As an additional service to IZ Express readers, we periodically publish special editions such as this one, providing you with Ask the Experts questions and answers from experts. In light of the growing number of measles cases in the United States in 2025, including the large outbreak originating in West Texas, this issue includes 3 Q&As about measles and 12 about MMR vaccination based on current ACIP recommendations.
To find the full set of's Ask the Experts MMR vaccination Q&As, visit
You can find all of these questions and answers, plus more than 1,300 others about vaccines and vaccine administration, on our "Ask the Experts" main page at’s team of experts includes Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH (team lead); Carolyn B. Bridges, MD, FACP; Iyabode Beysolow, MD, MPH; and Jane R. Zucker, MD, MSc.
- Q: What are the signs and symptoms healthcare providers should look for in diagnosing measles?
- Q: What should our clinic do if we suspect a patient has measles?
- Q: How long does it take to show signs of measles, mumps, and rubella after being exposed?
- Q: What are the current recommendations for the use of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine?
- Q: What is considered acceptable evidence of immunity to measles?
- Q: For which adults are 0, 1, or 2 doses of MMR vaccine recommended to prevent measles?
- Q: If there is an outbreak in my area, can we vaccinate children younger than 12 months?
- Q: Why is a second dose of MMR necessary?
- Q: Do any adults need “booster” doses of MMR vaccine to prevent measles?
- Q: Under what circumstances should adults be considered for testing for measles-specific antibody prior to getting vaccinated?
- Q: We have measles cases in our community. How can I best protect the young children in my practice?
- Q: How soon can we give the second dose of MMR vaccine to a child vaccinated at 12 months old?
- Q: Would you consider healthcare personnel with 2 documented doses of MMR vaccine to be immune even if their serology for 1 or more of the antigens comes back negative?
- Q: Is it true that egg allergy is not considered a contraindication to MMR vaccine?
- Q: Is there any evidence that MMR or thimerosal causes autism?
A: Healthcare providers should suspect measles in patients with a febrile rash illness and the clinically compatible symptoms of cough, coryza (runny nose), and/or conjunctivitis (red, watery eyes). The illness begins with a prodrome of fever and malaise before rash onset. A clinical case of measles is defined as an illness characterized by
- a generalized rash lasting 3 or more days, and
- a temperature of 101°F or higher (38.3°C or higher), and
- cough, coryza, and/or conjunctivitis.
Koplik spots, a rash present on mucous membranes, are considered pathognomonic for measles. Koplik spots occur from 1 to 2 days before the measles rash appears to 1 to 2 days afterward. They appear as punctate blue-white spots on the bright red background of the buccal mucosa. Pictures of measles rash and Koplik spots can be found at
Providers should be especially aware of the possibility of measles in people with fever and rash who have recently traveled abroad or to an area with an ongoing outbreak in the United States, or those who have had contact with people from an outbreak area or international travelers. Providers should immediately isolate and report suspected measles cases to their local health department and obtain a nasopharyngeal, throat, and/or urine specimen for diagnosis confirmation and virus genotyping. Providers should also collect blood for serologic testing during the first clinical encounter with a person who has suspected or probable measles.
A: Measles is highly contagious. A person with measles is infectious up to 4 days before through 4 days after the day of rash onset. Patients with suspected measles should be isolated for 4 days after they develop a rash. Airborne precautions should be followed in healthcare settings by all healthcare personnel. The preferred placement for patients who require airborne precautions is in a single-patient airborne infection isolation room. Providers should immediately isolate and report suspected measles cases to their local health department. CDC recommends that either a nasopharyngeal swab, throat swab, or urine specimen as well as a blood specimen be collected from all patients with clinical features compatible with measles. Nasopharyngeal or throat swabs are preferred over urine specimens.
Measles is a nationally notifiable disease in the United States; healthcare providers should report all cases of suspected measles to public health authorities immediately to help reduce the number of secondary cases. Do not wait for the results of laboratory testing to report clinically suspected measles to the local health department.
More information on measles disease, diagnostic testing, and infection control can be found at
A: For measles, there is an average of 10 to 12 days from exposure to the appearance of the first symptom, which is usually fever. The measles rash doesn’t usually appear until approximately 14 days after exposure (range: 7 to 21 days), and the rash typically begins 2 to 4 days after the fever begins. The incubation period of mumps averages 16 to 18 days (range: 12 to 25 days) from exposure to onset of parotitis. The incubation period of rubella is 14 days (range: 12 to 23 days). However, up to half of rubella virus infections cause no symptoms.
A: The most recent comprehensive ACIP recommendations for the use of MMR vaccine were published in 2013 and are available at CDC published the ACIP recommendations for the use of Priorix (GSK) brand of MMR vaccine on November 18, 2022, and they are available here:
There is no difference in recommendations between Priorix and MMRII (Merck) brands of MMR vaccine. Priorix may be used in any situation where MMR vaccination is recommended. Despite minor differences in manufacturing (MMRII contains gelatin; Priorix does not) and approved route of administration (MMRII is approved for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection; Priorix is approved for subcutaneous injection only), the two vaccines may be considered functionally identical and interchangeable.
MMR vaccine is recommended routinely for all children at age 12 through 15 months, with a second dose at age 4 through 6 years. The second dose of MMR can be given as early as 4 weeks (28 days) after the first dose and be counted as a valid dose if both doses were given after the child’s first birthday. The second dose is not a booster, but rather is intended to produce immunity in the small number of people who fail to respond to the first dose.
Adults with no evidence of immunity should get 1 dose of MMR vaccine (evidence of immunity is defined as documented receipt of 1 dose of live measles virus-containing vaccine [or 2 doses, if high risk], laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease, or birth before 1957), unless the adult is in a high-risk group. Susceptible high-risk people need 2 doses of vaccine, given 4 weeks apart. High-risk people include school-age children, healthcare personnel, international travelers, and students attending post-high school educational institutions.
Live measles vaccine became available in the United States in 1963. An ineffective, inactivated measles vaccine was also available in the United States in 1963–1967. Combined MMR vaccine (MMRII, Merck) was licensed in 1971; Priorix (GSK) MMR vaccine was licensed and recommended in 2022. For people who previously received a dose of measles vaccine in 1963–1967 and are unsure which type of vaccine it was, or are sure it was inactivated measles vaccine, that dose should be considered invalid and the patient revaccinated as age- and risk-appropriate with MMR vaccine. If the person can confirm they received a live vaccine during that era, the dose is considered valid and does not need to be repeated. At the discretion of the state public health department, anyone exposed to measles in an outbreak setting can receive an additional dose of MMR vaccine even if they are considered completely vaccinated for their age or risk status.
A: Acceptable presumptive evidence of immunity against measles includes at least one of the following:
- written documentation of adequate vaccination:
- one or more doses of a measles-containing vaccine administered on or after the first birthday for preschool-age children and adults not at high risk
- two doses of measles-containing vaccine for school-age children, adolescents, and adults at high risk, including college students, healthcare personnel, and international travelers
- laboratory evidence of immunity
- laboratory confirmation of measles (verbal history of measles does not count)
- birth before 1957
Although birth before 1957 is considered acceptable evidence of measles immunity, healthcare facilities should consider vaccinating unvaccinated personnel born before 1957 who do not have other evidence of immunity with 2 doses of MMR vaccine (minimum interval 28 days).
During an outbreak of measles, healthcare facilities should recommend 2 doses of MMR vaccine at the appropriate interval for unvaccinated healthcare personnel regardless of birth year if they lack laboratory evidence of measles immunity.
A: Zero, one, or two doses of MMR vaccine are needed for the adults described below.
Zero doses:
- adults born before 1957 except healthcare personnel*
- adults born 1957 or later who are at low risk (e.g., not an international traveler or healthcare worker, or person attending college or other post-high school educational institution) and who have already received one or more documented doses of live measles vaccine
- adults with laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of measles
- adults born in 1957 or later who are at low risk (e.g., not an international traveler, healthcare worker, or person attending college or other post-high school educational institution) and have no documented vaccination with live measles vaccine and no laboratory evidence of immunity or prior measles infection
- high-risk adults without any prior documented live measles vaccination and no laboratory evidence of immunity or prior measles infection, including:
- healthcare personnel*
- international travelers born in 1957 or later
- people attending colleges and other post-high school educational institutions
People who previously received a dose of measles vaccine in 1963–1967 and are unsure which type of vaccine it was, or are sure it was inactivated measles vaccine, should be revaccinated with either one (if low-risk) or two (if high-risk) doses of MMR vaccine. If the vaccine given was the live virus vaccine, the dose is considered valid and does not need to be repeated.
* Healthcare personnel born before 1957 should be considered for MMR vaccination in the absence of an outbreak but are recommended for MMR vaccination during outbreaks.
A: MMR can be given to children as young as 6 months of age who are at high risk of exposure such as during international travel or a community outbreak. However, doses given BEFORE 12 months of age cannot be counted toward the 2-dose series for MMR.
A: Approximately 7% of people do not develop measles immunity after the first dose of vaccine. This occurs for a variety of reasons. The second dose is to provide another chance to develop measles immunity for people who did not respond to the first dose. About 97% of people develop immunity to measles after two doses of measles-containing vaccine.
A: Adults with evidence of immunity, as defined in a separate question, do not need any further vaccines. No “booster” doses of MMR vaccine are recommended for either adults or children. They are considered to have life-long immunity once they have received the recommended number of MMR vaccine doses or have other acceptable evidence of immunity.
A: Adults without evidence of immunity and no contraindications to MMR vaccine can be vaccinated without testing. Only adults without evidence of immunity might be considered for testing for measles-specific IgG antibody, but testing is not needed prior to vaccination.
CDC does not recommend measles antibody testing after MMR vaccination to verify the patient’s immune response to vaccination.
Two documented doses of MMR vaccine given on or after the first birthday and separated by at least 28 days is considered proof of measles immunity, according to ACIP. Documentation of appropriate vaccination supersedes the results of serologic testing for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.
A: First of all, make sure all your patients are fully vaccinated according to the U.S. immunization schedule.
In certain circumstances, MMR is recommended for infants age 6 through 11 months. Give infants this age a dose of MMR before international travel. In addition, consider measles vaccination for infants as young as age 6 months as a control measure during a U.S. measles outbreak. Consult your state health department to find out if this is recommended in your situation. Do not count any dose of MMR vaccine as part of the 2-dose series if it is administered more than 4 days before a child’s first birthday. Instead, repeat the dose when the child is age 12 months.
In the case of a local outbreak, you also might consider vaccinating children age 12 months and older at the minimum age (12 months, instead of 12 through 15 months) and giving the second dose 4 weeks later (at the minimum interval) instead of waiting until age 4 through 6 years.
Finally, remember that infants too young for routine vaccination and people with medical conditions that contraindicate measles immunization depend on high MMR vaccination coverage among those around them. Be sure to encourage all your patients and their family members to get vaccinated if they are not immune.
A: For routine vaccination, children without contraindications to MMR vaccine should receive 2 doses of MMR vaccine with the first dose at age 12–15 months old and the second dose at age 4–6 years old. The minimum interval is 28 days for dose 2. If you have an outbreak in your community or a child is traveling internationally, then consider using the minimum interval instead of waiting until age 4–6 years old for dose 2.
A: Yes. Healthcare personnel (HCP) with 2 documented doses of MMR vaccine are considered to be immune regardless of the results of a subsequent serologic test for measles, mumps, or rubella. Documented age-appropriate vaccination supersedes the results of subsequent serologic testing. In contrast, HCP who do not have documentation of MMR vaccination and whose serologic test is interpreted as “indeterminate” or “equivocal” should be considered not immune and should receive 2 doses of MMR vaccine (minimum interval 28 days). ACIP does not recommend serologic testing after vaccination. For more information, see ACIP’s recommendations on the use of MMR vaccine at, page 22.
A: Several studies have documented the safety of measles and mumps vaccine (which are grown in chick embryo tissue culture) in children with severe egg allergy. Neither the American Academy of Pediatrics nor ACIP consider egg allergy as a contraindication to MMR vaccine. ACIP recommends routine vaccination of egg-allergic children without the use of special protocols or desensitization procedures.
A: No. This issue has been studied extensively, including a thorough review by the independent Institute of Medicine (IOM). The IOM issued a report in 2004 that concluded there is no evidence supporting an association between MMR vaccine or thimerosal-containing vaccines and the development of autism. For more information about MMR vaccine safety, see the measles chapter of CDC’s Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (known as the “Pink Book”), at For more information on thimerosal and vaccines in general, visit
If you have a question that you think may be of interest to our readers, please send it to us using our online form. We will consider it for inclusion in a future update of the “Ask the Experts” feature.
About IZ Express
IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
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ISSN 2771-8085
Editorial Information
Editor-in-ChiefKelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
Managing EditorJohn D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
Associate EditorSharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
Writer/Publication CoordinatorTaryn Chapman, MS
Courtnay Londo, MA -
Style and Copy EditorMarian Deegan, JD
Web Edition ManagersArkady Shakhnovich
Jermaine Royes -
Contributing WriterLaurel H. Wood, MPA
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