IZ Express

Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 53,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:

  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1800)

Issue 1410: February 6, 2019

Top Stories
2019 U.S. recommended immunization schedules for children and adolescents as well as for adults now available on CDC's website
Influenza now widespread in 45 states; CDC reports 2 additional pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S., bringing total to 24
State of Washington measles outbreak grows, with 49 cases confirmed; number of measles cases rises to 130 in Rockland County, New York
CDC publishes report on postlicensure safety surveillance of recombinant zoster vaccine
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "Clinic Tools: Screening for Vaccine Contraindications and Precautions" web page provides resources from IAC and CDC to help you assess if it is safe to vaccinate your patient at that day's visit
AAP invites all immunizers to join its Community of Immunizers Listserv and to subscribe to the AAP Immunization Initiatives Newsletter
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its popular handout for parents titled "After the Shots: What to Do If Your Child Has Discomfort"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts updated Japanese translation of the Meningococcal ACWY VIS
Featured Resources
New AAP video promotes "HPV Vaccine: Same Way, Same Day," its role-play simulation app that helps providers introduce HPV vaccine and address parents' concerns
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
January issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC publishes "Notes from the Field: Mumps Outbreak in a Recently Vaccinated Population—Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, August–December, 2017" in this week's MMWR
Education and Training
Today! NFID offers webinar on February 6 at noon on strategies for increasing adult vaccination rates
New email course for learning about immunization information systems available from Public Health Informatics Institute
Conferences and Meetings
Draft agenda for February ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1409: February 4, 2019

HPV Vaccine
Q: Please describe the HPV vaccines available in the United States.
Q: What are the recommendations for use of HPV vaccine?
Q: If a 30-year-old female patient insists that she wants to receive HPV vaccine, can I give it to her?
Hepatitis A Vaccines
Q: Who is recommended to receive hepatitis A vaccine?
Q: For hepatitis A vaccination, the recommended interval between the 2-dose series is at least 6 months. Is this the same as 24 weeks?
Q: What are the recommendations for postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) for hepatitis A?
Q: ACIP now recommends routine hepatitis A vaccination for people experiencing homelessness. Can you provide a definition of "experiencing homelessness"?
Q: To complete a 21-year-old patient's hepatitis A vaccine series, how many adult doses should I give if the patient received a single dose of pediatric hepatitis A vaccine 5 years ago?
Q: Which travelers are recommended to receive hepatitis A vaccine?
Q: What are the hepatitis A vaccination recommendations for vaccination of travelers to protect them from HAV infection?
Q: Can Twinrix (HepA-HepB; GSK) be used for people planning international travel?
Q: How should hepatitis A vaccine be stored?
Varicella Vaccine
Q: Can varicella vaccine be used as postexposure prophylaxis for a 9-month-old who was exposed to herpes zoster?
Q: A 10-year-old girl came to our immunization clinic, and the nurse noted crusted lesions on her arms and legs. The parent said the child had chickenpox a week earlier. The girl was not ill, so we administered the vaccines she needed. But now I wonder if her recent case of chickenpox might interfere with her immune response to vaccines.
Q: How should varicella vaccine be stored in my clinic?
Q: I was told by a coworker that varicella vaccine can be stored at refrigerator temperature for up to three days and still be used. Is this true?
Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin
Q: What is varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG)?
Q: In what circumstances should I consider giving VZIG?
Q: Which groups of patients are eligible for VZIG?
Q: What is the recommended dosage of VZIG?
Zoster Vaccines
Q: How are zoster vaccines administered?
Q: A patient was inadvertently given RZV by the subcutaneous rather than the intramuscular route. Does the dose need to be repeated?
Q: When reconstituted, the volume of ZVL is 0.65 mL. Should 0.65 mL or 0.5 mL be administered to the patient?
Q: When reconstituted, the volume of RZV is more than 0.5 mL. Should the entire volume of reconstituted vaccine be administered or just 0.5 mL as indicated in the package insert?
Q: We inadvertently gave ZVL rather than RZV. Can the dose of ZVL be counted as the first dose of the RZV series?
Q: While giving a dose of RZV (Shingrix), the syringe came loose from the needle and part of the dose was lost. Will the patient be protected with this partial dose or does it need to be repeated?
Q: My medical assistant inadvertently administered a 0.5 mL dose of the RZV (Shingrix) diluent only. The dose did not contain any antigen. When can we administer a properly reconstituted dose?
Q: Several doses (antigen and diluent) of RZV were mistakenly stored in our office freezer. One of these doses was administered to a patient. Is this dose valid and if not, when can it be repeated?

Issue 1408: January 30, 2019

Top Stories
State of Washington health officials and governor declare public health emergency due to measles outbreak in Vancouver, WA, and Portland, OR, area; 35 cases confirmed
CDC releases updated version of its Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit
FDA approves use of the 0.5 mL dose of Sanofi's Fluzone Quadrivalent influenza vaccine to include children age 6 through 35 months
IAC Spotlight! IAC's ACIP web section on immunize.org provides links to ACIP recommendations from 1991 to the present as well as other valuable information
IAC enrolls 3 new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; 22 previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Reminder: Nominations for CDC's Childhood Immunization Champion Awards due by February 8
Reminder: Watch this unique series of six online training sessions to help you implement standing orders protocols for adult immunization in your healthcare setting
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes list of "Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019": vaccine hesitancy makes the list
World News
WHO publishes report from the December meeting of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
Influenza remains widespread; CDC reports 3 additional pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S.
AAP posts information to guide providers in prebooking pediatric influenza vaccine for the 2019–20 flu season
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes January issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
New York Times publishes opinion piece titled "How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers"
Vaccine publishes study about parents' lack of awareness of meningococcal B vaccines and impact on vaccine use
Pediatrics publishes study of HPV vaccine effectiveness and herd protection in young women
MMWR publishes graph of the percentage of adults who had an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months, by gender and asthma status
Education and Training
CDC to offer February 7 webinar on cholera vaccines and travelers
CDC to offer webinar titled "Perspectives on Oropharyngeal Cancer" on February 13; discussion includes importance of HPV vaccination to prevent this cancer

Issue 1407: January 23, 2019

Top Stories
FDA has approved expanded use of Sanofi's Adacel Tdap vaccine for repeat dose
CDC reports 3 additional pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S., bringing total to 19; keep vaccinating your patients
IAC Spotlight! Discover how to find what's new and updated on immunize.org
Eleven healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
CDC requests nominations for its Childhood Immunization Champion Awards; submissions due by February 8
National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit soliciting nominations for its 2019 Immunization Excellence Awards
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Which Vaccines Do I Need Today?," a checklist for adult patients to help with assessing their immunization needs
IAC revises its easy-to-read Q&A handout for adult patients titled "Protect Yourself from Whooping Cough ... Get Vaccinated!"
IAC updates parent piece, "Hepatitis B Shots Are Recommended for All New Babies"
IAC reformats "Rotavirus: Questions and Answers"
World News
CDC reports on typhoid fever outbreak in Zimbabwe
Drones start delivering vaccines to remote areas in the world
Featured Resources
CDC launches first video in its new animated video series for parents, "How Vaccines Work"
NFID shares 30-second video, "Don't Be a Dreaded Spreader," that encourages influenza vaccination
Washington State Department of Health releases second edition of its educational manual for health promoters and community health workers, The Importance of Adult Immunizations; available in English and Spanish
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Education and Training
CDC to sponsor January 29 webinar for clinicians about the 2018–19 influenza season and recommendations

Issue 1406: January 16, 2019

Top Stories
CDC releases preliminary estimates of the cumulative numbers of flu illnesses, medical visits, and hospitalizations so far this season in the U.S.—between 6 to 7 million people have been sick with flu
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month; many resources are available for you and your patients
ZDoggMD explains the urgency of hepatitis B vaccination for newborns in online presentation titled "Why Vaccinate So Early?"; CME/CEU available
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists posts "Strategies for Integrating Immunizations into Routine Obstetric-Gynecologic Care" tip sheet and final report from its adult immunization project
O, The Oprah Magazine publishes article titled "5 Myths about the Flu Shot, Debunked"
IAC Spotlight! On the "View All Materials" pages on IAC's website you can find links to more than 300 IAC patient handouts, staff education materials, and slide sets available on immunize.org
December's Technically Speaking column by IAC executive director Dr. Deborah Wexler is titled "Looking Back Over 2018 Can Help Ensure Optimal Vaccination Practices in 2019"
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccines: Be Sure Your Patients Get the Correct Dose"
IAC updates its standing orders templates for administering hepatitis A vaccine to children/teens as well as to adults
IAC updates its 4-page handout for patients and healthcare professionals titled "Hepatitis A: Questions and Answers"
IAC revises its hepatitis A questionnaire for adults: "Should You Be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis A?"
IAC updates its handout for patients: "Hepatitis A Is a Serious Liver Disease…Vaccination Can Protect You"
IAC revises "Standing Orders for Administering Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine to Children"
World News
The Journal of Infectious Diseases releases "Eradicating Measles—A Call for an Exceptional Coordinated Global Effort"
Featured Resources
January's Parent's PACK newsletter from the Vaccine Education Center includes video about viral infections and why shingles and HPV can remain in host long-term
The VaccinesWork.org community blogging platform from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, posts interactive map of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Nature publishes analysis of the research and development of new vaccines and the outlook for the future
CDC publishes report on establishing a baseline for 2015–2016 cervical cancer screening coverage in India in this week's MMWR
Education and Training
Us vs. HPV, a free webinar series on HPV prevention, is scheduled for January 22–28
Conferences and Meetings
Reminder: Registration open for February 27–28 ACIP meeting

Issue 1405: January 9, 2019

Top Stories
CDC reports that influenza is increasing across the U.S. and 13 children have died this season; please keep vaccinating your patients
IAC Spotlight! Find a comprehensive range of valuable influenza educational materials you need on IAC's "Influenza Handouts" web page
Pediatrics publishes study by CDC authors finding that college students are more likely than their nonstudent peers to contract meningococcal disease
CDC launches new pneumococcal vaccination mobile app for vaccine providers
Featured Resources
Vaxopedia website provides immunization information to help educate parents about vaccines
Reminder: New "65+ Flu Defense" website features information and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
Hepatitis B Foundation releases six new #justB stories to empower people affected by hepatitis B, raise awareness, and end stigma
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Obstetrics & Gynecology journal publishes "Obstetrician-Gynecologists' Strategies to Address Vaccine Refusal among Pregnant Women"
CDC publishes report on death of Virginia resident from rabies contracted in India
Education and Training
New Medscape CME/CE program titled "Preventing Meningococcal B Disease: Challenges and Opportunities" now online

Issue 1404: January 2, 2019

Top Stories
CDC reports that flu activity is elevated and 11 children have died of influenza; please keep vaccinating your patients
FDA licenses pediatric hexavalent vaccine developed by Sanofi and Merck; not available in the U.S. until 2020 or later
IAC Spotlight! Package Inserts & FDA Product Approvals web page on immunize.org is a popular destination for website visitors
CDC announces 2018 HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion award winners
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Using Standing Orders for Administering Vaccines: What You Should Know"
Official Releases and Announcements
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services soliciting comments regarding the Healthy People 2030 objectives through January 17
World News
WHO publishes a review of the 2018 influenza season in the southern hemisphere
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia updates two of its resources
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes December issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
December issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC reports on rabies in a dog imported from Egypt in MMWR
Education and Training
CDC's Public Health Grand Rounds to present "Preventing Cervical Cancer in the 21st Century" on January 15
New CDC Medscape commentary available about rotavirus outbreaks in the post-vaccine era
Reminder: CDC's 15-part webinar series about "The Pink Book" available online; continuing education credit is available

Issue 1403: December 27, 2018

Special Edition: Year-End Reminder: Please Donate to IAC!

Issue 1402: December 19, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1402
December 19, 2018
Top Stories
Happy holidays from all of us at IAC! We'll be back on January 2.
IAC updates its popular Ask the Experts section on hepatitis A
CDC publishes "Influenza Activity—United States, September 30–December 1, 2018" in this week’s MMWR
CDC publishes "Quick Stats" report in this week’s MMWR based on 2017 National Health Interview Survey of percentage of U.S. adults 18 and over who received flu vaccination by diagnosed diabetes status and age group
IAC Spotlight! Looking for easy-to-read Q&A handouts on diseases and vaccines? IAC has a collection of 20 of them in both English and Spanish
Voices for Vaccines releases new Vax Talk podcast featuring IAC’s own Dr. L.J Tan on "What You Need to Know About Flu"
Featured Resources
Reminder: New 65+ Flu Defense website features information and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
NACCHO releases new podcast featuring Dr. Melinda Wharton on the history of National Influenza Vaccination Week and how important vaccinations are at all stages of life
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Nationwide Danish study finds the flu shot is tied to heart failure survival
Conferences and Meetings
NFID inviting abstracts by January 10 for presentations at 2019 Annual Conference on Vaccinology Research, April 3–5 in Baltimore

Issue 1400: December 12, 2018

Top Stories
Inaugural IAC Becky Payne Award presented to Vaccinate Your Family
CDC director releases statement on the life of Betty Bumpers
Three lots of infant ibuprofen recalled due to potentially high concentrations of the drug
Rescheduled to take place today! CDC webinar about how to make an influenza vaccination recommendation that matters to patients to be held this afternoon, December 12
IAC Spotlight! IAC's Clinic Tools: Administering Vaccines web page is the "go-to" place for accessing a wide variety of useful resources
American College of Physicians develops Adult Immunization Resource Hub as part of an initiative to raise adult immunization rates
November's Technically Speaking column by IAC executive director Dr. Deborah Wexler describes CDC's collection of four-minute videos and web-based training programs related to vaccine administration
IAC enrolls one new birthing institution into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; six previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
World News
WHO reports on the October meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization in Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
NFID releases new online toolkit developed to increase awareness about the dangers of influenza in adults with chronic health conditions
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Reminder: Check out CDC's "Keys to Storing and Handling Your Vaccine Supply" video
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report on an avian influenza H7N8 outbreak in an Indiana turkey flock

Issue 1398: December 5, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1398
December 5, 2018
Top Stories
It's National Influenza Vaccination Week; make sure all your patients are protected against flu!
IAC Spotlight! Explore IAC’s "Ask the Experts" web section for answers to more than 1,000 Q&As about vaccines and their administration
New Jersey and New York experiencing ongoing outbreaks of measles
CDC and WHO report on worldwide progress toward regional measles elimination in this week’s MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively; continuing education credit available for reading MMWR article
CDC publishes "Quick Stats" report in this week’s MMWR based on 2017 National Health Interview Survey of percentage of U.S. adults 18 and over who received flu vaccination
Nine healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issues draft recommendations for hepatitis B virus screening in non-pregnant adolescents and adults; public comment requested
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts seven revised translations of the MenACWY VIS
IAC posts seven new and updated translations of the DTaP VIS
IAC posts five updated and new translations of the Hepatitis B VIS
Featured Resources
Reminder: New 65+ Flu Defense website features information and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Pediatrics study examines impact on medical exemptions of California’s 2015 policy eliminating personal belief exemptions for vaccination
American Journal of Public Health publishes "Trends and Characteristics of Proposed and Enacted State Legislation on Childhood Vaccination Exemption, 2011–2017"
November issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Conferences and Meetings
2019 California Immunization Coalition Summit scheduled for April 8–9 in Riverside; submissions for abstracts due by December 14

Issue 1396: November 28, 2018

Top Stories
The entire immunization community mourns our loss of Betty Bumpers, immunization champion and co-founder of Every Child By Two
Influenza is spreading and serious; use National Influenza Vaccination Week to remind your patients they need to be protected
IAC Spotlight! September 26 webinar by Dr. Sharon G. Humiston presenting "Adolescent Immunization Update and the 16-Year-Old Platform" now archived on IAC website; slide set and presenter's notes also available for your use
Worst chickenpox outbreak in two decades in North Carolina may be linked to vaccine exemptions
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes November issue of its e-newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
CDC establishes Acute Flaccid Myelitis Task Force as confirmed cases rise
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its standing orders template for administering inactivated poliovirus vaccine to children and teens
World News
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative issues an update on the frontlines of Pakistan’s battle against polio; door-to-door immunization campaigns being used to ensure no child is left behind
WHO releases world malaria report showing that after an unprecedented period of success in global malaria control, progress has stalled
Featured Resources
Mott Poll Report explores whether parents have selective hearing about flu vaccine
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download

Issue 1395: November 21, 2018

Top Stories
National Influenza Vaccination Week will be observed December 2–8; use this week to remind your patients they need to be protected from flu
CDC publishes report on increase in acute flaccid myelitis in the U.S.
Fourteen cases of measles confirmed in Ocean County, New Jersey
CDC publishes updated framework for the development of ACIP recommendations
IAC Spotlight! AIM and IAC partner on new handout, "Communicating the Benefits of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine"
Every Child By Two announces new name to reflect its expanded mission
Vaccinate Your Family blog post discusses disruption at recent ACIP meeting by vaccine critics
Institute for Safe Medication Practices publishes information about possible mix-up of rabies immune globulin dosage due to similar packaging of 1 mL and 5 mL vials
IAC enrolls one new birthing institution into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; five previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 18 translations of the updated Hepatitis B VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
NACCHO releases 2018 Forces of Change report
American Dermatological Association co-sponsors American Cancer Society's HPV vaccination policy
World News
CDC and WHO report on global routine vaccination coverage in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively; continuing education credit available for reading MMWR article
UNICEF delivers humanitarian aid, including vaccines, to 50,000 people in refugee camp in Syria
WHO reports on progress toward polio eradication in Pakistan
Featured Resources
Reminder: New 65+ Flu Defense website features information and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
AAP's "A Guide to Adolescent Immunizations: Flip Chart for Pediatric Offices and Parents" now available in Simplified Chinese and Spanish, as well as English
New book, The Clinician’s Vaccine Safety Resource Guide, available for purchase
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
October issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
CDC to offer December 5 webinar about how to make an influenza vaccination recommendation that matters to patients
CDC to sponsor November 29 webinar for clinicians about the current hepatitis A outbreaks in multiple states
Meningitis B Action Project to sponsor November 26 webinar for colleges and universities
NFID to offer December 13 webinar about travel vaccination
Conferences and Meetings
Registration open for February ACIP meeting

Issue 1394: November 14, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1394
November 14, 2018
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Four states, CT, NJ, OH, and RI—plus NYC, require annual vaccination in child care facilities against influenza. Visit IAC's "State Laws and Mandates" web section to find more information on state vaccination requirements
October's Technically Speaking column by IAC executive director Dr. Deborah Wexler is titled "Let's Get It Right! How to Avoid Shoulder Injury with Deltoid Intramuscular Injections"
New! CDC video for parents explains a vaccine's journey from development through post-licensure monitoring
CDC publishes special issue on U.S. health disparities titled "Disparities in Prevention and Treatment of HIV, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis"
Reminder: Watch this unique series of six online training sessions to help you implement standing orders protocols for adult immunization in your healthcare setting
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast episode titled "Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism"
IAC Handouts
IAC updates four of its in-depth "Q&A: Diseases and Vaccines" handouts for the public—for measles, mumps, rubella, and rabies
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO releases "2018 Assessment Report of the Global Vaccine Action Plan"
World News
CDC reports on progress on polio eradication in Pakistan in this week's MMWR
WHO reports on progress towards global malaria elimination in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
New! NFID adult hepatitis B awareness toolkit includes free CME trainings, infographics, and social media posts
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Education and Training
Gerontological Society of America and mdBriefCase offer webinar on targeting older populations to improve influenza outcomes; free CME available

Issue 1393: November 7, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP recommendations on use of hepatitis A vaccine for pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis for international travel in MMWR
American Dental Association adopts policy to support the use and administration of HPV vaccine for the prevention of oral HPV infection
CDC reports on hepatitis A outbreaks in four states related to drug use and homelessness
IAC Spotlight! IAC's Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide is available free of charge to help you enhance your adult vaccination services
Six healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Just for fun! Two-minute video parody of the Broadway musical Hamilton song titled “My Shot” to share with patients, colleagues, and friends
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its standing orders templates for administering pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to children and inactivated polio vaccine to children and teens
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC releases national progress report on hepatitis elimination
Federal panel reports that HPV vaccination rates are too low to achieve full cancer prevention potential
Featured Resources
Reminder: New 65+ Flu Defense website features information and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
Influenza season has begun; many resources available to help you vaccinate your patients
Check out CDC's #HowIRecommend Twitter page for short videos about how to effectively recommend influenza and HPV vaccines
ZDoggMD interviews Dr. Paul Offit about the dangers of celebrity health advice
Education and Training
CDC's Current Issues in Immunization NetConference to address hepatitis A guidelines for homelessness, post-exposure prophylaxis, and international travel scheduled for November 28
CDC to offer November 13 webinar about what healthcare professionals need to know about acute flaccid myelitis
New! Free continuing education from MMWR and Medscape: "Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices—United States, 2018–19 Influenza Season"
Reminder: Vaccine Education Center’s "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit to be held November 14

Issue 1392: October 31, 2018

Top Stories
IAC provides a summary article about votes taken at October 24–25 ACIP meeting
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials issues press release expressing alarm that declining vaccination rates are putting Americans at risk for flu and other potentially deadly diseases
CDC publishes "Update: Influenza Activity—United States and Worldwide, May 20–October 13, 2018" in this week's MMWR
CDC reports on 40 cases of influenza A (H3N2) variant virus infection from swine exposure at agricultural fairs in 2017 in this week's MMWR
IAC Spotlight! The "Favorites" tab at the top of every page on immunize.org brings you to 18 of the most popular web sections on IAC's content-rich website
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes October issue of its e-newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
FDA approves new drug to treat influenza for people age 12 and older
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its 1-page educational sheet for patients and staff: "Hepatitis A, B, C: Learn the Differences"
IAC revises three of its staff education materials: "Administering Vaccines: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size"; "Administering Vaccines to Adults: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size"; and "How to Administer Intranasal and Oral Vaccinations"
IAC revises "Recommendations for Pneumococcal Vaccines Use in Children and Teens"
IAC updates "Standing Orders for Administering Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine to Children and Teens"
IAC updates its 1-page guidance for healthcare professionals titled "DTaP, Tdap, and Td Catch-up Vaccination Recommendations by Prior Vaccine History and Age"
World News
CDC and WHO publish "Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses—Worldwide, January 2017–June 2018" in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
Influenza season has begun; be sure all your patients are getting vaccinated!
The latest edition of The Vaccine Handbook (The Purple Book) App is now available from the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
Medscape video commentary discusses the ethical question: Do children have vaccination rights?
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC report examines public health implications of rabid animals crossing state lines
CDC publishes "Measles Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated Population—Israel, July–August 2017"
Education and Training
Registration open for Vaccine Education Center's November 14 "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit

Issue 1391: October 24, 2018

Top Stories
New! 65+ Flu Defense website features tools and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
CDC presents information about the 386 confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis in the U.S. in 2018
CDC publishes "Mumps Outbreak in a Marshallese Community—Denver Metropolitan Area, Colorado, 2016–2017" in this week's MMWR
Ask the Experts Q&As on rotavirus, varicella, and rabies recently updated
September's Technically Speaking column by IAC executive director Dr. Deborah Wexler is titled "What's New for Flu This Season?"
IAC Spotlight! IAC's PowerPoint Slide Sets web page contains 13 presentations on a wide variety of immunization topics; available by request for your use
109 healthcare settings join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination, including People's Community Clinic, St. Catherine's Village, and 107 Essentia healthcare facilities
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast episode titled "Measles Eradication and Elimination"
IAC Handouts
“Practical Resources from the Immunization Action Coalition” is a descriptive 1-page handout about IAC resources; make copies and hand out at staff meetings or at state and local immunization conferences
IAC updates its PowerPoint slide set "Quick Answers to Tough Questions"; use it "as is" or modify it to fit your needs
IAC updates its parent handout "Keep your kids safe—get them vaccinated every fall or winter!"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts eight new translations of the recently updated DTaP VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
Weekly Epidemiological Record publishes recommendations for the composition of influenza vaccines for the southern hemisphere's 2019 flu season
Featured Resources
CDC updates its Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
New population-level study determines HPV vaccine doesn't encourage risky sexual behaviors among teen girls

Issue 1390: October 17, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes report on vaccination rates among children age 19–35 months of age in 2017
CDC reports on vaccination coverage of kindergarten students during 2017–18 in MMWR
CDC releases updated VIS for hepatitis B vaccine
New 65+ Flu Defense website features tools and resources for healthcare professionals serving adults age 65 and older
FDA approves expanded age indication for Afluria
CDC study shows that during the last six influenza seasons, getting a flu shot reduced a pregnant woman’s risk of being hospitalized from flu by an average of 40%
CDC reports on rubella infection in an unvaccinated pregnant woman in Kansas
CDC experts update information on Ask the Experts sections about Meningococcal ACWY and Meningococcal B vaccines
IAC Spotlight! Get a copy of "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults" DVD for staff training
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "You Must Give Your Patients Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—It’s Federal Law!"
IAC posts nine updated translations of its "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults" and seven translations of its "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Children and Teens"
IAC revises the Spanish-language translations of its screening checklists for contraindications to inactivated injectable influenza and live attenuated intranasal influenza vaccines
IAC posts updated Spanish-language translation of "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts eight new translations of the Meningococcal ACWY VIS
World News
WHO publishes guidance for evaluating progress towards elimination of measles and rubella in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
American Immunization Registry Association releases resource about how to use small area analysis to find pockets of vaccination need, as well as suggestions about
responding to the need
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
JAMA publishes study on optimal timing of Tdap vaccination during pregnancy
BuzzFeed provides good overview of the importance of influenza vaccination—share with patients and parents!
Education and Training
NFID to offer October 30 webinar about pneumococcal vaccination of adults
Conferences and Meetings
Tune in to ACIP's October 24–25 meeting via live webcast

Issue 1389: October 10, 2018

Top Stories
FDA announces approval of expanded use of Gardasil 9 to include adults 27 through 45 years old
IAC updates two of its popular Ask the Experts sections: one on vaccine administration and the second on vaccine storage and handling
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s Standing Orders Templates for Administering Vaccines web page contains standing orders templates and related resources that can help healthcare settings improve vaccination rates for patients of all ages
CDC releases Digital Media Toolkit for the 2018–19 flu season to assist partners in communicating about the importance of vaccination
Just launched! "The 16 Vaccine" educational awareness website advocating CDC’s recommended second dose of MenACWY vaccine at age 16
Available online: six-part series of online training sessions on implementing standing orders protocols for adult immunization in your healthcare setting
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "How to Administer Intramuscular and Intranasal Influenza Vaccines" to remove intradermal vaccine
IAC posts updated 6-page handout for the public titled "Influenza: Questions and Answers"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts updated Spanish translations of VISs for DTaP and MenACWY vaccines
World News
WHO supports Zimbabwe in effort to vaccinate 1.4 million people against cholera as outbreak spreads
Featured Resources
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
September issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
The Lancet Public Health publishes study projecting elimination of cervical cancer in Australia within two decades because of government program to vaccinate children against HPV
Education and Training
NFID offers webinar on protecting adults with chronic health conditions against influenza on Thursday, October 11 (tomorrow)
National AHEC webinar on November 1 presents recommendations and tools for persuading parents that HPV vaccine is safe and effective
Conferences and Meetings
NFID Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for November 9–10 in Bethesda; submissions for poster presentations due by October 18

Issue 1388: October 9, 2018

Influenza Vaccines
Q: What's new in the 2018–19 influenza vaccine recommendations?
Q: Which influenza vaccines will be available during the 2018–2019 influenza season?
Q: What are the differences between trivalent and quadrivalent influenza vaccines?
Q: If quadrivalent vaccine includes one additional strain, why isn't it preferred for use over trivalent vaccine?
Q: Which formulations of influenza vaccines (i.e., nasal spray, injectable high-dose, and injectable standard-dose) are licensed for various age groups?
Q: We are having trouble getting a supply of Fluzone Intradermal (Sanofi Pasteur). Is there a shortage of this vaccine?
Q: We have noticed that ACIP recommends that we begin vaccinating with seasonal influenza vaccine in September or even earlier. Does protection from seasonal influenza vaccine decline or wane within 3 or 4 months of vaccination? Should I wait until later in the year to vaccinate my elderly or medically frail patients?
Q: Which influenza vaccines can we give to children?
Q: Please provide details about the use of FluLaval and Fluarix influenza vaccine in children younger than 3 years.
Q: Which children younger than age 9 years will need 2 doses of influenza vaccine in this influenza season?
Q: Can a child 6 through 35 months of age who needs 2 doses of influenza vaccine this season receive a combination of Fluzone, FluLaval, or Fluarix vaccine?
Q: If a child receives Fluzone vaccine (0.25 mL) at age 34 or 35 months for the first time and then returns for the second dose at age 37 months, should we give another 0.25 mL dose of Fluzone or should we give the 0.5 mL dose that is indicated for ages 3 and older?
Q: Is influenza vaccine recommended for pregnant women?
Q: I have a patient who is now 12 weeks pregnant. She received a dose of quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine earlier this season, before she was pregnant. Should we give her another dose of this year’s influenza vaccine since she was not pregnant at the time of her first dose?
Q: Please tell me about Fluad, one of the influenza vaccines for people age 65 years and older.
Q: Sometimes patients age 65 years and older who have received the standard-dose influenza vaccine hear about the high-dose (Fluzone High-Dose) or adjuvanted vaccine (Fluad) and want to receive that, too. Is this okay to administer?
Q: Which healthcare personnel should be vaccinated against influenza?
Q: What is the preferred anatomic site for administration of inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and recombinant influenza vaccine?
Q: For whom is inactivated influenza vaccine contraindicated?
Q: What are the contraindications for live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)?
Q: What is the latest ACIP guidance on influenza vaccination and egg allergy?
Q: Is there any plan to change the Influenza Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for the 2018–19 influenza season?
Q: When administering influenza vaccine, is giving patients a VIS mandatory or is it only "recommended"?

Issue 1387: October 3, 2018

Top Stories
CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare professionals in 2017–18
CDC publishes report on influenza vaccination coverage of pregnant women in 2017–18
CDC reports on barriers to Tdap receipt among mothers of infants with pertussis
Available online: six-part series of online training sessions on implementing standing orders protocols for adult immunization in your healthcare setting
IAC updates two of its popular Ask the Experts sections: one on MMR and the second on HPV vaccine
San Diego County reports on third meningococcal B case at San Diego State University
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s recently updated Partners web page is a great way to learn about organizations and professional societies that work in the immunization field
IAC enrolls five new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; 13 previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Adult primary care providers: Help the National Task Force on Hepatitis B Focus on Asian and Pacific Islander Americans to understand the challenges of providing hepatitis B care in the primary care setting by completing a survey
IAC Handouts
IAC makes small correction to its recently updated "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
Official Releases and Announcements
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb releases statement on preparations for the upcoming influenza season
World News
WHO reports on progress toward polio containment worldwide in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
CDC reminds providers about its e-Learn course on proper vaccine administration, as well as other related resources
Vaccine Education Center updates two Q&A sheets, one about hepatitis B and one about logical fallacies and vaccines
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes September issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
CDC publishes report about meningococcal disease surveillance for men who have sex with men

Issue 1386: September 26, 2018

Top Stories
Plotkin's Vaccines textbook wins first prize in public health category for the 2018 British Medical Association’s Medical Book Award
The immunization community mourns our loss of Lynn Bozof, president and cofounder of the National Meningitis Association
Annual NFID influenza and pneumococcal news conference will be held on September 27; listen to the event and join the Twitterstorm
IAC Spotlight: IAC’s recently updated Adult Vaccination web page is full of resources to help you vaccinate adults this fall and beyond
CDC issues clinical guidance for providers during the Shingrix vaccine shortage
CDC issues bulletin on tetanus in areas affected by a hurricane, including clinical guidance for providers
IAC updates two of its popular Ask the Experts sections: one on diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus and the second on Hib vaccines
Three healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination; 681 now enrolled
Beware of B campaign urges Big Ten universities to require the meningitis B vaccination for incoming students; Indiana University and Purdue University on board
IAC Handouts
IAC makes correction to newly updated standing orders template for influenza vaccination of children/teens
World News
WHO reports on cholera and poliomyelitis in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Education and Training
CDC webinar, "2018–2019 Recommendations for Influenza Prevention and Treatment in Children: An Update for Pediatric Providers," scheduled for September 27
Conferences and Meetings
CDC Current Issues in Immunization NetConference about DTaP/Tdap and hepatitis vaccine recommendations scheduled for September 25

Issue 1385: September 19, 2018

Top Stories
IAC updates two of its most popular Ask the Experts sections: one on influenza and the second on pneumococcal vaccines
Register now: Dr. Sharon G. Humiston, IAC's associate director for research, will present a webinar on adolescent immunization and the 16-year-old platform on September 26
IAC Spotlight! Easily find what you're looking for on immunize.org by using the new blue-gray tabs that run across the top of every web page
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast episode titled "Anti-Vaccine Nurses"
New CDC data found that adolescents in rural areas are less likely to be vaccinated against HPV cancers and meningitis than adolescents in urban areas; learn about new related resources
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Inactivated Injectable Influenza Vaccination" and "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Live Attenuated Intranasal Influenza Vaccination"
IAC posts updated Spanish-language version of "Should You Be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis A?"
World News
WHO reports on transmission of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus in the Horn of Africa
CDC reports on surveillance for congenital rubella syndrome in India
Refugee children in Germany found to be at greater risk of contracting invasive pneumococcal disease
Featured Resources
ACOG posts new resource online: "Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programs: Tips for Optimizing Practice Management"
CDC develops new online resource to share with parents about why it's important to vaccinate babies on time
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes information about a mumps outbreak associated with a cheerleading competition in Texas
Education and Training
CDC Current Issues in Immunization NetConference about DTaP/Tdap and hepatitis vaccine recommendations scheduled for September 25
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics will conclude on September 26; register now for the "Influenza" session

Issue 1384: September 12, 2018

Top Stories
CDC offers guidance to travelers as influenza season nears
Register now! Dr. Sharon G. Humiston, IAC's associate director for research, will present a webinar on adolescent immunization and the 16-year-old platform on September 26
AAP publishes its vaccination recommendations for 2018–19 influenza season
IAC Spotlight! The Vaccine Manufacturers web page on immunize.org provides company contact information and more
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its popular "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
IAC posts revised standing orders templates for influenza vaccination of adults and children/teens
IAC updates "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines" and "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults"
IAC posts revised "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Children and Teens" and "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults"
IAC posts "Guide for Determining the Number of Doses of Influenza Vaccine to Give to Children Age 6 Months Through 8 Years"
IAC updates "Influenza Vaccination of People with a History of Egg Allergy"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts new German-language translation of the Inactivated Influenza Vaccine VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO issues updated position paper on dengue vaccine
World News
Campaign launched to vaccinate almost 14 million children in Afghanistan against measles
CDC reports on progress toward polio containment worldwide
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Education and Training
VICNetwork webinar, "2018–19 Seasonal Flu Recommendations and Communications Messaging," scheduled for September 17
Center for HIV Law and Policy, Harm Reduction Coalition, and the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable will host an October 4 webinar about the relationship between criminalization, viral hepatitis, and harm reduction
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues September 19 with "Pneumococcal Vaccines"; register now for series running through September 26
CDC updates "You Call the Shots" modules on zoster and vaccine administration; free CE credit available
Conferences and Meetings
NFID Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for November 9–10 in Bethesda
State of Michigan's 2018 fall regional immunization conferences to take place in eight cities on different dates
Presentation slides from June ACIP meeting are now available; next meeting scheduled for October 24–25

Issue 1383: September 5, 2018

Top Stories
Twitter bots and Russian Internet trolls amplify mistrust and discord about immunization in the U.S.
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s Influenza Honor Roll now highlights long-term care/assisted living facility honorees
September is National Preparedness Month; CDC posts "Partner Toolkit" for messaging, pandemic planning, and other resources
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast episode, "Superman, Cancer, and Vaccines," with Jason Mendelsohn, HPV cancer survivor; he tells his story and urges parents to vaccinate their sons and daughters
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "You Must Give Your Patients Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—It’s Federal Law!"
IAC updates "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2018–2019 Influenza Season"
IAC revises "Standing Order for Administering Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Acellular Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccine to Children Younger Than Age 7 Years"
IAC makes a small correction to its popular 4-page handout for patients: "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B"
Featured Resources
AAP releases several videos, including one featuring pediatricians sharing why they vaccinate and another addressing the importance of the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
August issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues September 12 with "HPV"; register now for series running through September 26
Opportunity to participate in Gerontological Society of America's "Immunization Champions, Advocates & Mentors Program" (ICAMP) training in Boston on November 13
Conferences and Meetings
European Scientific Working Group on Influenza Flu Summit to be held in Belgium on September 28; registration open and free of charge

Issue 1382: August 29, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1382
August 29, 2018
Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP's 2018–19 influenza vaccination recommendations
CDC releases updated VISs for DTaP and MenACWY vaccines
CDC issues report on vaccination coverage among adolescents age 13–17 years in the U.S. in 2017; more adolescents up to date on HPV vaccination
CDC reports on trends in HPV-associated cancers in the United States
FDA works to mitigate shortages of EpiPen by extending expiration date for specific lots of medication
IAC Spotlight! Visit IAC's immunizationcoalitions.org website for information about immunization coalitions and nonprofits
IAC enrolls five new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; fourteen previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
IAC Handouts
IAC posts seven updated translations of its 1-page vaccination schedule for patients titled "Vaccinations for Adults—You're never too old to get vaccinated!"
IAC posts seven updated Spanish translations of its 1-page adult vaccination schedules for patients with HIV or hepatitis C infection; with heart or lung disease, diabetes, or anatomic or functional asplenia; and for men who have sex with men
Reader alert: IAC's Spanish translations of "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B" and "Protect Yourself Against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B: A Guide for Gay and Bisexual Men" were delayed in posting following last week's IAC Express
Official Releases and Announcements
World Health Organization reports that more than 41,000 people in European region have been infected with measles in the first half of 2018
WHO summarizes the 2017–18 influenza season in the northern hemisphere in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
World News
New partnership to bring 8 million vaccines to remote areas of Liberia, Uganda, and Kenya
Featured Resources
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study found that physicians have significant gaps in knowledge about MenB disease and MenB vaccine
Study in Pediatrics did not find increased risk of primary ovarian insufficiency after HPV, Tdap, inactivated influenza, or MenACWY vaccination
CDC reports on mumps outbreak in Alaska
Education and Training
CDC offers new Medscape CME activity: "Making the Case: Championing for HPV Cancer Prevention in Your Practice"
Reminder: Vaccine Education Center's "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit to be held September 5
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues September 5 with "Hepatitis B"; register now for series running through September 26

Issue 1381: August 22, 2018

Top Stories
National Immunization Awareness Month is coming to a close; the final week will focus on protecting adults
FDA announces approval of first generic version of EpiPen and EpiPen Jr auto-injectors for emergency treatment of allergic reactions
CDC publishes "Emergence of Localized Serogroup W Meningococcal Disease in the United States—Georgia, 2006–2016" in this week’s MMWR; authors advise vigilance regarding potential atypical clinical presentations of meningococcal disease
CDC responds to numerous media reports by stating there has not been any multi-state measles outbreak in the U.S. this year
IAC Spotlight: Reminder! IAC’s recently updated Adult Vaccination web page is full of resources to help you vaccinate adults this fall and beyond
In a Medscape commentary, Dr. Paul Offit responds to recent New York Times article titled "Anti-Vaccine Activists Have Taken Vaccine Science Hostage"
Voices for Vaccines releases August series of new Vax Talk podcast mini-episodes on immunization for pregnant women and children younger than age two
Join NFID and the Washington Nationals for the 7th Annual Flu Awareness Night in Washington, DC, on September 21
IAC Handouts
IAC updates three of its Q&A series of patient handouts about diseases and vaccines on the topics of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis
IAC posts updated Spanish translation of its very popular 4-page handout for patients: "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B"
IAC posts Spanish translation of "Protect Yourself Against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B: A Guide for Gay and Bisexual Men"
Featured Resources
CDC posts teacher-created classroom educational activities for its free 60-page graphic novel titled "The Junior Disease Detectives: Operation Outbreak"
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Pediatrics publishes study showing no association between tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccination of pregnant women and autism
Pediatrics publishes study finding that legislation for increasing HPV vaccination did not lead to increase in risky adolescent sexual behaviors in the U.S.
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes August updates for its July/August issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
Education and Training
Register now for AHEC webinar: "Evidence-Based Communication Strategies for Improving Child and Adolescent Vaccine Uptake" on September 19
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues August 29 with "Measles, Mumps, Rubella"; register now for series running through September 26

Issue 1380: August 15, 2018

Top Stories
National Immunization Awareness Month continues; upcoming week will focus on protecting preteens and teens
Available online: six-part series of online training sessions on implementing standing orders protocols for adult immunization in your healthcare setting
In case you missed this! CDC, AAFP, AAP, and ACOG all recommend that newborns receive hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth
IAC Spotlight! Find whatever you're looking for on immunize.org by using the Google search engine located on all IAC web pages
IAC posts its newest PowerPoint slide set, "What Are Standing Orders Protocols?"; use it "as is" or modify it to fit your needs
Just released! Dr. Paul Offit's latest book: Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists Aren't Your Best Source of Health Information
Three healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination; 677 now enrolled
IAC Handouts
IAC posts updated temperature logs for refrigerators and freezers in both Celsius and Fahrenheit formats
IAC updates "Vaccine Storage Troubleshooting Record" in fillable and non-fillable formats
World News
WHO reports on yellow fever in Africa and the Americas in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
"Mortality among Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: The Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study" published in July issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases
Education and Training
Register for CDC’s #PreteenVaxScene webinar, "National Immunization Awareness Month: Effectively Recommending Vaccines Across the Lifespan," on August 17
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues August 22 with "Polio and Hib"; register now for series running through September 26

Issue 1379: August 8, 2018

Top Stories
CDC releases clinical guidance for providers during the Shingrix shortage
National Immunization Awareness Month is here; upcoming week will focus on protecting babies and young children
Available online: six-part series of online training sessions on implementing standing orders protocols for adult immunization in your healthcare setting
IAC's Video of the Week presents personal stories, news, animations, and other video clips every Monday
IAC enrolls ten new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; ten previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast: "Hashtag Vaccines–The Social Media Episode"
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Don't Be Guilty of These Preventable Errors in Vaccine Storage and Handling!" and "Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling"
IAC revises "Vaccines with Diluents: How to Use Them"
IAC updates its vaccine storage and handling "Emergency Response Worksheet" for addressing power failures and temperature excursions
IAC updates its vaccination record for medical charts, "Vaccine Administration Record for Adults"
World News
CDC and WHO report on progress toward polio eradication in Afghanistan in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
CDC, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and 4-H develop free 60-page comic book-style story called "The Junior Disease Detectives: Operation Outbreak"
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
July issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Report highlights gaps in adult vaccination that could be improved by implementing Standards for Adult Immunization Practice
New CDC study conducted over multiple influenza seasons found that getting a flu shot lessened the risk of severe influenza among adults
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues August 15 with "Varicella/Zoster"; register now for series running through September 26
Conferences and Meetings
2018 World Influenza Conference to take place in Beijing on September 7–10

Issue 1378: August 3, 2018

Hepatitis B Vaccines
Q: A physician ordered a 40-mcg dose of hepatitis B vaccine for a hemodialysis patient. The clinic does not stock the Recombivax HB 40-mcg dose dialysis formulation (Merck) and would like to give 2 doses of Engerix-B 20-mcg dose (GSK) for each dose in the series. Is this acceptable?
Hepatitis A Vaccines
Q: How does immune globulin (IG) work?
DTaP/Td/Tdap Vaccines
Q: If a teen or adult patient never received Tdap but received a dose of Td vaccine 2 years ago, should I wait 8 more years before administering a dose of Tdap to the patient?
Polio Vaccines
Q: We frequently see children (mostly from certain foreign countries) who have received 6 or more doses of polio vaccine, all administered before 4 years of age. How do we handle this when assessing the child’s immunization history?
Q: How do I determine if doses of polio vaccine administered outside the United States were trivalent OPV?
Rotavirus Vaccines
Q: Which infants should not receive rotavirus vaccine?
Q: A woman in our practice received infliximab (Remicade, Janssen Pharmaceuticals) for treatment of Crohn's disease while she was pregnant. Should we modify her infant's rotavirus vaccination schedule because of this treatment?
Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines
Q: What is the schedule for MenACWY vaccine?
Q: If someone received MPSV4 or MenACWY vaccine at age 10 years and a dose of MenACWY before the 16th birthday, will they still need a booster dose at age 16?
Zoster Vaccines
Q: Should a person who received 2 doses of varicella vaccine be vaccinated with zoster vaccine when they turn 50?
Q: What is the minimum interval between doses of RZV (Shingrix)?
Q: What is the minimum age for administering RZV?
Q: I have ZVL in my freezer but I do not have recombinant zoster vaccine. The manufacturer told us to anticipate ordering limits and intermittent shipping delays for RZV during 2018 so I don’t know when I will get RZV doses. In this situation, what is the appropriate approach to patients who come to my practice for shingles vaccine?
Q: How should zoster vaccine be stored?
Administering Vaccines
Q: Are vaccine diluents interchangeable?
Q: One of our staff gave a dose of pediatric hepatitis A vaccine to an adult patient by mistake. How do we remedy this error?
Documenting Vaccines
Q: Where can I find a list of vaccines currently licensed for use in the U.S.?
Q: We frequently see patients, such as immigrants, who do not have records of past vaccination or who insist they or their children are up to date. Should we accept their undocumented vaccination history?
Q: We sometimes encounter patients with foreign vaccination records. We suspect that some of these records are not valid. What should we do?
Q: How can I find out if our state or locality has an Immunization Information System (IIS), or registry, in which I might participate?
Billing and Reimbursement
Q: What vaccines are covered by Medicare?
Q: I want to begin providing vaccines for my adult patients but reimbursement for these vaccines is confusing. Can you provide guidance?

Issue 1377: August 1, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes "Mumps Outbreaks at Four Universities—Indiana, 2016" in this week's MMWR
National Immunization Awareness Month is here; week 2 will focus on protecting pregnant women and their babies
IAC Spotlight! Looking for an easy way to find what you need on IAC's website for healthcare professionals? Scroll down to the "Guide to Immunize.org" located at the bottom of every web page
New "MenB in 90 Seconds" video highlighting need for MenB vaccine to protect college students and teens posted by Meningitis B Action Project
World News
France 2018 measles outbreak: 2,500 cases, 22% hospitalized, 3 dead; vaccination mandate expanded January 2018
Featured Resources
WHO's 106th Global Health Histories seminar: "Vaccine Hesitancy—Why Do Some People Not Vaccinate?" now available for viewing
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes July/August issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
The journal Vaccine publishes study examining racial and ethnic differences in HPV vaccine initiation and recommendations by providers for teen-age boys
Education and Training
NFID webinar addressing measles outbreaks and lessons learned scheduled for August 7
Registration open for Vaccine Education Center's September 5 "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues August 8 with "Meningococcal Vaccines"; register now for series running through September 26

Issue 1376: July 25, 2018

Top Stories
CDC updates recommendations in its "General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization"
August is National Immunization Awareness Month; first week will focus on getting ready for back to school
IAC Spotlight! The "View All Materials" pages on IAC’s website list more than 300 IAC handouts for patients and staff, including educational materials, patient handouts, and slide sets
CDC publishes "World Hepatitis Day—July 28, 2018" in this week’s MMWR
CDC publishes "Access to Treatment for Hepatitis B Virus Infection—Worldwide, 2016" in this week's MMWR
Reminder: Nominations due for HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion Award by August 10; CDC offers new resources to help providers promote HPV vaccination
IAC Handouts
IAC posts 9 updated translations of its popular "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults"
World News
UNICEF and WHO report record number of infants vaccinated in 2017 and urge coordinated efforts to reach all children
WHO publishes report from the June meeting of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
CDC issues travel notice on extensively drug-resistant typhoid fever in Pakistan
CDC publishes "Notes from the Field: Widespread Transmission of Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus Identified by Environmental Surveillance and Immunization Response—Horn of Africa, 2017–2018" in this week’s MMWR
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues August 1 with "Rotavirus and Hepatitis A"; register now for series running through September 26
CDC to host "CDC Current Issues in Immunization Webinar" on August 7, with updates for the 2018–2019 influenza season
Conferences and Meetings
Video presentations from the June 2018 ACIP meeting are now available online
2018 Nevada Health Conference scheduled for October 15–16
2018 Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for November 9–10

Issue 1375: July 18, 2018

Top Stories
Democratic Republic of the Congo government declares national public health emergency as rare strain of polio spreads in three regions; 29 children paralyzed
Reminder: August is National Immunization Awareness Month; 2018 communications toolkit available
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s "What’s New" web section provides links to new and recently updated IAC handouts and staff education materials, VISs and their translations, and updated immunize.org web sections
IAC posts its newest PowerPoint slide set, "Strategies to Increase Enrollment in IAC's Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll"; available for you to use "as is" or to modify to fit your needs
Official Releases and Announcements
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issues "Committee Opinion" on maternal immunization
Errata for Red Book's 2018 edition posted on Red Book Online
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
July's Parents PACK newsletter from the Vaccine Education Center includes articles on summertime worries before vaccines and the importance of finding science-based information on health issues
Education and Training
American Immunization Registry Association webinar introduces the functionality and content of new AIRA website on July 19
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues July 25 with "DTaP/Tdap"; register now for series running through September 26
Conferences and Meetings
2018 Got Your Shots? Immunization Conference to be held in Minneapolis, November 1–2; registration open

Issue 1374: July 11, 2018

Top Stories
New! Vaccine Safety References page on VEC's website lists journal articles available for use by expert witnesses in vaccine cases
IAC's Ask the Experts: Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis web page updated based on new ACIP recommendations
CDC updates appendices in its online "Pink Book"
IAC Spotlight: IAC's newly updated Adult Vaccination web page features useful materials from IAC and partner organizations to help increase adult vaccination rates
Dr. Paul Offit authors new book: Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists Aren't Your Best Source of Health Information
Association of Immunization Managers announces award winners from its spring meeting
Nominations open for the 2018 HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion Award
Help raise awareness on World Hepatitis Day, July 28
Medical Board of California orders 35 months' probation for pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears, known for advocating "alternative" vaccination schedules
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its slide set "Common Immunization Myths and Misconceptions"; use it "as is" or modify it to fit your needs
IAC revises Spanish translation of "Protect yourself from shingles ... get vaccinated!"
World News
CDC and WHO report on measles-rubella supplementary immunization activities in India in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Global Polio Eradication Initiative publishes news story about reaching refugees and internally displaced people in Chad with vaccination services
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
June issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
New study finds prenatal maternal Tdap effective in preventing pertussis in infants
Education and Training
ACOG to present webinar about adult immunization for ob-gyn providers on August 2
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues July 18 with "Immunization Strategies"; register now for series running through September 26

Issue 1373: July 5, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1373
July 5, 2018
Top Stories
New York State's highest court upholds NYC Board of Health's 2013 mandate that children ages 6–59 months attending city-regulated child care or school-based programs receive annual influenza vaccination
Updated! CDC's vaccine storage and handling web-on-demand video revised for 2018; continuing education credit available
Institute for Safe Medication Practices publishes Part II of its report on vaccination errors collected by its system in 2017
IAC Spotlight! IAC's State Information web section is the "go-to" place for linking to state immunization websites, mandates, and coordinators
CDC publishes "Progress in Vaccine-Preventable and Respiratory Infectious Diseases—First 10 Years of the CDC National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, 2006–2015"
Five healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination; 674 now enrolled
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Standing Orders for Administering Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine to Children and Teens"
IAC updates "Standing Orders for Administering Tdap to Pregnant Women"
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes June issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues July 11 with "Vaccine Storage and Handling and Administration"; register now for series running through September 26
New! Free continuing education from MMWR and Medscape: "Prevention of Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis with Vaccines: Recommendations of the ACIP"

Issue 1372: June 27, 2018

Top Stories
IAC provides a summary article about votes taken at June 20–21 ACIP meeting
Institute for Safe Medication Practices reports on vaccination errors reported to its system in 2017
Access 2018 Immunization Excellence Award winners and May conference presentations from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit website
New Technically Speaking column: "Immunize.org Provides a Wide Range of Practical Resources on Vaccine Administration, Storage and Handling, and More"
IAC Spotlight! Read what others say about the Immunization Action Coalition
More than 400 birthing institutions now enrolled in IAC's Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll, with nine institutions added and three previously honored institutions qualifying for additional years. Does your hospital qualify?
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations by Age and Risk Factor for Serogroups A, C, W, or Y Protection"
IAC posts updated handouts for the public titled "Mumps: Questions and Answers" and "Chickenpox: Questions and Answers"
IAC updates "Sample Text for Developing Admission Orders in Newborn Units for the Hepatitis B Vaccine Birth Dose" and "Guidance for Developing Admission Orders in Labor & Delivery and Newborn Units to Prevent Hepatitis B Virus Transmission"
IAC updates "Using Standing Orders for Administering Vaccines: What You Should Know"
World News
CDC and WHO report on response to outbreak of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 in Syria in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues July 11 with "Vaccine Storage and Handling and Administration": register now for series running through September 26
NFID offers July 5 webinar on updates from the June 2018 ACIP meeting

Issue 1371: June 20, 2018

Top Stories
CDC reports that the total number of 172 pediatric deaths in the 2017–18 flu season is the highest on record, excluding pandemics
AAP issues its recommendations on the use of nasal spray influenza vaccine for 2018–19 season that differ from ACIP's
Dr. Paul A. Offit presents video commentary on AAP's live attenuated influenza vaccine recommendations for 2018–19
New CDC web page provides list of errata and updates that have been made to "General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization: Best Practices Guidance of the ACIP" since its publication in 2017
IAC Spotlight! IAC's A–Z Index helps you find what you're looking for on immunize.org
IAC posts its newest PowerPoint slide set, "Resources to Help Immunization Providers PREVENT Vaccination Errors"; available for you to use "as is" or to modify to fit your needs
IAC Handouts
IAC revises eight easy-to-read vaccination schedules for adult patients addressing routine adult immunization and for adults in risk groups
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts new and updated Turkish translations of 13 VISs
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes executive summary of the Immunization and Vaccine-related Implementation Research Advisory Committee's March meeting in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletter
PLOS Medicine publishes "The state of the antivaccine movement in the United States: A focused examination of nonmedical exemptions in states and counties"
Johns Hopkins study finds Hib and pneumococcal vaccines saved around 1.45 million children's lives worldwide since 2000
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues June 27 with "General Recommendations: Part 2 and Vaccine Safety"; register now for series running through September 26
Conferences and Meetings
2018 American Immunization Registry Association National Meeting scheduled for August 14–16 in Salt Lake City; registration deadline extended
2018 Idaho Immunization Summit to be held October 11 in Boise, Idaho
Register now for 2018 World Influenza Conference in Beijing, China, September 7–10
2018 National Immunization Conference presentations now available for downloading

Issue 1370: June 13, 2018

Top Stories
CDC Health Alert Network releases advisory about outbreak of hepatitis A virus infections among people who use drugs and people experiencing homelessness
CDC publishes updated ACIP recommendations for use of quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV4) for the 2018–19 flu season in MMWR
CDC publishes "Update: Influenza Activity in the United States During the 2017–18 Season and Composition of the 2018–19 Influenza Vaccine" in this week's MMWR
Study finds more hospitals are requiring flu vaccine for healthcare personnel
IAC Spotlight: Explore the "Favorites" tab at the top of every page on immunize.org
World News
WHO reports on the April meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization in Weekly Epidemiological Record
WHO publishes newsletter with updates on using vaccines in the fight against Ebola, immunization in Africa, and Vaccination Week in the Americas
Featured Resources
AAP has developed immunization-friendly social media content for pediatricians to share with patients
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download?
Journal Articles and Newsletter
Pediatrics publishes "Safety Surveillance of Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccines"
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics begins June 13 with "General Recommendations: Part 1"; register now for series running through September 26
Register for CDC’s #PreteenVaxScene webinar, "Back-to-School Showcase: Resources to Help You Become an HPV Champion," on June 27
Conferences and Meetings
Tune in to CDC's ACIP meeting June 20–21 (Wednesday and Thursday) via live webcast

Issue 1369: June 6, 2018

Top Stories
Michigan experiencing biggest hepatitis A outbreak in U.S., with 838 cases and 27 deaths since August 2016
Shots Immunizations app for 2018 from the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine is now available free of charge
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s ACIP web section on immunize.org provides links to ACIP recommendations from 1991 to the present as well as other valuable information
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast, "Advocacy We Believe in with People We Like," featuring healthcare professionals discussing what motivates them to be vaccine advocates
IAC Handouts
IAC revises its Q&A for healthcare professionals, "Hepatitis B and Healthcare Personnel," with answers from CDC
World News
CDC and WHO report on progress toward rubella and congenital rubella syndrome control in the southeast Asia region from 2000–16 in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
New! 2018 edition of Red Book now available
Vaccine Education Center publishes new 4-page handout: "Logical Fallacies and Vaccines"
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!?
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletter
May issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Vaccine Education Center publishes May issue of its newsletter for healthcare professionals
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics begins June 6 with "Principles of Vaccination"; register now for series running through September 26
Webinar titled "Immunizations among American Indian/Alaska Native People: Challenges and Successes" will be held on June 13

Issue 1368: June 4, 2018

For 2018! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Order IAC's personal immunization record cards in any of 3 styles—child/teens, adults, and lifetime. For greater discounts, make bulk purchases!
"Immunization Techniques" training DVD demonstrates recommended techniques for administering vaccines
Please support the Immunization Action Coalition by donating today!

Issue 1367: May 30, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes data on vaccine administration errors involving recombinant zoster vaccine
2018 edition of The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase; free app for iPhones and iPads available
AAP gives preferential recommendation to use injectable influenza vaccine during the 2018–19 flu season
CDC develops job aids to help providers properly catch up children who are behind schedule with PCV13, Hib, DTaP, and Tdap
IAC Spotlight! Visit IAC's "CDC Schedules" web page which provides direct links to CDC's recommended immunization schedules for children and adults
IAC enrolls six new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; five previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC Handouts
IAC revises two of its most popular staff education materials, "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
IAC updates "Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccines: Be Sure Your Patients Get the Correct Dose"
IAC updates "Standing Orders for Administering Hepatitis B Vaccine to Adults"
IAC updates "Which Vaccines Do I Need Today?," a checklist for adult patients to help with assessing their immunization needs
IAC revises "Pre-exposure Management for Healthcare Personnel with a Documented Hepatitis B Vaccine Series Who Have Not Had Post-vaccination Serologic Testing"
Featured Resources
WHO publishes helpful 52-page guide: "How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public"
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on vaccination coverage of children in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Education and Training
ACOG to sponsor June 14 webinar about the latest recommendations regarding Zika virus and pregnant women
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics runs June 6 through September 26; register now

Issue 1366: May 23, 2018

Top Stories
IAC's "Ask the Experts: Hepatitis B" web page content has been reviewed and updated by CDC experts
CDC publishes "QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged >60 Years Who Ever Had the Shingles Vaccine, by Sex—National Health Interview Survey, 2008–2016" in this week's MMWR
CDC issues press release about new rapid rabies test that could save lives and lead to fewer unnecessary rabies shots
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "State Laws and Mandates" web page provides information on vaccination requirements in childcare facilities, schools, colleges, and long-term care facilities
CDC publishes report on community-based services for persons with chronic hepatitis B infection in this week's MMWR
An additional hospital has joined IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
NIH recognized May 18 as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
World News
Ebola vaccine arrives in Democratic Congo of the Republic; campaign to begin within days
CDC publishes "Cholera Epidemic—Lusaka, Zambia, 2017–2018" in this week's MMWR
Featured Resources
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Hepatitis B Foundation releases seven new #justB stories to empower people affected by hepatitis B, raise awareness, and end stigma
Education and Training
MMWR and Medscape offer free continuing education credit on the recommended immunization schedule for adults
June 12 webinar to present strategies and interventions for increasing HPV vaccination rates
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics runs June 6 through September 26; register now

Issue 1365: May 22, 2018

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 1365
May 22, 2018
Hepatitis B Vaccines
Q: How is hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmitted?
Q: Please describe the currently available hepatitis B vaccines.
Q: Please provide information about Heplisav-B.
Q: The adult formulation of Engerix-B contains twice as much antigen per dose as the adult formulations of Recombivax HB. If a patient received 10 mcg (1 mL) of Recombivax for the first dose, and I stock only Engerix, should I give a 10 mcg (0.5 mL) dose of Engerix for subsequent doses?
Q: Where can I locate CDC's recommendations for hepatitis B vaccination?
Q: What is the schedule for hepatitis B vaccine?
Q: If the vaccination series is interrupted does the series need to be restarted?
Q: What are the minimum intervals between doses in the hepatitis B vaccine series?
Q: We inadvertently gave a 25-year-old a pediatric (0.5 mL) dose of Engerix-B. Can we just give her another pediatric dose or should she receive a repeat adult dose?
Q: Can Heplisav-B (Heplisav-B) be used to complete a vaccination series started with Engerix-B or Recombivax HB?
Q: An adolescent received the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine at age 11 years but did not return for subsequent doses. If the patient comes back at age 16 years, is it necessary to repeat the first dose of the series?
Q: Who should be tested for anti-HBs after vaccination?
Q: How should I manage an infant of an HBsAg-positive mother who tests negative for anti-HBs after 3 properly spaced doses of vaccine?
Q: What should I do if an infant tests negative for anti-HBs after 2 complete vaccine series?
Q: If an infant got a dose of the adult formulation of hepatitis B vaccine in error, should the dose be counted? When should the next dose be scheduled for this infant? Do we need to be concerned about a possible adverse event?
Q: Describe the 2-dose regimen for hepatitis B vaccine for certain adolescents.
Q: How should we complete the series if a 12-year-old starts the 2-dose Recombivax HB adult formulation series but fails to receive dose 2 before his or her 16th birthday?
Q: Which hepatitis B vaccines can be given to adult patients?
Q: Can a dialysis or pre-dialysis patient receive Heplisav-B vaccine?
Q: Can Heplisav-B be used for vaccinating healthcare professionals?
Q: Is it safe for a healthcare professional to be vaccinated during pregnancy?
Q: What should be done if a healthcare professional's postvaccination anti-HBs test is negative (less than 10 mIU/mL) 1–2 months after the last dose of vaccine?
Q: We have a new employee with documentation of having received a series of hepatitis B vaccine as an adolescent. He now tests negative for hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs). How should we manage him?
Q: How should hepatitis B vaccine be stored?

Issue 1364: May 16, 2018

Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! Hundreds of photos of vaccine-preventable diseases in the IAC Image Library are powerful tools for educating staff and patients about the importance of vaccination
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
CDC seeks your feedback on its materials for National Infant Immunization Week in a Post-NIIW Week Survey by May 21
Reminder! Hepatitis Testing Day is Saturday, May 19
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its 4-page Q&A handout for patients: "Questions Frequently Asked about Hepatitis B"
IAC updates its 4-page Q&A handout for patients and healthcare professionals: "Meningococcal: Questions and Answers"
IAC updates its 3-page Q&A for patients and healthcare professionals: "Polio: Questions and Answers"
IAC revises its easy-to-read Q&A handout for adult patients titled "Protect Yourself from Shingles…Get Vaccinated!"
World News
WHO issues press release announcing the largest cholera vaccine initiative in history
CDC and WHO report on progress toward global polio eradication in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes article on diarrhea and respiratory infections, oral cholera vaccination coverage, and care-seeking behaviors of Rohingya refugees during fall 2017
Education and Training
HepB United, HepB Foundation, and StoryCenter sponsor webinar on May 17 about the #justB storytelling project
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics runs June 6 through September 26; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Draft agenda for June ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1363: May 9, 2018

Top Stories
Newly updated: Popular slide deck for healthcare professionals on meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y disease prevention and how to increase second dose coverage
Subscribe to the Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals e-newsletter from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to receive up-to-date immunization information and resources
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC Spotlight! "Unprotected People Reports" provide compelling real-life accounts of people who have suffered or died from vaccine-preventable diseases
CDC publishes information about increase in illnesses from mosquito, tick, and flea bites
CDC publishes surveillance report on malaria in the United States
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Standing Orders for Administering Tdap/Td to Adults"
IAC updates "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination"
IAC updates handout for adult patients titled "Every Week Hundreds of People Get Hepatitis B"
IAC revises "Protect Yourself Against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B: A Guide for Gay and Bisexual Men"
IAC updates "Should You Be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis A?" and "Hepatitis A Is a Serious Liver Disease ... Vaccination Can Protect You"
IAC updates its "Notification of Vaccination Letter Template"
World News
CDC and WHO report on progress toward measles elimination in the Western Pacific Region in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Journal Articles and Newsletters
April issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC reports on increase in hepatitis A virus infections in the Marshall Islands
Education and Training
CDC to offer May 10 webinar on recommendations for the use of zoster vaccines
May 16 webinar to present strategies and interventions for eliminating new hepatitis B and C infections to reduce the risk of liver cancer
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics runs June 6 through September 26; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Attending the National Immunization Conference? Presentation on empowering clinicians to become champions for influenza vaccination to be offered the evening of May 16

Issue 1362: May 2, 2018

Top Stories
ACIP updates recommendations in its "General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization"
CDC releases comprehensive summary of previously published ACIP recommendations for prevention of tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis in the U.S.
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
CDC reports shortages of GlaxoSmithKline's Shingrix zoster vaccine will lead to ordering limits and intermittent shipping delays until the end of June 2018
Sabin Vaccine Institute awards Dr. Paul Offit the 2018 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal for his contributions to the immunization field
CDC reports on three rotavirus outbreaks in California in 2017
CDC publishes article on identification of Swiss tourists exposed to rabies while visiting the U.S.
CDC publishes Quick Stats report on employed adults in U.S. receiving influenza vaccine in past 12 months
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s Email News Services web page on immunize.org presents many ways to get news, updates, and other resources about vaccines from immunization-related organizations
Voices for Vaccines releases a new Vax Talk podcast episode, "Mama, Don’t Let Your Baby Grow Up without Vaccines," about vaccine advocacy—its history, accomplishments, and thoughts on its future
World News
ECDC issues press release on measles vaccination gaps among European teenagers and young adults
Featured Resources
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
CDC releases new infographic for the VFC program titled "Vaccines for Children: Protecting America’s Children Every Day"
Vaccine Education Center updates its 2-page, downloadable fact sheet on vaccines and allergies
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center publishes April issue of its newsletter for healthcare professionals
Education and Training
Hepatitis B Foundation's Hepatitis Delta Connect program sponsors May 24 webinar on hepatitis delta, a prevalent disease in Romania affecting people with hepatitis B

Issue 1361: April 25, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP recommendations for use of hepatitis B vaccine with a novel adjuvant in MMWR
It's National Infant Immunization Week; CDC names Childhood Immunization Champion Award winners
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
National Vaccine Advisory Committee is seeking members; nominations due May 4
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s recently updated Vaccine Timeline web page features historic dates and events related to vaccines and immunization
Four healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
CDC’s 2016 viral hepatitis surveillance report is now available
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month; promote hepatitis awareness and join the May 19 Hepatitis Day Thunderclap!
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes new position paper on rabies vaccines in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
New resources available from CDC's #PreteenVax program
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Flu vaccination still recommended as long as influenza viruses are circulating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study finds health education and persuasion campaigns less likely to lead to vaccination; indirect behavior modification more effective
Education and Training
"Epidemics Going Viral: Innovation Vs. Nature" webinar on April 27 will feature Bill Gates

Issue 1360: April 18, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1360
April 18, 2018
Top Stories
National Infant Immunization Week starts April 21; many resources available to help you plan activities. CDC Childhood Immunization Champions will be announced Monday, April 23.
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
CDC posts information on hepatitis B vaccine supply
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls seven new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; four previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Final reminder: Registration for the National Immunization Conference ends April 20!
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 19 translations of the MMR, MMRV, varicella, zoster-recombinant, and zoster-live VISs
IAC posts updated Japanese-language Rotavirus VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists releases committee opinion on influenza vaccination in pregnancy
World News
CDC and WHO report on surveillance systems to track progress of polio eradication in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
AAP develops three new fact sheets to educate dental professionals and pediatricians about head and neck cancer and HPV
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
CDC develops new resources about vaccination for people with diabetes
Reminder: Check out the HHS Partner Planning Guide for the National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2017–2020
Hepatitis B Foundation releases new video titled "Bihn's Story" in its storytelling project #justB
Flu vaccination still recommended as long as influenza viruses are circulating
Education and Training
On April 25, NACCHO will host a webinar about Every Child By Two’s 2018 State of the ImmUnion report
CDC posts Childhood Immunization Update slides for healthcare professionals to use for grand rounds presentations or other educational meetings

Issue 1359: April 11, 2018

Top Stories
IAC’s laminated U.S. immunization schedules for children/teens and adults can be ordered now; available for shipping the week of April 16
Reminder! National Infant Immunization Week is April 21–28; many resources available to help you plan activities
Agenda for 2018 National Immunization Conference, May 15–18, now posted: There is still time to register!
Haiti immunization campaign aims to vaccinate 2.3 million children with the support of Pan American Health Organization
IAC Spotlight! IAC updates its entire Clinic Tools web section, a one-stop source of practical information for immunization providers from IAC and its partners
IAC updates its PowerPoint slide set "Give Birth to the End of Hep B: What Hospitals Need to Do to Protect Newborns" to include updated ACIP recommendations for the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
IAC Handouts
IAC updates and posts its very popular "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults"
IAC revises "Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Recommendations"
IAC posts updated "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)" as well as "You Must Give Your Patients Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—It's Federal Law!"
IAC revises "Before you vaccinate adults, consider their "H-A-L-O"!" to help identify which groups of adults need certain vaccines
IAC updates its easy-to-read handout for adults titled "Protect yourself from shingles . . . Get vaccinated!"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts new and updated Spanish translations of VISs for zoster recombinant and zoster live vaccines, respectively; Spanish-language RTF files also available
IAC posts updated Spanish translations of VISs for MMR, MMRV, and varicella, as well as RTF files in Spanish
World News
WHO publishes "Epidemic meningitis control in countries of the African meningitis belt, 2017" in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
CDC updates its 1918 flu pandemic commemoration resources web page with new resources and event listings, including a flu pandemic symposium scheduled for May 7
CDC updates chapter on mumps in its Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Flu vaccination still recommended as long as influenza viruses are circulating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
March issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Pediatrics publishes study on pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S. from 2010–16
Education and Training
Register now for webinar on April 18 titled "Promoting Vaccine Confidence: A New Approach to Vaccine Hesitancy"; continuing education credit available
Hep B United, National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, and the World Hepatitis Alliance present April 19 webinar on NOHep’s campaign to eliminate viral hepatitis globally by 2030
NFID and ACHA host webinar on increasing influenza immunization rates among college students in U.S. on April 30
Conferences and Meetings
Register now: Arkansas Immunization Action Coalition will hold HPV summit for medical and dental professionals on May 4 in Little Rock

Issue 1358: April 4, 2018

Top Stories
Reminder: National Infant Immunization Week to be held April 21–28
Hawaii reports almost 1,000 mumps cases—most in adults—with 29 reports of complications
CDC reports on three deaths associated with human adenovirus type 7 at a substance abuse rehabilitation facility in New Jersey
CDC releases new Anthrax Vaccine Information Statement
IAC Spotlight: IAC's Calendar of Events highlights conferences, workshops, and other immunization-related events
NFID releases "Call to Action: Improving Healthcare Personnel Immunization Rates"
Voices for Vaccines releases new podcast about the role of fathers in vaccine advocacy; sponsor a future podcast!
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO issues updated position paper on typhoid vaccines
Featured Resources
New HPV communication simulation app can help providers practice introducing the HPV vaccine and addressing parents’ concerns
Flu vaccination still recommended as long as influenza viruses are circulating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center publishes March issue of its newsletter for healthcare professionals
CDC reports on two cases of meningococcal disease in one family that occurred 15 months apart
CDC study shows no increased risk of death or hospitalization to newborns when their mothers received influenza and Tdap vaccines during pregnancy
Study finds that children with autism syndrome disorder, as well as their younger siblings, were undervaccinated compared with the general population
Education and Training
NFID webinar about improving healthcare personnel immunization rates scheduled for April 5
MMWR and Medscape offer free continuing education credit for learning about hepatitis B virus prevention
VICNetwork webinar, "Using Digital Media to Engage Parents Around Childhood Vaccines," scheduled for April 26
National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership to present webinar on April 11 about ways to cover the costs of immunization
CDC's Grand Rounds on hepatitis B and C elimination scheduled for April 17; March session on global introduction of new vaccines now available for viewing online
Conferences and Meetings
North Dakota Immunization Conference scheduled for July 17–18
Thirteenth International Rotavirus Symposium to be held August 29–31 in Minsk, Belarus

Issue 1357: March 28, 2018

Top Stories
HHS secretary Alex Azar will name Robert R. Redfield, MD, new director of CDC
CDC publishes report on tuberculosis in the U.S. in 2017 in this week's MMWR
Following the MMWR Early Release last week of an article on the yellow fever outbreak in Brazil, CDC published the same article in the current issue of MMWR
CDC's Digital Media Toolkit now available for National Infant Immunization Week, April 21–28
IAC Spotlight! IAC's Adult Vaccination Handouts web page contains many free ready-to-print materials you can use to make sure your adult patients are vaccinated
IAC corrects three slides on its PowerPoint slide set "The Importance of Minimum Ages and Intervals in the Vaccine Schedule"; the entire slide set can be requested from IAC's PowerPoint web page
Five healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Nominations for AIM's Natalie J. Smith, MD Award and AIM Rising Star Award can be submitted until April 6
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes "Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2018–2019 northern hemisphere influenza season" in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
World News
WHO reports over 1,300 people in Yemen contracted diphtheria and 70 died; campaign to vaccinate 2.7 million children has been completed
Two polio workers killed and others injured in ambush by militants in tribal region of Pakistan
Featured Resources
Flu vaccination still recommended as long as influenza viruses are circulating
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Pediatrics publishes study showing a bundled communication intervention may improve HPV vaccination rates
WHO publishes "Antigenic and genetic characteristics of zoonotic influenza viruses and development of candidate vaccine viruses for pandemic preparedness" in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
CDC publishes "Notes from the Field: Typhoid Fever Outbreak—Harare, Zimbabwe, October 2016–March 2017" in this week's MMWR
Conferences and Meetings
Registration open for ACIP meeting, June 20–21
15th Annual Immunize Nebraska Conference to be held May 25 in Omaha

Issue 1356: March 21, 2018

Top Stories
CDC warns about fatal yellow fever outbreak in Brazil in MMWR article and media advisory
Officials notify the public about possible measles exposure to travelers using Detroit, Newark, and Memphis airports
CDC reports on a false-negative hepatitis B surface antigen test report in a hemodialysis patient
CDC reports on assessing rabies risk after a mass bat exposure at a national park
American Pharmacists Association awards Dr. William Atkinson its 2018 Outstanding Career Achievement Award
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "Documenting Vaccinations" web page in the Clinic Tools web section contains a wide variety of valuable tools and partner resources for your practice
IAC enrolls six new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; eleven previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Zoster Vaccine: CDC Answers Your Questions"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 15 new Rotavirus VIS translations
Vietnamese-language Influenza VIS corrected to include missing phrase
World News
CDC and WHO report on vaccine-derived polio outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
Featured Resources
Flu vaccination still recommended as long as influenza viruses are circulating
Hepatitis B Foundation releases new video titled "M.D.'s Story: Just Be Vocal" in its storytelling project #justB
Education and Training
Reminder: Vaccine Education Center’s "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit to be held March 28

Issue 1355: March 15, 2018

Polio Vaccine
Q: What is the routine schedule for giving IPV (IPOL, Sanofi Pasteur) to children?
Q: We frequently see children (mostly from certain foreign countries) who have received 6 or more doses of polio vaccine, all administered before 4 years of age. How do we handle this when assessing the child's immunization history?
Q: How do I determine if doses of polio vaccine administered outside the United States were trivalent OPV?
Q: If an immigrant infant has a record of 1 or 2 doses of OPV in their country of origin, how many more doses of IPV should be given?
Q: Should adults get vaccinated against polio?
Meningococcal B Vaccines
Q: Which patients should receive a 2-dose schedule of Trumenba (MenB, Pfizer)?
Q: A microbiologist in our facility received 2 doses of Trumenba 6 months apart. Does he need to receive a third dose?
Zoster Vaccines
Q: Some manufacturers’ package inserts state that a vaccine should be used immediately after reconstitution. In the context of reconstitution and administration of vaccines, how does CDC define "immediately"?
Q: We have a nurse in one of our clinics who gave separate doses of hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine in the gluteus. Are the doses of each antigen considered invalid? If so, can they be repeated at any time or do I need to count the spacing between doses from the date when the invalid dose was administered?
Q: Is it okay to draw up vaccines at the beginning of the shift? If it isn't, how much in advance can this be done?
Q: If you place a needle on a manufacturer-filled syringe and then don't administer the vaccine, how long can you store the syringe with the needle attached?
Q: Are vaccine diluents interchangeable?
Q: What should we do if a dose of expired vaccine is given to a patient?
Q: Does live oral cholera vaccine (Vaxchora, PaxVax) need to be administered at an interval from other live oral or injectable vaccines?

Issue 1354: March 14, 2018

Top Stories
CDC reports five additional pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S. between October 1 and March 3, bringing total to 119; influenza still widespread
National Infant Immunization Week to be held April 21–28; many resources now available as you plan your events
CDC to host "Current Issues in Immunization NetConference" on March 21, with updates on the 2018 child/adolescent and adult immunization schedules and herpes zoster vaccines
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "Scheduling Vaccines" web page in the Clinic Tools web section contains a wide variety of valuable educational materials, tools, and partner resources for your practice
New! IAC posts "Why Adult Immunization Matters" slide set
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults" and "Guide to Commonly Used Vaccines"
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC posts travel alert about Brazil during its current yellow fever outbreak
Journal Articles and Newsletters
March issue of Academic Pediatrics features supplement with 19 articles reviewing past ten years of HPV vaccination
JAMA publishes study finding that a healthcare professional communication intervention led to significant increase in HPV vaccination among adolescent patients
Education and Training
National AHEC’s HPV Immunization Project offers webinar on HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer on April 25

Issue 1353: March 7, 2018

IAC Express Issue 1353
March 7, 2018
Top Stories
CDC reports 17 additional pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S. between October 1 and February 24, bringing total to 114; influenza still widespread
ECBT's Amy Pisani writes editorial supporting the importance of immunization in The Hill
Reported cases of hepatitis B infection in adults increasing due to opioid use
New York State Department of Health warns that tourist may have spread measles in NYC
Trust for America's Health publishes report on federal public health funding trends, including state-level data
IAC Spotlight! Check out the "Ask the Experts" online archive for answers to immunization questions
Voices for Vaccines releases a new podcast episode, "Parenthetical Science," about how parents can get tangled up in unnecessary vaccination drama
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "You Must Give Your Patients Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—It’s Federal Law!"
Official Releases and Announcements
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announces new priority: developing a universal influenza vaccine
Journal Articles and Newsletters
February issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC and WHO report on progress toward polio eradication in Nigeria in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Record, respectively
CDC reports on rabies vaccine hesitancy and deaths in pregnant and breastfeeding women in Vietnam
Education and Training
CDC updates "You Call the Shots" modules on vaccine storage and handling and the VFC program; free CE credit available
CDC's Public Health Grand Rounds to present "Global Introduction of New Vaccines: Delivering More to More" on March 20
NFID webinar about improving HPV immunization rates scheduled for March 21
Conferences and Meetings
Reminder: 2018 National Immunization Conference registration closes on April 20

Issue 1352: February 28, 2018

Top Stories
IAC provides a summary article about votes taken at February 21–22 ACIP meeting
CDC updates rotavirus VIS with a minor change
CDC reports 13 additional pediatric deaths from influenza in the U.S. between October 1 and February 17, bringing total to 97; influenza still widespread
FDA commissioner issues statement on FDA's ongoing efforts to help improve effectiveness of influenza vaccines
CDC publishes "QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Percentage of Adults Aged >65 Years Who Had an Influenza Vaccine in the Past 12 Months by Poverty Status—National Health Interview Survey, U.S., 1999–2001 and 2014–2016" in this week's MMWR
IAC Spotlight! IAC's newest slide set, "The Importance of Minimum Ages and Intervals in the Vaccine Schedule," now available for viewing and obtaining on immunize.org
Nine healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download
IAC Handouts
IAC revises "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2017–2018 Influenza Season"
IAC updates "Vaccine Handling Tips"
IAC revises "Standing Orders for Administering Varicella Vaccine to Children and Teens"
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO recommends changing two strains in quadrivalent flu vaccines for 2018–2019 influenza season
WHO publishes position paper on the Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG) vaccine in its Weekly Epidemiological Record
World News
WHO Regional Office for Europe issues press release regarding four-fold surge in measles cases in 2017 compared to previous year
Pan American Health Organization reports highest number of yellow fever cases in South America in decades
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Pediatrics publishes large-scale study results supporting safety of current recommendations for influenza and Tdap vaccinations during pregnancy
CDC publishes "Notes from the Field: Increase in Acute Hepatitis B Infections—Pasco County, Florida, 2011–2016" in this week's MMWR
Education and Training
NFID offers webinar on March 7 on updates from the February 2018 ACIP meeting
Registration open for Vaccine Education Center's March 28 "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit

Issue 1351: February 21, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes interim estimates of current seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness
CDC reports that 84 U.S. children have died from influenza this season
CDC reports on influenza activity in the United States from October 1, 2017 through February 3, 2018
Dr. Paul Offit discusses the new zoster vaccine Shingrix in Medscape commentary
Reminder: Register now for the 2018 National Immunization Conference
Two foundations collaboratively launch the Meningitis B Action Project to increase awareness of MenB vaccination
NASHP and AcademyHealth invite state Medicaid, public health, and immunization officials to join an initiative to boost immunization rates among Medicaid enrollees
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls one new birthing institution into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; 16 previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download or purchase
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "You Must Give Your Patients Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—It’s Federal Law!"
IAC revises "Administering Vaccines to Adults: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size"
IAC updates "Standing Orders for Administering Influenza Vaccine to Children and Adolescents"
IAC posts updated handout for the public titled "Shingles (Zoster): Questions and Answers"
Official Releases and Announcements
HHS releases Partner Planning Guide for the National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2017–2020
World News
WHO reports on progress toward implementing the hepatitis B birth dose worldwide
WHO Special Intervention Teams have vaccinated almost 400,000 children at transit points
Featured Resources
APhA develops chart to clearly show the differences between the two zoster vaccines
CDC develops new sample vaccine labels to incorporate the new ACIP zoster recommendations
Reminder: National Adult Immunization and Influenza Summit offers tools to assist satellite, temporary, and off-site influenza vaccination clinics
CDC posts updated infographic, "The Journey of Your Child’s Vaccine," to help parents understand the process of developing and monitoring new vaccines
Hepatitis B Foundation releases new video titled "Jin's Story" in its storytelling project #justB
Journal Articles and Newsletters
New CDC study shows that two-thirds of the 675 children and teenagers who died of flu between 2010 and 2016 had not received the influenza vaccine
Harvard research estimates how vaccination could help decrease premature deaths and poverty in developing countries
Conferences and Meetings
Tune in to CDC's ACIP meeting February 21–22 (Wednesday and Thursday) via live webcast
Florida Immunization Summit to be held May 10–11 in Daytona Beach

Issue 1350: February 15, 2018

Influenza Vaccines
Q: Please provide details about the use of FluLaval and Fluarix influenza vaccines in children younger than 3 years.
Q: Which influenza vaccines can we give to children?
Q: Can a child 6 through 35 months of age who needs 2 doses of influenza vaccine this season receive a combination of Fluzone, FluLaval, or Fluarix vaccine?
Q: Can a child 36 months through 8 years of age who needs 2 doses of influenza vaccine this season receive a combination of Fluzone, FluLaval, or Fluarix vaccine?
Mumps Vaccine
Q: During a mumps outbreak should we offer a third dose of MMR (MMR II, Merck) to persons who have two prior documented doses of MMR?
Varicella Vaccine
Q: A child received only one dose of varicella vaccine (Varivax, Merck) and subsequently tests positive for varicella IgG antibody. Does the child still need a second dose of varicella vaccine?
Q: A child in our practice received her first dose of varicella vaccine when she was 12 months old and her second dose when she was 14 months old. The second dose was only 2 months after the first. Is the second dose valid or does it need to be repeated?
Hepatitis B Vaccines
Q: Please provide information about the new hepatitis B vaccine Heplisav-B (Dynavax).
Q: I heard there is a new hepatitis B ACIP statement. What’s new in the updated document?
Zoster Vaccines
Q: Please tell us about the new zoster vaccine Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine–RZV, GlaxoSmithKline).
Q: How should RZV vaccine be stored?
Q: Why are zoster (Zostavax, Merck; Shingrix, GlaxoSmithKline) and pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23; Pneumovax, Merck) vaccines not covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

Issue 1349: February 14, 2018

Top Stories
CDC releases new VIS for recombinant zoster vaccine, updates VIS for live zoster vaccine, and posts final VISs for MMR, MMRV, and varicella
CDC reports that 63 U.S. children have died from influenza this season; CDC provides media advisory about widespread influenza activity
Following the MMWR Early Release last week of articles on the 2018 child, teen, and adult immunization schedules, CDC published the same articles in the current issue of MMWR
CDC issues easy-to-read versions of the 2018 child, teen, and adult immunization schedules
Shingrix and Zostavax, the two licensed zoster vaccines, differ in their storage, handling, and administration requirements; make sure you know the differences
IAC's "Ask the Experts" Q&As on zoster vaccines have been updated by CDC experts
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s recently updated rotating screen on the home page of immunize.org makes it easier than ever to access three of the most visited sections of the website
Every Child by Two publishes a special report on the state of our nation’s "ImmUnion" and shares it with members of Congress
Voices for Vaccines releases a new Vax Talk podcast episode, "Ask Dr. Offit," in which he answers listeners' questions on topics ranging from influenza to pertussis to advocacy
CDC publishes "Notes from the Field: Assessment of Rabies Exposure Risk Among Residents of a University Sorority House—Indiana, February 2017" in this week's MMWR
CDC publishes "Potential Confounding of Diagnosis of Rabies in Patients with Recent Receipt of Intravenous Immune Globulin" in this week's MMWR
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download or purchase
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Pohnpeian-language translations of the VISs for hepatitis A, HPV, MenACWY, MMR, Tdap, and varicella
IAC posts corrected Tongan-language translations of the VISs for hepatitis A, HPV, MenACWY, MMR, Tdap, and varicella
World News
WHO, UNICEF, and GAVI issue joint statement on their partnership strategy to eliminate yellow fever epidemics in global areas of risk
Featured Resources
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide to Maximizing Use and Efficacy across the Lifespan, by Drs. Tan, Flaherty, and Gerbie, now available from Oxford University Press; order online with code for 30% discount
Jason Mendelsohn, father of three, diagnosed with Stage 4 HPV oral cancer, tells story of his diagnosis, treatment, and survival to raise awareness
Journal Articles and Newsletters
January issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Health Psychology publishes study of 5,323 people in 24 countries finding that anti-vaccination attitudes were highest in those with strong conspiracy theory beliefs

Issue 1348: February 7, 2018

Top Stories
2018 U.S. recommended immunization schedule for 0 through 18 years and "catch up" now available
2018 U.S. recommended immunization schedule for adults now available
Influenza has killed 53 children in the U.S.; CDC provides related media advisory about widespread influenza activity
It's the 100th anniversary of the 1918 influenza pandemic; watch a powerful 1998 PBS documentary about the virus that caused at least 50 million deaths worldwide
CDC updates its shingles disease and vaccine web pages to reflect the new ACIP vaccination recommendations
CDC director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald resigns over financial conflicts; Dr. Anne Schuchat resumes role of acting director
IAC Spotlight! IAC recently updated its Clinic Tools: Vaccine Recommendations web page
Voices for Vaccines wants to know why you choose to immunize—add your photo to their gallery
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download or purchase
IAC Handouts
IAC posts updated "Standing Orders for Administering Zoster Vaccine to Adults"
IAC revises two standing orders templates for administering MMR vaccine to children/teens as well as to adults
IAC revises two standing orders templates for administering hepatitis A vaccine to children/teens as well as to adults
Featured Resources
Vaxopedia website helps answer parents' questions about vaccines, including those related to misconceptions and rumors
CDC releases new Spanish-language immunization education materials for parents
CDC offers drop-in articles about immunization in English and Spanish you can use in newsletters, websites, blogs, and more
Education and Training
Dr. Paul Offit discusses how lives are saved even with an imperfect influenza vaccine in his Medscape commentary
Immunize Nevada to host day-long adult immunization web conference on February 16
VICNetwork webinar on March 7 to feature information to help plan your National Infant Immunization Week activities

Issue 1347: January 31, 2018

Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP recommendations for use of herpes zoster vaccines in MMWR
Widespread influenza has killed 37 children; CDC provides related media advisory
Nominations are now open for the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards
IAC Spotlight! IAC's recently updated Clinic Tools: Screening for Vaccine Contraindications and Precautions web page provides resources from IAC and CDC to help you assess whether your patients can be vaccinated
CDC publishes report about people who erroneously received an excess dosage of yellow fever vaccine
Voices for Vaccines celebrates 5 years of promoting vaccination!
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download or purchase
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Administering Vaccines: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size"
IAC updates "How to Administer Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Vaccine Injections" and "How to Administer Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Vaccine Injections to Adults"
World News
A mother-daughter team of polio vaccinators killed in Pakistan
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center updates multiple resources, including its mumps Q&A sheet and adult vaccination booklet
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center publishes January issue of its newsletter for healthcare professionals
Large review study investigates the effectiveness of patient reminders regarding vaccination
Canadian study finds significant association between influenza and acute myocardial infarction
Study found that more than one third of people infected with HIV in U.S. had missed opportunities to initiate hepatitis B vaccination
WHO report on immunization in older adults worldwide published in Vaccine
Education and Training
ACOG, ACNM, and CDC to present webinar on maternal immunization on March 1
National AHEC Organization to sponsor February 15 webinar titled "How HPV Causes Cancer and Why it Still Matters"

Issue 1346: January 24, 2018

Top Stories
CDC, AAP, and AAFP update and post their 14 childhood-immunization "basic" disease fact sheets in English and Spanish
AAP invites all immunizers to join its Community of Immunizers Listserv and to subscribe to the AAP Immunization Initiatives Newsletter
IAC Spotlight! IAC's recently updated Clinic Tools: Administering Vaccines web page is the "go-to" place for accessing a wide variety of valuable resources
Southeast Michigan hepatitis A outbreak continues to rise; now with 677 cases and 22 deaths
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
IAC's new 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download or purchase
World News
WHO publishes report from the December meeting of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Record
Featured Resources
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Education and Training
Hep B United and Coalition Against Hepatitis for People of African Origin sponsor webinar, "Hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan Africa," February 8
Immunize Nevada sponsors all-day Adult Immunization Summit webinar on February 16
CDC has rescheduled #PreteenVaxScene webinar, "An Interprofessional Approach to HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer Prevention Education," for February 21
Conferences and Meetings
Draft agenda for February ACIP meeting now available
Register now for the annual California Immunization Coalition Summit, April 16–17

This page was updated on .