningococcal vaccine VIS now available in Turkish
  5. Upcoming events: Immunization coalition teleconference in July and Indiana immunization conference in October
  6. Somalia schedules emergency polio immunization campaign for June 17-26
  7. CDC reports on seroprevalence of poliovirus antibodies among children in a Dominican community in Puerto Rico in 2002
  8. CDC reports on progress in measles control in Zambia during 1999-2004

Issue 532: June 13, 2005

  1. FDA approves a new combination vaccine to help protect adolescents and adults against whooping cough
  2. New: AMA's primer will help physicians improve immunization rates, especially among minority populations
  3. New: CDC issues guidelines for preventing and controlling influenza transmission in long-term-care facilities
  4. New: IAC develops a professional-education piece on the use of standing orders to improve adult vaccination rates
  5. New VIS translations: VISs for five vaccines now available in Burmese
  6. MMWR corrects data reported on total mortality and influenza and pneumonia mortality between April 1-May 27, 2005

Issue 531: June 8, 2005

  1. Unprotected People #75: Three-year-old's ordeal with severe pneumococcal disease includes bloodstream and lung infection

Issue 530: June 6, 2005

  1. The May 2005 issue of "Vaccinate Adults" is in the mail and on the Web
  2. AAP endorses new meningococcal vaccine guidelines
  3. New: AAP's "Red Book Online" now tracks new vaccines' licensure and recommendation status
  4. Recent journal articles discuss pertussis in adults and parents who refuse immunization for their children
  5. Plan ahead: Online resources are now available for promoting National Immunization Awareness Month
  6. CDC reports on Colorado's surveillance of influenza-associated hospitalizations during 2004-05
  7. New: Partnership for Prevention publishes its report on strengthening adult immunization
  8. New VIS translation: IAC posts MMR vaccine VIS in Ilokano

Issue 529: June 2, 2005

  1. Time's running out: Use your fiscal year-end (June 30) dollars to stock up on essential immunization resources--or to contribute to IAC

Issue 528: May 31, 2005

  1. New: ACIP releases recommendations on meningococcal disease prevention; CDC press release presents background information
  2. New: CDC fact sheet on meningococcal disease and vaccine includes information about newly licensed MCV4 vaccine
  3. New VIS translation: Spanish-language meningococcal vaccine VIS now available
  4. May issue of CDC's Immunization Works electronic newsletter is posted on the NIP website
  5. New: CDC announces broad availability of the 2005-06 edition of its travel-health guide, the "Yellow Book"
  6. Mark your calendar: Several CDC immunization courses are planned for summer and fall
  7. New translation: IAC's parent-education piece "After the Shots: What to do if your child has discomfort" now in Spanish
  8. June 14 teleconference to focus on reducing immunization disparities by working with ethnic physicians organizations

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