IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (1762)

Issue 1307: May 24, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1307
May 24, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have a 3-month-old patient whose family will be doing mission work in…read more
Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP's updated recommendations on use of Trumenba meningococcal serogroup B vaccine
Reported measles cases now number 69 in Minnesota outbreak
Voices for Vaccines releases fifth podcast—Measles in Minnesota
CDC updates 3 items in "The Pink Book" appendices
CDC's 2015 viral hepatitis surveillance report is now available
Applications to host 2019 National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships due July 31
IAC clarifies Question of the Week about Td/Tdap vaccine series published in previous issue of IAC Express
Featured Resources
Free app of The Vaccine Handbook available from the Immunization Action Coalition
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on hepatitis B screening of pregnant women and care of infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers in Guam
Pediatrics publishes study that showed children were more likely to be immunized if their parents had received influenza vaccine
Education and Training
NFID webinar on addressing challenges in adult vaccine financing scheduled for June 7
"Principles of Vaccine Storage and Handling" webinar, along with other NFID offerings, now archived for viewing at your convenience
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31

Issue 1306: May 17, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A 16-year-old refugee’s record indicates 2 doses of Td separated by 1 month…read more
Top Stories
Free app of The Vaccine Handbook available from the Immunization Action Coalition
New! 2018 edition of CDC Health Information for International Travel ("The Yellow Book") now available online
CDC publishes ACIP recommendations for use of cholera vaccine in MMWR
CDC publishes article about Hepatitis Awareness Month and Testing Day
Fifty-eight cases of measles reported in Minnesota outbreak
Three people have died in San Diego County hepatitis A outbreak
IAC Spotlight! “Handouts” section on IAC’s website one of our busiest places! Find out what’s there.
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "DTaP, Tdap, and Td Catch-up Vaccination Recommendations by Prior Vaccine History and Age"
IAC revises "Suggestions to Improve Your Immunization Services"
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO issues updated position paper on human papillomavirus vaccines
Featured Resources
CDC updates its online Adult Vaccine Quiz
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
April issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
WithinReach offers new e-learning course on vaccine hesitancy; HPV immunization course updated with information about 2-dose schedule
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31
Conferences and Meetings
Michigan's Adult Immunization Summit to be held June 14 in Lansing

Issue 1305: May 10, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I had an 18-year-old in the clinic today for varicella vaccination…read more
Top Stories
MMWR reports on vaccination coverage among U.S. adults in 2015
Free app of The Vaccine Handbook newly available from the Immunization Action Coalition
Forty-eight cases of measles reported in Minnesota children
The PolicyLab and the Vaccine Education Center release an Evidence to Action brief about addressing vaccine hesitancy
The National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit’s new coding and billing resource is now available online
Please complete CDC’s post-NIIW survey and share your feedback on this year's planning and promotional materials
AAP invites all immunizers to join its Community of Immunizers Listserv
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls three new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; four previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
CDC publishes information about yellow fever vaccine shortage; previously published as an MMWR Early Report
Official Releases and Announcements
World Hand Hygiene Day celebrated May 5; CDC and WHO have many new resources on their websites
World News
Measles & Rubella Initiative announces the launch of its newly redesigned website
CDC and WHO report on the progress toward measles elimination in Africa in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
Dr. Paul Offit's column in The Daily Beast discusses the importance of influenza and Tdap vaccination during pregnancy
ECBT's "Shot of Prevention" blog provides a community forum for discussing immunization; May 4 post features "The Purple Book" app
"Seattle Mama Doc" explores vaccine hesitancy in recent blog post
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31

Issue 1304: May 3, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: We have a 45-year-old patient taking Mesalamine for ulcerative colitis…read more
Top Stories
Free app of The Vaccine Handbook newly available from the Immunization Action Coalition
Children’s chewable acetaminophen 80 mg dose being discontinued; 160 mg will be the only children’s chewable dosage available in the future
U.S.-licensed yellow fever vaccine supply expected to be depleted by mid-2017 in the U.S.
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month; promote hepatitis awareness and the sixth annual Hepatitis Testing Day
Hep B United and StoryCenter to host May 9 video chat on the Hepatitis B Foundation's storytelling project: HBF releases additional videos in honor of Hepatitis Awareness Month
FDA publishes article about PRISM, a computer-based vaccine safety monitoring system
IAC Spotlight! Two healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Voices for Vaccines releases fourth podcast—an interview with two mothers whose children suffered from vaccine-preventable diseases
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 17 translations of the Td VIS released by CDC on April 11
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO issues updated position paper on measles vaccines
World News
UNICEF warns that too many poor children still missing out on life-saving vaccinations
Featured Resources
CDC offers helpful handouts for parents
Vaccine Education Center releases new fact sheets for the public, one about hepatitis B and one about evaluating information
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Science magazine publishes special issue about "The Vaccine Wars"
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals features an article about fetal cell use in vaccine development, research on HPV vaccination during pregnancy, and more
Education and Training
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31

Issue 1303: May 2, 2017

Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Purchase the updated edition of The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall
Order IAC's handheld immunization record cards in any of 3 styles—child/teens, adults, and lifetime. For greater discounts, make a bulk purchase!
"Immunization Techniques" training DVD demonstrates recommended techniques for administering vaccines
IAC's guidebook Hepatitis B: What Hospitals Need to Do to Protect Newborns helps hospitals and birthing centers establish, implement, and optimize their birth dose policies

Issue 1302: April 26, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: My 11-year-old patient received a dose of Tdap when he was 7 years old…read more
Top Stories
CDC publishes ACIP recommendations titled "General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization" to replace "General Recommendations on Immunization"
It's National Infant Immunization Week; CDC names Childhood Immunization Champion Award winners
Reminder! April issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
Twenty cases of measles reported in Minnesota children
CDC reports on a varicella death on a cargo ship in Puerto Rico
World Meningitis Day celebrated on April 24
IAC Spotlight! Archived webinar of Dr. William L. Atkinson presenting “Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better” can be viewed on IAC website; slide set and speaker notes also available
IAC Handouts
IAC posts Spanish translations of four updated HPV handouts for parents, teens, or adults
IAC corrects a small error on its "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults"
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC publishes community mitigation guidelines to prevent pandemic influenza
World News
Immunization campaign protects 5 million children from polio and measles in Yemen
WHO publishes global strategy on eliminating yellow fever epidemics
World Malaria Day was commemorated on April 25
Featured Resources
CDC launches a new childhood immunization quiz for parents
New edition of The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase from IAC; free app for iPhones and iPads available from IAC
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
CDC to present a May 8 "train the trainer" webinar on how to use its "You Are the Key to HPV Cancer Prevention" slide set
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31
Conferences and Meetings
CDC and the Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition to sponsor a summit on April 27–28 to discuss the recommendations of the National Strategy for the Elimination of Hepatitis B and C

Issue 1301: April 25, 2017

Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines
Q: The 2013 ACIP meningococcal ACWY recommendations list household crowding and both active and passive smoking as risk factors for meningococcal disease. Should I recommend MenACWY vaccine for a nonsmoker living in a crowded household of smokers?
Q: We run immunization clinics at the local jail, which has a living arrangement comparable to a college residential hall. In this setting, would you recommend vaccinating incarcerated individuals who are younger than age 22, as is recommended for people living in a college dormitory?
Q: If someone received meningococcal polysaccharide (MPSV4, Menomune; Sanofi) or MenACWY at age 9 years, will two additional doses of Men-ACWY be needed?
Q: If someone received MPSV4 or MenACWY vaccine at age 10 years and a dose of MenACWY before the 16th birthday, will they still need a booster dose at age 16?
Q: Sanofi is discontinuing the production of Menomune (MPSV4) this year. I administer a lot of travel vaccine doses. Should I now give MenACWY (Menactra or Menveo) off-label to travelers age 56 years and older?
Q: In its 2016 recommendations for use of meningococcal conjugate vaccines in HIV-infected persons, ACIP states not to use MenACWY-D (Menactra, Sanofi) in children younger than age 2 years. However, in Table 3 of these recommendations (page 1192), MenACWY-D is listed as an option for children 9 through 23 months of age. This seems to be a discrepancy. Please clarify.
Meningococcal B Vaccines
Q: I have a 9-year-old patient traveling to Kenya for one week. In addition to MenACWY vaccine, should she be offered meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine?
MMR Vaccine
Q: Due to outbreaks of mumps in our state, I have been asked about college students getting a third dose of the MMR vaccine, even if there was not a mumps outbreak on their campus. My understanding is that a third dose of MMR is only recommended for students attending colleges that are experiencing an outbreak. Although I have advised families that this is the case, would there be any issues with proceeding with the third dose preemptively?
Hepatitis B Vaccines
Q: We give hepatitis B vaccine to newborns in the hospital followed by DTaP-IPV-HepB (Pediarix, GSK) at 2, 4, and 6 months of age, so our patients get 4 doses of hepatitis B vaccine. For some children, the Pediarix dose #3 is delayed and given closer to 5 months of age, so the interval is less than 8 weeks between dose #3 and #4 of the hepatitis B component of Pediarix. We are receiving conflicting information about whether their HepB dose #4 is a valid final dose because of the shortened interval between dose #3 and #4. Our electronic health record says dose #4 is valid (regardless of the short interval from dose #3) but the health department says it is not. Which is correct?
Q: Some nephrologists give a high dose (40 mcg) of hepatitis B vaccine (2 adult doses of Engerix-B, GSK, or Recombivax HB Dialysis Formulation, Merck) to all patients with renal failure with glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) of less than 30 ml/min even if the patient is not on dialysis. Is this practice advisable?

Issue 1300: April 20, 2017

Ask the Experts: CDC Experts Answer Your Questions

The questions and answers in this edition of IAC Express first appeared in the April 2017 issue of Needle Tips.

IAC extends thanks to our experts: Andrew T. Kroger, MD, MPH; Candice L. Robinson, MD, MPH; Raymond A. Strikas, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA; Donna L. Weaver, RN, MN; and Jessie Wing, MD, MPH, all from the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Influenza Vaccines
Q: I have a patient who is now 12 weeks pregnant. In September 2016, she received quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccination (before she was pregnant). Should we give her another dose of 2016–17 influenza vaccine since she was not pregnant at the time of her first dose?
Q: A nursing home resident was admitted to the hospital with influenza and treated with oseltamivir. The person is now returned to the nursing home. The residents in the facility are being treated prophylactically with oseltamivir. Should the person who was hospitalized also receive oseltamivir prophylactically?
Pneumococcal Vaccines
Q: A child with selective IgA deficiency was sent by her physician to the health department to receive a dose of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23, Pneumovax; Merck). Does her illness fall under the criteria for administering PPSV23?
Q: We have a 19-year-old patient with a history of vasculitis, nephritis, and asthma. She is on azathioprine (Imuran) and is immunosuppressed. Her rheumatologist recommends she receive pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13, Prevnar 13, Pfizer) and meningococcal B vaccine. How often should these vaccines be given? Will she require a series of PCV13 doses or just a booster?
Varicella and Zoster Vaccines
Q: Recently we had a one-year-old with congenital heart disease and who is on chronic aspirin therapy in for a well-child check and routine vaccination. Are there any recommendations regarding varicella vaccine being given to children who are on chronic aspirin therapy?
Q: A healthcare worker with no history of chickenpox, and unknown serologic immunity, was exposed to a patient with zoster. She received varicella vaccine two days later. She developed a pruritic maculopapular rash 11 days after vaccination. Is the rash from the vaccine or from her zoster exposure?
Q: I was told by a coworker that varicella vaccine can be stored at refrigerator temperature for up to three days and still be used. Is this true?
Td Vaccines
Q: The tetanus and diphtheria toxoid Tenivac (Td, Sanofi) is not currently available from the manufacturer and may not be available until later in 2017. What are we to do when someone is in need of a Td booster dose?

Issue 1299: April 19, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Tenivac Td (Sanofi Pasteur) for adults is expected to be unavailable…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! April issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
CDC posts updated Td VIS
CDC offers new promotional materials for National Infant Immunization Week scheduled for April 22–29
NFID launches campaign focused on vaccine science, timed to coincide with the March for Science on April 22
So far in 2017, 42 states and D.C. have reported 1,965 mumps cases; learn more
New edition of The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase from IAC; free app for iPhones and iPads available from IAC
IAC Spotlight! IAC's "What's New" page provides links to new and recently updated IAC handouts, VISs and their translations, and immunize.org web sections
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Children and Teens"
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC offers 48 new VIS translations!
Official Releases and Announcements
Mississippi Immunization Task Force launches GiveMeAShot website
World News
WHO reports on Immunization and Vaccine-Related Implementation Research Advisory Committee February meeting
Featured Resources
Every Child By Two and Young Minds Inspired develop a Vaccinate Your Family program for daycare providers
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on complications of mumps in 20 college students who had received 2 doses of MMR
Education and Training
CDC to sponsor May 2 NetConference about best practices for holding safe vaccination clinics in temporary settings
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31
CDC to sponsor April 25 webinar about polio, measles, and rubella eradication
Conferences and Meetings
Next ACIP meeting scheduled for June 21–22; presentation slides and video footage from February meeting are now available

Issue 1298: April 12, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1298
April 12, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A 5-year-old is in the office for vaccines and is due for MMR, polio, varicella…read more
Top Stories
New! April 2017 issue of Vaccinate Adults now available online
Reminder: April 2017 issue of Needle Tips is available online
Reminder: National Infant Immunization Week to be held April 22–29; Blog-a-thon to start April 24
Adolescent Immunization Initiative releases white paper providing rationale for an immunization platform at 16 years of age
Pediatrics publishes article about understanding the Category B recommendation for serogroup B meningococcal vaccine
Reminder: New edition of The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase from IAC; free app for iPhones and iPads available from IAC
New! Easy-to-customize postcards to help you recall 16-year-olds for their MCV4 booster dose
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC Spotlight! Two healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Official Releases and Announcements
Michigan launches I Vaccinate campaign
World News
CDC and WHO report on surveillance systems to track progress toward polio eradication in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
AAP creates new educational piece for primary care nursing personnel about HPV vaccination
Hepatitis B Foundation releases new video in its storytelling project: #justB
Immunize Canada launches its new, more mobile-friendly website!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes data brief on the prevalence of HPV infection in U.S. adults
March issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC study published in Pediatrics confirms that influenza vaccination saves children's lives
New CDC study published in Pediatrics finds that Tdap administered during pregnancy is effective in protecting infants against pertussis
Education and Training
Dr. Kelly Moore to present NFID webinar reviewing principles on vaccine storage and handling on May 3
Reminder: CDC's NetConference series about adult immunization runs every Wednesday, April 12–May 31

Issue 1297: April 5, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1297
April 5, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A 7-year-old has a history of 3 doses of DTaP, appropriately spaced…read more
Top Stories
New! April 2017 issue of Needle Tips is available online
New edition of The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase from IAC; free app for iPhones and iPads available from IAC
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls nine new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; 13 previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Reminder: CDC 6-part NetConference series about adult immunization scheduled for Wednesdays, April 12–May 31
Official Releases and Announcements
National Academies publishes phase 2 of "A National Strategy for the Elimination of Hepatitis B and C"; related webinar scheduled for April 10
National Institutes of Health releases statement about World Tuberculosis Day
World News
Africa unites to confront threat of polio; over 116 million children to be immunized
WHO publishes update on yellow fever vaccination recommendations for travelers to Brazil
CDC publishes two articles about a yellow fever outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo
WHO publishes report on epidemic meningitis control in countries of the African meningitis belt
Featured Resources
Boost Oregon offers new downloadable booklet, Parents’ Guide to Children’s Vaccines
Journal Articles and Newsletters
New study in Vaccine shows that parental perceptions about influenza vaccine have a strong influence on vaccine acceptance
Study finds HPV vaccine inadvertently administered during pregnancy to be safe
Education and Training
2017 AAP HPV Vaccination Update webinar now archived and available for viewing at your convenience
Area Health Education Center Network and the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine to present HPV webinar on April 6
National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership to host April 20 webinar about strategies to protect underserved populations against influenza
Conferences and Meetings
Opportunity to see new documentary, Hilleman: A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children, on April 25 at the NFID Annual Conference on Vaccine Research in Bethesda

Issue 1296: March 29, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1296
March 29, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: If a person received a Tdap vaccine and then had a positive pertussis PCR…read more
Top Stories
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2017 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine publishes position statement advocating the establishment of an immunization platform for 16-year-olds
CDC reports on tetanus in an unvaccinated woman after a home birth in Kentucky
Five healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC Spotlight! IAC's Immunization Apps web page recently updated
Newly updated: Popular slide deck for healthcare professionals on meningococcal disease prevention and how to increase second dose coverage
Voices for Vaccines releases third podcast—a discussion about vaccine legislation and ways parents can get involved
Vaccine Information Statements
Vietnamese Influenza (IIV) VIS translation corrected
World News
WHO publishes report on zoonotic influenza viruses and pandemic preparedness
Featured Resources
Washington State Department of Health develops toolkit for healthcare professionals about the importance of HPV vaccination for individuals living with HIV
Spring is here, but influenza season isn't over yet!
Education and Training
NFID offers webinar on improving HPV immunization rates in practice on April 19
Dr. Paul Offit discusses mumps epidemic on Medscape
Conferences and Meetings
Next ACIP meeting scheduled for June 21–22

Issue 1295: March 22, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1295
March 22, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: If a patient receives hepatitis B vaccine while undergoing hemodialysis, will the vaccine be effective? Will the dose need to be repeated?…read more
Top Stories
CDC clarifies footnote in 2017 schedule about birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine given within 24 hours of birth
CDC NetConference about the 2017 immunization schedules to be held on March 29
CDC announces NetConference series about adult immunization; sessions scheduled for Wednesdays, April 12–May 31
IAC Spotlight! IAC's ACIP recommendations web section makes guidance available in chronological order as well as alphabetically by vaccine type
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine updates its "Shots Immunization" app for 2017 as well as its "Shots Online" version
Autism Science Foundation's chief science officer writes article for STAT refuting claims regarding a connection between vaccines and autism
IAC Handouts
IAC revises two of its most popular staff education materials, "Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization"
IAC updates "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines" and "Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults"
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO and FDA select 2017–2018 influenza vaccine strains for the northern hemisphere
Featured Resources
American Cancer Society offers resource for healthcare professionals titled "HPV: Just the Facts"
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes report about patients testing positive for yellow fever viral RNA after mass yellow fever vaccination campaign in Angola
Education and Training
Webinar on engaging with HPV vaccine-hesitant parents scheduled for April 13
Conferences and Meetings
Iowa Immunization Summit scheduled for June 14–15; includes CDC's "Pink Book" course
Massachusetts Adult Immunization Conference to be held April 25 in Marlborough

Issue 1294: March 15, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1294
March 15, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: What are the recommendations for use of the new oral cholera vaccine?…read more
Top Stories
It's coming soon! National Infant Immunization Week to be held April 22–29; many resources available from CDC's website
CDC posts Q&As for the public about mumps outbreaks
IAC Spotlight! Calendar of Events highlights conferences, workshops, and other immunization-related events around the nation
World News
New publication provides overview of vaccine company actions to improve immunization coverage worldwide
Featured Resources
CDC updates its downloadable vaccine labels; use to organize vaccines within storage units and avoid mix-ups
Hepatitis B Foundation releases new video in its storytelling project: #justB
Children's coloring book about influenza available on CDC's website
Please keep vaccinating your patients against influenza: 40 influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported for the 2016–2017 season
Journal Articles and Newsletters
February issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC publishes report on increase in human infection with avian influenza virus in China in MMWR; previously published as an MMWR Early Release

Issue 1293: March 8, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Are there recommendations for administering Tdap when Td is not available?…read more
Top Stories
ECBT has shared a special report on the state of our nation’s “ImmUnion” with members of Congress
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls eight new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; six previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
World News
Vaccine Safety Net project highlighted on WHO's website
WHO publishes report on measles and rubella surveillance
CDC reports increase in human infection with avian influenza virus in China
Featured Resources
Three items in CDC's Pink Book's appendices have been updated in the online edition
New comic book titled The Test is a readable way to learn about hepatitis B screening results
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on response to polio outbreak in Syria in 2013–2015
New study found that older adults who received high-dose influenza were 36% less likely to die during a bad H3N2 flu season
Education and Training
"Vaccine Confidence: The Key to Communicating with Parents and Patients" webinar to be offered four times in March

Issue 1292: March 1, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: If a child falls behind on immunizations, is it recommended to use…read more
Top Stories
February ACIP meeting vote: For infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers who are nonresponders to the initial 3-dose HepB series, 1 additional HepB dose is now preferred over a repeated 3-dose series
Institute for Safe Medication Practices reports on vaccine abbreviations and acronyms that can lead to errors
CDC updates materials for healthcare professionals, patients, and parents to include ACIP's 2-dose HPV vaccination recommendation
IAC Spotlight! "News & Information" web page provides breaking immunization news
Vaccine Education Center plans Current Issues in Vaccines webinar on March 22
National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards application deadline extended through March 2
Official Releases and Announcements
NVPO announces the publication of "National Adult Immunization Plan: A Path to Implementation"
National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan for 2017–20 available on HHS website; related webinar scheduled for March 8
World News
CDC and WHO report on continued endemic wild poliovirus transmission in Nigeria in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Guide released on cost and financing of national immunization programs in low- and middle-income countries
Featured Resources
Weekly e-newsletter on vaccine ethics and policy available free of charge—just subscribe!
Flu activity continues to increase; 46 states report widespread activity
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals features a summary of the changes in the 2017 immunization schedules, including information on the new “16-year-old vaccination platform” in the 2017 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule
MMWR Surveillance Summary about access to health care and healthcare utilization includes information about influenza vaccination
Education and Training
NFID webinar on vaccinations in the workplace scheduled for March 30
HepB United to sponsor March 2 webinar on screening for hepatitis B in clinical and community-based settings
Conferences and Meetings
14th Annual Immunize Nebraska Conference will be held June 9 in Omaha

Issue 1291: February 22, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, lupus) a risk-based indication.…read more
Top Stories
CDC publishes errata on assessing poliovirus vaccination status for children from outside the U.S.
National Infant Immunization Week to be held April 22–29; register for a related webinar on February 28
CDC publishes update on influenza activity in the United States from October 2, 2016 through February 4, 2017
CDC publishes interim estimates of 2016–17 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness
IAC Spotlight! Guide to Immunize.org now found on the bottom of all pages on IAC's website for healthcare professionals
Voices for Vaccines releases second podcast—an interview with Dr. Paul Offit about outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases
Check out “Making the CASE for Vaccines,” a guide written by the Autism Science Foundation
Final reminder: Nominations open for the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards through February 24
World News
WHO reports on human rabies transmitted by dogs
Featured Resources
PKIDs offers shareable entertaining immunization-related videos on its Facebook page
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study indicates that autism starts months before symptoms appear
Education and Training
CDC updates its "You Call the Shots" modules on HPV, vaccine storage and handling, and VFC; free CE credit available
ACOG to sponsor March 6 webinar on the need for a maternal immunization strategy for respiratory syncytial virus

Issue 1290: February 15, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A patient recently exposed to a bat received the rabies vaccine series.…read more
Top Stories
Following the release of the 2017 immunization schedules, CDC issues easy-to-read versions of the child, teen, and adult immunization schedules in English and Spanish
New survey from Pew Research Center shows that the majority of Americans believe benefits of vaccines outweigh risks, but concerns remain
More than 350 organizations write to President Trump to endorse vaccine safety
IAC Spotlight! Dr. Wexler's Technically Speaking columns on practical vaccination topics now featured on the home page of Immunize.org
A Call to Action for eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HBV in the U.S.
Reminder: Nominations being accepted for the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards until February 24
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes new position paper on tetanus vaccines
Featured Resources
Two new AAP clinical reports about adolescent immunization published online
AAP's social media toolkit can assist in developing social media accounts and crafting immunization messages
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center's Parents PACK newsletter includes answers to four common vaccine safety questions
Education and Training
AAP to offer webinar on HPV vaccination on March 6
Conferences and Meetings
ACIP meeting to be held on February 22–23; watch the webcast online or dial in

Issue 1289: February 8, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1289
February 8, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have a patient who is 62 years old and is immigrating to the U.S.…read more
Top Stories
2017 U.S. recommended immunization schedule for 0 through 18 years and "catch up" now available
2017 U.S. recommended immunization schedule for adults now available
February is International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month! Make sure your pregnant patients receive influenza and Tdap vaccines
Eight healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC enrolls two new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; seven previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Reminder: Nominations are still open for the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards
IAC Handouts
IAC posts updated handout for the public titled "Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Questions and Answers"
Featured Resources
Hepatitis B Foundation releases next video in its storytelling project: #justB
Flu activity continues to increase; 40 states are reporting widespread activity
Journal Articles and Newsletters
January issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
CDC reports on knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding yellow fever vaccination among men during an outbreak in Angola
Education and Training
Prevent Cancer Foundation to sponsor webinar about the link between viruses and cancer on February 22

Issue 1288: February 1, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have a patient who was diagnosed with HPV types 16 and 18…read more
Top Stories
IAC's Ask the Experts Q&As on meningococcal vaccination updated and divided into MenACWY and MenB sections
Call to Action: Sign on! Every Child By Two asks individuals to urge Congress to protect crucial funding for immunization programs; sign-on deadline is Thursday, February 2, 3:00 p.m. (ET)
Dr. Paul Offit addresses parental concerns about vaccination in a new column for The Daily Beast
CDC offers Medscape Expert Commentary about recognizing mumps
Final reminder: CDC requests nominations for its Childhood Immunization Champion Awards
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Human Papillomavirus (HPV): A Parent's Guide to Preteen and Teen HPV Vaccination" and "HPV Vaccine: A Guide for Young Adults"
IAC updates two easy-to-read Q&A handouts about human papillomavirus vaccination
IAC updates its standing orders template for administering pneumococcal vaccines (PCV13 and PPSV13) to adults
IAC updates its standing orders template for administering Td/Tdap to adults
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center updates two booklets in English and Spanish: "Vaccines and Teens" and "Vaccines and Adults"
CDC mails printed copies of many resources, including posters and fact sheets—order now!
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study shows that almost half of U.S. men have a genital HPV infection, but only 11% have received HPV vaccine
Risk of dying from cervical cancer in the U.S. is higher than previously estimated, according to new study
Education and Training
CDC and SHEA to offer webinar on February 6 about communicating during a medical crisis
National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership to sponsor webinar on February 9 about how to expand influenza vaccination
Conferences and Meeetings
World Vaccine Congress to be held April 10–12 in Washington, D.C.

Issue 1287: January 25, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1287
January 25, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have a patient who received inactivated influenza vaccine in Brazil…read more
Top Stories
IAC updates its “Diseases and Vaccines” web section on Immunize.org
CDC reports on coverage with Tdap and influenza vaccine among pregnant women in Minnesota
CDC publishes article on use of social media for communication during a mumps outbreak in New York City
Voices for Vaccines releases podcast about the importance of HPV vaccination
Reminder: CDC requests nominations for its Childhood Immunization Champion Awards
Reminder: Nominations are now open for the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards
IAC Handouts
IAC updates and redesigns "Reliable Sources of Immunization Information"
World News
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations launched to assist in vaccine development to prevent epidemics throughout the world
WHO reports on maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination validation in Punjab Province, Pakistan
Featured Resources
Hepatitis B Foundation launches storytelling project: #justB
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Education and Training
NFID schedules two webinars: an interview with Dr. Stanley Plotkin and a summary of the February ACIP meeting
Conferences and Meeetings
Save the date: Immunize Georgia Conference scheduled for September 15

Issue 1286: January 18, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A dose of Kinrix (DTaP-IPV; GSK) should have been administered…read more
Top Stories
Reminder: December issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
IAC's Ask the Experts Q&As on MMR and zoster vaccines newly updated
CDC requests nominations for its Childhood Immunization Champion Awards
Nominations are now open for the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit Excellence Awards
CDC publishes guidance for assessment of poliovirus vaccination status and vaccination of children who have received polio vaccine outside the U.S.
Professional organizations respond to President-elect Trump's meeting with Robert Kennedy Jr., regarding vaccine safety
American Academy of Pediatrics helps to change billing coding for vaccine administration
IAC enrolls four new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; five previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
NVPO seeks information about business models that enable healthcare providers to offer vaccines to their privately insured/private-pay patients
IAC Handouts
IAC adds more information to its human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine standing orders templates
Vaccine Information Statements
MMR VIS now available in Ilokano and Chuukese languages
Rotavirus, Tdap, and Td VISs now available in Japanese
World News
Weekly Epidemiological Report publishes summary of Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety meeting
Featured Resources
2017 supplement to the 13th edition of the Pink Book is now available online
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
New study shows childhood vaccination to be a highly cost-effective medical intervention
January's Parents PACK newsletter from VEC includes HPV information for parents
Education and Training
CDC offers Medscape Expert Commentary about 2016–2017 influenza antiviral recommendations
HepB United to sponsor webinar on January 25 about using health information technology to identify and manage disparities in high-risk populations
NFID Spring Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for March 10–12 in Chicago

Issue 1285: January 11, 2017

IAC Express Issue 1285
January 11, 2017
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: When I was 5 years old, I had Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) unrelated to…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! December issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
IAC's Ask the Experts Human Papillomavirus (HPV) web section newly updated
CDC reports on a case of human rabies in Puerto Rico
Documentary film on Dr. Maurice Hilleman, inventor of many vaccines, including MMR, now available
IAC Handouts
IAC posts screening questionnaire for IIV in Spanish
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Punjabi translation of the influenza VIS
World News
CDC and WHO report on detection of Sabin-like type 2 poliovirus from sewage in Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, India
WHO reports on status of new vaccine introduction worldwide
Featured Resources
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
December issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
CDC to host #PreteenVaxScene webinar titled “HPV Vaccination Partner Toolkit” on January 12

Issue 1284: January 4, 2017

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: We have had three employees who have tested positive for influenza by nasal swab…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! December issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
Five healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
CDC reports about influenza activity in the United States from October 2 to December 17, 2016
CDC reports on future of Zika virus
Voices for Vaccines launches podcasts for people interested in promoting vaccination and preventing disease
IAC Handouts
IAC posts 9 translations of "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Children and Teens"
IAC posts 9 translations of "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults"
IAC posts Spanish translation of "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to HPV, MenACWY, MenB, and Tdap Vaccines for Teens"
IAC posts updated presentation for healthcare professionals: "Quick Answers to Tough Questions”
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 8 translations of updated HPV VIS
IAC posts Marshallese translation of MMR VIS
World News
Ebola vaccine trial results confirm protection
Featured Resources
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients

Issue 1283: January 3, 2017

HPV Vaccine
Q: What is the new HPV vaccine schedule recommendation?
Q: Has ACIP expressed a preference for the 2-dose over the 3-dose schedule for adolescents 9 through 14 years of age?
Q: Does the 2-dose HPV vaccine schedule need to be completed with the same vaccine, or can it include different vaccines (such as bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine)?
Q: If dose #1 of HPV vaccine was given before the 15th birthday and it has been more than a year since that dose was given, would the series be complete with just one additional dose?
Q: We have adolescents in our practice who have received the first 2 doses of the HPV series 1 or 2 months apart according to the 3-dose schedule. Can we consider their HPV vaccine series to be complete or do we need to give these patients a third dose?
Q: Will the 2-dose recommendation be retroactive for children and teens vaccinated prior to 2016?
MenACWY Vaccine
Q: Please review the new recommendations for use of MenACWY vaccine in people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
Q: I have an HIV-positive 64-year-old patient who received MenACWY vaccine last week. Was this the correct vaccine for this patient or should he have gotten meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4, Sanofi Pasteur) due to his age? Also, should this patient get another dose in 2 months?
Q: I have a 24-month-old patient with HIV infection and I want to use Menactra (Sanofi Pasteur) because this is the only vaccine we have available in our clinic. However, this child received DTaP vaccine yesterday at another clinic. Can I administer Menactra today?
Q: I have a 24-month-old patient with a complement component deficiency who received a dose of DTaP at 23 months of age and then received a dose of Menactra two weeks later. Do I need to repeat the dose of Menactra?
Q: Does the recommendation about separation of DTaP and Menactra also apply to children with functional or anatomic asplenia?
Q: The ACIP MenACWY vaccine recommendations state that a routine second dose needs to be given at 16 years of age. Children with asplenia or other high-risk conditions should receive a booster dose every 5 years. If a child with a high-risk condition receives a dose of MenACWY at age 9 years (and a second primary dose 8 weeks later), should they receive a booster dose at age 14 years (5 years after the primary series), or should they receive a dose at age 16 years as recommended in the routine schedule?
MenB Vaccine
Q: Which individuals in risk groups are recommended to be vaccinated against meningococcal serogroup B disease?
Q: Which individuals are recommended to be vaccinated against meningococcal serogroup B disease who are not in risk groups?
Q: What is the new schedule for Trumenba MenB vaccine?
Q: Should college students be vaccinated against meningococcal B disease?
Q: ACIP recommendations for MenB vaccine say the vaccine will provide “short term protection.” What does “short term protection” mean?
Q: Can the MenB series be completed with a different MenB brand from the one the series was begun with?
Q: Can meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) and MenB vaccines be given at the same visit?
Q: Which groups of patients should receive a booster dose of MenB vaccine after completion of the series?
Influenza Vaccine
Q: Please provide details about the use of FluLaval influenza vaccine (GlaxoSmithKline) in children younger than 3 years.
Q: Can a child 6 through 35 months of age who needs 2 doses of influenza vaccine this season receive one each of Fluzone Pediatric and FluLaval vaccine?
Q: A 2-year-old was inadvertently given a 0.25 mL dose of FluLaval rather than the recommended 0.5 mL dose. What should we do?
Q: Can a clinic vaccinate children younger than age 3 years with influenza vaccine taken from a multidose vial of Fluzone or FluLaval? The multi-dose vials contain thimerosal as a preservative.

Issue 1282: December 21, 2016

IAC Express Issue 1282
December 21, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Can the meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine and meningococcal conjugate…read more
Top Stories
Happy holidays from all of us at IAC!
New! December 2016 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now available online
Reminder: December 2016 issue of Needle Tips is available online
ACIP publishes new recommendations on 2-dose HPV vaccination schedule
CDC releases report about the impact of influenza vaccination and burden of the disease during 2015–16 season
IAC Handouts
IAC revises its standing orders templates for administering HPV vaccine to children/teens and adults
IAC updates “Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations by Age and Risk Factor for Serogroup B Protection”
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Spanish translation of new HPV VIS
World News
WHO reports on global influenza activity
CDC reports on Avian influenza A in China
Featured Resources
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Conferences and Meetings
Register now for California Immunization Coalition Summit to be held April 3–4
Video presentations from the October 2016 ACIP meeting now available online; register now for February 2017 ACIP meeting

Issue 1281: December 15, 2016

A Special Annual Appeal from IAC
Announcing the IAC Becky Payne Memorial Scholarship Fund

Issue 1280: December 14, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: My healthy 29-year-old son recently had a mild episode of herpes zoster. He has no…read more
Top Stories
New! December 2016 issue of Needle Tips is now available online
IAC offers 25% discount on record cards, DVDs, and books on Shop IAC through the end of the year!
Influenza vaccination rates remain low, CDC reports
CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage during pregnancy
New CDC HPV toolkit available for partners, awardees, and state programs
CDC launches new website for immunization partners
Tenivac vaccine (Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed) is temporarily unavailable
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
Featured Resources
CDC's vaccination coverage information is easily accessible on its VaxView websites
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
November issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Two HepB United webinars on hepatitis B treatment are archived online

Issue 1279: December 7, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: For our "Mother's Day Out" program, one of the teachers has shingles…read more
Top Stories
It's National Influenza Vaccination Week!
CDC posts updated HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine Information Statement
More than 300 birthing institutions are enrolled in IAC's Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll!
AAP develops a new interactive infographic that highlights immunization rates for DTaP, MMR, varicella, HPV, and influenza vaccines in each state
World AIDS Day was December 1; people with AIDS and HIV infection are at high risk for influenza-related complications and should be vaccinated
IAC Handouts
IAC develops new educational piece for healthcare professionals, "Meningococcal B Vaccine: CDC Answers Your Questions”
IAC updates “Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations by Age and Risk Factor for Serogroup B Protection” as well as "Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations by Age and Risk Factor for Serogroups A,C,W, or Y Protection"
IAC revises "Standing Orders for Administering Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine to Children and Teens" as well as "Standing Orders for Administering Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine to Adults"
IAC updates “Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2016–2017 Influenza Season”
IAC updates “Decisions in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding”
Vaccine Information Statements
Influenza (IIV) VIS now available in Chuukese, Ilokano, and Marshallese
World News
WHO reports on the October meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization in Weekly Epidemiological Report
Featured Resources
Families Fighting Flu offers a new PSA in three different lengths
NFID releases reports and infographics about reducing the burden of influenza and RSV in older adults
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC reports on adverse reaction after smallpox vaccination in New Mexico

Issue 1278: December 6, 2016

Save 25% now on record cards, DVDs, and books at Shop IAC!

Issue 1277: November 30, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Why are zoster, pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) and meningococcal…read more
Top Stories
FDA approves extending the age range for use of FluLaval Quadrivalent to include children 6 to 35 months of age
November Current Issues in Vaccines webinar presented by Dr. Paul Offit archived on VEC’s website; CE available
World News
CDC and WHO report on progress toward polio eradication in Pakistan in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
National Meningitis Association releases #Pledge2Prevent toolkit
Influenza is spreading and serious; please keep vaccinating your patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals includes a review of MenB vaccine in infants research, an article reviewing serological testing recommendations pre- and post-hepatitis B vaccination, and information on 2-dose versus 3-dose HPV schedules

Issue 1276: November 23, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Is there any contraindication to administering Tdap vaccine and Rhogam at the same…read more
Top Stories
National Influenza Vaccination Week is December 4–10; CDC has many resources available to help with your activities
IAC Spotlight! IAC's PowerPoint slide sets about four immunization topics are available
Join Voices for Vaccines for a December 9 conference call about the movie Vaxxed
IAC Handouts
IAC posts updated screening checklist for adults titled “Which Vaccines Do I Need Today?”
IAC updated its “Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling”
“Protect yourself from meningococcal disease...Get vaccinated!” and “Meningococcal disease is serious...Make sure your child is protected!” now available in Spanish
“Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Age 0–10 Years” now available in Spanish
IAC posts updated handout “Vaccinations for Adults with HIV Infection”
Vaccine Information Statements
HPV9 VIS now available in Tagalog
Tdap VIS now available in Farsi
World News
CDC and WHO report on global routine vaccination coverage in this week's MMWR and WER, respectively
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; many resources are available to help healthcare professionals vaccinate patients
Education and Training
NFID to offer webinar “Vaccines to Mitigate Risk During Travel” on December 7
Current Issues in Immunization Netconferences on HPV9 and Vaccines in Pregnancy now archived on CDC website

Issue 1275: November 16, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Several healthy adult college students from Asia (ages 24 years and…read more
Top Stories
Immunization Action Coalition is honored with "Cheers" award from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices
IAC updates its “Ask the Experts” web section about influenza
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls three new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; six previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
CDC publishes QuickStats article about adults over 65 years’ pneumococcal vaccination coverage
November 12 was World Pneumonia Day; CDC releases related announcement
IAC Handouts
IAC posts updated handout for the public titled “Meningococcal: Questions and Answers”
IAC posts updated standing orders template for administering meningococcal B vaccine to adolescents and adults
IAC posts Russian-language translation of “Clear Answers & Smart Advice About Your Baby's Shots” by Ari Brown, MD
World News
CDC and WHO report on progress toward measles eradication worldwide in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Cholera vaccination campaign aimed at 820,000 people begins in Haiti
International Vaccine Access Center releases “Pneumonia & Diarrhea Progress Report” as part of World Pneumonia Day
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; many resources are available to help healthcare professionals vaccinate patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
November’s Parents PACK newsletter from VEC includes influenza resources for parents
New issue of WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net quarterly newsletter is now online
Education and Training
CDC to host #PreteenVaxScene webinar titled “HPV Vaccine Schedule Change Update: What It Means and How to Implement Today!” on November 18
Conferences and Meetings
2017 California Immunization Coalition Summit scheduled for April 3–4: abstracts due by December 16

Issue 1274: November 9, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: An adolescent received the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine at age 11 years but did not…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! October issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
CDC releases ACIP recommendations for use of meningococcal conjugate vaccines in HIV-infected persons
Three cases of meningococcal serogroup B disease confirmed at the University of Wisconsin–Madison; University Health Services recommends vaccination for all undergraduates through age 25
Four healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC issues a clarification for November 2 Question of the Week
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Hmong-, Farsi-, Khmer-, and Korean-language translations of the HPV9 VIS
IAC posts Hmong-, Farsi-, and Korean-language translations of the PCV13 VIS
IAC posts Hmong-, Korean-, and Tagalog-language translations of the Tdap VIS
IAC posts Farsi-language translation of the Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) VIS
IAC posts Karen-language translations of the hepatitis A, hepatitis B, serogroup B meningococcal (MenB), and polio VISs
World News
CDC and WHO report on progress toward polio eradication in Afghanistan in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; many resources are available to help healthcare professionals vaccinate patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
New research finds fatal measles complication to be more common than previously thought
Study finds no link between Tdap vaccination during pregnancy and microcephaly and other birth defects

Issue 1273: November 2, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A 32-year-old patient with ulcerative colitis is taking high-dose immunosuppressive…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! October issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
CDC reports on outbreak of influenza A (H3N2) variant virus among persons attending agricultural fairs
AAP releases immunization social media toolkit
Vaccine Education Center plans Current Issues in Vaccines webinar on November 16
Association of Immunization Managers Awards nominations open
IAC Handouts
IAC updates “It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
IAC revises "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Children and Teens" and "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adults"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Hmong-, Korean-, and Tagalog-language translations of the Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) VIS
World News
On World Polio Day, U.N. begins vaccination campaign aimed at 5.8 million Iraqi children
Featured Resources
Just the Vax provider toolkit available from the Vaccine Education Center
Influenza is serious; many resources are available to help healthcare professionals vaccinate patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals includes a review of intussusception and rotavirus research, the Technically Speaking column reviewing hepatitis B vaccine schedules and intervals for adults, and resources for countering the movie Vaxxed
WHO publishes rabies fact sheet

Issue 1272: October 26, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: We have a patient who has selective IgA deficiency. We also have patients with selective…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! October issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
ACIP votes to recommend 2-dose HPV vaccine series for younger adolescents; related CDC webinar on October 26
IAC provides summary article about votes taken at Oct 19–20 ACIP meeting
CDC reports on status of new vaccine introduction worldwide in MMWR
CDC NetConference about vaccines during pregnancy scheduled for November 9
Join Voices for Vaccines for a November 10 conference call about online vaccine advocacy
Join CDC’s #FightFlu campaign on social media
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Armenian-language translation of the HPV9 VIS
Featured Resources
Influenza is serious; many resources are available to help health professionals vaccinate patients
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study shows economic impact of adult vaccine-preventable diseases
Education and Training
NFID to offer webinar “Updates from October 2016 ACIP Meeting” on November 16
CDC updates its "You Call the Shots" module on influenza; free CE credit available
Conferences and Meetings
Immunize Ohio Conference to be held November 16
Early-bird registration ends November 18 for Hawaii Immunization Coalition's "Pink Book" course offering

Issue 1271: October 21, 2016

Ask the Experts: CDC Experts Answer Your Questions

The questions and answers about influenza vaccination in this edition of IAC Express first appeared in the October 2016 issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults.

IAC extends thanks to our experts, medical officer Andrew T. Kroger, MD, MPH, and nurse educator Donna L. Weaver, RN, MN. Both are with the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Q: Which influenza vaccines will be available during the 2016–17 influenza season?
Q: Why did CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommend that LAIV not be used during the 2016–17 season?
Q: With the ACIP recommendation to not use LAIV during the 2016–17 season, will there be enough inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) to meet the demand for the upcoming season?
Q: I know that LAIV is not recommended to be used this season. If a dose of LAIV is administered this season, is it a valid dose, or should we repeat it with IIV?
Q: Please tell me about Fluad, the new influenza vaccine for people age 65 years and older.
Q: Who is recommended to receive vaccination against influenza?
Q: When should influenza vaccine be administered?
Q: Is influenza vaccine recommended for pregnant women?
Q: We have noticed that ACIP recommends that we begin vaccinating with seasonal influenza vaccine in September or even earlier. Does protection from seasonal influenza vaccine decline or wane within 3 or 4 months of vaccination? Should I wait until later in the year to vaccinate my elderly or medically frail patients?
Q: Some of my patients refuse influenza vaccination because they insist they “got the flu” after receiving the injectable vaccine in the past. What can I tell them?
Q: Is a Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) only recommended or is it mandatory when administering influenza vaccine?
Q: We are trying to provide influenza vaccination to all eligible patients during their stay in our hospital. If a patient does not remember if he or she has already received the vaccine this season, should we go ahead and vaccinate?
Q: Which children younger than age 9 years will need 2 doses of influenza vaccine in this influenza season?
Q: When determining whether a child age 2 through 8 years needs one or two doses of influenza vaccine this season, can we count doses of LAIV administered in past years? We were not sure because LAIV is not recommended this year.
Q: If a child receives influenza vaccine at age 34 or 35 months for the first time (0.25 mL dose) and then returns for the second dose at age 37 months, should we give another 0.25 mL dose or should we give the 0.5 mL dose that is indicated for ages 3 and older?
Q: What is the latest ACIP guidance on influenza vaccination and egg allergy?
Q: Does the ACIP prefer that healthcare personnel administer high-dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccine to people age 65 years and older, or is standard-dose influenza vaccine acceptable?
Q: May Fluzone High-Dose or Fluad be administered to patients younger than age 65 years?
Q: Some of our patients believe that they have had reactions to influenza vaccine in the past, and request the dose to be split into 2 doses administered on different days. Is this an acceptable practice?
Q: The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13, Prevnar, Pfizer) package insert says that in adults, antibody responses to PCV13 were diminished when given with inactivated influenza vaccine. Does this mean we should not give PCV13 and influenza vaccine at the same visit?
Q: We inadvertently administered a 0.5 mL dose of Fluvirin (IIV3, Seqirus) to a 2-year-old before realizing that the vaccine is only licensed for use in people age 4 years and older. Do we need to repeat the dose with an age-appropriate product?
Q: How should influenza vaccines (IIV and LAIV) be stored?
Q: What are the ACIP recommendations for influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel (HCP)?
Q: Is it okay to draw up vaccine into syringes at the beginning of the day? If it isn't, how much in advance can this be done?

Issue 1270: October 19, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I've seen the recommendation stating air bubbles in manufacturer-filled syringes do not…read more
Top Stories
New! October 2016 issue of Vaccinate Adults is available online
Reminder! October 2016 issue of Needle Tips is available online
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls five new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; six previously honored institutions qualify for additional years' honors
Indian Health Service now requires seasonal influenza vaccination for its civilian healthcare personnel
Reminder! MCV4: You’re Not Done If You Give Just One; Give 2 Doses to Strengthen Protection initiative offers resources for healthcare professionals
October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month; join related Twitter chat on October 25
IAC Handouts
IAC updates and reformats "What if you don't vaccinate your child?”
Official Releases and Announcements
WHO publishes “Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2017 southern hemisphere influenza season”
CDC publishes "Summary of Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions—United States, 2014" in MMWR
Featured Resources
CDC develops “Only Flu Shots This Year” handout to help parents understand the new ACIP recommendations
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Parents PACK posts “What You Should Know—Lessons from FluMist”
Journal Articles and Newsletters
September issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available

Issue 1269: October 12, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have an 8-month-old patient who is traveling internationally. The infant needs…read more
Top Stories
New! October 2016 issue of Needle Tips is available online
CDC reports on vaccination coverage of children 19–35 months old during 2015 in MMWR
CDC reports on vaccination coverage of kindergarten students during 2015–16 in MMWR
Six healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
World Pneumonia Day to be held on November 12; related social media toolkit released
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its vaccine storage and handling handout titled "Vaccine Handling Tips"
Featured Resources
ShotByShot.org adds “Cecilia’s Story” to its collection of stories about people with vaccine-preventable diseases
CDC releases "Dear Colleague" letter for 2016–17 influenza season
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC and WHO report on use of cell phones for real-time monitoring of vaccination campaign in Nepal
MMWR releases update about pneumonia and influenza mortality reporting
Education and Training
Reminder: Archived webinar of Dr. William L. Atkinson presenting “Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better” now available for viewing on IAC website; slide set and speaker notes also available

Issue 1268: October 5, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Mom comes in with her 19-month-old. She reports that her (the mother’s) sibling has…read more
Top Stories
CDC reports on influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare professionals in 2015–2016
Final 2015–16 influenza vaccination coverage estimates reported in MMWR
CDC reports on measles outbreak in Shelby County, Tennessee
PAHO/WHO announces measles elimination in the Americas
NFID releases summary of September 29 news conference about influenza and pneumococcal disease
CDC’s “Parents' Guide to Childhood Immunizations” wins a 2016 National Health Information Award
Join the Hepatitis B Foundation as part of their Hepatitis B Storytelling Project
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services adds reimbursement for hepatitis B screening
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts nine translations of the Hepatitis B VIS
IAC posts nine translations of the Serogroup B Meningococcal (MenB) VIS
Featured Resources
Adult Immunization Resource Guide now available online from Association of Immunization Managers
CDC offers digital media toolkit for influenza season
“Talking About Vaccines with Dr. Paul Offit” DVDs available for purchase through VEC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Medical Assistants Resources and Training on Immunization (MARTi) releases newsletter on influenza
Education and Training
NFID to offer webinar, “Reducing the Burden of Pneumococcal Infection through Vaccination,” on October 11
Conferences and Meetings
2017 Annual Conference on Vaccine Research to be held April 24–26 in Baltimore; abstract submission ends December 5

Issue 1267: September 28, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Is it acceptable to write the expiration date (the “Beyond Use Date”) of an opened…read more
Top Stories
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls ten new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; two previously honored institutions qualify for additional periods
CDC reports on death of a toddler from meningococcal disease in MMWR
CDC and NFID to host a Thunderclap for flu prevention on September 29
Medscape posts video about CDC's influenza vaccine recommendations for 2016–2017 season
IAC Handouts
IAC posts revised “Vaccines with Diluents: How to Use Them”
IAC updates “Hepatitis A & B Vaccines: Be Sure Your Patients Get the Correct Dose!”
IAC posts revised “Handy Resources,” a handout about IAC's free publications
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts four translations of the Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) VIS
IAC posts three translations of the Meningococcal (MCV4/MPSV4) VIS
IAC posts four translations of the Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13) VIS
IAC posts eight translations of the Td VIS
Featured Resources
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as an app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Journal Articles and Newsletters
The Lancet publishes article about trends in vaccine coverage
CDC reports about influenza activity in the United States from May 22 to September 10, 2016
Education and Training
Hepatitis B Foundation and AAPCHO to present “Bring it Home! Strategies to Work with Your Local Policymakers on Hepatitis B” webinar on September 29
NFID to offer webinar, “Influenza Prevention in U.S. Adults Age 65 Years and Older,” on October 5
CDC updates its "You Call the Shots" module on varicella; free CE credit available

Issue 1266: September 21, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: With the ACIP recommendation to not use live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV,…read more
Top Stories
Vaccine Education Center posts article on presidential candidates’ beliefs on vaccination
"Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic" now available to screen with a free public viewing license in six states
IAC Handouts
IAC posts revised "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2016–2017 Influenza Season"
IAC updates "Influenza: Questions and Answers," a resource for patients and parents
IAC posts updated "Influenza Vaccination of People with a History of Egg Allergy" and "Guide for Determining the Number of Doses of Influenza Vaccine to Give to Children Age 6 Months Through 8 Years During the 2016–2017 Influenza Season"
IAC posts “Protect yourself from meningococcal disease...Get vaccinated!” and “Meningococcal disease is serious...Make sure your child is protected!”
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts nine translations of the Hepatitis A VIS
IAC posts eight translations of the Rotavirus VIS
IAC posts three translations of the Tdap VIS
Featured Resources
California's EZIZ program posts two new meningococcal serogroup B vaccine fact sheets
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as an app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series about "The Pink Book" chapter topics ends September 21; full series archived online
Conferences and Meetings
Save the date! Florida Immunization Summit to be held February 2–4, 2017

Issue 1265: September 14, 2016

Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I know that live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV, FluMist) is not recommended…read more
Top Stories
AAP issues recommendations for influenza vaccination for 2016–2017 season
CDC and WHO report on global cessation of trivalent OPV use in MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
MMWR reports on varicella outbreak associated with riding on a bus in Michigan
IAC Handouts
IAC posts "Standing Orders for Administering Influenza Vaccine to Adults" and "Standing Orders for Administering Influenza Vaccine to Children and Adolescents"
IAC posts "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Inactivated Injectable Influenza Vaccination" and "Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Live Attenuated Intranasal Influenza Vaccination"
IAC updates "When Do Children and Teens Need Vaccinations?" and "Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Age 11–19 Years," user-friendly schedules for parents of children and preteens/teens
IAC updates English- and Spanish-language versions of "Cocooning Protects Babies: Everyone in a baby’s life needs to get vaccinated against whooping cough and flu!"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts nine translations of the Polio-IPV VIS
World News
Nigeria polio vaccination drive targets areas formerly held by militant insurgency groups
Millions vaccinated against yellow fever in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Featured Resources
The One & Only campaign offers resources to raise awareness about safe injection practices
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as an app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Survey of pediatricians finds increase in vaccine refusal
August issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
"Pink Book" training scheduled for October 25–26 in Austin, TX

Issue 1264: September 7, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1264
September 7, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Why should we not give PCV13 vaccine to someone who has had a serious reaction…read more
Top Stories
CDC awards IAC new five-year cooperative agreement
AAP issues recommendations for using MenB vaccines
CDC reports about two-dose varicella vaccination program in MMWR
CDC reports about meningococcal C outbreak primarily among men who have sex with men in Southern California
Join Voices for Vaccines for a September 19 conference call about vaccine refusal with Dr. Jennifer Reich
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization and at conferences
Featured Resources
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
Watch grand rounds about HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer presented by Children’s Mercy Hospital; CE credit available
Nurses can now watch the film "Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic" and get free continuing education credit
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Attending the National Immunization Conference? Presentation on vaccine hesitancy/confidence to be offered the evening of September 14
Reminder: Registration open for Idaho Immunization Summit, November 2–4; meeting will include CDC's "Pink Book" course

Issue 1263: August 31, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1263
August 31, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: As I understand, the 4-day grace period for HPV vaccination can be applied to the…read more
Top Stories
CDC publishes 2016–17 influenza vaccination recommendations
AAP releases new policy statement titled "Medical Versus Nonmedical Immunization Exemptions for Child Care and School Attendance," which urges states to eliminate all non-medical exemptions to vaccine requirements; related resources now available
CDC reports on adolescent vaccination coverage rates in 2015
Today (Wednesday) is the last day of IAC's 20% off sale! The 20% discounts on record cards, schedules, DVDs, and books on Shop IAC end on Wednesday, August 31
IAC Handouts
“Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2016–2017 Influenza Season” available with updated information
Vaccine Information Statements
Reminder! Influenza VIS for 2016–2017 influenza season is unchanged from the 2015–2016 version
World News
CDC and WHO report on poliovirus vaccination campaign in India in MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
CDC releases new labels for vaccines within storage units
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals includes updated Q&A information sheets for parents, a review of meningococcal B vaccine research, and the Technically Speaking column reviewing hepatitis B vaccine schedules and intervals
Education and Training
Vaccine Education Center announces registration for September 21 webinar: “FluMist: What went wrong?”
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now

Issue 1262: August 24, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1262
August 24, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: When not given on the same day, is the interval between yellow fever and MMR…read more
Top Stories
CDC recommends that high-risk people avoid contact with pigs and swine barns at fairs after four cases of variant virus infections are linked to pig exposure
California Department of Public Health issues health advisory to vaccinate men who have sex with men in southern California and HIV-infected people statewide with MenACWY to contain outbreak of meningococcal disease
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls eight new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; four previously honored institutions qualify for additional periods
Hepatitis A outbreak in Hawaii causes long wait times for vaccination
CDC updates Twitter account, replacing @CDCIZLearn with @DrNancyM_CDC
Only one week left! The 20% discount on record cards, schedules, DVDs, and books on Shop IAC ends soon!
IAC Handouts
IAC posts revised parent handout by Dr. Ari Brown titled "Clear Answers and Smart Advice About Your Baby’s Shots"
IAC updates two influenza handouts for parents: “Keep your kids safe—get them vaccinated every fall or winter!” and "Don’t take chances with your family’s health—make sure you all get vaccinated against influenza every year!"
World News
WHO reports on conclusions and recommendations of the Immunization and Vaccine-Related Implementation Research Advisory Committee
Featured Resources
CDC publishes two online resources for parents to encourage childhood vaccination
ShotByShot.org adds “Megan’s Story” to its collection of stories about vaccine-preventable diseases
Education and Training
National HPV Vaccination Roundtable to present webinar about best practices on August 29
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Video presentations from the June 2016 ACIP now available online; register now for October ACIP meeting
Washington State Immunization Summit to be held April 26, 2017

Issue 1261: August 17, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1261
August 17, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: If a six-year-old child is due for the fifth dose of DTaP and inadvertently receives…read more
Top Stories
CDC releases final version of the Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine Information Statement
Reminder: Archived webinar of Dr. William L. Atkinson presenting “Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better” now available for viewing on IAC website; slide set and speaker notes also available
National Immunization Awareness Month continues next week with a focus on preteen and teen immunization
IAC offers 20% discount on record cards, schedules, DVDs, and books on Shop IAC during National Immunization Awareness Month!
IAC Spotlight! Two healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
World News
WHO reports on yellow fever in Africa and South America
Featured Resources
Alliance for Aging Research releases video encouraging seniors to get vaccinated
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study finds three different vaccines create protection against Zika virus in monkeys
Researchers assess different pneumococcal vaccination schedules for premature infants
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
NFID Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for November 4–6 in Philadelphia, PA

Issue 1260: August 10, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1260
August 10, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: The ACIP recommendations for meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine say…read more
Top Stories
Archived webinar of Dr. William L. Atkinson presenting “Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better” now available for viewing on IAC website; slide set and speaker notes also available
National Immunization Awareness Month continues next week with a focus on infant and young child immunization
Institute for Safe Medication Practices publishes article summarizing vaccination errors collected over a three-year period in their vaccine error reporting system
NIH begins Zika vaccine trials in humans
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls five new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; three previously honored institutions qualify for additional years
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its "Sample Vaccine Policy Statement," a template for medical practices to adapt and create their own vaccine policy statements
Featured Resources
AAP offers #WhyIVax resources for National Immunization Awareness Month
CDC releases pneumococcal disease vaccine resources for healthcare providers
CDC releases updated “Flu Vaccine Finder” widget
American Pharmacists Association releases new Tdap guide
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC and WHO report on vaccine-derived polioviruses in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Study finds 9-valent HPV vaccine provides greater coverage and similar safety to quadrivalent HPV vaccine
July issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
VICNetwork to offer August 30 webinar on what's new for the 2016–17 influenza season
NFID to offer webinar titled “Vaccines for Preteens and Teens: The Importance of Timely Vaccination for All Adolescents”
Reminder: IAC and Med-IQ developed two free CME courses on adult immunization
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Reminder: Minnesota Department of Health's Got Your Shots? Immunization Conference to be held September 8–9

Issue 1259: August 4, 2016

IAC offers 20% discount on record cards, schedules, DVDs, and books on Shop IAC during August!

Issue 1258: August 3, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1258
August 3, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I gave a dose of ActHIB vaccine to a 15-month-old that was reconstituted with…read more
Top Stories
IAC posts updated temperature logs for vaccine storage unit monitoring
National Immunization Awareness Month continues next week with a focus on maternal immunization
MMWR reports on mumps outbreak at a University of Illinois campus
Ninety-three confirmed cases of hepatitis A in Oahu outbreak
NFID releases new toolkit on meningococcal diseases and college students
Reminder! Share your personal story about immunization with federal and state legislators
Join Immunization Action Coalition of Washington and WithinReach’s August 22 Thunderclap in support of maternal immunization
World News
WHO issues updated position paper on dengue vaccine
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals includes an article about live attenuated influenza vaccine, a literature review of malaria vaccines, and an article about adult immunization
Medscape posts 2016 report about vaccine acceptance
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now

Issue 1257: July 27, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1257
July 27, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: If my patient is taking Tamiflu (oseltamivir), can she receive zoster vaccine?…read more
Top Stories
CDC releases final versions of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and polio Vaccine Information Statements
Last chance to register! On July 28, Dr. William Atkinson will present "Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better" webinar
IAC updates its guidebook Hepatitis B: What Hospitals Need to Do to Protect Newborns
National Immunization Awareness Month kicks off next week with a focus on adult immunization
2016 National Immunization Awareness Month communication toolkit launched this week
IAC Spotlight! IAC’s ACIP recommendations web section makes guidance available in chronological order as well as alphabetically by vaccine name
Share your personal story about immunization with federal and state legislators
July 28 is World Hepatitis Day; CDC publishes related announcement in MMWR
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization and at conferences
IAC Handouts
IAC updates its staff education materials: "Current Dates of Vaccine Information Statements" and "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements"
Featured Resources
The American Cancer Society updates its guidelines for HPV vaccination; get continuing education credit by reading about these new guidelines
CDC offers resources to help employers increase influenza vaccination
California's EZIZ program posts new meningococcal vaccine timing graphic
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Presentation slides from June ACIP meeting are now available; next meeting scheduled for October 19–20

Issue 1256: July 20, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1256
July 20, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: In a mumps outbreak, should we offer a third dose of MMR to persons who have two…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! CDC confirms that the influenza VISs will remain the same for the 2016–17 influenza season
Register now! On July 28, Dr. William Atkinson will present "Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better" webinar
CDC and NPHIC release “11 Things You Can Do During National Immunization Awareness Month”
New York Times publishes article about immigration detention center’s failure to contain measles outbreak in Arizona
FDA extends the age indication for PCV13 (Prevnar 13) to include adults age 18 through 49 years
IAC Spotlight! Calendar of Events highlights conferences, workshops, and other immunization-related events around the nation
World Hepatitis Day is July 28!
IAC Handouts
IAC posts updated “Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Children and Teens” and “Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Adult Patients”
IAC posts “Standing Orders for Administering Varicella Vaccine to Children and Teens” and “Standing Orders for Administering Varicella Vaccine to Adults”
World News
WHO reports on June meeting of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
Featured Resources
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
MMWR reports on a case of meningococcal disease in an international traveler
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Immunize Georgia Conference to be held September 9
Register now! Hawaii Immunization Coalition to offer CDC's “Pink Book” course January 10–11, 2017

Issue 1255: July 13, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1255
July 13, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have patients who are in their 70s or 80s and remember getting a pneumococcal…read more
Top Stories
CDC releases updated Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit along with additional new resources
CDC confirms that the influenza VISs will remain the same for the 2016–17 influenza season
MMWR reports on HPV-associated cancers
Register now! On July 28, Dr. William Atkinson will present "Adolescent Immunization: Where We Are Now and How We Can Do Better" webinar
California issues meningococcal disease health advisory for at-risk gay and bisexual men and all people with HIV
Arizona confirms two new cases of measles, bringing the total to 22 cases
CDC publishes best practices for diagnosing Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis disease
Providers and partners can join CDC as flu prevention partners
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization and at conferences
IAC Handouts
“Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2016–2017 Influenza Season” now available
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Portuguese-language translations of the HPV9 and Meningococcal ACWY VISs
IAC posts Yiddish-language translation of the DTaP VIS
Featured Resources
Reminder! Free SHOTS app from STFM is a great tool for new doctors starting their residencies in July
Also for new residents! Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study finds HPV vaccination reduces cervical abnormalities
Education and Training
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Minnesota Department of Health's Got Your Shots? Immunization Conference to be held September 8–9

Issue 1254: July 6, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1254
July 6, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: The meningococcal conjugate vaccine recommendations state that a…read more
Top Stories
Save the date! On July 28, Dr. William Atkinson will present "Improving Adolescent Immunization" webinar
NAIIS's Influenza Vaccine Availability Tracking System is now available for the 2016–2017 season
August is National Immunization Awareness Month; 2016 communications toolkit now available
Association of Immunization Managers publishes new resource about selecting and using data loggers to monitor vaccine temperatures
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls five new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; four previously honored institutions qualify for additional years
One healthcare organization joins IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization and at conferences
IAC Handouts
"Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2016–2017 Influenza Season" now available
IAC updates and reformats "Personal belief exemptions for vaccination put people at risk"
"Recommendations for Pneumococcal Vaccine Use in Children and Teens" updated and reformatted
Vaccine Information Statements
Spanish translations of the HPV9, Meningococcal (MCV4/MPSV4), pediatric multi-vaccine, and PCV13 vaccine VISs are now available in rich text format (RTF)
World News
WHO publishes travel guidelines from the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia for Hajj travelers in Weekly Epidemiological Report
Featured Resources
AAP Ohio Chapter releases Fast Vax Facts app
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians ("The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
June issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Education and Training
University at Albany School of Public Health to offer July 21 webinar on maternal immunization
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Indiana Immunization Coalition "The Pink Book" training scheduled for October 12–13

Issue 1253: June 29, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1253
June 29, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: We did a hepatitis B panel for a new hospital employee from Gambia…read more
Top Stories
ACIP votes that live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) should not be used during the 2016–2017 flu season
IAC provides summary article about votes taken at June 22–23 ACIP meeting
FDA approves plans for first human Zika vaccine trial
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization and at conferences
IAC Handouts
Reminder: "10 Steps to Implementing Standing Orders for Immunization in Your Practice Setting" now available
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Yiddish-language translations of the HPV9 and Meningococcal ACWY VISs
World News
WHO publishes report on maternal and neonatal tetanus prevention in Indonesia
Featured Resources
Vaccine Education Center's newsletter for healthcare professionals includes a rabies Q&A and other new resources
CDC's "You are the key to HPV cancer prevention" slide deck for providers available in Spanish
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Studies find association between rotavirus vaccination and reduction of childhood seizures
Education and Training
Time sensitive! VICNetwork webinar about social media will be held today (Wednesday), June 29, at 2:00 p.m. (ET)
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Registration deadline for October 19–20 ACIP meeting is September 28 for non-U.S. citizens and October 10 for citizens
North Dakota Immunization Conference scheduled for August 3–4

Issue 1252: June 22, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1252
June 22, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: Is the top shelf of a pharmacy-grade storage unit acceptable for vaccine storage if…read more
Top Stories
Reminder: “10 Steps to Implementing Standing Orders for Immunization in Your Practice Setting” now available
FDA approves changes in dosing language for YF-Vax for the prevention of yellow fever
Winners of the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit video contest announced
IAC Spotlight! IAC updates Email News Services listings
2016 HPV vaccination toolkit available online from ACOG
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization or at conferences
Featured Resources
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Journal Articles and Newsletters
May issue of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available
Study investigates most effective interventions to increase HPV vaccine uptake
Education and Training
NFID to offer webinar about June ACIP meeting
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
Final June ACIP meeting agenda available
Reminder: Registration open for CDC’s 47th National Immunization Conference on September 13–15
NFID Clinical Vaccinology Course scheduled for November 4–6 in Philadelphia

Issue 1251: June 15, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1251
June 15, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: We have a 20-week-old infant who was born prematurely. The infant has never…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! May issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
New! IAC releases “10 Steps to Implementing Standing Orders for Immunization in Your Practice Setting”
FDA approves Vaxchora for the prevention of cholera
MMWR reports on 2015–2016 influenza season in the United States and 2016–2017 vaccine composition
IAC Spotlight! IAC updates Vaccine Timeline of historic dates and events
NFID releases report: “Addressing the Challenges of Influenza Vaccination on U.S. College Campuses”
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization
IAC Handouts
IAC updates “Decision to Not Vaccinate My Child”
Featured Resources
CDC 2016 easy-to-read immunization schedule for preteens and teens now available in Spanish
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study finds reduction in HPV infection and related conditions since vaccine’s introduction
Education and Training
Ohio AAP offers free webinar on HPV vaccination
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now
Conferences and Meetings
2016 Nevada Health Conference scheduled for October 17–18
Webcast instructions for June ACIP meeting now available

Issue 1250: June 8, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1250
June 8, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: My 7-year-old patient has had only 1 dose of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! May issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
Nineteen cases of measles in nine states confirmed by CDC so far in 2016
MMWR reports on a case of human rabies contracted in Wyoming
IAC enrolls 10 new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; two previously honored institutions qualify for additional years
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization
Register now for an IAC "Take a Stand™" workshop on the use of standing orders in Philadelphia or Baltimore in June; related workshop to be offered at the Iowa Immunization Coalition Conference on June 15
Applications to host 2017 National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships due July 15
IAC Handouts
IAC updates “Administering Vaccines: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size”
IAC revises “Notification of Vaccination Letter Template”
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts translations of the meningococcal (MCV4/MPSV4) VIS in Bengali, Haitian Creole, Polish, and Urdu languages
IAC posts translations of the HPV9 VIS in Bengali, Haitian Creole, Polish, and Urdu languages
World News
WHO reports on outbreaks of influenza in the southern hemisphere in this week's Weekly Epidemiological Report
Featured Resources
CDC’s Vaccines and Immunizations web page updated to be mobile friendly
CDC Health Information for International Travel (“The Yellow Book”) now available for download as an app for iOS or Android mobile devices
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Education and Training
NFID offers free online educational program about seasonal influenza in older adults
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues through September 21; register now

Issue 1249: June 2, 2016

IAC Express Special Edition - Ask the Experts: Issue 1249
June 2, 2016
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Q: What is the recommended time to do hepatitis B testing for evidence of success or failure of immunoprophylaxis given at birth to an infant born to a hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive mother?
Q: I work in occupational health and have some patients who are off schedule for their hepatitis B vaccine series. They came back for dose #2 in 4 to 6 months rather than getting it 1 month later. In this situation, what is the correct timing for dose #3? And how long must the interval be between doses before I am required to restart the series?
DTaP/Tdap/Td Vaccines
Q: The U.S. immunization schedule indicates that DTaP #4 is recommended at age 15–18 months. However, the footnote says that dose #4 can be given at age 12 months as long as the minimal interval of 6 months has been met. If the minimal interval is met, is it acceptable to give DTaP #4 to a 12-month-old in order to avoid a missed opportunity to vaccinate?
Q: A 16-year-old has a written record of receiving doses of DTaP at ages 2 months and 5 months and one dose of Tdap at age 15 years. Since she has had three doses of pertussis-containing vaccine, would she still need two additional doses of Td?
Q: For a person entering a long-term-care facility at age 70 or older, if we cannot document that the resident has had a primary series of three doses of tetanus-containing vaccine, is the right course of action upon admission to give a Tdap first, then a Td in 1 to 2 months, followed by a Td in 6 to 12 months, and then a Td booster every 10 years?
Q: If a patient is receiving a tetanus-containing vaccine after an injury and there is no history of any prior tetanus vaccine (e.g., an Amish person who has previously declined vaccination), how much tetanus protection will one dose provide? Also, what is the time frame that the tetanus toxoid needs to be given following an injury?
MMR Vaccine
Q: During a mumps outbreak, should a 6-month-old baby be vaccinated with MMR as we do during a measles outbreak?
Q: Would you consider a healthcare worker with two documented doses of MMR vaccine to be immune, even if the serology for one or more of the antigens comes back negative?
Meningococcal Vaccines
Q: I have a 7-year-old patient with congenital asplenia. She has already received PCV13 and meningococcal conjugate vaccine. Would you consider giving her meningococcal B vaccine?
Q: I have an otherwise healthy 26-year-old patient with HIV infection who received one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4, MenACWY: Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur; Menveo, GSK) three years ago. Should he receive one or two doses now? Will he need booster doses later?
Q: Are microbiologists recommended to receive meningococcal B vaccine? And if so, how frequently?
Pneumococcal Vaccines
Q: Does a patient younger than age 65 years who smokes marijuana on a daily basis, but doesn’t smoke cigarettes, need to receive pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV) vaccine?
Q: Is a patient younger than age 65 years who recently had a prostatectomy with lymph node dissection for prostate cancer a candidate for PPSV? The patient is believed to be cancer-free and is on no chemotherapy.
Q: I have patients who are in their 70s and 80s and remember getting a pneumococcal vaccine a few years ago. Should we assume that this was PPSV? Should I assume that it was given before the 65th birthday?
Zoster Vaccine
Q: If a patient received dose #1 of varicella vaccine at age 60 years, should we administer zoster vaccine as dose #2?
Q: A dose of zoster vaccine was inadvertently given to a patient receiving chemotherapy for colon cancer. We realize this was an error, so please advise us on what to do now.
Healthcare Personnel
Q: Which vaccines are recommended for healthcare personnel (HCP)?
Q: Should HCP be vaccinated routinely against hepatitis A?
Q: I am a nurse who received the hepatitis B vaccine series more than 10 years ago and had a positive follow-up antibody titer for anti-HBs (at least 10 mIU/mL) at that time. At present, my titer is negative (less than 10 mIU/ mL). What should I do now?
Vaccine Storage and Handling
Q: How long is a vaccine viable if it has been stored in the refrigerator in a syringe?
Miscellaneous Questions
Q: I understand that certain vaccines contain aluminum and/or formaldehyde. Could you provide me with the research showing the "safe" amounts of aluminum and formaldehyde that can be injected per pound of body weight?

Issue 1248: June 1, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1248
June 1, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A child was inadvertently administered the first dose of rotavirus vaccine at five…read more
Top Stories
Reminder! May issues of Needle Tips and Vaccinate Adults are available online
MMWR reports on response to cases of serogroup B meningococcal disease at a university
MMWR reports on chemoprophylaxis to a case of meningococcal disease at an elementary school
CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis releases its five-year strategic plan
Register now for an IAC "Take a Stand™" workshop on the use of standing orders in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore in June; related workshop to be offered at the Iowa Immunization Coalition Conference on June 15
Register for the 2016 Iowa Immunization Coalition Conference
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization
IAC Handouts
IAC updates eight translations of its educational handout for parents: "Immunizations for Babies"
World News
WHO reports on April 2016 meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization
Featured Resources
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
Register now for the 2016 CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics, starting June 1

Issue 1247: May 25, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1247
May 25, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: A provider has a 54-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis who had been on…read more
Top Stories
New! May 2016 issue of Vaccinate Adults is available online
Reminder: May 2016 issue of Needle Tips is also available online
IAC Spotlight! IAC enrolls nine new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; twelve previously honored institutions qualify for additional years
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization
Register now for an IAC "Take a Stand™" workshop on the use of standing orders in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore in June; related workshop to be offered at the Iowa Immunization Conference on June 15
IAC Handouts
IAC updates educational handout about hepatitis B virus infection for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
World News
WHO reports on work of the Smallpox Secretariat and global preparedness
Featured Resources
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
NFID to offer webinar on travel vaccines
Conferences and Meetings
Draft agenda for June ACIP meeting now available
Save the date: Hawaii Immunization Coalition to offer CDC's “Pink Book” course January 10–11, 2017

Issue 1246: May 18, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1246
May 18, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: An expired dose of ProQuad (MMRV, Merck) was given to a patient. We assume…read more
Top Stories
New! May 2016 issue of Needle Tips is now available online
CDC offers resources about mumps targeted to college students and healthcare professionals
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (“The Purple Book") as a new app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
IAC Spotlight! Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides now available from IAC for distribution within your organization
MMWR reports on Hepatitis Awareness Month and Hepatitis Testing Day
Vaccine Education Center releases Vax Pack Hero, a program designed for elementary-school age children
Register now for an IAC "Take a Stand™" workshop on the use of standing orders in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore in June; related workshop to be offered at the Iowa Immunization Conference on June 15
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts four translations of the HPV9 VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
NIH news release announces that investigational malaria vaccine protected healthy U.S. adults for more than one year
World News
CDC and WHO report on global progress toward polio eradication in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Education and Training
Register now for the 2016 CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics

Issue 1245: May 11, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1245
May 11, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: We have a 40 lb six-year-old patient who has been taking 15 mg of methotrexate weekly…read more
Top Stories
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians ("The Purple Book") as an app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
Institute for Safe Medication Practices reports on hospital in Brazil where 50 employees received a dose of insulin instead of influenza vaccine; same error has been reported many times globally, including in the United States
Free bulk quantities of pneumococcal and zoster vaccination laminated pocket guides available from IAC for distribution within your organization
CDC launches Clean Hands Count campaign
IAC Spotlight! Easy-to-access slide deck with speaker notes on meningococcal ACWY disease prevention and how to increase second dose coverage is available for healthcare professionals' use
Watch a new Medscape module on meningococcal serogroup B vaccination
Two healthcare organizations join IAC's Influenza Vaccination Honor Roll for mandatory healthcare worker vaccination
Register now for an IAC "Take a Stand™" workshop on the use of standing orders in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore in June; related workshop to be offered at the Iowa Immunization Conference on June 15
Join Voices for Vaccines on a May 19 conference call with law professor Dr. Dorit Rubinstein Reiss on parental rights
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "Emergency Response Worksheet," a resource that helps healthcare professionals handle vaccine storage temperature excursions
IAC makes correction to patient handout "You are not alone! Information for young adults who are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts 13 translations of the Meningococcal ACWY VIS
IAC posts 10 translations of the HPV9 VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
CDC's 2014 viral hepatitis surveillance report is now available
World News
CDC and WHO report on laboratory support for global measles and rubella elimination in this week's MMWR and Weekly Epidemiological Report, respectively
Featured Resources
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
Journal Articles and Newsletters
Study finds that vaccinating pregnant women against influenza protects their infants
Education and Training
National Partnership on Adolescent Immunization training modules on quality improvement stress HPV vaccination

Issue 1244: May 4, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1244
May 4, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: If a patient has a history of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak but no current leak…read more
Top Stories
Six measles cases confirmed in Memphis area outbreak
Download Dr. Gary Marshall's The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians ("The Purple Book") as an app for iOS devices or purchase as a print book
CDC marks World Immunization Week by sharing historical highlights and future strategies
Visit CDC's "Keep the Momentum Going" web page for ideas to keep the NIIW energy alive
CDC reports on FDA approval for use of Hiberix as a 3-dose primary Hib vaccination series
FDA provides updated information about yellow fever vaccine shortage
National Meningitis Association to host an inaugural panel discussion in New York City on May 9
CDC publishes MMWR Surveillance Summary about certain health behaviors, chronic diseases, and conditions; includes information on influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates
IAC enrolls seven new birthing institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll; two previously honored institutions qualify for second year
IAC Spotlight! IAC's 84-page HepB birth dose guidebook Hepatitis B: What Hospitals Need to Do to Protect Newborns is available free online or as a hard copy for purchase
Reminder: IAC and Med-IQ developed two free CME courses on adult immunization
IAC’s "Take a Stand™" workshops are highly successful across the nation: Register NOW for a session in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore in June
IAC Handouts
IAC revises its medical chart vaccine administration record forms for documenting child, teen, and adult vaccine administration
IAC updates healthcare professional resource "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and Vaccination"
IAC updates three educational handouts about chronic hepatitis B virus infection for parents and patients
IAC posts updated Spanish-language translations of "Top Ten Reasons to Protect Your Child by Vaccinating" and "Human Papillomavirus (HPV): A parent's guide to preteen and teen HPV vaccination"
Vaccine Information Statements
IAC posts Thai-language translation of the Tdap Vaccine VIS
Official Releases and Announcements
It's Hepatitis Awareness Month; fifth annual national Hepatitis Testing Day scheduled for May 19
Featured Resources
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase from IAC
Journal Articles and Newsletters
CDC publishes article about healthcare-associated hepatitis A outbreak in Texas
March and April issues of CDC's Immunization Works newsletter now available online
Education and Training
University of Pittsburgh develops training module on maximizing adult vaccination rates; continuing education credit available for physicians
CDC Learning Connection offers public health training developed by CDC, CDC partners, and other federal agencies
Conferences and Training
Reminder: Registration open for CDC’s 47th National Immunization Conference on September 13–15

Issue 1243: April 27, 2016

IAC Express: Issue 1243
April 27, 2016
Ask the Experts—Question of the Week: I have read that HPV vaccine should not be administered to pregnant women…read more
Top Stories
FDA approves changes to vaccine administration schedule for Trumenba vaccine (MenB; Pfizer)
Visit the newly designed CDC immunization website for parents
California Immunization Coalition's ShotByShot website has new look and functionality
IAC Spotlight! "Like" IAC on Facebook and "follow" IAC on Twitter!
Now available! IAC's sturdy laminated versions of the 2016 U.S. child/teen immunization schedule and the 2016 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today!
IAC's "Take a Stand™" workshops are highly successful across the nation: Register NOW for a session in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore in June
National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships is coming in May; register and reserve your room now
IAC Handouts
IAC updates "It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current Vaccine Information Statements" to include new VIS dates
IAC posts recently revised handout, "Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Age 11–19 Years"
World News
Global switch to bivalent OPV from trivalent OPV occurring from April 17 to May 1
Featured Resources
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, a.k.a. "The Purple Book," by Dr. Gary Marshall available for purchase from IAC
Education and Training
CDC adds a video for providers as part of their "You are the key to HPV cancer prevention" campaign; continuing education credit available
CDC to sponsor a #PreteenVaxScene webinar on improving HPV vaccination rates on May 19
Conferences and Training
Video footage of presentations from the February 2016 ACIP now available; register now for June ACIP meeting
Minnesota's immunization conference scheduled for September 8–9

This page was updated on .