IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1762)

Issue 332: August 21, 2002

  1. Story #49: Young doctor learns he has liver cancer too late

Issue 331: August 19, 2002

  1. Latest issue of VACCINATE ADULTS! is live on the web
  2. Updated! Pharmacy Vaccination Mandates page on IAC's website
  3. New language! IAC now offers Vaccine Information Statements in Polish
  4. Coming up: Immunization Registry Conference will take place October 28-30 in Philadelphia
  5. Vaccine Education Center symposium is set for the morning of September 14
  6. PEDIATRICS article says fewer foreign-born children in U.S. get all needed doses of three vaccines
  7. CDC finds inconsistent Hib serotyping by state health departments in surveillance study

Issue 330: August 12, 2002

  1. Order now! IAC's new Adult Immunization Record Cards will help your patients stay up-to-date
  2. Free! Copies of VACCINATE ADULTS! (Fall/Winter 2001-2002 issue) are available
  3. New HHS project aims to raise immunization rates for African-American and Hispanic older adults
  4. Immunization seminar is set for September 25 in Erie, Penn.
  5. CDC reports on fatal rabies case in California

Issue 328: August 5, 2002

  1. CDC announces end of temporary shortage of varicella vaccine
  2. CDC reports on vaccination coverage levels among U.S. children in 2001
  3. Hepatitis B Foundation adds Vietnamese informational chapter to its website
  4. Early announcement: Louisiana's Shots for Tots Conference is set for December 5-6 in New Orleans
  5. CDC studies impact of temporary DTaP shortage in Puerto Rico

Issue 327: July 29, 2002

  1. August is National Immunization Awareness Month
  2. New! Seven final disease information pages on IAC's website
  3. New hepatitis B prevention law in Montana
  4. Reminder: CMS satellite broadcast on vaccinating nursing home residents will take place August 16
  5. Register now for CDC's August 15 "Immunization Update" broadcast course

Issue 326: July 25, 2002

Story #47: "Pertussis Deaths--United States, 2000"

Issue 325: July 24, 2002

  1. "NEEDLE TIPS" summer 2002 issue is in the mail and on the web!
  2. CDC publishes findings from high-risk adolescent and adult hepatitis B vaccination program

Issue 324: July 15, 2002

  1. CDC says increased DTaP, MMR vaccine supplies permit return to routine schedules
  2. National Immunization Program creates new "flu shot flyers" to give to patients in 2002-2003
  3. World Health Organization and UNICEF co-sponsor strategic plan to reduce measles mortality worldwide
  4. National Influenza Summit 2002 presentations and recommendations are now online
  5. Register now for CDC course in Minneapolis on August 28-29!
  6. New training module from Children's Vaccine Program: "Immunizing Children against Hepatitis B"
  7. World Vaccine Congress 2002 will convene in Lyon, France, on September 30-October 2

Issue 323: July 9, 2002

  1. Action needed within a week: Call your Senators for signature on immunization appropriations letter

Issue 322: July 8, 2002

  1. CDC publishes notice on new acellular pertussis vaccine
  2. New Influenza Vaccine Information Statement is now available
  3. Dr. Julie Gerberding to head CDC
  4. New! Four more comprehensive Disease/Vaccine Information pages on IAC's website
  5. Going, going, but not gone! Popular "Immunization Techniques" video can still be ordered
  6. CMS satellite broadcast on vaccinating nursing home residents will take place August 16
  7. APHA annual meeting and exposition is scheduled for November 9-13
  8. Reminder: HFI hosts Hepatitis Summit July 18-19

Issue 321: July 1, 2002

  1. CDC publishes 20-year history of hepatitis B vaccine to mark the vaccine's anniversary
  2. CDC clarifies groups that should be vaccinated against influenza in the month of October
  3. Revised! IAC's "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
  4. Dr. Harold Margolis to head CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis
  5. New! Measles, mumps, and rubella information pages on IAC's website
  6. JAMA article examines, compares antivaccine websites
  7. Europe is polio-free says World Health Organization
  8. Group aims to increase participation in immunization registries
  9. Long- and short-term overseas immunization positions are now open

Issue 320: June 24, 2002

  1. ACIP approves post-9/11 recommendations on the use of smallpox vaccine
  2. CDC publishes notice on replenished Td supply
  3. New interim MMR Vaccine Information Statement is now available
  4. Revised! IAC's "Summary of Rules for Childhood Immunization"
  5. CDC reports on polio eradication in Pakistan and Afghanistan
  6. CDC announces National HIV Testing Day on June 27

Issue 319: June 17, 2002

  1. CDC publishes recap of 2001-2002 influenza season and announces next season's flu vaccine composition
  2. Updated! Patient chart on adult vaccinations
  3. Recommended reading: "Hepatitis B: The Hunt for a Killer Virus"
  4. British Medical Journal article reviews new types of vaccines and vaccine delivery methods
  5. Reminder: "The Immunization Encounter" live satellite broadcast takes place Thursday, June 27
  6. Two-day course from CDC in August: "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases"

Issue 318: June 10, 2002

  1. Announcing IAC's new "IZ Coalitions" website!
  2. Raise your immunization delivery standards with TIDE
  3. IAC's Hepatitis Programs website continues to grow
  4. CDC reports on progress toward polio eradication in Nigeria
  5. IOM will host one-day public meetings each on smallpox and polio in June and July
  6. CDC publishes article about rabies in a Florida beaver

Issue 317: June 3, 2002

  1. New England Journal of Medicine article describes how to recognize and manage smallpox
  2. WHO presents new "Global Agenda on Influenza"
  3. IOM study finds no link between hepatitis B vaccine and demyelinating neurological disorders
  4. Download "The ABCs of Childhood Vaccines" presentation from CDC's website
  5. Rotary Foundation receives 2002 Gates Award for Global Health

Issue 316: May 30, 2002

Story #46: The laughter of our hearts: Losing a teen to a vaccine-preventable disease

Issue 315: May 28, 2002

  1. FDA approves new DTaP vaccine product
  2. New "Pink Book" from CDC is available in print and online
  3. National Immunization Program gives latest influenza vaccine ordering information for 2002-2003 season
  4. Coming up in July: National Leadership Summit to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health
  5. Teleclinics on tetanus prophylaxis and wound management are scheduled for May 30, May 31, and June 11

Issue 314: May 23, 2002

  1. Announcement: National community smallpox vaccine forums have been set

Issue 313: May 20, 2002

  1. CDC publishes new guidelines for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  2. Institute of Medicine report addresses lower-quality health care among minorities
  3. Last call for abstracts for Hepatitis Coordinators Conference--deadline May 31
  4. Hepatitis Foundation International CD assists listeners with "Sorting Out the Diagnostics"
  5. World Health Organization publishes position paper on rabies vaccination
  6. CDC updates guidelines for using antiretroviral agents in HIV patients
  7. Watch for an IAC DOUBLE EXPRESS later this week for news on public smallpox forums to be held in June

Issue 312: May 13, 2002

  1. Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids can now be obtained by clinicians for wound prophylaxis
  2. New! Almost-foolproof temperature logs for vaccine refrigerators and freezers
  3. "The Immunization Encounter": Live satellite broadcast to examine critical issues on June 27
  4. Hepatitis B Foundation creates informational web-page articles in Chinese and Korean
  5. CDC issues public health dispatch on pertussis in infant adopted from Russia
  6. Free! Copies of NEEDLE TIPS (Fall/Winter 2001-2002 issue) available
  7. NIH Consensus Development Conference on Management of Hepatitis C will take place June 10-12

Issue 311: May 6, 2002

  1. VAERS reports can now be completed and submitted online
  2. Children's Vaccine Program at PATH publishes paper on global immunization issues
  3. OSHA issues bulletin on work-related international travel and infectious disease
  4. Good going! Sixty-one Congress members signed the letter supporting more immunization funding
  5. NASTAD offers guide on viral hepatitis within HIV/AIDS programs
  6. <CDC publishes report on surveillance of wild and vaccine-derived poliovirus in 2000-2001

Issue 310: April 29, 2002

  1. New mandates: Three states, three vaccines
  2. Immunization registries are poised to expand
  3. "Tecnicas de Vacunacion": Must-have video is now available for Spanish-speaking staff
  4. Revised translations! Download parent education brochure on hepatitis B shots for babies in 12 languages
  5. Michigan recognizes hospitals that give the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine
  6. CDC offers smallpox webcast and videotape
  7. CDC satellite broadcast on HIV/STD behavioral interventions will be held Thursday, May 2

Issue 309: April 22, 2002

Story #44: Fatal yellow fever in a traveler returning from Amazonas, Brazil, 2002

Issue 308: April 19, 2002

  1. Action needed now: Call your Congress member for signature on immunization appropriation letter

Issue 307: April 17, 2002

  1. Research review by Dr. Paul Offit puts concerns to rest: Autism is not caused by MMR vaccine

Issue 306: April 15, 2002

  1. CDC publishes new influenza vaccination recommendations
  2. Si, si! Agencies launch Spanish-language campaign during National Infant Immunization Week
  3. New Hampshire adds varicella vaccination requirement and moves up measles from 7th grade to kindergarten
  4. Submit abstracts soon for Hepatitis Coordinators Conference in January 2003
  5. CDC reports on polio reduction in Egypt
  6. Watch your inbox Wednesday for important new article by Dr. Paul Offit on vaccines and autism

Issue 305: April 8, 2002

  1. New on the Web: Supplement on vaccines across the life span
  2. Article on 17-year surveillance of acute hepatitis B identifies significant gaps in vaccination
  3. Revisions! Download the most current versions of two IAC forms
  4. Summit to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health is set for July 10-12 in Washington
  5. CDC publishes influenza recap for 2001-2002 season so far
  6. CDC reports on suspected cutaneous anthrax in Texas lab worker

Issue 304: April 1, 2002

  1. Questions about vaccine shortages? CDC and IAC websites offer answers
  2. Revisions: Three important IAC print pieces are newly modified
  3. States add new vaccination requirements for children: Three for varicella and one for hepatitis A
  4. Happy first anniversary to the "hepprograms" website!
  5. CDC publishes article on successes and challenges in year 2001 effort to eradicate poliomyelitis worldwide
  6. VIS software combines audio and text in four languages

Issue 303: March 25, 2002

  1. CDC publishes progress report on reduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease
  2. Get ready for National Infant Immunization Week April 14-20!
  3. WHO website lists country-by-country immunization schedules
  4. New VIS translations: Thai and Ilokano Vaccine Information Statements are now on IAC's website
  5. NIH hosts Consensus Development Conference: Management of Hepatitis C June 10-12 in Bethesda
  6. Immunization Registry Conference will take place October 28-30 in Philadelphia

Issue 302: March 18, 2002

  1. GSK posts online letter about Lymerix discontinuation
  2. New IOM report answers major anthrax vaccine questions
  3. National Immunization Program presents vaccine-preventable diseases course in Atlanta April 3-4
  4. San Diego manual on immunization in STD clinics is now available online
  5. Revised translations! Screening questionnaires for child/teen and adult immunization in Chinese, Hmong, and Turkish
  6. Coming soon! "The Germ Patrol" in Spanish

Issue 301: March 13, 2002

  1. Calling all IAC EXPRESS readers: We invite your feedback!

Issue 300: March 11, 2002

  1. CDC publishes Notice to Readers on varicella and MMR vaccine shortages and interim recommendations
  2. CDC's National Immunization Program releases important news on influenza vaccine for the 2002-2003 season
  3. New guidelines on mixing schedules of single-antigen hepatitis vaccines and a combination vaccine are available on CDC's website
  4. IAC creates Pneumococcal Conjugate Information web page
  5. Recommended reading: "Living with Hepatitis B: A Survivor's Guide"
  6. Second B Informed Conference will be held June 28-29 in Doylestown, Pennsylvania
  7. CDC promotes "Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates: WhatWorks" CD-ROM

Issue 299: March 4, 2002

  1. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends delaying varicella vaccination until at least age 18 months during shortage
  2. IOM releases report on safety review of multiple immunizations
  3. Tennessee adds hepatitis B immunization requirement for middle-school attendance
  4. Visit IAC's new International Adoption web page for immunization and hepatitis B information
  5. New poster from California shows technique for "Comforting Restraint" of children receiving shots
  6. HFI's Hepatitis Summit is set for July 18-19 in California
  7. Volunteers needed for 3-month overseas polio eradication field assignments

Issue 298: February 25, 2002

  1. JAMA publishes 5-year study of impact of varicella vaccine
  2. CDC reports on cases of laboratory-acquired meningococcal disease
  3. Earn continuing education credit for reading new article on VAERS online
  4. Revised translation! "Immunization for Babies" in Spanish
  5. Immunization in long-term care facilities: New report covers state-by-state rules
  6. CDC publishes Notice to Readers on evaluation of anthrax vaccination of pregnant women

Issue 297: February 20, 2002

  1. CDC posts online Summary of Major Changes in the "General Recommendations on Immunization"

Issue 296: February 18, 2002

  1. Revised! "Vaccinations for Adults: You're Never Too Old to Get Shots!"
  2. Updated! "Summary of Rules for Childhood Immunization"
  3. For low-literacy patients: Vaccine Information Statements are available on video in English and Spanish
  4. CDC publishes article on U.S. measles cases
  5. 12th North American Syringe Exchange Convention is set for April 24-27 in Albuquerque
  6. First International Symposium on the Evaluation of Safety of Human Vaccines Convenes in May in Rome, Italy

Issue 295: February 11, 2002

  1. CDC publishes revised General Recommendations on Immunization
  2. New freeware puts current childhood immunization schedule in the palm of your hand
  3. Check out IAC's Top 15 Downloaded Items
  4. Pediatricians now have their own Childhood Immunization Support Program (CISP) and website
  5. World Vaccine Congress Montreal 2002 happens in April
  6. CDC publishes article on tuberculosis morbidity decrease

Issue 294: February 4, 2002

  1. CDC publishes article on increase in pertussis cases
  2. It's not too late for flu shots!
  3. IAC launches Hepatitis B Information web page
  4. OSHA publishes Compliance Directive for revised Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
  5. Curriculum for nurses and self-paced course simplify immunization education
  6. February 14 is Immunize Georgia's Little Guys Conference
  7. National Pediatric Infectious Disease Seminar is set for April

Issue 293: January 28, 2002

  1. If parents ask: Article summarizes research on safety of multiple vaccines for infants
  2. CDC evaluates immunization registry use
  3. New "PKIDs' Pediatric Hepatitis Report" combines text and testimonial
  4. CDC seeks deputy director for National Immunization Program
  5. Revised Spanish translations! Infant, children/teen charts reflect changes
  6. Pharmacy Vaccination State Mandates web page updated
  7. Newest VAERS bibliography on vaccine safety is online
  8. CDC publishes article on increase in Lyme disease reports
  9. Fifth Annual Conference on Vaccine Research happens in May

Issue 292: January 22, 2001

  1. CDC publishes Notice to Readers on 2002 Childhood Immunization Schedule

Issue 291: January 21, 2002

Story #43: Periorbital Varicella Gangrenosa Necessitating Orbital Exenteration in a Previously Healthy Adult

Issue 290: January 14, 2002

  1. AAP releases 2002 Schedule for Childhood Vaccinations
  2. Fall/Winter Edition of VACCINATE ADULTS! is now on the  web
  3. IAC offers "Photo Notebook of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases": Order yours now to share with patients
  4. See IAC's two new web pages: "Immunization Exemption Issues" and "Bioterrorism Information"
  5. Revised! Screening questionnaires for child and teen and adult immunization
  6. Revised! "Immunization for Babies" easy chart for parents
  7. Workshop on Immunization Finance Dissemination to be held January 17

Issue 289: January 7, 2002

  1. CDC publishes Notice to Readers on DTaP shortage
  2. CDC publishes article on drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in a child care center in Georgia
  3. Important finding: Routine childhood hepatitis A vaccination can lower disease in whole community
  4. Easy online video explains Medicare billing process
  5. DHHS offers two further treatment options for those exposed to anthrax
  6. Reminder: Every Child By Two newsletter covers immunization events on Capitol Hill
  7. New translation! 2001 Summary of Adult Recommendations available in Turkish

Issue 287: December 21, 2001

  1. Holiday greetings from IAC!
  2. CDC publishes Notice to Readers on pneumococcal conjugate vaccine use during shortage
  3. CDC publishes article on Arkansas rubella outbreak in 1999
  4. CDC reports on progress with measles transmission in Region of Americas
  5. CDC's National Immunization Program releases influenza bulletin #11
  6. Letter on Td supply from Aventis Pasteur
  7. Seventh International Conference on Needle-free and Auto Injectors will be held February 25-26
  8. If your patients ask: New study finds no link between childhood vaccines and risk of juvenile diabetes
  9. Early announcement: 2002 United States Conference on AIDS is set for September

Issue 286: December 17, 2001

  1. CDC publishes notice: ACIP approves shorter pregnancy wait after receipt of rubella-containing vaccine
  2. Merck recalls some lots of VAQTA in prefilled syringes
  3. Complete smallpox plan now available on CDC website
  4. New staff appointments at CDC announced
  5. Reminder! Fourth National Conference on Immunization Coalitions registration deadline extended
  6. Standing Orders Project publishes quarterly "Partner Newsbrief"
  7. If your patients ask: New study confirms safety of influenza vaccine for people with asthma

Issue 285: December 11, 2001

  1. Fall/Winter issue of NEEDLE TIPS is in the mail--and up on the web
  2. ACIP votes on pneumococcal conjugate and DTaP vaccine recommendations
  3. Letter on influenza vaccine from National Immunization Program Director Walter Orenstein, M.D.
  4. Reminder for this Thursday, December 13: CDC satellite broadcast about smallpox for clinicians
  5. CDC announces 7th edition of "The Pink Book" and December discount on advance orders
  6. Register early for the National Immunization Conference
  7. New on IAC's website: "Skills Checklist for Immunization"

Issue 284: December 4, 2001

  1. CDC publishes findings on importance of proper timing of varicella vaccination
  2. CDC's National Immunization Program releases influenza bulletin #10
  3. CDC releases "Interim Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines"
  4. Hearing on National Immunization Program (NIP) held in Washington
  5. Comments invited on proposed changes to reporting form for VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
  6. Expanding! Hepatitis Prevention Programs website seeks new program profiles

Issue 283: November 26, 2001

  1. CDC presents satellite broadcast about smallpox for clinicians on December 13
  2. Fourth National Conference on Immunization Coalitions registration deadline extended
  3. New translation! "Hepatitis B Shots Are Recommended for All New Babies" in Turkish
  4. National Immunization Survey (NIS) data are released in a new web-based Public Use File 
  5. Call for online abstracts for 36th National Immunization Conference--deadline December 14
  6. In memoriam: Christopher N.H. Jenkins Cancer Control Award nominations sought
  7. Asian and Pacific Islanders hepatitis B prevention funding deadline extended
  8. Free! Copies of VACCINATE ADULTS! (Spring 2001 issue) available
  9. CDC reports on wild polio virus outbreak in Bulgaria

Issue 282: November 19, 2001

  1. Story #41: Case Closed: Pneumococcal Vaccine May Be Everyone's Responsibility

Issue 281: November 12, 2001

  1. CDC revises official booklet on Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)
  2. CDC publishes update on bioterrorism-related anthrax and notice to readers on symptoms
  3. Healthy People 2010 documents now available on CD-ROM
  4. CDC reports on campaign to vaccinate against rubella and measles in Costa Rica
  5. Free! Copies of Needle Tips (Spring 2001 issue) available

Issue 280: November 5, 2001

  1. Updated! CDC's "Instructions for the Use of Vaccine Information Statements"
  2. Fourth National Conference on Immunization Coalitions set for January 9-11
  3. New translations! Get this year's VIS updates in 12 languages
  4. "WhatWorks" CD-ROM gives providers practical ways to increase adult immunization rates
  5. Handling and storage questions? Consult these vaccine management guides
  6. National Asian Women's Health Organization announces funding for community-based immunization education

Issue 279: October 29, 2001

  1. ACIP votes on birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine
  2. Five new hepatitis prevention programs added to IAC's Hepatitis Programs website
  3. HFI offers video as part of Partners in Liver Wellness Program
  4. Slightly revised! "Community-Based Immunization Clinic Supplies Checklist"
  5. CDC publishes update on bioterrorism-related anthrax

Issue 278: October 22, 2001

  1. CDC's National Immunization Program releases influenza bulletin #9
  2. Revised! Parent education brochure on hepatitis B shots for new babies
  3. Updated! Three educational pieces on hepatitis B for adoptive parents
  4. New! AAP Immunization Policy Statements page on IAC's website
  5. CDC confirms four anthrax cases
  6. CDC publishes guide to recognizing disease caused by biologic agents
  7. IOM Safety Review Committee meeting is set for November 12

Issue 277: October 16, 2001

  1. Letter from the Executive Director: Give the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine to all infants prior to hospital discharge
  2. CDC publishes notice to readers on anthrax investigation
  3. CDC issues public health dispatch on polio in the Philippines
  4. New translations! Spanish versions of "Are You at Risk for Hepatitis A" and "B" and "C" now available
  5. Revised! English version of "Are You at Risk for Hepatitis B?"

Issue 276: October 11, 2001

  1. Second chance to improve your vaccine injection techniques! New video shows best practices
  2. Nevada passes new law for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and varicella vaccinations
  3. New! Varicella Vaccine Information page on IAC's website
  4. Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Review Committee releases report on thimerosal
  5. CDC issues report on state-based immunization registries
  6. New! Anthrax and Smallpox Information page on IAC's website
  7. VAERS data now available online
  8. CDC publishes news on vaccination among children in Head Start, child care centers, and schools
  9. CDC issues public health dispatch on recent polio outbreak in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
  10. Polio eradication priorities identified in Africa by CDC
  11. CDC provides influenza activity update and vaccine recommendations for 2001-2002

Issue 275: September 26, 2001

  1. MMWR notifies readers of FDA-licensed hepatitis A and B combination vaccine
  2. CDC educates parents and providers about reinstating the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine
  3. Get your campaign kit for National Adult Immunization Awareness Week October 14-20
  4. Fifth edition of NCAI's "Resource Guide for Adult and Adolescent Immunization" released
  5. "Communicating with Patients about Immunization" updates from NNII ready to download
  6. Teleclinic on Tetanus Prophylaxis and Wound Management rescheduled for October

Issue 274: September 20, 2001

  1. Bookmark IAC's web page "Needlestick Prevention" for links to essential online resources
  2. CDC's National Immunization Program issues Influenza Vaccine Bulletin #8
  3. Arizona Immunization Program's annual conference set for November 1-2 in Phoenix
  4. California Department Of Health Services (CDHS) presents course on vaccine-preventable diseases, November 5-6 and November 8-9
  5. Four more vaccine-related conferences cover the field (and globe) 
  6. CDC sponsors meetings on STD/HIV prevention for MSM
  7. CDC and ASHA host 2002 National STD Prevention Conference
  8. Hepatitis Magazine conference happens in Houston in October
  9. Pneumococcal Vaccines for the World Conference rescheduled

Issue 273: September 14, 2001

  1. All of us at IAC extend our condolences
  2. Order this new video and learn the most up-to-date information on vaccine administration techniques!
  3. MMWR notifies readers of decreased availability of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7)
  4. IOM conference on vaccine safety and thimerosal available online
  5. 2001-2002 influenza vaccine VIS available online in 11 languages
  6. Concise Spanish-language translation of the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) VIS now available
  7. Turkish translations of IAC'S "Immunization for Babies" and VISs for DTaP, Hep B, and PCV7 vaccines now available
  8. MMWR publishes notice of upcoming satellite broadcast on immunization

Issue 272: September 7, 2001

  1. Providers urged to reassess flu vaccine orders, checking for overestimates, in a letter from Walter A. Orenstein, MD, Director, National Immunization Program
  2. CDC'S National Immunization Program releases influenza bulletin #7
  3. Reminder! CDC's Immunization Update 2001 satellite broadcast set for September 20
  4. National Immunization Program issues Q & A for parents and providers in response to recently published article in New England Journal of Medicine (August 30, 2001) titled "The Risk of Seizures After Receipt of Whole-Cell Pertussis or Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine"
  5. CDC publishes report on polio eradication efforts in the South-East Asia Region
  6. Advance registration deadline approaching for APHA annual meeting, October 21-25, Atlanta
  7. Third World Congress on Vaccines and Immunisation set for June 4-9, 2002, in Opatija, Adriatic Riviera, Croatia

Issue 271: September 6, 2001

  1. NVAC will hold workshops on Public Health Options for Implementing Vaccine Recommendations Sept. 10-11, Sept. 24-25, and Nov. 8-9

Issue 270: September 5, 2001

  1. Many IAC revisions now available on IAC's website!
  2. Nine new hepatitis prevention program descriptions added to IAC's website on preventing hepatitis A, B, and C in communities at risk

Issue 269: August 29, 2001

  1. Here's more information regarding the Immunization Education Nurse Specialist employment opportunity at IAC

Issue 268: August 28, 2001

  1. Employment opportunity! The Immunization Action Coalition is looking for a Nurse Immunization Specialist
  2. CDC publishes report on outbreak of pneumococcal pneumonia among unvaccinated residents of a nursing home in New Jersey
  3. Updated! New varicella and hepatitis B state immunization mandates on IAC's website
  4. National Immunization Program seeks applicants for the position of Epidemiologist for Vaccine Safety and Development Activity

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