IAC Express 2010
Issue number 864: April 26, 2010
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Contents of this Issue
Select a title to jump to the article.
  1. New: April 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online
  2. Reminder: April 2010 issue of Needle Tips available online
  3. It's National Infant Immunization Week April 24-May 1: Check out how childhood immunization is being promoted around the nation
  4. In support of National Infant Immunization Week, IAC's website features videos that champion childhood immunization
  5. VISs for Gardasil and Cervarix human papillomavirus vaccines now available in Spanish
  6. On Tuesday, April 27, "The Vaccine War" will air on PBS's Frontline program
  7. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) VIS now available in Hmong, Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog
  8. Keep vaccinating against influenza this spring, and be sure to give pneumococcal vaccine when indicated
  9. "CDC Features" encourages parents to get pre-teens and teens vaccinated against meningococcal disease
  10. May 26-28 National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions to feature many notable speakers
  11. ACIP meeting scheduled for June 23-24 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early June
AAFP, American Academy of Family Physicians; AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; AMA, American Medical Association; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; IAC, Immunization Action Coalition; MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; NCIRD, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; NIVS, National Influenza Vaccine Summit; VIS, Vaccine Information Statement; VPD, vaccine-preventable disease; WHO, World Health Organization.
Issue 864: April 26, 2010
1.  New: April 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults is now online

The April 2010 issue of Vaccinate Adults has just been placed online at http://www.immunize.org/va This issue features IAC's newly revised "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization." Note: Vaccinate Adults shares identical content with Needle Tips (which was published one week earlier) except that the pediatric information has been removed.

Here are some of the features included in the issue:

  • Ask the Experts
  • Vaccine Highlights
  • Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization
  • Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines in Adults
  • Standing Orders for Administering Human Papillomavirus Vaccine to Adults

On the Vaccinate Adults web page, you will find a link for displaying and printing the entire 12-page PDF of this issue. There is also a table of contents for viewing and printing individual sections.

To download the entire issue right now, go to:

To access the Vaccinate Adults web page, go to: http://www.immunize.org/va Back issues are accessible from this page as well.

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2 Reminder: April 2010 issue of Needle Tips available online

The April 2010 issue of Needle Tips is available online for viewing, downloading, and printing. This issue focuses on IAC's newly revised "Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent Immunization" and "Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization."

To download the entire issue right now, go to:

Complete information about this issue of Needle Tips is available at http://www.immunize.org/nt There you will find a link for displaying and printing the entire 24-page PDF of this issue, along with a table of contents for viewing and printing individual sections of Needle Tips.

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3 It's National Infant Immunization Week April 24-May 1: Check out how childhood immunization is being promoted around the nation

Scheduled this year for April 24-May 1 (concurrently with Vaccination Week in the Americas), National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) highlights the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases.

To see what organizations across the nation are doing to promote childhood immunization during NIIW, go to:

To include your organization's activity or event, go to:

For an overview of CDC's NIIW website, go to:

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4 In support of National Infant Immunization Week, IAC's website features videos that champion childhood immunization

During National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), IAC encourages IAC Express readers to view a selection of videos that promote childhood immunization.

IAC starts the week by offering two videos developed by CDC. With a run time of 1 minute, "Welcome to Parenthood" encourages parents to get the facts about vaccinations and the diseases they prevent. The 6-minute video "Get the Picture: Childhood Immunizations" features CDC's Dr. Jeanne Santoli answering parents' questions about vaccines.

Starting Tuesday, April 27, IAC will feature several 30-second and 60-second public service announcements (PSAs) that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) created to launch its Protect Tomorrow campaign. As the campaign's core components, the PSAs depict the terrible devastation of vaccine-preventable diseases. On April 27, AAP will post resources online that complement the PSAs. You will find them at the campaign's website: www.ProtectTomorrow.org

The videos and PSAs will be available on the home page of IAC's website through May 2. To access them, go to: http://www.immunize.org and click on the image under the words Video of the Week.

Remember to bookmark IAC's home page to view a new video every Monday. To view an IAC Video of the Week from the past, go to the video archive at http://www.immunize.org/votw

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5 VISs for Gardasil and Cervarix human papillomavirus vaccines now available in Spanish

Dated 3/30/10, the interim VISs for the Gardasil and Cervarix human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are now available in Spanish. IAC gratefully acknowledges the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch, for the translations.

To access the Spanish translation of the interim VIS for Gardasil HPV vaccine, as well as the English-language version of this VIS, go to:

To access the Spanish translation of the interim VIS for Cervarix HPV vaccine, as well as the English-language version of this VIS, go to:

For information about the use of VISs, and for VISs in more than 35 languages, visit IAC's VIS web section at

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6 On Tuesday, April 27, "The Vaccine War" will air on PBS's Frontline program

Frontline, PBS's investigative reporting program, will air "The Vaccine War" on April 27 at 9PM ET. On its website, PBS describes the conflict between vaccine proponents and opponents in this way:

"This is the vaccine war: On one side sits scientific medicine and the public health establishment; on the other a populist coalition of parents, celebrities . . ., politicians, and activists. It's a war that increasingly takes place on the Internet with both sides using the latest social media tools, including Facebook and Twitter, to win the hearts and minds of the public."

On April 20, PBS posted a press release about the program on its website. To read it, go to:

For additional information, including a preview, go to: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/vaccines

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7 Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) VIS now available in Hmong, Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog

Dated 10/6/09, the VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) is now available in Hmong, Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog. (Note: This VIS is not the same as the VIS for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), a vaccine routinely given in childhood.) IAC gratefully acknowledges the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch, for the translations.

To access the new translations of the VIS for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, as well as the English-language version of this VIS, go to: http://www.immunize.org/vis/vis_ppsv.asp

For information about the use of VISs, and for VISs in more than 35 languages, visit IAC's VIS web section at http://www.immunize.org/vis

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8 Keep vaccinating against influenza this spring, and be sure to give pneumococcal vaccine when indicated

Please continue to vaccinate patients against H1N1 and seasonal influenza (as vaccine supplies permit). Remember: 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine will not protect people against seasonal influenza, and seasonal influenza vaccine will not protect against H1N1 influenza.

Providers who don't have H1N1 vaccine or seasonal influenza vaccine can direct patients to the Google Flu Shot Finder at

Also remember that CDC advises healthcare professionals that during seasonal and H1N1 influenza outbreaks, all people who have existing indications for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) should be vaccinated according to current ACIP recommendations. This is important because people with existing indications are not only at increased risk for pneumococcal disease, but are also at increased risk for serious complications from influenza.

CDC has issued related guidance titled "Prevention of Pneumococcal Infections Secondary to Seasonal and 2009 H1N1 Influenza Viruses Infection." To access it, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/vaccination/provider/provider_pneumococcal.htm

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9 "CDC Features" encourages parents to get pre-teens and teens vaccinated against meningococcal disease

The "CDC Features" web section includes information for parents about meningococcal disease. "Heard about How to Prevent Meningococcal Disease?" informs parents about the disease, its seriousness, and the vaccine that protects against it.

To access "Heard about How to Prevent Meningococcal Disease?" go to:

To access an index of "CDC Features," go to:

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10.  May 26-28 National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions to feature many notable speakers

The National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions (NCIHC), which will take place in Chicago on May 26-28, has lined up a slate of notable feature speakers. These include Frances Dunn Butterfoss, PhD (Coalitions Work); Amy Pisani, MS (Every Child By Two); Anne Schuchat, MD (NCIRD/CDC); Ari Brown, MD, FAAP (author of "Baby 4-1-1" and "Toddler 4-1-1"); Trish Parnell (PKIDs); and Daniel Swartzman, JD, MPH (University of Illinois School of Public Health). The event host is the Chicago Area Immunization Campaign.

NCIHC 2010 will showcase successful ways in which health coalitions can improve immunization protection, prevent disease, improve access to care and health outcomes for underserved populations, reduce racial, ethnic, and geographic health disparities, educate new populations, and build community health infrastructures.

Registrations are still being accepted. To register online, go to: http://www.ilmaternal.org/ncihc/registration.html

For comprehensive conference information, including information on the conference program, go to: http://www.ilmaternal.org/ncihc2010.html Click on the links under the words that read, "Click on a link below for more information about the NCIHC conference."

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11.  ACIP meeting scheduled for June 23-24 in Atlanta; registration deadlines are in early June

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will hold its next meeting on June 23-24 at CDC's Clifton Road campus in Atlanta.

To attend the ACIP meeting at the Clifton Road campus, ACIP attendees (participants and visitors) must register online. Note: Webcast viewing does NOT require registration.

The online registration deadline for the June 23-24 meeting for non-U.S. citizens is June 4. The deadline for U.S. citizens is June 11. To access the online registration form, go to:

To access detailed information about the meeting, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/acip/meetings.htm#register There you will find links to the meeting agenda, driving directions, and other useful material.

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About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Immunize.org and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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