What’s New on Immunize.org

We’re constantly updating the website to keep information current for you. All our updates are listed here from newest to oldest. Looking for something in particular? You can narrow them to a specific year and month, and to specific content types.

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Results (4183)

November 2009

October 2009

October 28, 2009
Diseases & Vaccines: H1N1 Influenza
October 9, 2009
Providing Vaccination Services Webpage
October 2, 2009
Standing Orders: Administering influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines

September 2009

September 29, 2009
Flyer -- Handy resources
September 29, 2009
Flyer -- Do you spend too much time fishing for practical vaccine information?
September 29, 2009
Flyer -- What a wonderful web we've woven!
September 29, 2009
Flyer -- IAC's online directory of immunization resources
September 9, 2009
Concerns: Dr. Sear's Alternative Schedule
September 9, 2009
Give the birth dose... Hepatitis B vaccine at birth saves lives!
September 4, 2009
First do no harm -- protect patients by making sure all staff receive yearly influenza vaccine!

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