Issue Number 301            March 13, 2002


  1. Calling all IAC EXPRESS readers: We invite your feedback!


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March 13, 2002

This week we published Issue #300 of IAC EXPRESS. Since November 14, 1997, we have been providing our subscribers with what we believe is the most useful and practical immunization and hepatitis information available.

Now we would like you to provide us with your comments on how we are doing and how we can do better.

We are providing three ways for you to tell us what you think.
It’s as easy as A, B, or C!

  1. Respond to our online survey by clicking on this link:
  2. "Copy and paste" the survey questions below to a new email message and send it to
  3. Print out the survey questions below, write in your responses with an old-fashioned ballpoint pen, and fax the survey to us at (651) 647-9131.


1. Currently, IAC EXPRESS comes out on Mondays (with an occasional DOUBLE EXPRESS later in the week for important news). How often do you prefer to receive IAC EXPRESS?

_ More frequently than once per week
_ Every week
_ Every two weeks
_ Whenever it comes is fine


2. How much do you rely on IAC EXPRESS?

_ A lot
_ Quite a bit
_ Somewhat
_ A little bit
_ Not at all

3. Which of the following kinds of information do you value MOST in IAC EXPRESS?

_ ACIP statement announcements
_ MMWR article summaries on U.S. vaccine issues
_ MMWR article summaries on international vaccine issues
_ State conference announcements
_ National conference announcements
_ International conference announcements
_ Unprotected People stories
_ New IAC educational materials announcements
_ Revised IAC educational materials announcements
_ Translations of IAC educational materials announcements
_ Information about new state mandates for vaccines
_ New resources from others (VISs, videos, info on the Web, CD-ROMs, print materials)
_ Announcements of immunization articles in medical journals
_ Bioterrorism-related vaccine news
_ Immunization activities in Congress
_ Other: __________________________________

4. Which of the following kinds of information do you value LEAST in IAC EXPRESS?

_ ACIP statement announcements
_ MMWR article summaries on U.S. vaccine issues
_ MMWR article summaries on international vaccine issues
_ State conference announcements
_ National conference announcements
_ International conference announcements
_ Unprotected People stories
_ New IAC educational materials announcements
_ Revised IAC educational materials announcements
_ Translations of IAC educational materials announcements
_ Information about new state mandates for vaccines
_ New resources from others (VISs, videos, info on the Web, CD-ROMs, print materials)
_ Announcements of immunization articles in medical journals
_ Bioterrorism-related vaccine news
_ Immunization activities in Congress
_ Other: __________________________________

5. Do you routinely forward your issues of IAC EXPRESS to others (or print out hard copies for them)?

_ Almost always
_ At least half the time
_ Less than half the time
_ Almost never
_ If so, about how many people receive a copy when you forward an issue? _____

6. All issues of IAC EXPRESS are also available on our website at How, if at all, do you utilize this section?

_ I read most new issues there
_ I occasionally read new issues there
_ I sometimes locate past items in IAC EXPRESS there
_ I never or almost never use that section
_ I did not know IAC EXPRESS was available on the website

7. Every issue of IAC EXPRESS contains links to Web pages. How easily are you able to utilize these links?

_ I am able to click on them and access the Web pages
_ I must "cut and paste" the links in order to access the Web pages
_ I use AOL and am unable to just click on the links to access the Web pages
_ At work, I am not allowed access to outside Web pages

8. Do you read other immunization-related news services?

_ Yes
_ No

If yes, which other e-mail services do you read?



9. What area of the immunization community do you primarily work in?

_ Hospital setting
_ Family practice setting
_ Pediatric setting
_ Internal medicine setting
_ Other medical practice setting
_ Local health department
_ State health department
_ Federal government
_ Pharmaceutical company
_ Other ________________________________________

10. What is your primary role within your work setting?

_ Physician
_ Nurse practitioner
_ Physician assistant
_ Nurse
_ Medical assistant
_ Administrator
_ Other

11. What do you like most about IAC EXPRESS (if anything)?




12. What do you like least about IAC EXPRESS (if anything)?




13. Thousands of you download our educational and other materials regularly. If IAC were to offer some of our most popular forms (Screening Questionnaire for Childhood Immunization or Screening  Questionnaire for Adult Immunization) for sale in pads of 100 at approximately $10 per pad, would you  consider supporting us by purchasing these padded forms?

_ Yes
_ No




14. Please offer suggestions or comments about IAC EXPRESS, including things you would like to read more about and ways we might expand our coverage of immunization news and information.






About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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