Issue 1377: August 1, 2018
TOP STORIES CDC publishes “Mumps Outbreaks at Four Universities—Indiana, 2016” in this week’s MMWR CDC published Mumps Outbreaks at Four Universities—Indiana, 2016 in the July 27 issue of MMWR (pages 793–806). A media summary is reprinted below. Laboratory testing, implementation of control measures, and availability of vaccination records are essential elements of plans to manage and contain mumps outbreaks. This report highlights strategies used in multiple, nearly simultaneous university outbreaks of mumps in Indiana in 2016 that public health departments and partners could use to help prevent or manage similar outbreaks. In 2016, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) confirmed mumps outbreaks nearly simultaneously at four universities around the state that also spread into the community. The ISDH and local health departments began investigations and took steps to control the outbreaks. Among the 281 confirmed and probable cases of mumps identified, 205 (73.0%) people had received two verifiable doses of mumps vaccine and an additional 11 (3.9%) were immune to mumps by laboratory testing. Complications were infrequent among cases and only one person required hospitalization. No deaths were reported. These outbreaks highlighted discrepancies in immunization documentation at universities and challenges in controlling outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations. View Mumps Outbreaks at Four Universities—Indiana, 2016 in HTML format. Related Link
National Immunization Awareness Month is here; week 2 will focus on protecting pregnant women and their babies Every year in August, National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of immunization and the need for improving national vaccination coverage levels. NIAM is co-sponsored by the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) and CDC. The second week, August 5–12, focuses on vaccinations for pregnant women. The theme for the week is "Protect yourself and pass protection on to your baby." ![]() The 2018 edition of the communications toolkit, put out by NPHIC in collaboration with CDC, contains key messages, vaccine information, sample news releases and articles, sample social media messages, links to web resources from CDC and other organizations, and logos, web banners, posters, and graphics to use with social media. The website also includes a place for you to share your NIAM activities and view what others are doing for NIAM, using the hashtag #NIAM18. The first week of NIAM focused on getting ready for back to school. Following the second week, the remaining weeks will focus on the following:
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IAC Spotlight! Looking for an easy way to find what you need on IAC’s website for healthcare professionals? Scroll down to the "Guide to" located at the bottom of every web page Are you looking for an easy way to find what you need on IAC's comprehensive website for healthcare professionals? Just scroll down to the "Guide to" found at the bottom of every web page of to find what you are looking for and to get there fast.
The "Guide" is an alphabetical, interactive table of contents in view wherever you are on With the major categories appearing in blue font and the subcategories in black font, the whole list is especially easy to view and navigate. Wherever you are on, try using the "Guide" at the bottom of whichever page you are on. Then you can move quickly to the next web page or section you want to visit. Back to top New “MenB in 90 Seconds” video highlighting need for MenB vaccine to protect college students and teens posted by Meningitis B Action Project The Meningitis B Action Project has posted a new, animated video aimed at young people of pre-college or college age: MenB in 90 Seconds. The video explains what meningococcal disease is, what serious or fatal symptoms it can have, and why it is important to get the MenB vaccine as well as the MenACWY vaccine. The Meningitis B Action Project has additional brochures, posters, and infographics designed especially for young people, parents, and healthcare professionals. A 12-page Action Toolkit with ideas for advocating for the prevention of meningitis B disease is available for downloading from the website. In addition, the website has a Meningitis B Mandate Tracker web page that shows which colleges and high schools mandate or are considering mandating MenB vaccination and that has a form for requesting advocacy materials. Read about the founders of the Meningitis B Action Project, Patti Wukovits and Alicia Stillman, whose daughters, Kimberly and Emily, respectively, died from meningitis B when they were ages 17 and 19. Their daughters had received the MenACWY vaccine, but the MenB vaccine was not available in time to protect them. Related Link WORLD NEWS France 2018 measles outbreak: 2,500 cases, 22% hospitalized, 3 dead; vaccination mandate expanded January 2018 Vaccines Today recently reported that in 2018, France had 2,500 cases of measles by May. Among those infected with measles, 22% were hospitalized and three died. Half of the cases were in children younger than 15 years old. Children under one year of age experienced the highest rate of infection. On January 1, 2018, the French government mandated eight additional vaccines—pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13), and meningococcal serogroup C—in addition to the three previously mandated vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis. French authorities think the outbreak may have peaked, but there are still a large number of unvaccinated people in France. In an address to the French Parliament on July 5, 2017, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe stated that it was unacceptable that children are still dying of measles in the homeland of Pasteur. Related Links
WHO’s 106th Global Health Histories seminar: "Vaccine Hesitancy—Why Do Some People Not Vaccinate?" now available for viewing
The World Health Organization (WHO)/Europe and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Health Histories at the University of York in England hosted a discussion on July 3 by a panel of international experts exploring the topic of vaccine hesitancy in Europe. The discussion examined the topic in terms of its social, environmental, cultural, and historical contexts and in terms of its effects on the region's immunization programs. A video recording of the entire 90-minute discussion is now available. Read additional information about the seminar, GHH 107: Cultural Contexts of Health: Vaccine Hesitancy—Why Do Some People Not Vaccinate?, on the WHO/Europe website, and access the videotaped discussion on that same page. Back to top Still available! IAC's sturdy laminated version of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule—order a supply for your healthcare setting today! Child/teen schedules sold out. IAC's laminated versions of the 2018 U.S. adult immunization schedule are covered with a tough, washable coating; they will stand up to a year's worth of use in every area of your healthcare setting where immunizations are given. The schedule is eight pages (i.e., four double-sided pages) and is folded to measure 8.5" x 11". The child/teen immunization schedules are sold out. If you wish to order a quantity of 500 or more, you can email to request a quote.
IAC's 142-page book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide, describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting and provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download In late 2017, the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) announced the publication of its new book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide (Guide). ![]() This completely updated guide on adult immunization (originally published in 2004) provides easy-to-use, practical information covering important “how-to” activities to help providers enhance their existing adult immunization services or introduce them into any clinical setting, including:
In addition, the Guide is filled with hundreds of web addresses and references to help providers stay up to date on the latest immunization information, both now and in the future.
JOURNAL ARTICLES AND NEWSLETTERS Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes July/August issue of its newsletter Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals The Vaccine Education Center (VEC) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia publishes a monthly immunization-focused newsletter titled Vaccine Update for Healthcare Professionals. The July/August issue includes the following articles:
Additional resources, including information booklets for patients, are available in the full newsletter. The journal Vaccine publishes study examining racial and ethnic differences in HPV vaccine initiation and recommendations by providers for teen-age boys The journal Vaccine published a study examining the racial and ethnic differences in HPV vaccine initiation and provider recommendations for teen-age boys. The study, Correlates of HPV vaccine initiation and provider recommendation among male adolescents, 2014 NIS-Teen, by K. Landis, et al., appears in the June 7 issue of Vaccine, pages 3498–3504. The abstract is reprinted below.
Vaccination is a safe and effective way to prevent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection and related cancers; however, HPV vaccine uptake remains low in the U.S. After the 2011 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendation for routine HPV vaccination of adolescent males, several studies have examined predictors for initiating the vaccine series in this population of interest, particularly with regard to provider recommendations. This study examined racial and ethnic differences for HPV vaccine initiation and provider recommendation in male adolescents. Based on prior HPV vaccine uptake estimates and healthcare utilization data, we hypothesized that minority adolescents would be more likely to initiate HPV vaccines, but less likely to receive a provider recommendation compared to white counterparts. We analyzed the 2014 National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen), which included 10,753 male adolescents with provider-verified vaccination data in 50 U.S. states, using multivariate logistic regression models to evaluate racial/ethnic differences in HPV vaccine initiation and provider recommendation. The odds of HPV vaccine initiation were 76 percent higher for Hispanic adolescents and 43 percent higher for non-Hispanic Other or Multiple race adolescents compared to white adolescents. Approximately half of parents reported receiving a provider recommendation for vaccination, with no significant difference in the odds of receiving a provider recommendation across racial/ethnic groups. Despite similar frequency of recommendations across racial and ethnic groups, male adolescents who are racial/ethnic minorities are more likely to initiate vaccination. Future research should focus on developing tailored interventions to increase HPV vaccine receipt among males of all racial/ethnic groups.
View the abstract in HTML on the ScienceDirect website. EDUCATION AND TRAINING NFID webinar addressing measles outbreaks and lessons learned scheduled for August 7
The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) will be hosting a 1-hour webinar titled Measles Outbreaks: Lessons Learned on August 7 at 12:00 noon (ET). Presenters will be NFID's medical director, William Schaffner, MD, and NFID's vice president, Patricia A. Stinchfield, RN, MS, CPNP, CIC, senior director, Infection Prevention and Control, Children's Minnesota. At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
Register for the webinar. (Pre-registration is required.)
Registration open for Vaccine Education Center's September 5 "Current Issues in Vaccines" webinar with Dr. Paul Offit The Vaccine Education Center (VEC) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia will present a 1-hour webinar, beginning at 12:00 noon (ET) on September 5. Part of its Current Issues in Vaccines series, the webinar will feature Paul Offit, MD, director of VEC. Dr. Offit's topics for this webinar will be:
Free continuing education credits (CME, CEU, and CPE) will be available for both the live and archived events.
Weekly CDC webinar series on "The Pink Book" chapter topics continues August 8 with "Meningococcal Vaccines"; register now for series running through September 26 CDC is presenting a 15-part webinar series to provide a chapter-by-chapter overview of the 13th edition of Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (also known as "The Pink Book"). This is a live series of weekly 1-hour webinars that started June 6 and will run through September 26. The webinar series provides an overview of vaccines and the diseases they prevent, general recommendations for vaccines, vaccination principles, and immunization strategies for providers. The August 8 webinar will cover "Meningococcal Vaccines" and include a live Q&A session. Recordings of sessions will be available online within 2 weeks after each webinar. All sessions begin at 12:00 noon (ET). Continuing education will be available for each event. Registration and more information is available on CDC's Pink Book Webinar Series web page. All the sections of "The Pink Book" (i.e., chapters, appendices, 2017 supplement) are available to download at no charge at You can also order this resource from the Public Health Foundation for $40 plus shipping and handling. Back to top |
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IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
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ISSN 2771-8085
Editorial Information
Editor-in-ChiefKelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
Managing EditorJohn D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
Associate EditorSharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
Writer/Publication CoordinatorTaryn Chapman, MS
Courtnay Londo, MA -
Style and Copy EditorMarian Deegan, JD
Web Edition ManagersArkady Shakhnovich
Jermaine Royes -
Contributing WriterLaurel H. Wood, MPA
Technical ReviewerKayla Ohlde