- Updated "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" now available
- Second printing of "Parents Guide to Childhood Immunizations" now available from the National Immunization Program
- Updated: Revised "Guide for Vaccinating Pregnant Women" now on the National Immunization Program website
- Coming soon: National Infant Immunization Week is scheduled for April 13-19
- CDC reports on vaccination coverage among children enrolled in Head Start and licensed child care facilities and those entering school
- WHO's redesigned injection safety web pages include information about the Safe Injection Global Network
- New: CDC releases smallpox information for clinicians
- CDC clarifies catch-up schedule for Hib vaccine
- CDC reports on polio eradication in India
- CDC publishes update of smallpox vaccine adverse events surveillance
- Reader alert: April 15 is the date for Massachusetts' Annual Adult Immunization Conference
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 53,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
- New CDC vaccine recommendations
- FDA vaccine approvals
- Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
- New immunization resources
- Current events
- Notable journal articles
- Ask the Experts special editions
- And more …
Results (1800)
Issue 369: March 3, 2003
- CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices votes on recommendations for the use of Pediarix vaccine
- UNICEF's plan to immunize four million Iraqi children against polio goes forward despite threat of war
- Three million Rwandan children immunized against measles
- CDC publishes update of smallpox vaccine adverse events surveillance
- Boost your clinic's immunization rate--IAC's Adult Immunization Record Cards prompt patients to keep immunizations up to date
- CDC issues supplemental Recommendations for Using Smallpox Vaccine in a Pre-Event Vaccination Program
- Track pending immunization legislation the easy way on the website of the National Conference of State Legislatures
- Attention immunization coalitions: The Immunization Coalition Sustainability Project needs your input
- Newly available: IOM report from the Los Angeles workshop on immunization finance is in print and online
- Immunize for Life conference scheduled for May 15-16 in Grand Forks, ND
- MMWR notifies readers about availability of Maxi-Vac smallpox vaccination software
Issue 368: February 24, 2003
- CDC publishes information on smallpox vaccine adverse events among the first wave of vaccinated civilians
- CDC publishes recommendations for clinicians on smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions
- Update: IAC adds more video clips and photos to its new website for the public and health professionals
- Update: IAC makes minor revisions to "It's Federal Law!!" professional education piece on Vaccine Information Statements
- Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine set for May 7-11 in New York
- Reader alert: February 28 is registration deadline for Minnesota conference on adult vaccine preventable diseases
Issue 367: February 17, 2003
- Jade Ribbon Campaign offers hepatitis B information to the nation's Asian American and Pacific Islander community
- April 28 is early bird registration deadline for the National Conference on Immunization Coalitions
Issue 366: February 13, 2003
Story #54: Medical errors cause two more children to be chronically infected with hepatitis B
Issue 365: February 10, 2003
- New! IAC releases results from its 2002 Hepatitis B Birth Dose Survey
- New! IAC's latest professional education pieces make a strong case for giving all newborns hepatitis B vaccine in the hospital
- Revised: IAC updates the popular "Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B" information piece
- Revised: IAC updates dosage information on its "Hepatitis A & B Vaccines" professional education piece
- Revised! CDC's updated MMR Vaccine Information Statement available on IAC's website in three languages
- New! CD-ROM on smallpox vaccination techniques now available
- Open meeting of IOM Committee on Smallpox Vaccination Program Implementation set for February 13 in Washington, DC
- CDC establishes Smallpox Vaccine Adverse Events Monitoring System
- CDC's AFIX strategy helps providers raise immunization coverage levels
- CDC releases guidelines on laboratory testing and result reporting of antibody to hepatitis C virus
- CDC compares HIV/STD risk differences for men who have sex with men and disclose their sexual orientation and those who do not disclose
- Reader alert! February 19 is deadline for abstracts for the National HIV Prevention Conference
- New edition! Comprehensive book on infection control in child care and preschool settings is updated
- Free! Get your "Immunization . . . Not Just Kids' Stuff" posters while they last
- New! European Vaccine Manufacturers announce website launch
Issue 364: February 5, 2003
- Help IAC! Provide a link on your website to IAC's newest website: http://www.vaccineinformation.org
Issue 363: February 3, 2003
- CDC publishes "Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule--United States, 2003"
- CDC notifies readers that use of standing orders for influenza and pneumococcal vaccination can increase vaccination rates among persons age 65 and over
- New! "What If You Don't Immunize Your Child" brochure can help convince hesitant parents to choose vaccination
- New edition! Canadian Paediatric Society publishes revised vaccination guide for parents
- Reminder: CDC satellite broadcast series on vaccine-preventable diseases begins February 13
- Reminder: CDC's National Immunization Conference is set for March 17-20 in Chicago
- Revised! CDC issues updated version of smallpox Vaccine Information Statement
- Website of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health offers bilingual health information
- New! Hepatitis C video "The Hidden Epidemic" now available from HFI
- IOM report lists immunization as one of twenty priority areas that can transform U.S. health care system
- March 10 is application deadline for hepatitis C educational workshop grants
- IOM Immunization Safety Review Committee to meet about the safety of influenza vaccine on March 13-14
Issue 362: January 27, 2003
- CDC releases recommendations on prevention and control of hepatitis virus infections in correctional settings
- IOM report urges caution in implementing national smallpox immunization program
- CDC publishes guidance for clinicians on smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions
- New! CDC's "2001-2002 State Immunization Requirements" now on IAC website
- CDC releases surveillance summary on safety after immunization
- Professional education pieces on the management of patients chronically infected with HBV are updated on IAC's website
- February 4 is the date for CDC's satellite broadcast and webcast on clinical management of smallpox adverse events
- CDC publishes report on a recent rabies death in Iowa
- CDC broadcast on smallpox and vaccinia for laboratorians is set for January 29
- MMWR notifies readers that vaccine research conference is set for May 5-7; February 7 is abstract deadline
Issue 361: January 21, 2003
- IAC reorganizes and expands its Vaccine Safety resources
- New translation! MMR Vaccine Information Statement now in Spanish
- JCAHO's article on protecting newborns from hepatitis B now on IAC's website
- New! "Hepatitis B and Refugees: A Clinical Perspective" PowerPoint presentation now available on CDC website
- Kids with hepatitis can go to camp!
- CDC publishes update on influenza activity for the current season
- Free! IAC's "Roll Up Your Sleeves" pre-teen hepatitis B poster available for the asking
- CDC requests information about encephalopathy cases in children with influenza
Issue 360: January 16, 2003
Story #53: Outbreak of pneumococcal pneumonia in a New Jersey nursing home claims four lives
Issue 359: January 13, 2003
- JAMA reports U.S. influenza deaths rising steadily
- Freeware puts 2003 childhood immunization schedule in the palm of your hand
- Updated! NNii revises and adds new sections to its "Communicating with Patients about Immunization" resource kit
- CDC reports on a recent pertussis outbreak among adults in Illinois
- Take note: Registration begins January 23 for CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" satellite broadcast and webcast series
- Reminder: CDC's National Hepatitis Coordinators' Conference set for January 26-30 in San Antonio
- ASTHO pandemic influenza report urges state officials to prepare for a likely epidemic
- New! Program report and advocacy booklet available online from the Children's Vaccine Program at PATH
- GAVI's most recent quarterly newsletter available online
- FDA advises blood-collection industry about accepting blood from donors recently vaccinated against smallpox
- CDC summarizes Cambodia's success in reducing measles incidence
Issue 358: January 9, 2003
Story #52: As the New Year begins, a parent
expresses gratitude for immunization
Issue 357: January 6, 2003
- New! "Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule--United States, 2003" available on IAC website
- Highly recommended: "Vaccines and Your Baby" video answers parents' questions and concerns about vaccines
- New! CDC creates a web page for smallpox Q&As
- CDC Program "Smallpox Preparedness: Considerations for Response Team Volunteers" to be rebroadcast January 9
- New! CD-ROM and video of "CDC Bioterrorism Update: Smallpox Preparedness" now available
- CDC publishes article indicating that people with bleeding disorders are unlikely to contract viral hepatitis from blood products
- Register soon: January 17 is "early bird" registration deadline for CDC's National Immunization Conference
- Conference on Needle-Free and Auto Injectors to be held February 24-25 in London
- Reminder: Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease will take place April 6-10 in Sydney, Australia
Issue 356: December 20, 2002
- Happy holidays from all of us at IAC
- FDA approves new pediatric combination vaccine
- Representative Henry Waxman writes members of Congress about childhood immunization and vaccine safety
- Bilingual adult vaccination guide, "Vaccines: We All Need Them!" now available
- CDC's National Immunization Program seeks applicants for Chief of Program Operations Branch
- CDC's "Terrorism Preparedness Compendium" has
added links to articles about smallpox management from 1960s
to 1980s
Issue 355: December 18, 2002
- President Bush announces national plan for smallpox immunization
Issue 354: December 16, 2002
- New! CDC issues smallpox Vaccine Information Statement
- A study published in "The Lancet" indicates infants rapidly eliminate mercury contained in thimerosal
- Gripping "Photo Notebook of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" and "Slide Set of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" still available
- CDC report on measles outbreak among internationally adopted children shows importance of immunization for adopting families
- Revised! IAC updates hepatitis B education article "If You Have Sex, Read This"
- Mark your calendars! CDC's four-part satellite broadcast of "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" will be held in February and March
- First meeting of IOM Committee on Smallpox Vaccination Program Implementation set for December 18-20
- New poll shows public now slightly more willing to be vaccinated against smallpox than in May
- Hepatitis C integration training manual now available
- FDA approves supplemental license for hepatitis C treatment
Issue 353: December 9, 2002
- AAP publishes new policy statement on childhood influenza immunization
- AAP "Refusal to Vaccinate" form helps health professionals document a parent's refusal to accept vaccination
- CDC's diagnostic poster and worksheet, "Evaluating Patients for Smallpox," available online
- Updated! IAC's "State Mandates" web pages reflect new information from two states
- IAC responds to vaccine critics with two new web pages
- Register now for CDC's National Hepatitis Coordinators' January Conference
- TIDE's online childhood immunization curriculum now fully certified for CME/CEU/CNE credit
- New website supports the needs of survivors of vaccine associated paralytic polio
- CDC issues update on U.S. influenza activity for the 2002-03 season
- CMS decision to replace vaccine CPT codes with "Q" codes set to be implemented January 1, 2003
Issue 352: December 3, 2002
- Health professional organizations designate the first two weeks of December "National Influenza Vaccination Catch-Up" fortnight
Issue 351: December 2, 2002
- Registration begins December 2 for CDC's Smallpox Preparedness distance learning satellite videoconference
- Two-year World AIDS Campaign 2002-2003 focuses on eliminating stigma and discrimination
- New! California's parent education sheet "Be There for Your Child During Shots" now available online
- New! IAC posts two web pages about disparities in immunization rates
- 114 immunization coalitions have posted information on IAC's "IZ Coalitions" website--is yours one of them?
- November issue of CDC's "Immunization Works!" newsletter presents ways to increase adult immunization rates
- CDC reports on progress in eradicating polio in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan
Issue 350: November 25, 2002
- CDC's National Immunization Program releases Influenza Vaccine Bulletin #6
- Wyeth ceases production of its injectable influenza vaccine and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
- Second edition of NPI's "Reference Guide on Vaccines and Vaccine Safety" now available
- National Vaccine Healthcare Center launches a website for service members and Department of Defense beneficiaries
- New translation! Influenza VIS now in Korean
- Recommended reading: "My Little Drummer Boy: A Mother's True Story"
- Nominations being accepted through December 31 for the 2003 Gary Schatz Award
- GAVI announces its newly redesigned website
Issue 349: November 18, 2002
- Danish study finds no connection between MMR vaccine and autism
- Dr. Neal Halsey reaffirms vaccines do not cause autism
- CDC study finds seniors' current influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates are drastically below goals for 2010
- IAC website adds information on state hepatitis A mandates and also provides newest CDC information on state childhood vaccination requirements
- IAC updates "Vaccine Administration Record for Adults" for medical charts
- IAC updates "Reliable Sources of Immunization Information" educational sheet
- MMWR notifies readers about ACIP's supplemental recommendations for the use of anthrax vaccine
- First annual edition! "ImmunoFacts" is now available as a bound volume
- NIAID releases 20th anniversary edition of "The Jordan Report" on vaccine research
- Hepatitis Foundation International launches the California Hepatitis Resource Center website
- CDC reports hundreds died in July-August influenza outbreak in Madagascar
Issue 348: November 11, 2002
- CDC releases ACIP recommendations for using yellow fever vaccine
- Bruce Gellin, MD, MPH, selected to head federal government's National Vaccine Program Office
- Two NFID reports on improving immunization rates in underserved populations now online
- New! Volume Five of "Unprotected People" stories is now available online from IAC
- "Hepatitis and Corrections" webcast available on the American Correctional Association's website
- CDC reports on adverse events associated with yellow fever vaccination
- CDC reports on global progress in containing wild polioviruses
- New translation! Influenza VIS now in Armenian
- NFID's Sixth Annual Conference on Vaccine Research set for May 5-7, 2003
- World Vaccine Congress Montreal to be held April 7-9, 2003
Issue 347: November 4, 2002
- Stay calm: IAC's new website isn't replacing IAC's original website!
- Aventis Pasteur recalls selected lots of meningococcal vaccine
- Pennsylvania now requires prenatal screening for hepatitis B surface antigen
- New translations! Updated "Are you 11-19?" available in Spanish and Turkish
- CDC releases recommendations for hand hygiene in health-care settings
- Reminder! November 15 is deadline for abstracts for the National Immunization Conference
- Newly available! IOM report from the Austin Workshop on Immunization Finance is in print and online
- CDC announces National Diabetes Awareness Month and reports that more diabetics need to practice preventive care--including getting immunizations
- Fourth National HARM Reduction Conference, "Taking Drug Users Seriously," set for December 1-4
Issue 346: October 31, 2002
- Story #51: Complacency the likely cause of measles epidemic in the Seattle area
Issue 345: October 28, 2002
- All at IAC mourn the loss of Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife, Sheila Wellstone
- IAC launches a new website tailor-made for parents, patients, and the media!
- Maine adds varicella vaccination to its list of required immunizations
- IAC puts easy-to-read version of CDC's Recommended Adult Immunization Schedules on its website
- FDA approves preservative-free formulation of pediatric Fluzone influenza virus vaccine
- CDC promotes use of federal government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- Updated! CDC's redesigned IDU/HIV Prevention website includes new "Viral Hepatitis" fact sheet series
- MMWR notifies readers about 25th anniversary of the last case of naturally acquired smallpox
- MMWR publishes report on U.S. influenza surveillance data collected from October 1997 through September 2000
- Institute of Medicine releases report on SV40-contaminated polio vaccine and cancer
- New! Asia Pacific Vaccination Council announces launch of VacciNews website
Issue 344: October 24, 2002
- IAC's executive director reminds her colleagues: "Protect your patients--get a flu shot!"
Issue 343: October 21, 2002
- ACIP voted to expand recommendations on smallpox vaccine administration at its October 16-17 meeting
- New! IAC creates "Improving Immunization Practices" web page
- IAC's updated "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination" now in PDF and HTML formats
- IAC's Revised "Labor & Delivery and Nursery Unit Guidelines to Prevent Hepatitis B Virus Transmission" now in PDF and HTML formats
- MMWR notifies readers about pneumococcal vaccination for cochlear implant recipients
- TeleClinics on rabies, tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B set for October 22, 24, and 28
Issue 342: October 14, 2002
- Ample vaccine supply is reason to celebrate this year's National Adult Immunization Awareness Week
- MMWR notifies readers that the long-awaited harmonized Adult Immunization Schedule is now available!
- HHS rule expands use of standing orders to make it easier for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to get flu and pneumococcal vaccines
- AAP issues policy statement on smallpox vaccine
- Order now! Popular "Immunization Techniques" video is going fast, but there's still time to get yours
- New! CDC's National Immunization Program releases Influenza Bulletin #5
- New! WHO issues position paper on meningococcal vaccines
- Meeting of Immunization Safety Review Committee set for October 28-29
Issue 341: October 10, 2002
- Childhood pertussis rate climbs when parents in Boulder, Colorado, spurn immunization
Issue 340: October 7, 2002
- CDC's revised pneumococcal conjugate vaccine VIS is now available
- New! Fall 2002 issue of IAC's "VACCINATE WOMEN" now online and in the mail
- IAC's "Give the Birth Dose . . . Hepatitis B Vaccine Saves Lives!" is newly formatted
- Revised! IAC's updated "Are you 11-19 years old?" now online
- CDC's 37th Annual National Immunization Conference set for March 17-20, 2003; abstracts due November 15
- MMWR issues Update on Influenza Activity in the U.S. and Worldwide During June-September 2002
- New! AAP's "Compendium of Immunization Resources and Organizations" available in print and online
- New! Three Somali-language health videos available free
- New! NIOSH launches web page on needlestick prevention programs
- Conference on Needle-free Injection Systems to be held December 3-4 in Philadelphia
- "Immunize Texasize 2002" immunization conference set for November 18-21 in Austin, TX
- Eleventh Annual "Shots for Tots," Louisiana Infant Immunization Conference, to be held December 5-6
- Annual SIGN meeting set for October 24-26 in Cambodia
Issue 339: October 2, 2002
- Story #50: Indiana girl dies of varicella
Issue 338: September 30, 2002
- MMWR publishes notice about the updated post-event Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines
- GAO report examines issues involved in ensuring an adequate supply of childhood vaccines
- Order now! IAC's Adult Immunization Record Cards will help your patients stay up-to-date during flu season and beyond
- New! CDC's web-based Childhood Immunization Scheduler makes it easier to keep track of vaccination due dates
- MMWR publishes notice of expansion of eligibility for influenza vaccine through the Vaccines for Children Program
- FDA approves new treatment for chronic hepatitis B
- New! 2002-2003 influenza VIS now in Chinese, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, and Portuguese
- MMWR publishes notice about upcoming National Adult Immunization Awareness Week
- Fifth National Immunization Coalition Conference set for May 28-30, 2003; abstracts due November 1
- Provider alert! Date for submitting your plan for HIPAA compliance is October 15
Issue 337: September 23, 2002
- Revised! IAC's updated "Give These People Influenza Vaccine!" now online
- Revised! IAC's updated "It's Federal Law! You Must Give Your Patients Current VISs" now online
- New! IAC adds web page: Immunization and Health Care Workers
- New! CDC's National Immunization Program releases Influenza Vaccine Bulletin #4
- National Hepatitis Coordinators' Conference set for January 26-30, 2003, in San Antonio, TX
- New pertussis website! Hear it, see it, and learn about it online
- MMWR notifies readers about a recent human rabies encephalitis death in Tennessee
- Adult Immunization Symposium: 2002 Clinical Update to be held November 7, 2002, in New York
- Online now! Report of the meeting on "Strengthening Immunisation Systems and Introduction of Hepatitis B Vaccine in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States"
Issue 336: September 16, 2002
- Fully revised! IAC's indispensable Directory of Immunization Resources now more useful than ever
- New! CMS releases 2002-03 Q&A guide for Medicare coverage of flu and pneumococcal vaccines
- Now available! NIH Consensus Development Conference Statement on the Management of Hepatitis C: 2002
- National Immunization Program seeks senior medical epidemiologist to lead its Safety Signals Team
- New positions now open in the Program Support Branch, Immunization Services Division, National Immunization Program
- International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease set for April 6-10, 2003, in Sydney, Australia
Issue 335: September 9, 2002
- New! Current information on state meningococcal prevention mandates for colleges and universities available on IAC's website
- Correction: NEEDLE TIPS article "Vaccines and Autism" contained a one-word error
- Revised! IAC's "Ask the Experts" compilation updated with current hepatitis B and hepatitis A information
- Nine newcomers added to IAC's Hepatitis Prevention Programs website
- New! Twelve World Health Organization (WHO) position papers and other significant WHO resources on vaccines available on IAC's website
- New translation! Anthrax Vaccine Information Statement now in Spanish
- MMWR notifies readers about occupational health guidelines for remediation workers at sites contaminated by Bacillus anthracis-ROM
Issue 334: September 3, 2002
- Federal employees now can contribute to IAC through Combined Federal Campaign using Agency #9887
- New translation! Influenza VIS for 2002-2003 season in Spanish
- Help close the health gap on "Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day" September 24
- Calling all IZ coalitions: Please register with IAC's new "IZ Coalitions" website now
- Annual immunization registry survey shows increasing participation
- Immunization video narrated by young mom empowers new parents with knowledge
- CDC reports on current measles outbreak in Venezuela and Colombia
- CDC publishes update on polio eradication in Angola
Issue 333: August 26, 2002
- National Immunization Program issues "Vaccine Supply Update"
- New! Tattooing and Body Piercing Information page on IAC's website
- PEDIATRICS commentators call getting reimbursement for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine a Herculean task
- Letter from Surgeon General urges hepatitis B immunization for Asian American and Pacific Islander high-schoolers
- Safe Injection Global Network (SIGN) meeting will take place October 24-26 in Cambodia
Issue 332: August 21, 2002
- Story #49: Young doctor learns he has liver cancer too late
Issue 331: August 19, 2002
- Latest issue of VACCINATE ADULTS! is live on the web
- Updated! Pharmacy Vaccination Mandates page on IAC's website
- New language! IAC now offers Vaccine Information Statements in Polish
- Coming up: Immunization Registry Conference will take place October 28-30 in Philadelphia
- Vaccine Education Center symposium is set for the morning of September 14
- PEDIATRICS article says fewer foreign-born children in U.S. get all needed doses of three vaccines
- CDC finds inconsistent Hib serotyping by state health departments in surveillance study
Issue 330: August 12, 2002
- Order now! IAC's new Adult Immunization Record Cards will help your patients stay up-to-date
- Free! Copies of VACCINATE ADULTS! (Fall/Winter 2001-2002 issue) are available
- New HHS project aims to raise immunization rates for African-American and Hispanic older adults
- Immunization seminar is set for September 25 in Erie, Penn.
- CDC reports on fatal rabies case in California
Issue 329: August 8, 2002
Story #48: "Tetanus--Puerto
Rico, 2002"
Issue 328: August 5, 2002
- CDC announces end of temporary shortage of varicella vaccine
- CDC reports on vaccination coverage levels among U.S. children in 2001
- Hepatitis B Foundation adds Vietnamese informational chapter to its website
- Early announcement: Louisiana's Shots for Tots Conference is set for December 5-6 in New Orleans
- CDC studies impact of temporary DTaP shortage in Puerto Rico
Issue 327: July 29, 2002
- August is National Immunization Awareness Month
- New! Seven final disease information pages on IAC's website
- New hepatitis B prevention law in Montana
- Reminder: CMS satellite broadcast on vaccinating nursing home residents will take place August 16
- Register now for CDC's August 15 "Immunization Update" broadcast course
Issue 326: July 25, 2002
#47: "Pertussis
Deaths--United States, 2000"
Issue 325: July 24, 2002
- "NEEDLE TIPS" summer 2002 issue is in the mail and on the web!
- CDC publishes findings from high-risk adolescent and adult hepatitis B vaccination program
Issue 324: July 15, 2002
- CDC says increased DTaP, MMR vaccine supplies permit return to routine schedules
- National Immunization Program creates new "flu shot flyers" to give to patients in 2002-2003
- World Health Organization and UNICEF co-sponsor strategic plan to reduce measles mortality worldwide
- National Influenza Summit 2002 presentations and recommendations are now online
- Register now for CDC course in Minneapolis on August 28-29!
- New training module from Children's Vaccine Program: "Immunizing Children against Hepatitis B"
- World Vaccine Congress 2002 will convene in Lyon, France, on September 30-October 2
Issue 323: July 9, 2002
- Action needed within a week: Call your Senators for signature on immunization appropriations letter
Issue 322: July 8, 2002
- CDC publishes notice on new acellular pertussis vaccine
- New Influenza Vaccine Information Statement is now available
- Dr. Julie Gerberding to head CDC
- New! Four more comprehensive Disease/Vaccine Information pages on IAC's website
- Going, going, but not gone! Popular "Immunization Techniques" video can still be ordered
- CMS satellite broadcast on vaccinating nursing home residents will take place August 16
- APHA annual meeting and exposition is scheduled for November 9-13
- Reminder: HFI hosts Hepatitis Summit July 18-19
Issue 321: July 1, 2002
- CDC publishes 20-year history of hepatitis B vaccine to mark the vaccine's anniversary
- CDC clarifies groups that should be vaccinated against influenza in the month of October
- Revised! IAC's "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
- Dr. Harold Margolis to head CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis
- New! Measles, mumps, and rubella information pages on IAC's website
- JAMA article examines, compares antivaccine websites
- Europe is polio-free says World Health Organization
- Group aims to increase participation in immunization registries
- Long- and short-term overseas immunization positions are now open
Issue 320: June 24, 2002
- ACIP approves post-9/11 recommendations on the use of smallpox vaccine
- CDC publishes notice on replenished Td supply
- New interim MMR Vaccine Information Statement is now available
- Revised! IAC's "Summary of Rules for Childhood Immunization"
- CDC reports on polio eradication in Pakistan and Afghanistan
- CDC announces National HIV Testing Day on June 27
Issue 319: June 17, 2002
- CDC publishes recap of 2001-2002 influenza season and announces next season's flu vaccine composition
- Updated! Patient chart on adult vaccinations
- Recommended reading: "Hepatitis B: The Hunt for a Killer Virus"
- British Medical Journal article reviews new types of vaccines and vaccine delivery methods
- Reminder: "The Immunization Encounter" live satellite broadcast takes place Thursday, June 27
- Two-day course from CDC in August: "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases"
Issue 318: June 10, 2002
- Announcing IAC's new "IZ Coalitions" website!
- Raise your immunization delivery standards with TIDE
- IAC's Hepatitis Programs website continues to grow
- CDC reports on progress toward polio eradication in Nigeria
- IOM will host one-day public meetings each on smallpox and polio in June and July
- CDC publishes article about rabies in a Florida beaver
Issue 317: June 3, 2002
- New England Journal of Medicine article describes how to recognize and manage smallpox
- WHO presents new "Global Agenda on Influenza"
- IOM study finds no link between hepatitis B vaccine and demyelinating neurological disorders
- Download "The ABCs of Childhood Vaccines" presentation from CDC's website
- Rotary Foundation receives 2002 Gates Award for Global Health
Issue 316: May 30, 2002
#46: The laughter of our hearts: Losing a teen to a vaccine-preventable
Issue 315: May 28, 2002
- FDA approves new DTaP vaccine product
- New "Pink Book" from CDC is available in print and online
- National Immunization Program gives latest influenza vaccine ordering information for 2002-2003 season
- Coming up in July: National Leadership Summit to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health
- Teleclinics on tetanus prophylaxis and wound management are scheduled for May 30, May 31, and June 11
Issue 314: May 23, 2002
- Announcement: National community smallpox vaccine forums have been set
Issue 313: May 20, 2002
- CDC publishes new guidelines for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
- Institute of Medicine report addresses lower-quality health care among minorities
- Last call for abstracts for Hepatitis Coordinators Conference--deadline May 31
- Hepatitis Foundation International CD assists listeners with "Sorting Out the Diagnostics"
- World Health Organization publishes position paper on rabies vaccination
- CDC updates guidelines for using antiretroviral agents in HIV patients
- Watch for an IAC DOUBLE EXPRESS later this week for news on public smallpox forums to be held in June
Issue 312: May 13, 2002
- Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids can now be obtained by clinicians for wound prophylaxis
- New! Almost-foolproof temperature logs for vaccine refrigerators and freezers
- "The Immunization Encounter": Live satellite broadcast to examine critical issues on June 27
- Hepatitis B Foundation creates informational web-page articles in Chinese and Korean
- CDC issues public health dispatch on pertussis in infant adopted from Russia
- Free! Copies of NEEDLE TIPS (Fall/Winter 2001-2002 issue) available
- NIH Consensus Development Conference on Management of Hepatitis C will take place June 10-12
Issue 311: May 6, 2002
- VAERS reports can now be completed and submitted online
- Children's Vaccine Program at PATH publishes paper on global immunization issues
- OSHA issues bulletin on work-related international travel and infectious disease
- Good going! Sixty-one Congress members signed the letter supporting more immunization funding
- NASTAD offers guide on viral hepatitis within HIV/AIDS programs
- <CDC publishes report on surveillance of wild and vaccine-derived poliovirus in 2000-2001
Issue 310: April 29, 2002
- New mandates: Three states, three vaccines
- Immunization registries are poised to expand
- "Tecnicas de Vacunacion": Must-have video is now available for Spanish-speaking staff
- Revised translations! Download parent education brochure on hepatitis B shots for babies in 12 languages
- Michigan recognizes hospitals that give the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine
- CDC offers smallpox webcast and videotape
- CDC satellite broadcast on HIV/STD behavioral interventions will be held Thursday, May 2
Issue 309: April 22, 2002
#44: Fatal yellow fever in a traveler returning from Amazonas, Brazil,
Issue 308: April 19, 2002
- Action needed now: Call your Congress member for signature on immunization appropriation letter
Issue 307: April 17, 2002
- Research review by Dr. Paul Offit puts concerns to rest: Autism is not caused by MMR vaccine
Issue 306: April 15, 2002
- CDC publishes new influenza vaccination recommendations
- Si, si! Agencies launch Spanish-language campaign during National Infant Immunization Week
- New Hampshire adds varicella vaccination requirement and moves up measles from 7th grade to kindergarten
- Submit abstracts soon for Hepatitis Coordinators Conference in January 2003
- CDC reports on polio reduction in Egypt
- Watch your inbox Wednesday for important new article by Dr. Paul Offit on vaccines and autism