IAC Express 2011

Issue number 942: July 18, 2011

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Contents of this Issue
Select a title to jump to the article.
  1. Reminder: IAC launched a major redesign of www.immunize.org
  2. IAC's Video of the Week focuses on unsafe injection practices; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers
  3. CDC's new infection prevention guide and checklist promote safe care in outpatient settings
  4. WHO issues updated position paper on rubella vaccines
  5. DTaP and rotavirus vaccine VISs available in additional languages
  6. IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!
  7. Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch
AAFP, American Academy of Family Physicians; AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; AMA, American Medical Association; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; IAC, Immunization Action Coalition; MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; NCIRD, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; NIVS, National Influenza Vaccine Summit; VIS, Vaccine Information Statement; VPD, vaccine-preventable disease; WHO, World Health Organization.
Issue 942: July 18, 2011
1.  Reminder: IAC launched a major redesign of www.immunize.org

IAC has launched a major redesign of its website for healthcare professionals, www.immunize.org The newly designed website offers you a deeper and broader experience through improved design and navigation, making it faster and easier for you to find the essential information that you want and have come to expect from IAC. To see the improvements that have taken place, please visit http://www.immunize.org today!

The new design includes drop-down menus of six major sections on immunize.org. Also, new sections include Clinic Resources, News and Information, Featured Resources, A to Z Index, and more.

We hope you have a chance to explore the redesigned http://www.immunize.org If you are interested in providing feedback about the new redesign, we would love to hear your comments. Please complete our brief survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SX5RMD6
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2 IAC's Video of the Week focuses on unsafe injection practices; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers

IAC encourages IAC Express readers to watch a 42-minute video titled Unsafe Injection Practices: Outbreaks, Incidents, and Root Causes. Available through Medscape, this educational video features commentary by David Pegues, MD (University of California, Los Angeles); Karen Hoffman, RN, MS (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); Joseph Perz, DrPH, MA (CDC, Atlanta); and Robin Stackhouse, MD (University of California, San Francisco). Free Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Continuing Education (CE) credits are available for viewing the video.

The video will be available on the home page of IAC's website through July 24. To access it, go to: http://www.immunize.org and click on the image under the words Video of the Week. Registration is required to access this video on Medscape. There is no charge to register.

Remember to bookmark IAC's home page to view a new video every Monday.

To access the archives of IAC's Videos of the Week, go to: http://www.immunize.org/votw
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3 CDC's new infection prevention guide and checklist promote safe care in outpatient settings

CDC recently released a concise infection prevention guide and companion checklist. They are intended specifically for the use of healthcare professionals in outpatient care settings such as primary care offices, endoscopy clinics, surgery centers, and pain management clinics. The goals of the guide and checklist are to protect patients in outpatient settings and help educate staff about minimum expectations of safe care.

Titled "Guide to Infection Prevention for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care," the guide is a 17-page pamphlet. To access and download it, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/HAI/pdfs/guidelines/standatds-of-ambulatory-care-7-2011.pdf

The checklist, titled "Infection Prevention Checklist for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care," can help outpatient facilities (1) ensure they have appropriate infection prevention policies and procedures in place and (2) systematically assess personnel adherence to correct infection prevention practices. To access it, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/HAI/pdfs/guidelines/ambulatory-care-checklist-07-2011.pdf

To access an array of related infection-control resources from CDC, professional associations, professional journals, and other authoritative sources, go to: http://www.cdc.gov/HAI/settings/outpatient/outpatient-settings.html

NOTE: For information on a related medical education course, see the article titled "IAC's Video of the Week focuses on unsafe injection practices; free CME/CE credit available to video viewers" in this issue of IAC Express.
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4 WHO issues updated position paper on rubella vaccines

The July 15 issue of the WHO periodical "Weekly Epidemiological Record" includes the latest WHO position paper on rubella vaccines. To access it, go to: http://www.who.int/wer/2011/wer8629.pdf

A collection of WHO position papers on vaccines is available in alphabetical order at http://www.who.int/immunization/documents/positionpapers

They are available in chronological order on the IAC website at http://www.immunize.org/who
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5 DTaP and rotavirus vaccine VISs available in additional languages

The VIS for the diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine is now available in Armenian, Farsi, Korean, and Tagalog. The VIS for rotavirus vaccine is now available in Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Russian, and Vietnamese. IAC gratefully acknowledges the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch, for the translations.

To access the new translations of the VIS for DTaP vaccine, as well as other translations, go to: http://www.immunize.org/vis/vis_dtap.asp

To access the new translations of the VIS for rotavirus vaccine, as well as other translations, go to: http://www.immunize.org/vis/vis_rotavirus.asp

For information about the use of VISs, and for VISs in more than 35 languages, visit IAC's VIS web section at http://www.immunize.org/vis
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6 IAC's popular laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. immunization schedules are available. Order a supply for your workplace today!

IAC's laminated versions of the 2011 U.S. child/teen and adult immunization schedules are covered with a tough, washable coating that lets them stand up to a year's worth of use in every area of your workplace where immunizations are given. Each has six pages (i.e., three double-sided pages) and is folded to measure 8.5" by 11".

Laminated schedules are printed in color for easy reading, come complete with essential tables and footnotes, and include contraindications and precautions--a feature that will help you make an on-the-spot determination about the safety of vaccinating patients of any age.

1-4 copies: $7.50 each
5-19 copies: $5.50 each
20-99 copies: $4.50 each

To view images of the laminated schedules, or to order online or download an order form, go to: http://www.immunize.org/shop/laminated-schedules.asp

For quotes on customizing or placing orders in excess of 999 schedules, call (651) 647-9009 or email admininfo@immunize.org

To learn about other essential immunization resources available for purchase from IAC, go to: http://www.immunize.org/shop
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7 Award-winning DVD! "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults"--from the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Immunization Branch, has updated its award-winning training video, "Immunization Techniques: Best Practices with Infants, Children, and Adults." The 25-minute program can be used to train new employees and to refresh the skills of experienced staff. The video demonstrates the skills and techniques needed to administer vaccines to patients of all ages.

Prices start at $17 each for 1-9 copies and are greatly reduced for large orders, dropping to $3 each for 1,000-1,499 copies.

To learn more about the DVD, and find out how to order it, go to: http://www.immunize.org/shop/dvd-immunization-techniques.asp

For quotes on larger quantities, call (651) 647-9009 or email admininfo@immunize.org

The Immunization Action Coalition is the only nationwide vendor of this new DVD.

Note for healthcare settings located in California: Contact your local health department immunization program for a free copy.
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About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Immunize.org and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN 2771-8085

Editorial Information

  • Editor-in-Chief
    Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
  • Managing Editor
    John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
  • Associate Editor
    Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
  • Writer/Publication Coordinator
    Taryn Chapman, MS
    Courtnay Londo, MA
  • Style and Copy Editor
    Marian Deegan, JD
  • Web Edition Managers
    Arkady Shakhnovich
    Jermaine Royes
  • Contributing Writer
    Laurel H. Wood, MPA
  • Technical Reviewer
    Kayla Ohlde

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