Issue Number 430            December 11, 2003


  1. Plan ahead: Use your year-end dollars to stock up on popular, practical immunization resources for 2004


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December 11, 2003

Does it look like your department or organization will be unable to use up its annual budget by the end of the year? If so, the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) suggests you use your year-end dollars NOW to place an order for bulk quantities of immunization resources you'll need in 2004.

In the past several years, IAC has shipped more than a million items to providers around the world. Some of the most popular items include the following: (1) the video "Immunization Techniques: Safe, Effective, Caring," (2) Adult Immunization Record Cards, (3) the Photo Notebook of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, and (4) the Slide Set of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.

Order these popular items in bulk, and you'll receive substantial discounts. Also, please note there is no shipping charge for orders shipped by fourth-class mail within the United States.

You can ensure your staff has expertise in administering vaccines by ordering and showing them the video "Immunization Techniques: Safe, Effective, Caring." Developed by the California Department of Health Services Immunization Branch and a team of national experts, the 35-minute video presents abundant practical information on vaccinating people of all ages. An excellent tool for training new staff and refreshing the skills of experienced staff, the video comes with presenter notes and a skills checklist. ($25 each; discounts for orders of 20 or more--please call (651) 647-9009.)

To order online (U.S. addresses only), go to:

To order by mail or fax, go to:

ADULT IMMUNIZATION RECORD CARDS. Invaluable for educating adults that immunization is a lifelong process, the card lists seven vaccines for adults. Use it during patient visits to discuss a patient's vaccination status with them; then give it to them and encourage them to put it in their wallet and use it to keep track of their next vaccination due date. Printed on smudge-proof, rip-proof, waterproof paper, the card is intended for lifelong use.

To view a color image of IAC's Adult Immunization Record Card, go to:

The cost for one 250-count box is $25; two boxes (500 cards), $45; three boxes (750 cards), $60; four boxes (1,000 cards), $70. Additional pricing for larger quantities can be found on the online order form (see the link below). Discounts for orders of more than 2,000 cards--please call (651) 647-9009.

To order IAC's Adult Immunization Record Cards online (including online with a purchase order), go to:

To order cards by mail or fax, please read the ORDERING BY MAIL OR FAX section at the end of this article.

PHOTO NOTEBOOK/SLIDE SET OF VACCINE-PREVENTABLE DISEASES. These two powerful visual aids are intended for clinic staff and community outreach workers who make immunization presentations. Each includes color images of children and adults with vaccine-preventable diseases. When you show your patients a picture of an infant with severe varicella disease or other infections, they will begin to understand the seriousness of the diseases that vaccines can prevent. Whether viewed as a photo on a tabletop or as a slide on a screen, each riveting image is easily worth more than a thousand words.

THE PHOTO NOTEBOOK OF VACCINE-PREVENTABLE DISEASES holds 20 plastic-protected, 8"x10" color photographs and comes in a three-ring binder. Each picture is accompanied by simple text that explains the disease portrayed. ($75 per set; discounts for orders of more than five sets--please call (651) 647-9009.)

To view an image of the Photo Notebook, go to:

To order a Photo Notebook online, go to:

THE SLIDE SET OF VACCINE-PREVENTABLE DISEASES contains eight more disease images than the Photo Notebook. To assist you with slide presentations, an English-language script is included. A Spanish-language script, translated by the Puerto Rico Immunization Program, is available upon request. ($25 per set; discounts for orders of more than five sets--please call (651) 647-9009.)

To order a Slide Set online, go to:

To obtain the English-language script, go to:

To obtain the Spanish-language script, go to:

To order a Photo Notebook or Slide Set by mail or fax, please read the ORDERING BY MAIL OR FAX section at the end of this article.

CONTRIBUTE $60 OR MORE, AND RECEIVE A PACKET OF PRINT MATERIALS--VALUED AT MORE THAN $60--AT NO CHARGE! Make a contribution of $60 or more to IAC, and you'll receive our complete packet of English-language, ready-to-copy educational materials for patients and staff. (Translations are available free online at We'll also include one of our colorful IAC mousepads, while supplies last.

To contribute online, go to:

To order by mail or fax, print and fill out an IAC order form, available at or

MAIL YOUR ORDER FORM with payment information (check [made out to Immunization Action Coalition], credit card information, or purchase order) to Immunization Action Coalition, 1573 Selby Ave., Ste. 234, St. Paul, MN 55104. Please include your complete mailing information and daytime phone number.

FAX YOUR ORDER FORM with payment information (credit card information or purchase order) to IAC at (651) 647-9131.

SHIPPING IS FREE by fourth-class mail in the United States. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery of your order.

TO PLACE AN ORDER FROM OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES, please call IAC at (651) 647-9009 for shipping cost information or email us at (no phone orders, please). 

About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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