Top Stories presents Becky Payne Award to Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) for extraordinary efforts on behalf of immunization presented the 2022 Becky Payne Award to the Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) on August 30, 2022, during the group’s national leadership meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
AIM was founded in 1999 to support the leaders of 64 CDC-recognized state, local, and territorial immunization programs in their efforts to ensure that people of all ages and throughout the nation are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Since its inception, AIM has provided a unified voice for working with key partners in the development of national vaccine policy. The organization has also provided a unique forum for immunization program managers to learn from one another, confront challenges, and achieve success.

Deborah L. Wexler, MD, Founder and Executive Director Emerita of IAC (now; Claire Hannan, MPH, Executive Director of AIM; and Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH, President and Chief Executive Officer of
The partnerships and learning opportunities provided by AIM have always been vital, and they have been especially crucial during the era of COVID-19. During this time, immunization programs have served as the hub for COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts throughout the country. AIM has been instrumental in assisting programs as they developed policies and processes for equitable vaccine distribution, oversaw education for providers on vaccine administration and storage, and provided daily updates on vaccine administration data through a network of immunization information systems.
“ is pleased to honor AIM for its enduring leadership in advancing vaccination programs across the nation,” said Dr. Kelly Moore, President and CEO. “Presenting the Becky Payne Award allows us to shine a spotlight on the largely unrecognized contributions to public health provided by AIM and its members, the nation’s immunization program managers.”

In accepting the award on behalf of AIM, Claire Hannan, AIM Executive Director, stated, “All of us at AIM are deeply honored to be selected to receive the 2022 Becky Payne Award. Although immunization program managers are aware that their daily efforts have made an extraordinary difference in the health and well-being of their communities, this public acknowledgement of their essential work is particularly gratifying.”
The Award carries a substantial unrestricted financial contribution to support AIM’s ongoing programs. is pleased to honor AIM for the group’s extraordinary efforts on behalf of immunizations and public health.
About the Becky Payne Award
Becky Payne was the first full-time staff member at the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC, now in 1994 when it received a grant that enabled opening an office and distributing immunization education materials nationally. Dr. Deborah Wexler, IAC founder and Executive Director Emerita, has noted that, “without Becky, it is doubtful that would be the organization it is today.” In 2011, Becky died unexpectedly following surgery. Her competence, professionalism, sense of humor, grace, and tireless dedication to supporting IAC operations, from the time it opened its doors and through the years and days right before her untimely death, were critical to every aspect of IAC’s immunization education and advocacy.

The Becky Payne Award honors Becky’s commitment and service to immunization by providing recognition and financial support to immunization advocates who display initiative and innovation in promoting vaccination.’s goal for granting this award is twofold. We believe it is important for the entire immunization community to be aware of leading organizations and individuals that have and continue to do so much heavy lifting as part of all our efforts directed at raising immunization rates. By highlighting stellar performers like AIM, we can spread and deepen the understanding of their critical work. In addition, we seek to provide a meaningful financial boost to the awardee’s ability to further serve the goals of protecting lives with vaccines. More information about the award is available online at
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“Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices—United States, 2022–23 Influenza Season” published in MMWR
CDC published Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices—United States, 2022–23 Influenza Season on August 26 in MMWR. A portion of the summary appears below.
Primary updates to this report include the following three topics: 1) the composition of 2022–23 U.S. seasonal influenza vaccines; 2) updates to the description of influenza vaccines expected to be available for the 2022–23 season, including one influenza vaccine labeling change that occurred after the publication of the 2021–22 ACIP influenza recommendations; and 3) updates to the recommendations concerning vaccination of adults aged ≥65 years....recommendations for vaccination of adults aged ≥65 years have been modified. ACIP recommends that adults aged ≥65 years preferentially receive any one of the following higher dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccines: quadrivalent high-dose inactivated influenza vaccine (HD-IIV4), quadrivalent recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV4), or quadrivalent adjuvanted inactivated influenza vaccine (aIIV4). If none of these three vaccines is available at an opportunity for vaccine administration, then any other age-appropriate influenza vaccine should be used.
Access the MMWR article in HTML or PDF.
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Back to top updates its print-ready fact sheet "Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2022–2023 Influenza Season" updated Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2022–2023 Influenza Season. The revised sheets show that for Afluria influenza vaccine for infants and children age 6 through 35 months, the 0.25 mL prefilled syringe is no longer available. Instead, providers are expected to obtain the 0.25 mL dose from the Afluria multidose 5.0-mL vial.

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Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine authorized and recommended as primary series option for adolescents age 12 to 17
On August 19, FDA granted emergency use authorization (EUA) to Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine for adolescents age 12 to 17. On August 22, CDC recommended Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine as a primary series option for adolescents age 12 to 17. CDC's Interim Clinical Considerations main page summarizing use of COVID-19 in the United States was updated to reflect this change.
Healthcare professionals should review the latest updates to the interim clinical considerations and switch to the most current EUA fact sheets:
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Back to top updates “Checklist of Current Versions of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance and Clinic Support Tools.” Check your document versions today. offers a four-page job aid, Checklist of Current Versions of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance and Clinic Support Tools, to help you keep up with changes to COVID-19 vaccine guidance and resources. The checklist includes the most recent revision dates of CDC’s primary COVID-19 vaccination websites, as well as print-ready PDF documents from CDC and FDA. Each date is hyperlinked to the original document or web page. updates this list at least monthly, prominently indicating when it was last updated at the top of the page.

The current checklist, updated through August 26, 2022, was expanded to include each of the important documents related to the recent addition of Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine as an option for primary series vaccination of adolescents age 12 to 17. Additionally, several items were updated to hyperlink to the most recent versions of key resources. Finally, the first page of the document now includes a QR code for easier access to the online version.
We encourage COVID-19 vaccination providers to review this checklist each time it is revised to be sure practices stay up to date.
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CDC revises Monkeypox/Smallpox Vaccine Information Statement (VIS)
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CDC confirms new human infection with novel influenza virus from pigs
On August 19, CDC reported a new human infection with a novel influenza A virus that usually spreads among pigs, bringing the total number of infections to four this year in the United States.
This new infection was caused by a different influenza virus subtype (H1N2v) than the three previously reported infections (H3N2v) during 2022. Sporadic human infections with influenza viruses that usually spread in pigs happen every year, often in the agricultural fair setting where pigs are present. However, about 10% of reported variant influenza virus infections in the United States since 2010 occurred in people without documented swine contact, as in this case.
No person-to-person spread of this H1N2v virus has been confirmed. The public’s risk of H1N2v infection is considered low, but each human case caused by a variant influenza virus should be fully investigated to be sure that variant viruses are not spreading efficiently among people and, if infected animals are identified, further exposure of people is limited. CDC is monitoring this situation closely and will adjust the public health risk assessment and recommendations as warranted.
Additional information can be found at CDC's Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report, FluView.
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Back to top’s Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll recognizes 564 institutions, including four new honorees. Three previously honored institutions qualify for sustained honors. is pleased to announce acceptance of four new institutions into its Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll, for a total of 564 honorees. The birthing institutions are listed below with their reported hepatitis B birth dose coverage rates in parentheses.
- Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CT (90%)
- HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital, Orange Park, FL (95%)
- St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Bridgeport, CT (93%)
- Vaughan Regional Medical Center, Selma, AL (99%)
Several institutions are being recognized for qualifying for an additional year:
- Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, Torrington, CT (94%) (3 years)
- Sharon Hospital, Sharon, CT (92%) (3 years)
- ChristianaCare, Newark, DE (94%) (6 years)
The Honor Roll now includes 564 birthing institutions from 44 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Saipan, and a U.S. military base in England.
The Honor Roll is a key part of’s initiative urging the nation’s hospitals to Give Birth to the End of Hep B. Hospitals and birthing centers are recognized for attaining high coverage for hepatitis B vaccine at birth and meeting additional criteria. To learn whether your organization qualifies and to access the application form, please see Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll online.
Honorees are awarded an 8.5" x 11" color certificate suitable for framing and their acceptance is announced to IZ Express’s 54,000+ readers.
Please visit the Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll web page that lists these institutions and celebrates their exceptional efforts to protect infants from perinatal hepatitis B transmission.
Related Resources
Spotlight: resources that focus on vaccine products and manufacturers
In this week's Spotlight, we summarize resources at that focus on specific vaccine products.

Package Inserts and FDA Product Approvals main page provides up-to-date product information links for all vaccines licensed for use in the United States, as well as links to FDA vaccine approval web pages.
Vaccine Manufacturers main page provides links to the websites of the vaccine manufacturers in the United States, as well as contact information such as telephone numbers and email addresses. In addition, the vaccine products for each of the companies are listed.
Vaccines main page links to information about 24 vaccines and the diseases they prevent. For each vaccine, access the latest recommendations, information, and up-to-date resources from and CDC.
Journalists interview experts
Journalists seek out experts to help explain vaccines to the public and policy makers. We help the media understand and communicate the complex work vaccinators do. Here is one of our recent citations.
These recent articles convey the potential risks of vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of vaccination.
Vaccine Information Statements revises "You Must Provide Patients with Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) – It's Federal Law!" and "Dates of Current Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)" to update the date on Smallpox/Monkeypox VIS
Featured Resources
Meningitis B Action Project offers student hub and resources geared to college students and peer health educators
Meningitis B Action Project offers Meningitis B Student Hub, a resource for peer health educators and college students with materials created by students from across the country. Resources, including the newly released meningitis B educational posters, can be distributed widely to schools, colleges, and universities across the country.

The Meningitis B Action Coalition is encouraging colleges and universities to coordinate vaccination clinics. For more information on how to host a vaccination clinic, please contact
Voices for Vaccines releases podcast with nurse practitioner Blima Marcus on the return of polio to the United States
Voices for Vaccines (VFV) posted a new entry in its Vax Talk podcast series: Polio Makes a Terrible Return featuring Blima Marcus, DNP, RN. A description from the VFV web page appears below.
Remember the old refrain: polio is only a plane ride away? Well, it’s hit New York, in the same community that saw a massive measles outbreak in 2019.
We invited the excellent Blima Marcus, a nurse practitioner who worked on building vaccine confidence in this community during the 2019 outbreak, to talk to us about polio and what we can all do to prevent future outbreaks.

Voices for Vaccines is a national organization of parents and others dedicated to raising the level of the voices of immunization supporters. VFV invites everyone who values vaccines to become a member, use VFV tools in their own community, and get involved with VFV.
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Notable Publications
“Risk of Preterm Birth, Small for Gestational Age at Birth, and Stillbirth after COVID-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy: Population Based Retrospective Cohort Study” published in British Medical Journal
In the August 17 issue, British Medical Journal published Risk of Preterm Birth, Small for Gestational Age at Birth, and Stillbirth after COVID-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy: Population Based Retrospective Cohort Study. The Conclusions section appears below.
We did not find evidence of an increased risk of preterm birth, small for gestational age at birth, or stillbirth after covid-19 vaccination during any trimester of pregnancy in this large population based study including more than 43 000 births to individuals vaccinated during pregnancy. Our findings—along with extant evidence that vaccination during pregnancy is effective against covid-19 for pregnant individuals and their newborns, and that covid-19 during pregnancy is associated with increased risks of adverse maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes—can inform evidence based decision making about covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy. Future studies to assess similar outcomes after immunisation with non-mRNA covid-19 vaccine types during pregnancy should be a research priority.
“Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19–Associated Hospitalizations among Adults during SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 Variant Predominance—COVID-19—Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network, 14 States, June 20, 2021–May 31, 2022” published in MMWR
CDC published Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19–Associated Hospitalizations among Adults during SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 Variant Predominance—COVID-19—Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network, 14 States, June 20, 2021–May 31, 2022 on August 26 in MMWR. An excerpt from the summary appears below.
Increased hospitalization rates among adults aged ≥65 years compared with rates among younger adults were most pronounced during the Omicron BA.2–predominant period. Among hospitalized nonpregnant patients, 44.1% had received primary vaccination and ≥1 booster or additional dose. Hospitalization rates among unvaccinated adults were approximately triple those of vaccinated adults….
Adults should stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccination, including booster doses.
Access the MMWR article in HTML or PDF.
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Upcoming Events
Virtual: Watch September 1–2 ACIP meeting COVID-19 vaccine booster doses
CDC will convene its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on September 1 from 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (ET) and September 2, 2022, from 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. (ET). The agenda will address COVID-19 vaccine booster doses.

No registration is required to watch webcasts of live ACIP meetings or listen via telephone. Opportunities for public comment are described at the website.
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On-demand: CDC’s “The Pink Book” chapter webinars on vaccine-preventable diseases and best practices roll out weekly. Measles-mumps-rubella chapter now available, with CE.
CDC continues its 19-part pre-recorded webinar series to provide a chapter-by-chapter overview of the 14th edition of Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (also known as "The Pink Book").
Webinar #10, "Measles, Mumps, Rubella," was released on August 30. Additional webinars will be released weekly, concluding on November 1, 2022.
No registration is required to view the sessions. Information and program details are available on CDC's Pink Book Webinars series web page.
CME, CNE, CPE, and CEU credits are available for each event. Questions about the material can be submitted to